Chapter 4

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We reached my house without much drama. Lucy was furious but didn't say much. We all reached my house in 20 minutes.

Steph and Cole were behind in their own car but they reached soon too.

We got out after I said thanks to Mark and others.

"Impressive." Sebastian mummered beside me as he got out too.

"Thanks." I walked away and into my house.

My house was a two storey bunglow. It was big with a private swimming pool and garden. I felt a little lonely in such a big house but Chloe was here most of the time. She had her own appartment 15 minutes away but she preferred staying here and I was actually happy about it.

Now it felt crowded and I actually liked having people over. It made me less lonely.

All my friends and Sebastian filed in. I had a sitting area on the first floor where Chloe and Steph collapsed. Cole, Aash and Sebastian soon followed. I saw Sebastian taking in everything with his beautiful grey eyes.

I tied my hair in a pony tail and went in the kitchen to get glasses and wine. Steph followed.

"Adi baby. Are you fine?" She asked as I opened the bottle and got the glasses. She was getting something to eat as I did that.

I hummed. "Hurts a teeny bit." My heart was hanging by a thread in my chest. "But it's nothing I couldn't bare."

Stephanie closed the distance and kissed my temple. I smiled a sad smile.

"I love you Steph."

"Love you too my strong girl." She got the plates with the snacks and took it out to the living area. I got the glasses and the bottle and followed.

I saw all of them laughing when I entered the living room. Sebastian had removed his coat and was sitting with only his shirt on. The shirt was open at the top and his tie was loose around his neck. He was laughing at something Aash had said.

It became really difficult for me to breathe. He looked soo handsome. My hands became clammy looking at him.

"There she is. The star of today." Aash cheered. I smiled.

I kept the glasses and bottle on the table and sat down beside Chloe. Cole took the bottle and poured the drinks out. I leaned against Chloe's shoulder. I was exhausted, mentally and physically both.

Cole passed me the glass and I took a big gulp.

"To Adalynn." Cole raised his glass. "Our great singer superstar." I blushed and hid behind Chloe's shoulder.

"To Adalynn." Sebastian raised his glass and smiled.


The night passed in a blur. Everybody talked about our summer together. Poor Aash didn't know what to say but soon she became a part of the conversation too. I didn't say much. I wasn't able to. The memories of that summer were hard to go back to.

I watched all of their happy faces, leaning against Chloe. I saw Sebastian gaze at me in the middle of our conversations a lot of times but I tried to ignore that. Sebastian was also silent most of the time, just smiling sadly as Cole remembered the tales of our summer.

It was bittersweet for us. I couldn't meet his eyes without feeling the urge to cry again. My heart was still broken, still vulnerable. And I felt that it wasn't going to ever heal because Sebastian Collins was my first love. It was always hard to move on from your first love and first heartbreak people said. And it was true. I haven't fallen in love since. It's been seven years and still my heart is broken.


I woke up with a bit of a headache. I was in my bed in my room. Everybody else was asleep in different guest bedrooms.

We all stayed up very late talking.  And it was almost close to 3 so I couldn't just let Sebastian leave. I wasn't cruel. So I offered him a guest bedroom and he ended up staying the night. Cole lent him some of his clothes for the night. The rest of my friends were staying over for some time and had their own guest rooms. Except Chloe. Chloe had her own room at my place which she decorated. Sometimes she lived at her own house and sometimes at mine. So she took a bedroom and started calling it her own. I liked that she thought of my house as her house too.

I groaned an looked at the time. It was just 7. Why did I get up soo early?

I tried to go back to sleep but I couldn't. Secretly I knew why this was happening. Because of a presence of certain someone in my house.

I got out of bed and put an oversized hoodie over my PJs. I tied my hair into a messy bun, put on my specs then climbed down the steps to the kitchen to make some coffee.

There was complete silence in the house. It was like most mornings where I was alone but I felt the presence of my friends from the suitcases kept here and there.

I scrolled through my phone as my coffee got ready. I made some extra for my friends.

I yawned sleepily and went to get my cup. When I turned around I saw Sebastian coming over to the kitchen. He looked like he just woke up. He had bed hair. And he was in grey sweatpants and black t shirt. He looked hot.

When he entered the kitchen he stopped as he saw me standing there.

"Good morning." His morning voice was deep and hoarse.

"Morning." I poured coffee into my mug. My heart was hammering. We were alone.

"Coffee?" I asked. He nodded, his eyes were on me the entire time. I got another cup and poured down coffee for him. I kept his mug on the counter so that he could take it himself.

"Are you sure you don't mind me here?" He asked softly. His grey eyes searched my face.


Continued in the next chapter.

Tea or coffee?

What's your go to drink?

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