Chapter 3

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As a person very open to the public eyes I had been trained to put my emotions in check or not to show what I was exactly feeling.

So I applied it here in front of Sebastian Collins.

I smirked at him while inside I was a heartbroken wreck.

"It's been a long time indeed." Sebastian agreed.

"Sit. Sit." I gestured to the chair in front of my couch.

Sebastian stayed standing, his grey eyes searched my face to give something away but I was like a blank page. After a moment he unbuttoned his coat and finally sat down in front of me.

"Drink?" I asked Sebastian pointing to the champagne bottle and the glasses.

I couldn't bear such close proximity between us.

"Sure." He leaned back in his chair. His eyes were on me the whole time as I poured the drinks out, searching me.

I took his glass and passed it to him. He took it from my hand and our hands touched. I gritted my teeth at the contact and tried to clear my face of any pain or reaction but it was hard. Sebastian's eyes were stormy. His one hand was in a tight fist on his lap.

"Thanks." His voice came out deep and rough.

I leaned back into the couch too with my drink. I took a sip and stared at him. He was staring right back. There was silence.

"So." I took another sip. "How have you been?"

"I have been doing fine. I am the CEO of my company. Finally got a buisness of my own." He took a sip.

I hummed. "Congratulations. You got what you always wanted finally." He nodded then said. "I saw you did too. Your performance was amazing."

"Thank you. I did it by myself." I took another sip and smiled. "Learnt from a very young age to not depend on others for anything. People might break your heart if you get too dependent." Sebastian winced at that.

"Adalynn..." He leaned forward to put his glass down. But at that moment the door to my room opened and Steph, Cole, Chloe and Aash filed in.

Steph, Cole and Chloe froze at the door. Aash narrowed her eyes at Sebastian.

Sebastian got up. I stayed put. I feared that if I got up my legs would give out.

"Sebastian?" Steph mummered.

Sebastian smiled at the three. Cole broke the group and came to hug him. Sebastian was surprised but he hugged him back.

"Dude." Cole grinned as he pulled back. "It's been soo long." Sebastian grinned back. My heart broke looking at that same grin.

"I know. How are you guys?" Sebastian then hugged Stephanie who grinning too. Chloe was looking at me but I winked. No need to be worried about me.

Chloe also hugged Sebastian quick and short. Sebastian then turned to Aash.

"Aashika, this is Sebastian. The ex boyfriend." I shrugged and sipped on my champagne.

Sebastian glanced at me at that but Aash greeted him with a smile and a hand shake.

"How are you here? And Adi did you know?" Cole asked after the formalities were done. He couldn't stop grinning.

I glanced up at Sebastian who had his eyes on me too. "I am here for the buisness gala. And no, Adalynn and I met by complete surprise." I smiled.

Indeed a surprise. A heartbreaking one.

Cole whistled. "You rose big. How long are you here for? We should all definitely hang out." Everybody snapped their gaze at me.

I haven't told anybody the real reason me and Sebastian broke up. It wasn't my place to talk about his issues or problems. He trusted me with them and I didn't want to break that trust even after we parted ways. I told my friends that it was a matter of long distance that was difficult for us. And that was partially true.

"What?" I asked. "You guys don't need to look at me like that. We all are adults here. We have grown. That was in the past." I shrugged and tried to smile past the pain of the past.

"Then it's decided." Cole looked way excited to meet his old pal. "We are all staying at Adi's. We could have a couple drinks there? You mind Adi?"

I coughed slightly. My heart was in my stomach.

I gave them a wobbly smile. "Ofcourse. Why not. It's partay time."

Everybody cheered and got their stuff. Sebastian stayed still, his grey eyes on me. It looked like he wanted to say something but then he decided not to. I shrugged at him and went to the bathroom.

When I was securely in the bathroom I let out a few shaky breaths. He was coming over at my house.

Not a big deal right? We'll all drink ,talk and catch up. No biggie.

But it felt like a biggie.

My heart was pounding in my chest.

The boy that I loved with all my heart was back.

I calmed myself down and returned back to the room. Steph and Sebastian were chatting. Cole and Aash were fighting over something and Chloe was standing in front of me with a frown on her face.

"You are creeping me out Chlo." I narrowed my eyes.

"Are you sure you are okay with him? Because I can kick his ass if you want." I laughed at my best friend.

"I'll tell you when I need it. Okay?" She seemed please with the answer and went to pack her things.

Truth be told, I didn't hate Sebastian. I couldn't hate him even if I tried. The feelings ran too deep.

But I was still bitter at him. Why? Because he didn't even try. Didn't even give us a chance. Made the whole decision of our relationship himself.

I got trust issues. I seriously did. But he quit before he even tried. He broke his heart and my heart without even fighting. What if we had made it through? Because I was willing to fight. I was willing to fight for him. We would have been like Steph and Cole but he didn't even try. And that made me mad.





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Have you seen Titanic?

I love that movie so much! I cry every time.

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