Chapter 16

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I turned on the lights in the bedroom and moved to Sebastian sitting on the bed.

His back was hunched and he had his face in his hands.

My heart contracted when I saw that one of his hand was slightly red and swollen and one of his knuckles was bleeding.

He had punched something.

I went over to him slowly and sat beside him on the bed. Then I started rubbing his back slowly.

"Sebastian." I said softly as I rubbed his back comfortingly. "Talk to me please. What happened."

Sebastian removed his hands slowly from his face and leaned back on the bed.

"Lionel happened." His voice was hoarse as he ran one of his hand through his stubble.

My heart sank and I pulled Sebastian in my arms.

"Tell me." I brushed my hand through his soft brown hair. He leaned his head against my cheek.

"They had a press conference today. And since I was invited to the buisness gala my name came up. That bastard was jealous." There was bitterness in his voice. "He hinted about the past that happened in their company about that illegal thing and all. And added that I was the one who did it. He did it subtlely and cleverly. Because of that people caught on. And now I am getting calls and mails about how my oldest most biggest clients are threatening to pull out."

This was not good.

I hugged him tightly against me. "Sebastian. You know what qualities I admire about you?" He stayed silent listening to me. "You are determined, you have a way with your words, your loyalty, how hardworking you are and mostly how honest you are." I combed his hair back and cupped his face so that his grey eyes were looking at my hazel ones.

I smiled at him.

"You said your oldest clients didn't you?" He nodded slowly. "They know you Sebastian. You have been working together for a long time. They just need to be reminded what a great partner you are to work together with. And you just need to be honest with them. I am sure they will understand and dismiss their stupid ideas to pull out. And if they don't, which I am sure won't happen, but by chance. We'll figure it out together." Sebastian bought his hand up to my hand that was cupping his cheek.

"How did you know what to say exactly?"

I chuckled. "Because of Harvey Specter."

Sebastian started laughing at that.

"Now mail your clients and set a meeting with them." I said.

Sebastian looked at me then. "For that I'll have to go back to the company." He said softly.

"I know." I smiled. I wasn't scared this time."Like I said, we'll figure it out."

His grey eyes burned against mine. "I am soo glad that I came back to you sweetheart. I don't know what I did without you."

My heart beat picked up and I leaned in to kiss him.

"Come on now. Lets get you fixed up." I took his hand that was bleeding slightly after I pulled back.

Sebastian got up and followed me inside our bathroom.

I took a towel and put it under water. Then I took it and started dabbing on his cut.

"What exactly did you punch Collins?" I narrowed my eyes at him.

"The wall. I caught the side of the mirror as I did that." He mummered.

Well, that explained it.

"Adalynn." I looked up to his face. He was serious. "I'll come back to visit you again as soon as this problem passes. Okay? You can come there too, to visit. We'll make it work this time. The long distance thing, I'll make it work." He promised.

I stayed silent for a long time as I bandaged his cut.

I didn't doubt his promise one bit. I believed him. I knew that he would make it work even though his trust still bothered him a little.

But I was done.

I was done with soo much distance between us. I couldn't bear it anymore. Wasn't seven years enough?

He was awaiting my reply. I could sense it.

When I completed it I looked up at him.

"I can't do the distance anymore." Sebastian froze in shock, his face turned pale as he lost colour.

Oh no.

I moved towards him and kept my hand on his chest and looked up in his eyes. His heart was beating like crazy.

"I am ready to move with you." If possible, Sebastian looked more shocked. He stayed silent. "I don't want any more distance between us. The past seven years were enough. I just want to be with you now." I smiled as I leaned in to kiss his cheek softly.

"Applied, that you want to move in with me too. Ofcourse."

Sebastian opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out. He cleared his throat and tried again.

"But Adalynn, your job, your studio..." His grey eyes scanned my face. "It's all here."

I smiled. "I can make YouTube videos anywhere honey. And about my studio, I'll buy one there too. You can help me set it up." I squeezed his uninjured hand. "I'll have to fly to places for concerts, performances or projects agreed, but it will only be for some days. We won't have to be away for a long time."

"Are you sure sweetheart?" Sebastian's eyes were glowing. Literally.

"Do you think that I would be making speeches if I wasn't serious Collins?" I mocked glared at him.

Sebastian bursted out into a happy laughter. He bent down and picked me up in his arms and swirled me around.

I started laughing too looking at his excited response and happiness.

"You have no idea how happy I am right now." Sebastian grinned at me. His grey eyes were bright with happiness.

"I have an idea." I smiled as he leaned in to kiss me breathless.


I love them omg!

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