Missing You

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"I'm sorry sir... But your wife... Didn't make it." the doctor relayed the information to me.

As soon as I heard those words my world went numb "N-No... it can't be..." I mumbled "I need to see her!" I pushed past the doctors and entered the room they had been keeping her in. Her familiar face showed to me, I was half expecting her to open her eyes and smile at me but that didn't happen.

I glanced at the the monitor, it had flatlined. I walked over and grab her now cold hands that were once filled with life. Tears pricked the corners of my eyes. "I'm sorry." I pulled her hands up to my forehead "I'm sorry I couldn't be there for you at your last moments." I whispered into her hands, the tears that threatened to fall now escaping and cascaded down my face.

"How am I going to tell the kids Les? Why did you leave me?" I couldn't hide the hurt in voice. The pain of losing her was too much.

"I love you." I repeated that phrase over and over knowing she wouldn't be able to hear it ever again.
"Daddy?" A little girl with magenta hair peeked through the open doorway. She had blue silvery eyes like her father and was wearing a yellow nightgown.

"Sherleen sweetheart what's wrong?" I asked looking up from the photo album.

"I had a nightmare can I sleep with you?" She asked hesitantly

I smiled and patted the spot next to me. The spot that Lesley had slept in before she passed away. Sherleen excitedly ran over and dove under the sheets. I chuckled at her.

"Daddy what are you looking at?" She peeked her head out from under the sheets and was staring at the album I was holding.

"I was looking at your mother sweetie." I replied lowering the album a bit so she could see the pictures. "Want to look at them together with me sweetie?"

She beamed and nodded her head furiously. She sat up and scooted closer to me and we started flipping the pages. "Haha! Uncle Harley looks funny in this one! He looks like angry puppy!" She pointed to one of our wedding photos.

A pang of sadness hit me as I recalled what Lesley had said after we went over the photos of our wedding "Gusion look! Harley looks so funny here! He looks like an angry puppy!" I smiled sadly Sherleen was just like her mother he thought to himself.

His daughter looked up seemingly noticing that her father had went silent. "Daddy? Do you miss mommy?" She asked quietly

This snapped him out of his reverie "Huh? Oh yes sweetie. I miss her so much..." I trialed off

Sherleen moves closer and hugged me "I miss mommy too daddy..." It had been almost 2 years since Lesley's funeral. The kids took it better than I had and instead of me being the one to comfort them they had been comforting me instead.

"I'm sorry Sher sweetie. I'm sorry you have such a pathetic dad like me." I whispered to myself.

But Sherleen had heard it and she snapped her head up. She pouted and gave me an cute angry look "Daddy never say that again! You're the best daddy I could ever ask for!"

I chuckled and glanced over at the alarm clock 1:35AM "Alright that's enough off to bed sweetheart."

She pouted again and laid down anyway "But what if I have another nightmare?"

I pulled up the covers to her neck "I'll be here if you have another one." I replied while giving her a smile.

That seemed to reassure the little girl as she returned the smile. "Thank you!"

"Anytime." I said as I leaned in giving her a kiss on the forehead. "Now close your eyes and sleep young missy."

"Night daddy." She yawned as she closed her eyes. She drifted off to sleep soon after.

I sighed and turned back to the album. I missed her, I missed her badly. Each day the kids grow to be more like her. "Why did you have to leave so soon?" I whispered to myself.

I closed the album and got out of bed moving toward the bookshelf to store the album. I then walked back to the bed and climbed back in. I grabbed my phone and noticed the date. "Time really does fly huh? Your anniversary is almost here." The anniversary of the funeral was coming up soon.
I approached a tombstone and laid down the bouquet of red roses. "It's been two years love. The kids are doing fine heck they took your death better than I did." I paused as a light breeze swept through the graveyard.

"You know. I still am not over you." I said as I crouched down to sit on the grass. "Every night my longing to just hold you in my arms for one last time grows." A tear slid down my face. "The kids... They look like you. Especially Sherleen. You know what she said to me when we were looking through our album?" I paused again as another light breeze was felt.

"She said the same words you said."

I spent hours there just talking, sometimes a light breeze would blow by almost as if it was Lesley trying to comfort me or trying to communicate to me. After hours I stood up the sun was starting to set

"Take care love. See you next year."

A/N: Eeeeee killed off Lesley on the 4th chapter 😂 Brace yourselves I'm about to do this a bunch more times to either of them :P

(I swear I'm not a sadist ;-;)

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