Frenemies or Lovers?

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"It's over!" I screamed as I ran out of the room. I had caught my boyfriend, no ex-boyfriend cheating on me with some girl. Some part of me was hoping that he would run after me and tell me it wasn't what it looked like. But he didn't. I didn't even hear a "Wait". My heart broke "Did he ever even love me?"

I wasn't watching where I was going so I bumped into someone. "Hey watch where you're going." The voice sounded like my ex's best friend Gusion. I looked up tears still streaming down my face and lo and behold it was. He raised any eyebrow "Oh look you've become a crybaby."

I glared at him not wanting to hear his insults "You're disgusting you know that? How can you stand by and watch as your best friend plays with girl's feelings?"

He was taken aback "What? Claude's cheating on you?"

I was confused after all this was his best friend how could he not know his friend was a player? "Feigning ignorance? How pathetic." I spat out as I pushed past him.

Before I could get away from him he grabbed my wrists. "What are you doing let go of me!" I tried jerking my hand free but his grasp was firm.

"I..." He stopped his face had a mix of confusion and regret and after a few seconds he let go of my hand "Never mind."

I turned and walked away leaving him standing there.


P.O.V. Switch (Gusion)

"Hey asshole!" I barged into Claude's apartment

"Gah! What the heck dude?!" He was sitting on the couch with a woman with red hair and from the looks of it they just had a make out session.

Anger filled me. This was my best friend? A cheating piece of shit? The one I let have the girl I loved? I narrowed my eyes "Seriously? You're cheating on her after 5 years together?"

Claude stared at me and shrugged "I mean it's been 5 years and things get boring. I don't feel anything for her anymore."

I felt my blood boil "And you didn't think to end things with her first?" I growled he was getting on my nerves.

"I didn't want to hurt her..." He whispered sensing how angry I was.

"You didn't want to hurt her? This is worse Claude! You betrayed her trust and went behind her back to date some red haired chick!"

"Dude why are you getting so heated? Why are you taking her side? You make it seem like you like her." He shot back

"I did until your scummy ass decided to make her your girlfriend! I backed down because you were my best friend!" His eyes widened at that and he became silent. "You disgust me..." I turned and walked out of his apartment slamming the door



What do you want Paxley?

Look I'm sorry about Claude I really didn't know he was cheating on you.

Lesley Is that all you texted me to say?Are you gonna rub it in my face like you usually do?

Ugh why do I even have your number?

What? No of course not!
I was just wondering if you want to go out for coffee sometime?

And why would I go with you? You're always so condescending when you talk to me. We'll just end up bickering.

I just wanted to check up on you

Woahhhhh is the world ending? You actually are making sure if I'm ok 😮

Way to be sarcastic Vance
Now are you going to accept my offer or not?

Sure I guess there's nothing to do and I want to take my mind off of things.

Great when are you free?


Will 3PM be alright for you?

I'll have to pick up my brother and drop him off at Miya's place

Cool see you then


I turned off my phone and plopped down on my bed. I cant believe it... I actually scored a date with Lesley! All sorts of emotions were running rampant. I smiled "See you soon my love."

A/N: Part 2? :D And I'm sowwie Claude didn't mean to trash you TvT

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