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Gerard ran around Franks house trying to find him, it is no secret that Gerard loves money, it is also no secret that Frank has a lot of money.

"Daddy!" Gerard yelled as he walked around the mansion "daddy where are you"

Frank walked down the hall and found Gerard "hey, what's up"

Gerard giggled "I found these super cute shoes online and I really want them" he said making Frank chuckle and out his hands on Gerard's hips "how much are they baby"

Gerard giggled "1500 dollars"

Frank shakes his head "you really love money don't you" he said as Gerard's arms wrapped around Franks shoulders "what would you like me to do for you daddy"

Frank chuckled "just a kiss"

Gerard smiled and pressed his lips to Franks, Frank wrapped his arms around Gerard's waist as their lips mover slowly and softly.

After a couple seconds Frank pulled away "wait I gave you 10,000 last Friday, what happened to all that"

Gerard blushed "I went shopping"

Frank chuckled "my god Gerard I swear you're gonna spend all my money" he said making Gerard shrug "I'll still keep you company"

Frank sniggered "no you won't"

Gerard shrugged "well, maybe I will but anyway can I get those shoes, they might be gone"

Frank nods his head "let me go get my card"


Later that night Frank was in bed as he thought about Gerard, yeah they were physical with each other but there was no emotion there.

Frank was a 37 year old man, unmarried and no family like he wanted, Gerard was 22, loves money and is spoiled.

Both of them had agreed 4 years ago that this wasn't about love there will be no love.

But that didn't stop Frank from falling in love with him.

Frank had fallen so in love that he couldn't tell Gerard or else he'd loose him.

Doesn't matter, it was obvious Frank would never start a family or get married, when Frank passed away, everything went to Gerard, he had no friend and no family spoke to him so why not just give it all to Gerard.

Just then Gerard came into the room "daddy, look at this cute pair of heels, should I get them" he asked as he laid in the bed and showed Frank his phone.

Frank sat up and grabbed his card from the bedside table drawer "let's see"

Frank put the numbers in and the heels were purchased, he gave Gerard his phone back "there you go" he said softly before laying back down again.

Gerard laid down too "thank you daddy" he replied with a giggle before pecking Franks lips.

Frank hummed and closed his eyes, Gerard smile fell and he shook Frank "hey, what's wrong"

Frank shrugged "doesn't matter"

Gerard got under the covers and tried to take Franks hand but the older man pulled it away "daddy what's wrong, I thought you liked holding my hand"

Frank sighed "I do but right now isn't a good time" he said before turning the other way.

Gerard frowned more "daddy, please tell me what's wrong"

Frank took a deep breath "have you ever wanted a family, a family of your own, fall in love, get married, adopt a kid, ya know, be happy"

Gerard frowned even more "aren't you happy daddy"

Frank shakes his head "not particularly no" the younger boy tried to turn Frank around "Frank, what's going on"

Frank took a deep and shaky breath "h-have you ever fallen in love when you're not supposed to, have y-you ever fallen in love before"

Gerard gulps "Frank, what are you trying to tell me" he asked worriedly, Frank sniffled and sat up "I'm trying to tell you that I fell in love with you even though we agreed not to, that the only thing that makes me smile is when your face lights up when I buy you something, that I'm never gonna get married and have a family like I planned when I was 19"

Frank laid back down and out the back of his hand on his forehead "just go Gerard, if you wanna go just go"

Gerard gulped and got out of bed, he walked over to the door and looked back at Frank sadly "I'm really sorry" he said shakily before he left the room.

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