Gamer Boy

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Frank sat in the den as he was yelling to his friends down his head set.

"Pete I need back up this guy is trying to kill me" Frank yelled as he pressed several buttons "fuck, you asshole I fucking died"

Gerard walked into the den with Franks lunch, he didn't ask for it but Gerard decided that his boyfriend needed to eat.

"Hey guys give me a second" Frank said as he muted his mic, he looked up at Gerard and took the sandwich and chips "thank you baby, you didn't have to" he said with a smile, Gerard smiled "well I thought you needed to eat something since that last thing you had was breakfast" he said as he sat down "thank you baby"

Frank leaned forward and pecked Gerard's lips before unmuting his mic "ok I'm back"

"No no Gerard made me lunch, damn I've got the best boyfriend ever" Frank said with a smile.

After another 5 minutes Gerard felt himself grow a little lonely and he crawled onto Franks lap, he wrapped his arms around Franks ribcage and laid his head on Franks shoulder.

"Hey guys give me a minuet" Frank said before he muted his mic and took off his headset "are you ok baby" he asked as he wrapped his arms around Gerard's shoulders.

Gerard pouts "I'm lonely, I wanna cuddle and watch movies with you" he said making Frank sigh and kiss Gerard's cheek "how about we spend tonight together huh, make the room all romantic, well cuddle, watch movies and I'll make you feel like the most prettiest boy in the fucking world" Frank said making Gerard giggle "ok, meet me up stairs at 5, that gives me time to make the room all pretty"

Frank grinned "that sounds perfect baby but why does it take 2 hours for you to make the room romantic"

Gerard giggled "because I wanna shave my legs and pick out the movies for when you come up" he said making Frank nods his head "alright baby"

Gerard pecked Franks lips and got off him before quickly running out of the den and upstairs.


It was 4:30 and Frank was going to go upstairs and start watching movies early with Gerard but the loud knock on the door stopped him.

He quickly opened the door for Brendon, Pete and Andy to push past him "we brought beer and you're the one with the biggest tv, let's get wasted and play video games" Pete said as they made their way down into the den.

Frank quickly closed the door and chased after them "you guys can't stay long, me and Gerard are gonna have a romantic night in"

Andy nods his head "that's fine, we'll be out of here when you want us to be"


It was 6 o'clock now and Gerard was still sitting on the bed waiting for Frank.

He had texted his boyfriend 3 times already but he didn't answer, Gerard decided that he'd finally move from the bed to go down to the den.

Gerard looked in the mirror before he left just to make sure his hair looked ok, he wore a hoodie that stopped just half way down his thighs and a pair of tight boxers.

He made his way down to the den and frowned when he heard Franks friends, he stood at the door and bites his lip to stop it from shaking.

Frank was laughing and shouting at the tv with his friends, Gerard quickly moved away from the door and sniffles as he walked up stairs.

He wasn't gonna tell Frank what to do, it was obvious Frank was more interested in playing games with his friends.

When Gerard got back into their bedroom tears fell down his face as he looked over the candle lit room.

There was a trail of rose petals leading to the bed, Gerard choked back a sob as he moved the rose petals and threw them into the corner of the room, Gerard put the dvds back onto the shelf and he blew out the candles before laid down in bed.

A few hours later Frank finally checked his phone and gasped "shit, you guys gotta go, I was meant to go back up stairs 4 and a half hours ago" Frank said as he turned off the game and ran out of the den and upstairs.

When he opened the door Frank turned the lights on quickly and looked around the room to see the rose petals in the corner and the blown out candles.

Frank looked at the bed to see a shaking lump under the covers "baby" Frank whispered as he walked further into the room and shut the door.

Gerard sniffles causing Frank to move faster "Geebear" he whispered as he pulled back the covers to reveal Gerard curled up in a ball, his cheeks were tear stained and his eyes were puffy "go away Frank"

Gerard pulled the covers back over his head, Frank sighed knowing that he fucked up.

Frank looked around the room before licking his shoes off and re lighting the candles, he picked a movie and put it on.

Frank stripped from his clothes before turning out the lights and climbing into bed.

Frank turned to Gerard as the movie started to play "I'm so sorry baby, please come here, it's still early" Frank said desperately.

Gerard pulled the covers from over his head and flared up at Frank "yeah well we could have had more time if you didn't put you're friends and video games before me" he said dryly before turning his back to Frank.

The other man sighed and moved a little bit closer to Gerard "baby, please I'm so sorry, I-I didn't mean for this to happen, please forgive me, I'll do anything" he said sadly as he moved even closer.

Gerard sniffles and shook his head "all I wanted to do was spend the night with you, I thought we could have fun but maybe the thought of it was boring to you and that's why your friends were here"

Frank shook his head and wrapped his arm around Gerard's waist "that's not true baby, please just let me explain, it won't make the situation any better but please let me try"

Gerard turned on his back and looked at Frank "explain to me then, explain to me why you ditched you're boyfriend"

Frank caressed Gerard's cheek "it was half 4 they guys came over and they brought beer, I should have told them to come back at another time but instead I was dumb and told them they had to leave at five, well I got so caught up in the game I didn't even realise what the time was, time flew so quickly I thought it really had only been half a hour" Frank said before he sighed "I've never felt so guilty in my life, I'm so sorry baby, I'm a dumbass" he whispered.

Gerard giggled a little "yeah you are a dumbass"

Frank smiled and rubbed Gerard's chest softly "do you forgive me" he whispered, Gerard sighed "make me forgive you" he said before turning his back to Frank.

The tattooed man sighed and wrapped his arms around Gerard's waist "I will baby"

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