More Reverse Batfam Trash

By Morally_Gray

134K 3.9K 1.7K

--stock photo appreciation-- Sequel to 'Reverse Batfam Trash'. It's kinda what got me started on Wattpad, nd... More

Damian Babysits for the Weekend
Nighty Night Small Bird Child
Boys in Trouble (Part One)
Boys in Trouble (Part Two)
What Are Little Brothers For if Not to Terrorize?
Our Weird Step-Brother Isn't Even Human
Which is the Problem Daughter (Genderbent Robins AU)
Jason Todd's Guide to Babysitting a Five Year Old
Biggest Brother Jay
Femme Robins Travel through Time
Our Weird Step-Brother Still Isn't Human (Part Two)
Family Reunion
Femme Robins Travel through Dimensions
Sneaking Out Like a Star-Crossed lover
Overprotective Brothers VS Bringing a Boy Home
Halloween Night (Chapter One)
Halloween Night (Chapter Two)
Halloween Night (Chapter Three)
Just a Plain Old Hogwarts AU
Very Truly NOT What Wally West Expected
Robin's New Teammate (Impeachment Special)
Robin's New Teammate (Part Two)
Polyamory (Proof That Wayne Boys Simp for Redheads)
He All Grown Up
Very Truly NOT What Willow Expected (Part Two)
Security Blanket
The Baby ...i.e Bruce Wayne: tired mom
Hogwarts AU Part Two!
Bats Babysit the Team
The BEST Big Brother (The Baby Boye returns)
Sidekick SadBoy Hour
The Dumbest, Best, Moron of an Older Brother (i.e Jason Todd)
Damian's Little Brother
Babysitter Jay, his Girlfriend, and their Boyfriend
Jason Graduates Highschool
Sidekick Sadboy Hour Part Two; Mother-Hen Roy Harper
How to Spot ADHD in Young Birds
My Attempt at a Chanukah Special
Bats Vs. Winter (Part One?)
Clash of the Dads
How is This my First Christmas Special?
Laser Tag
Hetero (Birdflash Angst)
Part of the Family (Wally West)
Roy Learns the art of Big Brother-ing
Not my World, Still my Family(Part 50!!)
Reverse Superfam?! (Teaching Jon the art of Big Brother-ing)
Not my World, Still my Family (PART 2)
Boy Wonder (Trans AU)
Becoming a Boy (Trans AU)
Coming out to Wally
The Sibling Squad (Part 1)
Sibling Squad (Part 2)
Evaluation Day
Soon-to-be-Stepfamily (Superbat)
Two Dates and a Playdate (Ft. TimBart & JayRoy)
Meta Bats AU
Almost a Member of the Family
Valentine's Snow Day (Dick and the Redheads)
Circa 1966: The Adventures of Batman and the Robins!
High Jason Vs. Drunk Tim
Teen Titans Face off Against Brotherly Love
Brothers Vs. Bullies
Big/Little Brother (Almost a Member of the Family Part 2)
The World's Best Vlog
Teen Tight(an)s "Documentary" episode 13: The Justice Hideout
Spooky Season with the Sirens
Dick's Polyamorous Team-Dating
Dick's PolyTeam (2): Things get Violent
The Stormy Sleepover
Mother's Day with Alfred Pennyworth
Another New Friend
Fluffy Baby Drabbles
Little Wing
Big Bad Bat's Baby Bat-Birds (Part 1?)
Pride with Your Baby Brother's friends (Part 1?)
You'll Always Be Our Little Brother
Pride vs. The Press
Pride Vs. The Press (part 2)
Bats Go Live!!!
Big/Little Brother Turns One!
Bedtime for Big Bat's Baby Bat-Birds (part 2)
Batbros Social Media (Gay Edition)
Super For the Weekend
More Deaged Dickie Drabbles
The Suffering of a Middle-Child
Duke's Night out
Frankenstein's Monster
The Fog that Overtook Wayne Manor
The "Haunted" Doll
They're Creepy and They're Kooky...
BatGirl Begins
Trick-or-Treat! (Black Cat's Bad Luck)
Stormy Sleepover Part Two

Jason Probably got Inspired by This... (TimKonBart)

1K 36 12
By Morally_Gray

-Remember when I asked what your favorite Tim Drake ship is? This is what that was for-


Damian - 27

Tim - 18

Jason - 15

Dick - 10

"We should get a picture in here, where it's light."

"Yeah. Hey, hold the phone." Tim passed it up to his boyfriend. Kon had to bend over to get both his boyfriends in the shot

"Have fun on your date!" Jason leaned over the banister to tease his brother. The irony was that it really WAS a date, Tim just hadn't told them.

"Date?" Dick asked.

