Chapter 18

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It was finally time for Sebastian to leave.

"I hate this feeling." I mummered into his neck as he hugged me tightly.

"This is the last time." He promised. He kissed my head then pulled away from the hug to finally kiss my lips.

I smiled. "I love you. Be safe and call me when you land."

"I love you too baby." He winked then turned around to his rental.

I asked to drop him at the airport but he refused straight away.

"I am a big boy sweetheart." He said when I asked him again about the airport situation.

So I finally agreed.

I waved at him sadly as he started his car. "All the best." I wished him. "Tell me how everything goes. It will all be fine I am sure."

His grey eyes softened. " Thank you my love. Take care." And with that he pulled away from the drive way. I watched till his car disappeared.

I sighed.

This will probably be the last time.

And with that encouraging thought in my mind I turned around and walked into my house.


Days passed. I was busy with moving stuff. Chloe came over to help me pack sometimes.

All this was a lengthy process. I had told Lucy and Alex and they were sad but supportive. Lucy being the sweetheart she was called around and made things easy for me in the industry there.

She would still be my manager. No matter the distance.

I sold the studio. And decided to give the house to Chloe.

She was emotional and hugged me all by herself.

"I would still stay here if I come back to visit or something." I said.

"Oh yes obviously. Just think of it as your house only. No formalities." Chloe said teasingly and I laughed loudly at her tone.

I was not taking much with me. Only my clothes and personal things and my music related stuff.

This would still be my house.

As for Sebastian there. Things were going extremely well. He followed my advice and was totally honest with the clients. He was determined also to gain them back.

And he did finally. He was over the moon when he finally called me to tell me that.

"Things are soo good here." Sebastian sounded as he was grinning. "Thank you Adalynn. This wouldn't be possible without you."

"Shut up Collins. It was all your hardwork." I smiled. "And of course, Harvey Specter."

He chuckled. "Of course."

I heard someone call for Sebastian.

"Sir, the one you ordered is available. So do you still want this or is the emerald shap..."

Sebastian cut the call immediately.

I looked down at my phone with confusion clouding my mind.

This was totally out of Sebastian's character to cut the call like that.

Suddenly my phone pinged.

It was Sebastian.

'Sorry sweetheart, I had a delivery I needed to see. Call you later.'

My phone pinged again.

' And can't wait to see you in two days! ;) I love you.'

I smiled at the message.

I replied with an I love you too and take care and got to work again.


Tomorrow would be my last day meeting Chloe. She said she had a project the next day so she wouldn't be able to drop me off or meet me before I go. Which was sad.

I only had two days to go counting today. It was exciting and a little nerve wrecking.

It would be completely new to live with someone in a new city. But I was excited. It was a new chapter and I was ready for this chapter to begin.

To have Sebastian, my boyfriend as my roomate and waking up next to him everyday would be a dream.

It gave me butterflies just thinking about it.

I was almost done packing. Only the last minute stuff was left and would go with me in suitcases. The rest would be shipped.

His place was a penthouse. It was luxurious and modern but gave off comfortable homey vibes also. He already got a room cleaned out for me which I could make my music room or studio till I found one that I liked.

The man was a dream boyfriend.

Even after seven years, he still gave me the same chills and feels. And I loved him the same, if not, possibly more.

I couldn't wait to go there and hug him already.


"Chloe you seriously can't meet me tomorrow?" I asked Chloe as she got ready to leave.

It was only around noon.

"Sorry Adi." She didn't look sorry though. She got her purse.

"Then why don't you stay a little bit more? Aren't you going to miss me?" I pouted.

"I have a flight to catch." I raised my eyebrow at her comment.

She cleared her throat. "Obviously Adi. I have a flight to catch. If I don't get in this flight of the project I was given, I'll be kicked off. Without a parachute! And I will die." I rolled my eyes at her dramatic explanation which was sort of unusual for Chloe but not really. "Do you understand the gravity of the project?"

"Very much." I chuckled a little at her expression and got up to give her a hug.

I was gonna miss her being around.

"Here comes the viruses." Chloe rolled her eyes as I hugged her goodbye for the last time.

"I am gonna miss you around Chlo." I said sadly.

She stayed silent but hugged me back tightly.

"Same." She whispered and I almost broke down into parting tears.

She pulled back and smiled slightly.

"I love you." I said.

"Same." With that she turned around and walked out.

Till next time Chloe.


(Clears throat)

I think you know what's coming up.

Only three more chapters to go.Excluding the epilogue of course.

This was a fun journey you guys.

Vote and comment :))

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