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A girl with magenta hair was searching the board with intensity that could match a lion. She finally found what she was looking for but a frown made its way to her face.

"Second?!" She looked at the board again and on 1st place was a name she didn't like a name that annoyed the hell out of her.


"Are you kidding me?! Again?!" She muttered under her breath. She was sick of seeing his name in first. Not to mention he was always so annoying.

Gusion's smug face made its way into Lesley's mind and she mentally groaned as she had lost the bet.

A tall brunette approached Lesley with a very satisfied smug face. He tapped her on the shoulder as she spun around.

Lesley immediately scowled at him "What do you want?"

"My reward." He said with a smug smirk

She rolled her eyes and huffed at him "Fine what do you want me to do?" She did not like where this was going now that she had lost the bet.

He tapped his chin and pondered a bit. "Hmmm maybe a date?" He said dropping the act.

The magenta hair girl's eyes widened and she scoffed "With you? No way!"

"You did lose the bet." The brunette shrugged

She groaned in response. Right she had lost the bet. She had no right to complain since she was the one who thought up of the bet. She cursed her idiocy and hastiness. If she hadn't been so focused on beating him she would've been more relaxed during the test and maybe just maybe would've beaten him this time.

She sighed this was going to be a long date.

"Oh right I mean 3 dates!" He added

"What?! That's not—"

"Hey I can make it as much dates as I want since this was a really important test." He cut her off while giving her a smug smile.

Her mouth hung open and she was staring at the brunette like he had grown 2 heads.

"Dude you broke her!" A guy with blonde hair approached them and swung an arm around the brunette.

"I guess I did." The brunette replied.

Lesley finally regained her senses "Fine. But only because you won." She turned to go back to her class.

The blonde took his arm off the brunette and groaned "Damn I'm really hoping she doesn't fall for you."

Gusion frowned at his friend "You better be ready to pay up. I got this in the bag Alu."

"Sure sure. She's a tough cookie bro. I've tried flirting with her before and just ended up almost getting castrated." He winced at the memory.

The brunette rolled his eyes "Don't worry I'll win this little bet of ours. Just make sure to be ready to pay up."

A/N: Tried writing this in 3rd person it was kinda weird lol 😂

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