Scraped Knees

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(Little Gee, Daddy Frank)

Frank makes his way to the skate park with his friends where they were gonna have a great time since Frank had pot.

When they got there Frank started making a blunt instantly, once he finished and took a couple puffs he saw a bunch of girls pushing someone around.

It was a boy with soft looking brown hair, he wore white knee high shorts, light blue vans and a light blue sweater.

The girls took his skate board and pushed him to the ground, Frank cringed as he saw that the boys knees scraped across the concrete floor.

The girls walked away with a laugh and the boys boards Franks friends laughed as the boy started crying but Frank didn't think it was funny what do ever.

Soon the boy stood up and wiped his tears, Frank looked down at the boys knees and gasped "oh my god" he whispered as he quickly picked up his bag.

The poor boys knees were scraped up pretty bad and there was some blood running down one of his legs.

Frank stubbed out the blunt and put it in his pocket before skating over "hey, are you ok" he asked worriedly, the boy looked up as more tears fell down his face, he pointed over to the girls that pushed him over and looked back at Frank sadly.

Frank smiled "I'll be back in a second" he said before skating over and quickly around them as he grabbed the cute boys board from the girls hands "thank you" he said with a smirk before going back over to him.

The cute boy smiled and hugged Frank "thank you" he said, his smile still there until Frank looked down at his knees "I'm Frank, let me get you cleaned up"

"I'm Gerard" he said with a smile as he let Frank lead him over to one of the not so high ramps.

Gerard sat down at the high end while Frank was in front of him, Gerard's knees i front of Franks shoulders.

Frank smiled as he pulled out a sanitising wipe from his bag "hold my hand, it might sting a little Frank said softly making Gerard smile and take his hand.

Frank started to wipe Gerard wounds making him hiss loudly and grip Franks hand tight.

Frank smiled and continued to finish up cleaning the wounds.

Frank pulled out gauze and wrapped it around Gerard's knees, Gerard giggled "why do you have all this stuff in your backpack" he asked making Frank smile "I constantly get hurt when I'm here, I've learned my lesson"

Gerard giggled but then blushed as Frank pressed soft kisses to Gerard's knees and looked up at him "all better sweetheart, you'll be back to skating in no time"

Gerard giggled "thank you dadd- Frank, thank you Frank" he said with a bright blush, Frank put his hands on Gerard's hips "no, daddy sounds about right"

Gerard giggled "are you teasing me" he asked with another small, nervous giggle.

Frank smiled "yes and no" he said as he pulled Gerard down onto the ground next to him "let's go sit on the bench, I wouldn't wanna see such a pretty boy like you crying again due to another injury"

Gerard giggled as he held his skateboard tight in his hand, Frank doing the same with his own.

When they sat down Gerard noticed the girls glaring at the two boys "I don't like it when they stare"

Frank smirked "they're just jealous because you're so pretty and you caught my attention, they wish they were you" he said as he put his arm around Gerard's shoulders.

Gerard giggled "how do you know they're jealous of me though, what if they hate both of us"

Frank shrugged "they come here the same days we do because one of them just stays straight across from the skatepark and the come out here when we do, they're always trying to catch my attention and they're jealous that you did" he said as he reached his arm all the way around so he could rub his thumb across Gerard cheek bone.

Gerard blushed which made Frank chuckle "how old are you sweetheart"

Gerard smiled "I'm 17 but I'm gonna be 18 in a couple of weeks"

Frank nods his head "I'm turning 19 on Halloween"

Gerard gasped "oh my gosh that's so cool" he said making Frank chuckle "I guess so, anyway where are your friends" he asked as he looked around the skate park, Gerard sighed "I don't actually have any, not since I came out as gay and-"

Gerard cut himself off, too scared to tell Frank the other thing, even though he already knew "and when you told people you were a little"

Gerard sighed and nods his head with a frown, Frank huffed "hey don't frown, a boy as pretty as you shouldn't be frowning" he said as he cleaned a little closer.

Gerard shook his head "I wish I had friends and a daddy" he whispered as tears threaten to fall.

Frank moved closer to Gerard and shook his head "who needs friends of they're just gonna be fake"

Gerard sighed "I guess so"

Frank smiled softly "hey what if I gave you a kiss, would that make you feel better" he asked making Gerard giggle and blush "you don't have to"

Frank shook his head and chuckled "I'd be honoured to give you a kiss"

Gerard giggled and out his hand on the side of Franks neck "so we're actually doing this" Gerard asked as they started leaning forward.

Frank chuckled "yeah, we're really doing this" he whispered before pressing his lips against Gerard's.

Their lips moved slowly but the kiss was a little deep, deeper than they both expected.

Frank pulls away after a couple more seconds and smiles "did that make you feel better" he asked as he sat closer to Gerard, surprised he wasn't basically sitting on Gerard's lap right now.

"Much better daddy" he whispered making Frank grin, Gerard mirrored that grin but it soon fell "shit I gotta go home, I've got school tomorrow"

Gerard quickly grabbed his skateboard and was ready to skate off when Frank stopped him "wait" he said quickly making Gerard turn around and smile "yeah Frankie"

Frank stepped forward and took Gerard's hand "can I get your number or walk you home or something"

Gerard smiled and picked up his skateboard "I'd like if you walked me home"

The walk was filled with mindless chatter as they held hands.

When they got to Gerard's door Frank smiles sadly "I enjoyed tonight with you" he admits making Gerard blush "I enjoyed tonight too, apart from scraping my knees pretty bad" he said making Frank chuckle.

"So...can I get your number" Frank asks again making Gerard giggle and nod his head, he wrote his number down on Franks arm "call me" he said before pecking Franks lips and going inside.

Frank smiled and quickly put the number in his phone while the marker was still readable.

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