Daddy! (part 2)

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It had been 9 months since Frank saw Gerard, they didn't bother trying to get into contact with each other but Frank still gave Gerard money every Friday night.

Frank went out a couple of months ago, he saw Gerard, with someone else, they were carrying loads of bags back to a car.

Gerard saw Frank, he looked guilty, Frank just kept on walking.

Frank was miserable, he knew something bad would happen soon, he kept Gerard on his will just in case.

Frank has barely any contact with anyone since Gerard left that night.

Frank was on his couch drinking as many deers as he could when the door went rang.

Frank stumbled from the couch to the front door and opened it.

Frank was faced with Gerard, it had been raining and he was soaked and he looked guilty as he held up his left hand in shame that showed off the large shiny diamond ring.

Franks heart shattered at that moment "if y-you come to ask pay for your fucking wedding you can fucking think again" Frank whimpered out, Gerard shakes his head "why are you still sending me money"

Frank looked down at the ground and sniffled "because I've got no one else to give it too, I-I wanted to make sure you had money for food and rent"

Gerard shakes his head "I don't need 50,000 for my rent, my rent is only 500"

Frank nods his head "I know, like I said, I wanted to make sure you had enough for food as well"

The sentence made Gerard feel even worse "look I'm sorry I don't love you back, I'm sorry I left with not even a goodbye, I'm really sorry Frank"

Frank shakes his head "it's ok, it's not your fault but why did you come here, y-you're new sugar daddy just proposed and you're here, why"

Gerard shakes his head "I don't know Frank, I dunno if it's because I feel like shit or so you know and you'll stop sending me money, maybe I'm in love with you too but I don't know what it feels like to be in love"

Frank sniffled "so are you gonna marry him then" he asked as his voice cracked, Gerard opens his mouth to say something but nothing came out.

Tears fell down Franks face "just go back to him Gerard, leave me to wallow in pain, you don't care anyway"

Frank starts to close the door but Gerard pushed it back open and stepped inside "I do care, Frank when I think about you my heart aches, when I think about what we used to be I smile, seeing you in the street or driving past your home, it breaks my heart because I don't know what's going on inside, I don't know what this feeling is and I hate not knowing"

Frank stepped closer and took a Gerard's hand in his and looked down at the ring "how does it make you feel that your wearing this ring"


Frank cleared his throat and gulped before slowly pulling it off and putting it onto the side table "how about now"

Gerard gulped "I-I dunno, I feel free, I liked that you took it off"

Frank puts Gerard's hand on his own beard and sighed "do you feel that"

Gerard nods his head "it's real fast"

"That's how fast it beats when I'm with you, when I think of you, when I set eyes on you, does your heart ever do this"

Gerard gulped "yeah but, I-I thought that was because of the money, b-but you're not giving me money right now and I still feel it" he replied making Frank sigh softly.

"Final question, if I were to tell you to go away right now, if I found someone else and I proposed to them, how would it make you feel"

Gerard sniffled "my heart would ache, I'd just wanna die, not even money would make me feel better" he replied with tears in his eyes.

"I love you Gerard"

Gerard bottom lip shook "I love you too Frank" he whispered before hugging Frank tight.

Both of them sobbed onto each other shoulders as they held each other tight "I love you so much Frank, I'm so so sorry, I don't want money I want you Frank"

Frank sniffled "I love you too Gerard, oh my gosh it's been so hard without you"

Gerard shakes his head "I've been such a fool" he replied as he pulled away, both of them smashed their lips together roughly, their lips moving fast as they held each other tight.

Gerard pulled away abruptly and out his hands on the sides of Franks head "marry me Frank, please Frank I'm begging you, marry me"

Frank nods his head "yes Gerard yes I'll fucking marry you"

Both of them held each other tight again not wanting to let go.

"Get your hands off my fiancé!"

The pair pulled away to see a scruffy man storming up the drive, Gerard shakes his head "Bert, I can't do this, I can't marry you I'm sorry" Gerard said as he put the ring into his hands.

Bert rolled his eyes "whatever, I'll find someone better than you"

Frank slammed the door and locked it before going back to Gerard "come on, let's go to bed"

Gerard nods his head and let Frank lead the way.

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