Chapter 25

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I woke up with a pounding head. I tried to open my eyes but my eyes watered because of the headache.

I patted the space beside me but it was empty. Sebastian was gone.

I tried to swallow my disappointment. He had work every morning. I couldn't just ask him to stay like that.

I forced my eyes open and groaned at the light. Hangovers were the worst.

There was a glass of water and some advil on my bedside table. I knew Sebastian put that out for me.

I smiled even through the hangover. And he said he was inexperienced in these things. He knew how to treat a girl right.

I swallowed the pill quickly and tried to go back to sleep but the door to my room opened and Nina walked in.

Her face was blank.

"Lee, would you like to tell me something." She said as she sat down on the bed.

I looked the part so I decided to tell her. "I got a little drunk last night."

"And how little exactly?" She asked.

"Very little. I was capable of making decisions. So it wasn't that drunk Nina." I lied a little tiny bit.

"Uh huh. And something else." I scrunched up my face in confusion.

"I don't remember anything else."

"What about a certain boy with a motorcycle." Nina hinted.

Realisation drew in. "Sebastian ...oh."

"Yeah oh. I ran into him when he was sneaking out in the morning. He stayed the night didn't he?" She asked, disappointment clear in her eyes.

"Nina, he took care of me last night when I was drunk. He brought me back from the party and helped me with everything. He even kept out the advils and water for me." I gestured to that on my bedside table.

She sighed. "He is a good boy and I like him. And I can see that he cares deeply about you. But Lee you know how I feel about all this staying over and stuff." The disapproval was clear in her tone.

"I am not just talking about Sebastian. You should be careful about who you are comfortable with. Some people are jerks out there. And taking such steps that you did last night, you should be extremely sure of that person." Nina continued.

I blushed. "Nina, nothing happened except  that he took care of me. He just stayed over because it was very late and he had work this morning. Our hands didn't even touch when we slept." That was a lie. We cuddled pretty much the whole night.

"I am just telling you, giving you some free old advice Lee. You are my baby and I thought some grandmother advice would work wonders." Nina combed my hair back.

"Thanks Nina." I cuddled against her and put my head on her lap. She started playing with my hair.

"Are you and Sebastian dating now?" She asked and I nodded.

"I knew it from the day I met him that you two would get together." I turned to look at her face.

" And why is that?"

"I saw how he turned to you for approval or how he looked at you to see if you laughed at his jokes or how your face expression changed when you talked about something. It showed that he liked you and deeply cared about what you thought. It showed that you had his respect and his interest." Nina patted my cheek. "And you, Lee. I knew that you were excited to go out with someone. You always were chirpy and extra happy when you said that you were going out with someone. I knew then that you liked someone. Then I met the man. I clearly saw it in the porch in the first few seconds that it was him that you liked. It isn't hard for me to know and study my granddaughter." I blushed as she finished.

"You were right. I do like him very much and care deeply about him." I locked my eyes with Nina.

"Do you love him?" Nina asked and that question caught me off guard.


I couldn't say no because I surely felt something more than like for him. We have grown closer and that has turned the feelings even stronger. My stomach literally got butterflies when he walked in the room. It was not something a normal crush did. My heart beat rose up whenever he kissed me or even touched me absent-mindedly.

Was that love?

I felt giddy and happy like my heart would explode around him. No one would be this happy around someone if they weren't in love.

"Yes. I think I do." I answered Nina's question with complete sincerity. "But how, I didn't even know him that long."

Nina smiled broadly. "Time is just a number. You can't compare love with time or months.  No. Sometimes you just know. And you know because of how right it feels to be around them or with them, just in the moment. Love is just that, nothing complicated." Nina said softly. I got slightly emotional hearing her words. My eyes filled up a little. "He makes you very happy, I see that."

"He really does." I nodded and hugged my sweet grandma who hugged me back laughing.


Days passed. I was busy with a song I was writing and spending time with everyone.

My time here in this town was going by very soon. 

We hung out in group a lot of time, going to dinners and hanging out at someone's house. I was close with everyone. Surprisingly Jeremy was pleasant too. Nothing happened after the yacht day and I was grateful. Chloe opened up a lot finally too. We all had great fun when we all were together.

Me and Steph had our own special time. She stayed over a lot of times and I went to her place also. She came over for meals sometimes too. It was like she lived with me.

Sebastian and me. We spent a lot of time together too, sometimes at my place, sometimes at his place or sometimes outside. It was awesome being in his company as always. I haven't told him I loved him yet. I could sense he was getting a little restless as the days got limited and my time to go was approaching soon. We didn't really talk about anything related to me going and it bothered me a little. But I knew that when the time would come we would figure it out.


Adalynn loves Sebastian! Yay!

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