Chapter 8

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I kept my fork down and turned my eyes to his. His eyes were stormy grey. He was concerned.

I took in a deep breath.

"When you were leaving yesterday it felt a lot familiar." Realisation set in and Sebastian looked as if in pain. He moved his hand to grab mine but thought better of it and didn't. Speaking the truth, I wanted him to hold my hand, to comfort me.

"It was like by the cliff again where we broke up. I hugged you like it would be our last ever. My heart felt like it was breaking again. Then Aash left last night and Steph and Cole this morning. It was all too much. I felt soo lonely. Then I heard a stupid plane fly by, it was like the sound of your motorcycle drive away for the last time in my driveway back there. I thought I missed you again. That you were gone. Again." I smiled sadly. "I hated that. That feeling was horrible."

"I came back Adalynn and I wouldn't leave for the world now. I am sorry for hurting you." Sebastian spoke quietly. His hand was clenched in a fist on the table.

I reached out surprisingly and unclenched his hand then grasped it. "Thank you for coming back."

I didn't know what would I be doing now if Sebastian hadn't been here. Crying probably.

But this felt good.


We cleaned up together. I washed the dishes while he cleaned the table. We worked silently.

I went up to change while Sebastian did something on his phone.

I changed into black pj shorts and green oversized t shirt for the night. I removed my contacts and wore my glasses. Then I twisted my hair and clutched it up and tucked the extra loose hair behind my ears.

I did my nightly rountine then went back down. Sebastian was on the couch talking on the phone. It sounded something buisness related.

I worked on my laptop on the dining table while Sebastian attended buisness calls in the living room.

I tried to work but my eyes kept sliding back to Sebastian in the living room.

He had left his buisness unattended while he was here trying to win me back. I smiled at the thought.

It was not a good thing but he was trying to show me that I was important to him.

Sebastian got over with his buisness calls and came to me sitting on the dining table. I sat criss crossed on the chair and my shorts completely disappeared under my oversized t shirt. I saw his eyes move towards my legs but then he brought them up to my face.

He leaned on the table and smiled. He was gorgeous.

"I saw you watching me. Have something on your mind?" He asked as he ran a hand through his light stubble.

"What about your business back home?" I asked.

"What about it?" He asked as he sat on the chair next to me.

"You are the CEO. Don't you have to return to take care of it?" I asked as I shut my laptop.

"Do you want me to return back soo soon?" He pretended to be offended.

"Collins." It was out of habit.

Sebastian smiled a genuine smile at that. It brought back memories of how I used to address him most of the time.

I tucked my hair behind my ears to not show my awkwardness.

Sebastian cleared his throat and said, "The calls that I made were to handle things. I told them that I'll be missing some time. They'll update me everyday and I can work from here easily. It isn't that big of a deal."

I smiled. "Some time? So you are serious about staying here."

"Very." He smiled back.

I coughed. "So what do you do? I mean what is your buisness about?"

I asked and like that we started a conversation to get to know each other since the last seven years.


"You have your own studio? That's awesome and very cool." Sebastian stretched his hands and his biceps flexed. I looked down at the table.

We were still sitting side by side at the dining table talking about our careers and our life that took place in the last seven years.

"I could take you there sometime now that you are here." I rubbed my eyes. It was late. Very late.

"I would like that. You are fantastic with your music." He smiled.

I gave him a sleepy smile. "Thank you."

He looked at the time then. It was 2 : 24 am.

I didn't realise the time. It went by so quickly talking to him.

"I didn't even realise that it got this late." Sebastian said as he looked at the clock.


"We should sleep now. You and I both have work tomorrow." I got up from my chair. My legs were numb from sitting too long.

I stumbled because of the numbness in my legs. Sebastian caught at my arm as he stood up too.

Heat from his hand on my arm travelled all over my body. My heart picked up speed as he stabilised me and found me looking at him.

His face was just inches away from mine. I could see the curve of his eyelashes, the slant of cheek bones and the slight lift of his right eyebrow clearly. He was gorgeous.

I saw his eyes drink in my face as well. He looked at my eyes, then moved to my nose and then finally my lips.

I knew he wanted to kiss me. I wanted to kiss him too. But we were not there yet. We had to work through a lot.

But Sebastian pulled back. He looked away from my lips. "Careful there." His voice was rough and deeper. He released his hand from my arm.

"Thanks." I walked up the stairs. He followed.

I opened the door to my room. "Good night Adalynn."

"Good night Sebastian."

I closed the door behind me.


Hi sweethearts.

How you doing?

Tell me impossible facts. Something interesting...go

I'll give you one : I don't know you but I still like you.

Too cheesy? Haha

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