Rich and Poor (part 2)

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Frank quickly got home and ran into the kitchen "mom, can I use 4 slices of bread"

Linda gasped "Frankie that's loads, why do you want so much" Frank smiled shyly as he turned to his mom "I-I have a date"

Linda smiled "that's great Frank, but that's to last us until next week"

Frank bites his lip "please mama, I really like this boy, I-I'll have my next 4 days worth of toast right now but please mom, I want to give him as much as I can"

Linda sighed "only if you're sure Frank"

Frank nods his head and quickly got to making sandwiches, he scraped the rest of his butter out but only had enough for one sandwich, he put a slice of cheese and some lettuce on it, he'd give that one to Gerard.

Frank on the other hand only out a little but of mustard on his sandwich, that's would be enough for him, he put them into dad which bags and tried he find more food.

He also grabbed a bag of chips that was his snack for Friday but he'd give that to Gerard too.

He filled up two bottles of water and put them in his bag along with the rest of the food.


When Frank got to the park he found a nice bench and waiting for Gerard.

After 10 minuets or so Gerard got there and sat down next to the scruffy boy "hey Gerard" Frank said happily but Gerard just slumped down and mumbled a short "hi"

Frank didn't let the dampen the mood "I-I made sandwiches and I brought chips too"

Now to Gerard that wasn't very exciting but to Frank it was 3 days for of food, that was a lot to him.

Frank pulled out Gerard's sandwich and handed it out, Gerard put out his hand and Frank placed the plastic bag in it, their finger tips brushed and Gerard pulled his hand back quickly.

Franks smile faded into a frown as Gerard looked at the sandwich in disgust, Frank pulled out the bag of Doritos "here, they were meant to be for Friday but I wanted you to have them"

"Do you shower"

Franks posture slumped as he looked down at the ground "I'm poor not homeless Gerard"

Gerard shrugged "well how do you clean your clothes" he asked, Frank frowned even more "cold water out the back in a bucket with a little bit of detergent"

Gerard shifted away from Frank a little making him gasp softly and sadly "I'm not a dirty dog Gerard, why are you treating me like one"

Gerard turned to Frank "I'm not saying that" he defended making Frank sigh and shake his head "but you're treating me like one" he whispered.

"This was a mistake" Frank said sadly as he stood up "I know I don't look the cleanest, I know I'm poor but fuck, I just packed together 3 or 4 days worth of food so I could try and give you a decent date but that's not enough for you" he said before pulling his ripped up back pack on "don't you see Gerard" he whimpered out "I just gave you my all and you didn't give a fuck"

Tears built up in Franks eyes "maybe we won't work after all, but that's not my fault Gerard"

Frank started walking down the path and just sleepy home, he would have taken the sandwich and chips back but he decided he'd leave it with Gerard.

Maybe then Gerard would realise that what he things is shit is actually Frank trying his best.

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