Chapter 27

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Guys listen to Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran while reading this. It gives off a very romantic vibe.

Sebastian got up from the couch as I went to the player to play the music. The first music that played was sorry by Justin Bieber. We both bursted out laughing.

I changed the song and Thinking out loud by Ed Sheeran came up.

I extended my arms and Sebastian took them. He tucked me perfectly into his chest. My head was on his shoulder and one hand was around his neck and the other was engulfed in his hand. Sebastian's chin was by my ear and his nose was buried in my hair. His other hand was between my waist and my butt.

We swayed to the music lightly. His scent surrounded me and suddenly it hit me. The distance would be too much. To not to be in his arms like this everyday would hurt. His arms would not be there to keep me safe. Nor would his chest be there where I could lay my head and listen to his heartbeat.

I pulled my hand from his and put it around his neck too. I got closer to Sebastian as  much as I could and closed my eyes to stop the urge to cry.

He wrapped both his hands around my waist and moved his lips to my neck. He planted slow kisses on my neck and shoulder. It was hard to keep breathing.

I had to tell him before it lead to something.

I pulled away slightly to look into his eyes.  They were blurry. It looked like tears coated his eyes but he blinked once and there was nothing. Maybe it was a illusion by the candles.

I opened my mouth to let the words out but Sebastian beat me to it.

"I love you." Sebastian said.

My knees almost buckled but thanks to Sebastian's hands on my waist I didn't fall.

"W-what?" I asked, completely surprised.

"I love you Adalynn." My heart almost exploded. "And that's why I don't want you to go away from me. Just the thought of you going away rips my heart." Sebastian's voice cracked and it brought tears to my eyes.

"Sebastian..." I closed my eyes. The days were passing by quick and it weighed us down. We both knew it. "We'll work something out Sebastian. I know that we will."

I cupped his face between my hands. "You can fly to me sometimes and I can fly to you the other. We even have the provisions of face time, texts and calls. Don't we? We'll work it out." I said determined. "I know we will and we can because we both love each other." Sebastian froze for a second then relaxed and closed his eyes. He pressed his forehead against mine. Our breaths tangled with each other.

"I love you too Sebastian." I whispered. He opened his eyes and the intensity in his grey eyes and his expression made my heart explode. Sebastian grabbed my cheek and brought his lips down on mine.

The kiss made my toes curl and goosebumps errupt all over my body. It was passionate, hot and hungry. His hands ran down my cheek to my body and he pulled me tightly against him.

His lips started planting kisses by the side of my mouth, on my jaw and down my neck. I was breathing heavily. His lips found mine again.

Then he pulled away a little bit. His breathes was coming out in pants. He didn't speak anything but his grey eyes were full with questions.

I nodded and brought his lips down on mine.


I woke up the next morning in Sebastian's arms. We spent the night together.

"Hey." I smiled sleepily. Sebastian was already awake beside me. He was shirtless and looked amazingly hot with his bed hair.

"Hey." Sebastian's voice was deep with sleep.  He combed my hair away from my face. "How did you sleep?"

"Good. You?" I snuggled against his chest.

"Fine." He kissed my hair.

I looked at Sebastian's face. His eyes were trained on the ceiling and he was deep in thought.

My finger traced his cheek. "I love you."

He turned his eyes towards me and smiled genuinely. "I love you too baby."

My heart fluttered at the words.

I checked the time. It was around 9. I realised that Sebastian was late for work.

"Don't you have work." I started to sit up.

His hand caught my shoulder. "I took a day off today. Didn't want to be parted when we have such little time already." I looked at the date. It was officially a week till I departed.

"But Sebastian, your work is important to you." I felt upset that I made him miss a day.

Sebastian rolled over me. His face was just inches away from mine. "Not more than you." He whispered and leaned down to kiss me.


The week flew by. Two days before I left I met all my friends because the day before I left I wanted to spend the entire day with Sebastian.

Sebastian was looking worse and worse as the days went. He was still distressed, always deep in thought about something. Distance was something which was turning out to a lot harder for him than me. I was sad because of how sad Sebastian looked otherwise I knew that if we tried long distance we could work it out.

It was late at night after dinner when everybody started hugging me goodbye.

"It's not a goodbye, it's see you soon." Gabe said the cheesiest line and hugged me tightly. I laughed and hugged him back.

"Obviously. I am still in the group chat, remember that." I pulled away to see a sad smile on his face.

"You are a good friend Adalynn. It was very nice to meet you, in all seriousness." Aw. I hugged Gabe again. Gabe was such a sweetheart. Next in line was Jeremy. I smiled awkwardly at him. We were friends but that tension was always there.

He hugged me lightly. "I am sorry Adalynn for being such an asshole to you. And I wish you all the best for your future. Hope we all meet soon." I hugged him back. "All is forgiven between us, it's a clean slate now. Wish the same for you Jeremy." I smiled as I pulled back. He smiled back.


Continued in the next chapter

Ngl, I teared up a bit at the I love you part.

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