Chapter 17

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After bandaging Sebastian's hand we moved downstairs. I gave him ice for his hand and started with dinner while Sebastian got on with his work.

I called him to eat after I was done with dinner but he was soo into his work that I moved to him and tried to feed him myself.

Sebastian groaned when I tried to feed him the second bite.

"Don't act like a baby Collins. You have to eat. Otherwise no work for you." I glared at him and took his laptop from his lap.

"You are cute when you are bossy sweetheart." He winked and took his plate from my hands.

We ate together and he told me about his plans and strategies to win the clients back.

We finished the dinner and I went in the kitchen to quickly clean up the dishes. I was as quiet as I could be so that Sebastian was not disturbed.

After, I took out my laptop too and moved into the living room where Sebastian was to work in his company.

I got my headphones too. I thought I'll work on my song. It was an old song I have picked up again. And I was very excited for it.

Hours went by and we both worked together quietly side by side.

I kept asking Sebastian updates in middle and it looked like it was going well.

After a few hours I shut down my laptop and turned towards my phone.

I scrolled through social media and told my girls about what I told Sebastian upstairs, about me moving with him.

They were going crazy and wanted to call but I told them not too. Everybody was very supportive and excited for me.

Chloe was a little upset about me moving. I could tell but she was very happy for me too. She told me that she was relieved that we were moving away because we were disgustang. That was happy in her language.

I loved my girls. Even though we met rarely, we loved each other like sisters. And I was soo glad to have them.

Hours passed by. It was almost 4 when I started to drift off on the couch. Sebastian asked me multiple times to go sleep upstairs but I was stubborn and wanted to be there for him.

I was completely asleep when I felt arms around me and somebody carrying me.

I opened my eyes slowly and saw Sebastian carrying me bridal style.

"Hey." I said. Drowsiness coated my voice.

"Hey." He smiled. He looked very tired. Those beautiful grey eyes had bags under them.

"What time is it?" I asked Sebastian as he climbed up the stairs.

He winced. "Almost 6."

"Collins!" I scolded.

He reached our bedroom and slowly lowered me on the mattress.

"Sorry." He kissed my forehead softly.

"Did you complete your work?" I asked as I rubbed my eyes.

"Yes. I have meetings starting tomorrow." Sebastian said slowly.

Tomorrow that means...

"You fly out today?"  I asked softly, already feeling sad inside.

"Yes. Tonight." Sebastian pulled me towards him. I laid my head against his chest and he played with my hair. "But don't worry sweetheart. I'll go and get the house ready for you. So that you could come fast." He kissed the top of my hair.

"I hate that you have to go." I mummered against his chest. I felt tears rising up in my eyes.

He pulled back when he heard my voice. "I hate it too. But let me just solve this situation and I'll come back to help you pack." I nodded. Sebastian wiped my eyes and kissed my cheek.

"Don't cry my love. I hate to see tears in your eyes." He mummered softly as he hugged me again.

I hugged him tightly against me.

If it was up to me, I would just hold on and never let go of you Sebastian Collins.


We woke up pretty late the next morning. The sun was already up high in the sky. It was close to lunch time when we both walked down.

Chloe was there in the kitchen waiting for us with food parcels.

"Stinks like sadness in here." Chloe groaned. "What happened depressed souls?" Chloe asked as she sat down in front of me and Sebastian on the dining table.

Sebastian told her that the company was facing some problems and he had to leave by tonight.

Chloe's eyes immediately found mine. I could see concern there. I nodded at her to say that I was fine. "Good thing I bought comfort food." She got up to get the food packets.

She got the food packets and set it down on the table. "I brought it to celebrate your moving but you can eat it as comfort food also." She shrugged.

Chloe was the sweetest human being ever.

She opened the package and surely there was greasy pizza in it.

It had two halves. One was pure cheese. Margarita. The other was filled with veggies too and had extra olives.

Our favourites.

We looked up at her with big smiles on our faces.

She made a face. "It was all that made sense on the menu. Nothing else."


We ate together then Chloe left after lunch to give us space.

We cuddled up together on the couch and tried to watch a movie. Sebastian ended up asleep in the middle of the movie. I let him. He was up the whole night.


Do you love Chloe as much as I love her!

What kind of a pizza do you like?

What's your favourite topping?

Vote and comment :)

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