Saviour (part 2)

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Gerard had been working at Franks tattoo parlour for a week now and he just loved it.

Ever since that day Frank saved Gerard they had become closer, it seems like the two of them could possibly more than friends.

"Hey Gee, I was thinking do you wanna come to mine for dinner, I'm making veggie burgers" Frank said making Gerard clap his hands together "that sounds great Frankie"

The tattooed man licked the door before the head off in the direction of his apartment.

When they got there the two men took their shoes off before Frank lead him into the kitchen "are you excited for your first pay check" Frank asked as he pulled out ingredients from the fridge.

Gerard shrugged "I'm excited I guess, I just love working with you Frankie, it's so fun"

Frank smiled "I'm glad, also sorry there's no chairs in here, feel free to sit on the counter" he said, Gerard shrugged and jumped up.

Frank smiled as the started a small conversation about how Frank got his tattoo parlour.

While the veggie burgers were in the over Frank pulled out a bottle of wine and gave Gerard a 'wanna get drunk' look making him giggle and nod his head.

Frank sat on the counter and opened the bottle "I'm not fancy enough for wine glasses" he said making Gerard giggle.

The two men took big gulps out of the bottle until it was half empty "better check these burgers shall I" Frank said as he jumped off the counter.

The burgers were ready and he served them out "eat whenever you wanna, I think I got some vodka somewhere" he said as he searched the cupboards, yelling in victory when he found the bottle that was full to the brim.

"Oh shots" Gerard asked as he jumped off the counter, Frank poured two shots and held one out.

They down the shots and screw up their faces, Gerard held onto Franks biceps and hissed "fuck it's been a while" he said with a giggle, Frank out his hands on Gerard's lower back and chuckled "there will be more than that later"

Gerard grabbed the collar of Franks shirt and scrunched it up in his hands before pulling him forward to press their lips together.


"Oh yeah baby, just like that" Frank groaned out as Gerard bounced up and down on his lap.

"I'm gonna cum babe, oh shit keep going" Gerard pumped his erection as Frank gripped Gerard's ass tight.

Both mean moan and groan as they came hard, Gerard slumped against Frank and kissed a hickey that was on his neck.

"Fuck I'm glad I'm only tipsy, otherwise I would have forgotten, that was the best sex I've ever had" Frank whispered making Gerard giggle "you're so big Frankie, I didn't even know if it would go all the way in"

Frank chuckled and kissed Gerard's cheek "are we gonna lay here, hot, sweaty and naked or are we gonna drink some more"

Gerard giggled and kissed Franks cheek softly "I don't feel like drinking any more"

Frank chuckled "we can't just lay here naked Gee, come on get dressed and I'll find a hoodie for you and put on a movie" he said before tapping Gerard's thigh.

Gerard got off Franks lap and found his panties before pulling them on, Frank grabbed his boxers and went to his bedroom to grab his hoodie.

When he came back he gave Gerard the hoodie and sat beside him.

The two men snuggled up on the couch while Frank found a movie.

"Hey I know we've not know each other for long but I like you" Frank whispered nervously making Gerard look up at him with a smile "I like you too Frank"

They press their lips together, after a couple of seconds they pulled away "could I interest you in a date tomorrow night"

Gerard grinned and nods his head "I'd love to"

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