Mr Iero

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Gerard has found himself develop a little crush on his boyfriends dad, Mr Iero was god like.

The reason Gerard probably developed this blush was because Anthony wasn't a very good boyfriend, they were 19, living of minimum wage jobs and unable to find an apartment together, not that Anthony wanted to live with Gerard.

He'd always tell Gerard the only reason they were together was because Gerard was hot and it was good for his own image, the only reason Gerard stuck around was because he feared he'd never see Mr Iero again.

One day Gerard had went over the the house early and Anthony was still at work, leaving Me Iero and Gerard alone.

"Oh hello Gerard, come in, Anthony will be home in half a hour" he said as he let Gerard in the house.

Gerard blushed and followed him into the kitchen "how had your day been Mr Iero" he asked with a sweet smile.

Mr Iero smiled "it's been good, I've also told you so many times to call me Frank" he said with a chuckle.

Gerard giggled "sorry Frank, I always forget" he said with a smile, Frank looked over at Gerard and frowned a little "I heard you and Anthony have a fight last night, is everything ok"

Gerard sighed "no really, he's always telling me that he's gonna find someone hotter than me, he always tells me I got a shit personality" he said sadly, he couldn't care about Anthony like he used to, especially after his crush on Frank and how he is treated.

But Anthony's words still hurt.

Frank furrowed his eyebrows angrily "I swear to god, that boy need to realise that he has got an amazing, beautiful boyfriend in front of him and stop being a jerk"

Gerard blushed and smiled shyly "you think I'm beautiful?"

Frank chuckled nervously "w-well, yeah, you're gorgeous but there's more to you than that" he said as he scratched the back of his head awkwardly.

Gerard smiled "like what"

"Like, you are amazing at art, I've heard you sing while you shower, I've walk past the bathroom a couple time and heard, you're caring, you're sweet and you're really smart" Frank said with a small smile.

Gerard stepped closer to Frank and blushed "you really think that about me?"

Frank smiled down at him and nods his head, Gerard's hands rest on Franks biceps softly "no ones ever said that about me before" he whispered before pressing his lips against Franks.

The older mans eyes widened, after a couple of seconds he pulled away "Gerard we can't do this" he whispered, Gerard's hand ran down Franks stomach before he slowly pulled the zip down on his pants "yeah we can" he whispered.

Frank smiled before picking Gerard up and putting him on the counter, Gerard giggled as Frank stood between his legs "I've been waiting for this day to happen ever since you walked through the door for the first time"

Gerard wrapped his arms around Franks neck and pulled him closer "you're the whole reason I've stayed for as long as I have" he admitted as Franks arms wrapped around Gerard's waist "you took my breath away when I first saw you"

Frank pressed their lips together roughly, Gerard's hands tangle in Franks hair almost instantly.

"What the fuck"

Both of their eyes snapped open before the slowly pulled away and looked at the door to see Anthony stood there "what the fuck dad, you made out with my boyfriend"

Frank gulped as they let go of each other, he zipped up his pants making Anthony groan in annoyance "you were gonna hook up, you do realise he's not the great, why would you do this"

Frank stood his ground "you don't treat Gerard right and I don't think it's fair that you have such a great boy in your life but you don't appreciate him, so if you won't, I will"

Anthony ran a hand through his hair "dad, you're 35 and you wanna fuck a 19 year old, I thought you were straight anyway"

Frank sighed "after your mother left when I was 16, it wasn't long after that I realised I was gay, I just didn't want to bring someone else into the picture just yet" he replied.

Anthony scoffed "ok so you think that stealing my boyfriend is the best way to go" he asked, Frank looked at Gerard and sighed with a frown "he's his own person, he can make his own choices" he said as he stepped away from the counter.

Gerard hopped off and slowly walked over to Anthony, Frank sighed sadly before turning away from the two to make some coffee.

When he turned back around Gerard and Anthony were gone.

Franks felt tears burning his eyes but he refused to let them fall, he picked up his coffee and sat down on the couch.

Frank drank his coffee sadly, once he finished he went up to his office where he held his head in his hands, not bothering to do any kind of work at all.

Frank was lonely and he's only just realised how lonely he is.

After what felt like forever, Franks office door opened but he didn't move his head, not until he felt soft hands on the back of his head.

He looked up and saw Gerard with a small smile on his face "are you ok?"

Frank just sighed and nods his head sadly, Gerard sat down on his lap confusing the older man.

"Me and Anthony aren't right for each other, he understands now, he's not mad at me or you, u it is like you said, I can make my own decisions"

Frank smiled and wrapped his arm around Gerard's waist, his head resting on his chest "I thought I was gonna be alone again, that was the first time in 19 years I've not felt lonely" he whispered making Gerard kiss the top of his head softly "you won't have to be alone anymore" he whispered making Frank smile and nod his head.

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