Chapter 4

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It was a glorious morning. Birds were chirping, the sea breeze flew through my hair making me happy, the sound of waves were music to my ears.


"Stephanie get your damn phone!" I groaned as I pulled a pillow above my face to block the ringing of her phone.

Stephanie spent the night at my place and we slept quite late, catching up. It was really fun until her phone decided to interrupt my precious sleep so early in the morning.

"What!" Stephanie answered, her voice was annoyed and heavy with sleep.

"Yeah. Okay bye, let me sleep for heaven's sake." With that Stephanie cut the call and threw her phone to the other side of the room.

I tried going back to sleep again when her phone rang again. I swear to God I will kill that person.

Stephanie groaned and got up from the bed slowly, her hair a wild mess. Her eyes were squinted as she moved slowly towards her phone.

She tried reaching for her phone but instead fell down. A string of curse words flew out of her mouth. I snorted, quite amused at the sight.

"Cole, I'll break up with you if you don't let me sleep." Steph threatened. She grew silent as she listened to Cole on the other side.

"What Seb?" She ran her fingers through her messy hair, her eyes on me. "Obviously I'll bring her, are you stupid?"

With that she cut the phone again.

I tried to go back to sleep again when the covers were snatched away from my body. I groaned loudly.

Can't a girl ever get her sleep?!

"Stephanie Mayers." I stated calmly. "If you or your phone don't let me sleep now, I might murder someone. And you will be at the top of that list." I tried snatching my covers back from her hold.


"Wha-" I glared at her but before I could say anything further she continued.

"We are going out to the beach today with my friends. So get ready and grab a sexy bikini." She said and started shuffling through my closet to get something to wear for herself.

I looked over at the time and gasped.

"It's 8!"

"Yeah. It's great early in the morning, with less people around." She huffed as she tried getting something from the back of the closet.

I finally got out of the bed. It was hard for me to function properly this early in morning.

I brushed my teeth and freshened up. Then I went to search for my bikini. I took the first thing my hand could reach. A baby pink bikini. Cute. I shrugged and changed into it.

Then I got an oversized blue band t shirt that could be passed as a dress and wore it above my swim wear.

I tied my hear in a messy bun on top of my head, took my sunglasses, Sun screen and phone with me and got ready to go.

Stephanie was all ready to go when I got out of my room. She was chatting with Nina. She had my shorts and a white top on, her orange bikini peaking from beneath the clothes.

"Morning nina." I kissed my grandmother's cheek.

"Good morning Lee. You look very chirpy this morning." Nina gave me an amused smile. I was anything but chirpy.

I gave my nina a sarcastic smile. "I am soo chirpy that the birds might get jealous."

Nina rolled her eyes as Steph laughed.

"Come on now." Steph tugged at my hand.

"Bye girls. Enjoy your day." Nina waved as we got out of the house.

After walking for 10 minutes we reached the spot where Stephanie's friends were.

"Heyyo guys." Stephanie smiled as we neared the group.

All of the eyes snapped up to me, glancing at me curiously as we stopped in front of them. I squirmed uncomfortable under their stare.

There were people other than Cole and Sebastian whom I already met.

There were two more boys and one girl.

"Guys this is-" Stephanie started to introduce me when a deep voice interrupted her.

"Adalynn." An arm was put around my shoulders as I looked up to see amused grey eyes staring at me.

Sebastian. Of course.

He had a smirk on his face as he winked at me. His shirtless side was pressed against me, warmth emitting from his body.

"And Adalynn, these are people." I rolled my eyes at his introduction.

I got out from his hold, his arm fell down back to his side. "Oh, I never would have guessed."

A laugh erupted from one of the boy's mouth. "I like her."

I looked at the boy. He was good looking with blonde hair. And he was freakishly tall but not as tall as Sebastian.

"Hi, I am Gabriel. You can call me Gabe." He gave me a full blown grin, with his teeth on display.

"Hi." I waved. I cringed within. How awkward can I be.

"I am Jeremy." The other boy walked up to me, extending his hand forward. I shook it. He was also good looking and tall. Are all guys tall here? Good for me. He had light brown hair with streaks of blonde in it.

"Nice to meet you both." I smiled.

We all looked at the girl that was remaining. She was gorgeous. She had beautiful strawberry blonde hair.

"Hi." I said to her. She just looked me up and down, rolled her eyes and went back to her phone.

"She is Chloe." Jeremy filled the awkward silence.

I was still staring at her, wondering what I did to make her act like that. I didn't like not being liked by someone especially if there was no proper reason for it. It bugged me. A lot.

"She can be like that sometimes, don't waste your breath on it." Sebastian's hand brushed against mine.

"Come on, get in the water." Stephanie pulled at my hand.


Are you a morning person?

I am certainly not! I go to sleep at 3 am then wake up around 12 pm. Pretty bad sleep schedule I know.

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