The Letter

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(Kinda sad)

'Dear Gerard,

I don't really know how to start, you are so amazing and talented, I don't deserve you, I've been saying that for the past 2 years but after everything I found out, the lies, the cheating, maybe I don't deserve you, maybe I deserve someone who will treat me with respect

I hate that I thought I found the most perfect guy who lived and cared for me

But it was all lies

Lies to make people jealous, people of your past

I gave you everything I ever had Gerard but you never did the same, I love you with every single piece of my being

But you don't love me

If you lived me you wouldn't have done what you done, you wouldn't have given me hope that I could get married and start a family

2 years filled with lies

I love you Gerard but I've got to go, if you can't tell my the messy handwriting, I'm crying

I'm sobbing my fucking heart out

But you don't care, you never cared

Goodbye Gerard'

Frank sniffles as he placed the letter onto Gerard's pillow, maybe he'll find it before he sleeps with one of his ex's again.

Frank put his things into the trunk of his car before frowning at the house, the house he hoped to share with a family one day.

"Hey Frankie"

Frank turned around too look at Gerard before walking over and putting the house keys in his hand "goodbye Gerard" he whispered before going back to his car.

Gerard watched him confused and followed "baby, where are you going" he asked quickly, Frank not turning towards the man "Frankie" he said as he got into the car.

Frank pulled out of the dive before he drove away for good, Gerard quickly ran into the house before running up to their bedroom.

He started to panic as he saw all Franks things were gone, he looked down to see a letter down on the pillow.

Frank sat down on the bed as he read the letter hurriedly, his hand covering his mouth as he got halfway through.

Once he finished the letter a sob escaped him mouth "no Frankie" he sobbed out before quickly getting off the bed and grabbing his phone.

He called Frank again and again and again but no response, until he got a text.

Frank: leave me alone Gerard

Gerard: I'm so fucking sorry Frankie

Frank: well sorry won't cut it, I'm blocking you and I hope to never see you again, is there anything you'd like to say, this is the last thing you'll ever get to say

Gerard: I love you Frank, it has been a privilege being with you

Gerard: I hope we can try again one day


Frank threw his phone into the pond before getting back into his car "goodbye Gerard Way"

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