Chapter 5 Part 2.5

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(There is a short and important A/N at the end)

Chapter 5 Part 2.5: Can we please have a party?

Third Person
"Really? A party...?" Matt gave a worried look. "Are you sure it's the best idea... I mean of course I want to cheer everyone up, but can we do this considering all the stress, plus the jobs? I doubt even Cam will have a day off. He's working like 24/7"

"Yes I think it's a good idea." Shawn replied. "It doesn't have to be a huge party with lots of planning. Don't even consider it a party... Just like a small hang out. A break."

"I think that's a really good idea Shawn." Taylor smiled. Another feature he can add onto his long list of things he likes about Shawn. "We can get some junk food, movies, music, And just have fun."

"Okay, but where?" Questioned Kiera.

"How about my place?" Grace asked.

"Oh yeah don't you have a pool?"

Shawn looked like he just had the best idea ever. "It could be a pool party Er- a pool hangout!"

Taylor jumped on Shawns back. "YES A POOL PARTY!"

"This is gonna be good." Jacob said while nudging matt. Everyone thought this was a good idea but Matt and Jacob weren't so sure.

"Come on guys, this will be fun. Lighten up your spirits a little jeez you guys are giving out vibes I totally don't want right now." Kiera shivered sarcastically.

"She's right." Grace whispered to Jacob. "This will be perfect for you two."

Jacob's eyes widened at Grace's comment. "W-whats that suppose to mean."

"Nothing, just you know... Use your imagination." Grace winked.

"What're you two talking about?" Kiera popped in out of no where.

"Nothing just about apples. Did you know the seeds are actually poisonous?" Grace said.

"What? You're so weird." Kiera laughed.

"I'm not even kidding, they actually are if you eat to many of them for a long period of time."

"I think I've heard of that somewhere." Matt said.

"See?" Grace smiled. Matt felt a little jump when he saw her smile.

"Are you guys done talkin about apples? I don't even know why I hangout with you guys." Said Taylor who was now off of Shawn's back.

"Says you." Shawn laughed.

"Okay so when are we doing this?" Asked Jacob.

"Uhm... We should probably ask Cam first because of his jobs." Matt said.

"Okay I'll ask him in Home ec." Shawn said.

The day went by slow, all of them went through their classes excited for the "hangout/break/party" thing. Matt and Jacob still weren't so sure but if this was happening, they knew they had to take this opportunity with Grace and Kiera.

3rd period Home Ec class
"Hey Shawn." Cam said.

"Hey, so listen we were talking an-" Shawn started but was interrupted by the Home Ec teacher.

"I hope you guys remembered to bring your aprons because today we will be making Panini! I gave you guys the recipe the day we did the demo so don't ask me for a copy, save the trees guys c'mon." Ms. Lory said sarcastically. She was actually a very funny and cool teacher.

"What were you saying?" Cam asked.

"Oh yeah."

They both got up and put their aprons on, while grabbing ingredients Shawn explained about the party type thing.

"Uhm... I'm not so sure, I mean it sounds great and all but... I don know if Nash will feel up to it... And I'm pretty busy with jobs... And-"

"Please Cam!" Shawn said dragging out the "ease" on please. "It will be a good thing for all of us, I doubt all of this stress is good for any of us."

He sighed, "Okay. The coffee shop I worked at is shutting down so I guess I got... Laid off? I don't even know if that's the right term but I have Saturdays and Sunday's off now."

"Great we can have it on Saturday then!" Shawn was excited.

"Am I invited? I want to partay Woohoo." Ms Lory said swinging her arms over their shoulders.

Cam and Nash both laughed.

"Pfft what are you guys laughing at? I got the moves" Ms Lory said laughing as she walked away.

(A/n I'm not even kidding Ms Lory is based off of my actual home Ec teacher, Ms Lewis. She's like my favourite teacher.)

"So Saturday night at Graces?" Shawn said just to make sure.

"Okay, yeah."

After school Parking Lot
"So we all set?" Grace asked. She knew she probably had to get the house ready.

"Yeah, text everyone for Saturday at like 4 ish?" Shawn replied.

"Okay, is Cam and Nash coming?"

"Well he said that they would so probably yeah."

"Okay, sounds good. Are you going home now?"

"No I'm going to go back to the library for a bit, have a test coming up so I'm gonna study." Shawn shrugged.

"Haha have fun. Bye!"


Grace walked of heading towards Kiera, she saw Shawn walk back into the school... Followed by Taylor a few steps behind. Huh, he didn't mention He was going to study with Taylor. Well whatever.

• • •

I hoped you guys liked this part.
I've been on a major writers block and honestly not feeling it on continuing this story so that's why I stopped for awhile but now I'm totally back and feeling refreshed.

I also wanted I change the cover and title of this story, let me know in the comments. I attached the picture of the cover and the new title at the beginning of the chapter so just tell me your thoughts. And you may have noticed I changed the way I'm writing my POVs and locations they're at. I also think I might stick to 3rd POVs and Nash/Cam POVs. Comment Your thoughts --->

Thank you so much for 100k reads! That's amazing, I never expected to get this far on my story. To be honest my passion of writing isn't really directed towards Fan fiction, I really want to try fantasy or fiction drama books but I know that if I start another book I'll lose my focus on this one and I don't want to disappoint you guys so I'll hold off on a new book.

And finally my question to you guys is: How did you find my story? I'd really love to know! Comment --->


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2015 ⏰

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