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Franks family was poor and unfortunately that left Frank in a wheelchair, he had gotten into a car accident when he was 13 and never recovered fully.

Surgery was expensive and Franks family didn't have the money for it.

"Frankie, we gotta go to the hospital" Gerard said as he walked into the living room.

Frank sighed and wheeled himself out into the hall "it's been too long, I don't think I'll be able to walk" Frank said sadly making Gerard frown "no baby, don't think like that" he said before leaning down and pecking Franks lips "even if you can't walk again, I'll still love you"

Frank and Gerard have been dating for 4 years, they got together when they were 14, Frank thought it was a joke at first but the way Gerard looked at Frank couldn't be faked.

"Ok Gee"


"So we can bring you into surgery on Friday" the doctor said making Gerard and Frank grin like idiots "oh, no problem, we'll see you then"

When both boys made their way out the hospital Gerard bent down and hugged Frank tightly "oh fuck you're gonna walk again and I'm gonna cry and we're gonna be so happy"

Frank hugged Gerard as tight as he could "I'm gonna cry too" he said making Gerard chuckle "come on babe, let's go tell your mom the good news"


It had been a month since Franks surgery and he has been in therapy to help him walk again, he nailing it in his opinion.

Gerard wasn't allowed to any of the sessions because Frank wanted Gerard to see him walk properly.

And today was that day.

Frank smiled like a moron as he walked down the street, Gerard didn't know he was coming so it would be a pleasant surprise.

Frank walked straight into the house and into the living room where Gerard was sat.

Frank cleared his throat making Gerard jump, his eyes lit up "Frankie" he cried out as he jumped up from the couch.

"You're walking" he said excitedly before wrapping his arms  around Franks shoulders "my baby's walking, oh my god" Gerard cried out.

Franks arms wrapped around Gerard's waist "I fucking love you Gerard" Frank almost sobbed out.

Gerard felt like crying too "I love you so much"

Frank pulled away but took Gerard's hand in his "there's something I have to do" he whispered before dropping to one knee.

Gerard covered his mouth with his hands "I was too scared to come up with a speech I just have one question, Gerard Way, will you marry me" he asked as he pulled out a small black box.

Frank opened it as Gerard dropped to his knees "I'd he honoured" he said with a massive smile and teary eyes "yes I'll marry you"

Frank slipped the ring on before pulling Gerard into a tight hug, they help each other tight as Ray, Donna and Mikey got home.

"Oh my god what happened" Donna asked worriedly, nether boys pulled away, Gerard just showed them the ring on his finger.

Donna squealed "my boy is getting married" she said excitedly as he kissed both boys on the head softly "we'll give you some time, boys go to Rays" Donna demanded as she pushed them out the house.

Gerard and Frank were left alone once again, nether of them moved, they both sobbed happily and didn't want to let go.

Frank sniffled "thank you for being there when I needed you most" he whispered, he was referring to the times Gerard helped him into bed, getting him things from the top shelf, helping him get dressed.

Frank was thankful for it all.

"You don't need to thank me baby, I don't it because I love you and you repaid me with this amazing relationship" Gerard whispered making Franks smile "I love you Gerard"

"I love you too Frank" Gerard cried out before pressing his lips against Franks.

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