Chapter 9

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The dinner was wonderful. I ate a lot. Like seriously, a lot. The food was delicious.
But I can't really say the same about the atmosphere during dinner. It was awkward.


Me and Jeremy barely knew each other so we did not have that much to talk about. Because of that it always resulted in awkward silences and weird smiles. Nina tried to be a part of the conversation as she sensed the awkwardness but poor her could do a little to improve it.

"Thank you for such a great meal Jade. It was amazing." Jeremy smiled at nina when I walked him out.

"Thanks for being such a great company Jeremy." I stifled a laughter when I detected the tone of my Nina's sentence. Indeed, he was a great company.

Sarcasm. Duh.

Jeremy did not catch the tone and gave nina a big smile. I walked Jeremy out and closed the door behind me to prevent the insects from entering.

"Today was fun." Jeremy smiled at me.

Was it?

"Thanks for having me." He continued.

"The pleasure was all mine." I grinned.

I looked down at my toes to prevent anymore awkward eye contacts.

"Jade is a really good cook." Jeremy tried to make conversation.

I beamed up at him. "Yeah she is. I always wait for holidays so that I can come here and have her delicious dishes. She always makes what I love and I can never get enough of it."

"Oh. Cool." Jeremy nodded while smiling slightly.

"Yeah..." I wanted to kill myself.

"I should get going then." Jeremy said to me.

Yes please, thank you.

"Okay." I chirped.

He opened his arms. I stared at them blankly. Then I stared at his face blankly.

"Oh." I gave into the hug as realisation dawned on me.

His arms wrapped around me in an awkward embrace. I patted his back lightly.

"Bye." I waved as Jeremy exited my porch.

Go fast, I wanna sleep.

He waved back and then he was out of sight. I exhaled loudly.


I entered my house but before I could say anything my nina spoke up. "I am never having dinner with that boy again. Thanks."

"Aw, don't be like that nina." I smiled in amusement.

"Lee I am telling you that is the most awkward dinner I have ever had in my whole life. And I have had this life for a very long time. I am telling you." Nina complained.

I laughed at that comment. "He's sweet." Nina gave me a look. "Kinda." I continued.

"Lee your choice in men is a little weird." I gasped at my Nina's words. That was a little offensive. If I was Jeremy I would be offended.

"That's harsh Nina." I said.

"I thought you would bring home some hottie that is devishly handsome and smart and yes, cares a lot about you." Nina said while patting my cheek lightly.

"Ninaaa..." I whined. "Stop complaining. Its a miracle that I have been here two days and brought a boy home. Be happy that some boy has shown interest in me. Otherwise my love life is as dry as Sahara."

Nina smiled kindly at me. "Don't you worry Lee, I am sure that there is someone there for you who is just perfect for you. He will sweep you off your feet in the most magical way possible and love you endlessly like no one else."

I snorted. "Sure..."

Nina raised her eyebrow at me.

"This only happens in fairytales Nina or in books or movies. I am not in a damn book." I rolled my eyes.

"You will believe it once it happens to you." Nina smiled at me.

"Can it happen fast? I am in desperate need of love in my life." I sighed and nina laughed loudly at that.

"Yeah, I am gonna tell God to tell your prince charming to call you right now." I rolled my eyes at Nina's words and went into my room.

As soon as I entered my room my phone started ringing.

I shrieked and dropped the phone. It was an unknown caller.

"Prince charmings are quite modern these days." I muttered as I picked my phone up and answered the call.

"Hello. Who's this?" I answered sweetly. I answered sweetly because it may seriously be my prince charming and I might scare him off if I was rude.

Desperate times call for desperate measures.

"Hey sweetheart." A cocky voice replied. A voice that I knew instantly.

My sweet exterior immediately melted away.

"Its you." I groaned.

"Oh my, don't sound soo excited. It may give me wrong ideas." Sebastian's reply came. I could already picture his infamous smirk on his stupidly handsome face.

"Why are you calling? And who gave you my number? I'll have to change my number now. I can't have peasants like you have my number. They might leak it to the paparazzi." I rambled in all seriousness but a smile broke out on my lips.

"Don't be like that ma'am. I am your number one fan. I'll die if you won't talk to me!" Sebastian carried on.

"I can't talk to you, you stupid peasant. You are like a chewing gum at the bottom of my shoe. Shoo away!" I added dramatically.

"No ma'am! I am dying! I died!!" A loud, fake, girlish scream came from his side of the call.

I bursted out laughing.

"How dramatic can you be Collins." I shook my head, chuckling.

"Hey! You started it. But seriously, a peasant? I am the one that deserves to be the superstar with the looks and all." Sebastian argued. I snorted.

"Shut up. But seriously, why did you call?" I asked, a smile on my lips.

"Can't a friend call a friend to know about her whereabouts." He said. I shrugged. Fair enough.



Talking about prince charmings, do you have one?

Views on Jeremy?

Views on Sebastian?

And ...views on nina?


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