Chapter 2

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"On three you will be live." The voice of my assistant told me. I nodded and walked to the middle of the stage.

The lights were off so no one could see me. I took in a huge breath to calm down my pounding heart.

Alex gestured and soon enough there was the sound. The lights started in pattern with the sound. There was a huge applause. The cameras were all around. There were flashes of cameras snapping pictures and big cameras taking videos.

The tune dropped and it was finally my time to sing. As soon as the tune dropped a light focused on me. The cameras zoomed in.

There was another set of huge applause.

And I started to sing. It was one of my originals. I wrote it completely from scratch. 

The audience was good. I didn't expect much from them but they were better than I expected.

I sang two songs. Both of them my originals.

As I completed the lights shut down and a set of applause came.

I smiled. It was a success.


I got surrounded by my friends as soon as I got backstage again.

"Oh my God that was brilliant." Aash exclaimed.

"Adiiii! You were amazing! Your end has my heart." Steph grinned excitedly.

"You were wonderful Adi!" Cole hugged me.

"It was very good. Seriously." Chloe commented. This meant that my performance was a great success.

"Thank you guys."

"Adalynn that was amazing. You got a huge response." Lucy gushed. She was a very kind manager.

I smiled. "Lets get you out to socialise." Lucy pulled me to the make up team.

"Please touch up her face." My friends waited till I got my face done.

I was very excited.

We all walked out. I had a minimum of two minutes with my friends when my manager stole me to meet different people.

The socialising was always boring. You had to hear tales and tales of lies that people told about themselves or more like boasted about.

I was talking to a woman who was into the buisness of textiles.I was laughing at her 'joke' and sipping on my champagne when something caught my eye right behind her.

A tall man stood with his back to me. His physique was incredibly impressive. He had large shoulders that was cladded in a grey suit. The grey was very familiar, a painful thought irritated me.

I gasped suddenly and my breathing stopped completely when the man turned and familiar grey eyes found my hazel ones.


I stumbled slightly on my feet. The breath was knocked out of me. But my eyes were still on him, still looking over at his grey eyes.

"Are you okay Adalynn?" The woman whom I was talking to caught my hand to bring back my attention.

I looked at her, she looked concerned. I took in a deep breath to calm me down. My hands were shaking slightly. Little tremors of pain went through my chest.

"Yes." My voice came out breathless. "Yes. Perfectly fine." I tried to smile. "I am just gonna go get some air. Sorry." She nodded in understanding and patted my arm.

I turned around immediately and walked to my backstage room as fast as I could. Lucy and Alex would freak out if they knew but I didn't care.

I reached my room and closed it behind me. I walked shakily to the couch and sank into it. I took in deep shaky breaths to calm myself but it didn't help and finally years of pain broke through.

I pushed my sweat covered hair out of my face with shaky hands as tears poured out.

Sebastian Collins. The guy who broke my heart. The guy who I haven't seen or heard about since 7 years was here.

Years of pain held back came out. I choked on my sobs as I tried to be quiet.

A soft knock came on my door. I stopped breathing.

"Adalynn." A deep voice came from the other side of the door. He was here.

"Who are you sir?" Someone probably Mark asked.

"I am sorry to bother but I saw her running in that's why I came to see." Sebastian answered. How familiar his voice sounded. How much I loved this voice.

"Do you know her?" The security asked.

There was silence.

"I used to." Sebastian answered softly. I closed my eyes as old pain returned back.

"Let me ask her then you can see her." The security said. I got up suddenly and walked into the bathroom. I got the tissue and rubbed my tears away with it carefully. My eyes were a little red from crying but they could always be an excuse for excess drinking.

A knock came again. "Ma'am." It was the security.

"Wait a second." I answered back.

I looked at myself for the last time in the mirror. I looked the same except for the sudden sadness in my eyes.

I got out from the bathroom and sat on the couch. "Yes." The door opened and a security I didn't know walked in.

"Ma'am there's someone here to see you. He said he used to know you. Should I send him in?" He asked.

I tried to look cool, aloof.

I nodded. "Ok ma'am, I'll be right outside if you need me."

The guard stepped out and finally the door opened again."

He walked in tall and proud in a grey suit. He had grown taller and got extra muscle on  his upper body. His face had become more chiseled and angular with age and there was light stubble on his jaw. But his eyes were the exact same, those grey beautiful ones that I fell in love with.

"Sebastian Collins." I got comfortable on the couch and smirked up at him. "It's been a long time."



Sebastian Collins is back!

Just to remind you that this story is going to go fast. So that's why they met again so early.

What are you most excited about in this part 2??

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