Rich and Poor

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(Here is my 3 part one shots from my last account, RIP to every book and one shot I ever wrote)

Frank nervously shut his locker door and walked over to Gerard, Frank had liked him for a while now and sometimes they'd say hi to each other in the halls or have a small conversation if they sat next to each other in class.

Gerard watched as Frank walked over, the shorter boys hair covering his eyes since he hadn't had a hair cut in so long.

"H-hey Gerard, can I talk to you"

Gerard took a deep breath as his friends laughed, Gerard walked a little bit away and Frank followed.

"What do you need Frank" he asked bluntly causing Frank to loose his confidence a little but he still had to ask "I-I was wondering if maybe...if maybe you wanted to go one a date with me"

Gerard sucked in a harsh breath and bites his lip "I-I dunno Frank, we're not exactly a perfect match"

Gerard didn't want to hurt the boys feelings, he thought Frank was cute but refused to even think they could work, even though he wanted to try so hard.

Frank frowned "why not"

Gerard looked back at his friends who were sniggering then back down to Frank "well, my parents are rich and your mom obviously isn't"

Frank sniffled "so this is about money then, d-do I not deserve anyone like you" he asked sadly, Gerard shakes his head "I didn't mean it like that"

Frank shakes his head "I really like you Gerard, can't we just give it a chance, I'm pouring my heart and soul out to you right now" Frank said desperately, Gerard still shakes his head "I'm sorry Frank, it'll never work"

Frank sniffled before walking away and out of the school, he wiped his eyes as hot tears fell down his cheeks.

"Don't cry Frank" he mumbled to himself as he found a bench, he sniffled and hurried his head in his hands.

He tried to stop the tears from falling back he just couldn't help it, he had been rejected before, loads of times in fact, but he really liked Gerard, more than he's ever liked anyone.

Gerard didn't mean to hurt Frank, he wanted as the short boy walked away, he saw him wipe his face, that made Gerard know he made Frank cry.

He felt awful for making him cry and he felt awful because he just turned away a really cute guy just because he was poor.

Gerard decided he had to do what was right and he followed Frank.

After a couple minutes he found Frank, the poor boy was sobbing and Gerard couldn't let it continue.

He sat down right next to Frank "please don't cry"

Frank jumped and looked at Gerard "why do you care" he said as he slides away from Gerard, the taller boy sighed and slides closer to Frank "because I've been a fool, I'd love to go on as date with you"

Frank sniffled and looked up at Gerard "not just because you feel bad, right"

Gerard smiled "not because I feel bad, I wanna give it a try"

Frank smiled "well can we meet at the park, just on a bench somewhere, I-I'll bring the food"

Gerard nods his head "ok, can I get your number then" Frank cleared his throat and looked down in shame "I don't have a phone"

Gerard bites his lip "well I'll meet you after school? Maybe 6"

Frank perked up again and nods his head "perfect"

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