
663 17 1

TW sexual harassment

Gerard flattened out his skirt as he walked down the street, he was already nervous enough as it was but it got worse when a group of people started following him.

"Damn are you a boy or a girl" even though they were being rude Gerard refused to stoop to their level "I'm a boy"

All the boys laughed and wolf whistle "damn baby, come home with me"

Gerard shook his head and kept on walking with a smile on his face "come on darling I can show you a real good time"

Gerard kept on walking but they weren't leaving him alone "please, come home with me, I can make you feel real good"

"I-I can't, I have a boyfriend" he said politely, he lied but maybe it would get them away.

But it didn't "dude I can make you feel better than your boyfriend ever could"

"Your boyfriend don't deserve you"

Just then a tattooed man walked over and smiled down at Gerard "hey babe, I was wondering what was taking you so long"

Gerard looked at him then back at the boys "hey sweetie, yeah I was just struggling to get here quickly"

The man looked at the 7 boys that were following Gerard "you think your real funny and cool, following my boyfriend around and harassing him like that, you're disgusting" he said before turning back to Gerard and taking his hand "come on babe, let's go to the movies"

Once they were away from the boys, the tattooed man sighed and let go of Gerard's hand "are you ok, I'm so sorry if I made you uncomfortable"

Gerard shook his head and hugged him "thank you so much, I was so scared, god knows what they could have done of you hadn't come along"

The man smiled "I'm Frank" he said as they pulled away, Gerard giggled "I'm Gerard"

Frank pulled out 10 dollars from his pocket "here, take this so you can get home safely, unless you want me to walk you home, I understand if you're not comfortable with that, since you just went thought all thats shit"

Gerard smiled "keep your money, I'd like it if you walked me home, you seem like a really sweet guy"

Frank grinned as they started walking back to Gerard's house "so do you work or anything" Gerard asked as Frank pulled out a cigarette "yeah, I work at a tattoo parlour during the day and a bar at night, what about you"

Gerard shrugged "I'm trying to be a artist of some sort but I can't find any work, at the moment I work at Walmart"

Frank hummed "maybe you can come work at my tattoo parlour, I'd of course need to see some drawings first"

Gerard eyes widen "you'd really do that for me" he asked excitedly "of course"

Gerard cringed for a moment realising he might have to be around needles.

"Would I work with needles, I'm real scared of them"

Frank chuckled "no you wouldn't work with them, you'd draw cool designs and shit like that, I usually do the physical tattooing"

Gerard hummed and nods his head "so...have you got a girlfriend or anything"

Frank chuckled "if I were straight I would have acted like a friend back there, not your boyfriend" he explained making Gerard's nod his head "so do you have a boyfriend then"

Frank shook his head "no, some nights I don't get home until 3am and since I'm working dying the day too, I guess I just don't have time for a relationship, it's sad but one day it'll happen"

The soon got to Gerard's front door Frank noticed the same boys from earlier "kiss me" Frank whispers quickly, Gerard soon spotted them and knew what Frank was meaning.

Gerard pressed their lips together and held the back of Franks head softly, Franks hands rest on Gerard's ribcage, not wanting to go too low.

Gerard heard the wolf whistling yet again and quickly moved Franks hand down to his ass, Frank grabbed it roughly before he pulled away "let's go inside" he whispered as Gerard brought his keys out and opened the door quickly once the door was closed Gerard wanted to kiss Frank again but decided against it, Frank only done it so those guys would fuck off.

"Ok, now show me the drawings"

I will write a part two but I don't know when

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