Chapter 13

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"Hop on." Sebastian said as he climbed on his motorcycle. I sat behind him. My thighs were rubbing against his.

"Sit comfortably Adi." His hands arranged my thighs around him. My thighs were bare as I was wearing shorts and he remembered as he slowly helped me get comfortable.

He took off his hands from my thighs slowly,  making goosebumps erupt on my skin. My heart beat was erratic.

I slapped his back. I know what he was doing. "Sebastian!"

He turned around and smiled at me.

I rolled my eyes and caught hold of his waist as he turned on his bike and we were off.

We stopped at an ice cream cart just in front of a beach.

"There you go." Sebastian laughed as I hopped of the bike and ran to the ice cream cart. Ice cream , chocolate ice cream to be precise was my favourite thing in the entire world.

I got a chocolate cone and Sebastian got a coffee cone. I moved my hand to my purse to get the money but Sebastian beat me to it.

"Why? You let me pay in the restaurant." I said.

"Because you are an independent, strong woman and I didn't like Jeremy paying for you." Sebastian answered back.

"And here I am not? A strong, independent woman?" I challenged.

"I want to spoil you sweetheart." He winked as he paid for the ice creams.

We removed our shoes and walked into the sand towards the water. We sat down just outside the range of water.

Sebastian had folded his jeans a little and his legs were spread out in front of him. He looked relaxed , licking on his ice cream.

We just sat in comfortable silence. Eating our ice creams and enjoying each other's silent companies. The sound of waves were amazing companions. It felt peaceful.

But the peace was short lived.

"Sebastian!" A shrill voice scared me, taking me out of my zone.

We both looked towards the sound. A girl was running towards us.

She had on a pretty green sundress. Her hair were black, curly and short. She was pretty.

"Hi Seb." The girl smiled flirtatiously at Sebastian.

Sebastian did not smile back, just nodded to acknowledge her.

"We have a party going on at Lara's house. Care to accompany me?" She smirked. The company she was talking about was very clear and I wanted to gag.

Sebastian turned his face and looked at me for a second before turning back. "No thanks Heidi. I have a great company with me right now."

"Whatever." She started walking off but before that she yelled. "It's Hailey by the way dumbass."

"Oops." He mummered and turned back at me.

He saw me looking. "Was always bad with names. My brain don't seem to remember them however hard I try."

"You remembered my name." I shrugged.

"Well, you were a different case. You wasted my hot dog." I smiled and shook my head.

After a long silence I spoke up. My ice cream was finished, so was his.

"Can I ask you something?"

"Hmm." He mummered as he looked at the waves. He looked so handsome.

"You are a genuine person. Well, genuine to me. And I can actually see you being genuine and serious and capable of a real and meaningful relationship." Sebastian was looking at me. "Then why? I mean not judging. I mean low-key judging to be honest. Do you do this? I mean sleep around instead of trying to be in a real relationship?" I looked at him, judging his reaction to see if I was not intruding.

A bitter, humorless laugh escaped his lips. "A relationship requires trust. And I have major trust issues. I can't seem to trust anyone quickly. I always live with a fear that someone will betray me." His grey eyes were on mine the whole time.

It felt like a blow to my heart that he might be thinking the same thing about me too right now.

"Why?" What has scarred him like this.

He moved his gaze back to the waves and went silent.

I was still looking at him when realisation clicked in. He has closed off. He was always closed off.

"Right. Can't tell me, trust issues." I whispered and moved my gaze also to the waves.

I felt a warm hand on mine on the sand. I looked into grey eyes staring at me. "Don't take it personally Adalynn. Everybody has their issues and this is mine." I wanted to tell him I understand, I don't want him to tell me anything he wasn't ready to. But I felt a little hurt too. Why tho? We didn't know each other 10 days ago. I barely know him or he knows me.

I squeezed his hand. "Obviously. Take your time Sebastian." He smiled at me sadly then moved closer to lean against me. My hand was still clasped in his.

We stayed there for quite some time until a yawn escaped my mouth.

"You sleepy? Want to go home? It's pretty late." Sebastian said softly, his thumb making circles on the back of my hand.

"10 more minutes. I like it here." I whispered and leaned my head against his shoulder. I heard Sebastian take a huge breath in but didn't move.

I felt Sebastian tilt his head over mine. "Me too."

The lovely moment was short lived. I got a text on my phone. It was nina.

'where are you? Text me when you get in. I am going to sleep.'

I replied to the text and got up, dusting my shorts.

"We should go." Otherwise I might sit here all night with you.

Sebastian nodded and got up, dusting his pants too.

We walked side by side to his motorcycle. His hand brushed mine on the way. I ignored it and pulled my hand away to tie my hair in a ponytail.

We sat on his motorcycle, he buckled my helmet quietly and with surprisingly great effort, I looped my hands around his waist.

I don't know what was with me, but I couldn't really meet his eyes or touch him freely.

We got to my house. I gave him his helmet and whispered a good night and a thanks and turned around to go when his voice stopped me.


Continue on the next chapter...

What's your favourite dessert?

I absolutely love chocolate ice cream and milk chocolate.

Are you more of a chocolate person or a candy person?

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