"No!" Jason rolled his eyes that Dick had taken him so literally. "It can't be a date! There's three of them!"

"Oh right." Dick nodded. "And they're all boys."

Jason shrugged, shaking his head. "No, you can date boys."


"Yeah, it's science."

Damian brushed past his idiot baby brothers oon his way to the kitchen and caught sight of Tim and his boyfriends. "I thought you'd already left."

"Hi Damian." Tim replied. "Bruce said you're taking over the Hastings case tonight, right?"

"I am."

"Good, I'm keeping my notes. Write your own damn paper."

Damian wanted to smack him, Tim was so much more annoying around his friends. It's like he felt some obligation to look cool in front of him. Still, the brothers had some sort of code: you can't fuck up your brother's date, unless it's for their own benefit. and anything Damian wanted to do to Tim certainly wouldn't benefit him.

"Just leave, when I inherit the manor you're going to be banned."

"Bold to assume Bruce will leave you anything." Tim shot back. "If he's leaving this place to anyone it's me!"

"Bold to assume you'll live that long."

"OOOOOOOOH!" Jason leaned over the banister, just to be an obnoxious little shit.

Tim scoffed. "Jason, even if you do live that long, Bruce won't leave you anything."

"What about those old guns hidden in the display case?"

Damian rolled his eyes, ducking out to the kitchen "Those aren't his, idiot!"

"Yeah, they're Alfred's." Tim told him.

"Well they're still going to be mine!" Jason crossed his arms defiantly.

"In your dreams. C'mon guys, let's go." Tim told his boyfriends, who'd been standing there uncomfortably through that whole exchange. It was like going to your friend's house as a kid and your friends starts arguing with their parents, and you just... stand there.

"Bye Tim!" Dick shouted. 

"Bye Dick!" He called back, not acknowledging his other two brothers, who could rot in hell.


Damian was impatient. He had to watch his little brothers, completely solo on the Hastings case.

Dick and Jason had to sit out a lot while he was working, and they were so bored. "This blows." Jason groaned. He was FOURTEEEN! Why wouldn't Damian let him do anything?

He stood up and slunk down this ally. Dick perked up and hurried after him. "Wait! Where are you going?" 

"Anywhere!" Jason replied. "Saw this abandoned house on our way in. I'm gonna break in!"

"But that's not allowed!" Dick said.

Jason shrugged. "You don't have to come!"

He did.

"How do we get in?" Dick asked. "Damian will hear us." 

"Watch and learn baby bird." Jason slid a few sticky cups from his belt and suck them to one of the windows. He secured them and yanked the window out of its socket. "Come on!" He hissed, climbing inside.

Jason's flashlight bounced around the dusty room as they crawled into the condemned house. Dick clutched his brother's arm. "This is creepy!"

"Shh!" Jason lead the room to the next room and froze. This room looked less abandoned... photographs were taped to the wall in a small collage. "Creepy..." He whispered, stalking towards the wall. 

"Jason." Dick pulled his sleeve. "Let's go."

"Shh, wait." Jason focussed his flashlight on the photo collection, some of those were looking... familiar. Pictures cut from Tim's Instagram, his graduation photo, middle school and highschool yearbook photos... 
"Tim?" Jason asked quietly.

"What is that?" Dick asked in a shaky voice.

"I don't know." Jason admitted. "Get outta here. Go get Demon and bring him back."

"No!" Dick objected he didn't want to go off alone after seeing this.

"Look, I'll walk you to the window, then get Demon, and I'll keep an eye out here." Dick reluctantly agreed, and they shuffled back to the window. 

Dick found Damian very easily, since the vigilante had been looking for his missing brothers to yell at for leaving their post. 

"What are you doing here?" Damian hissed.

"Shh! Just... Follow be." Jason lead the way to the livingroom. Dick didn't want to come, but he REALLY didn't want to be left alone outside.

Damian kept a stone face when shown the shrine. He turned to Jason. "Is this a joke?" Jason shook his head, the flash of concern in his eyes proved he was telling the truth. Damian stooped to investigate the belongings scattered around the floor. He found a small dollar store calendar and began flipping through the pages. Each day was crossed out, up until the current date; August fifteenth. August fifteenth was circled in red.

"That's yesterday, right?" Jason asked nervously.

Damian shook his head. "Whatever this date means, it's today."

They heard a faint whimper from Dick. "What does it mean?"

"I don't know." Damian told him.

Dick thought for a second. "Well, what do we do?"

Damian stood and stretched. "First: Take photos of all this. Second:" He sighed, these were words he never wanted to say. "We need to ensure Timothy Drake's safety."


"Seriously, no price limit!"

Bart and Kon exchanged looks. "No way. We're not letting you pay!" 

"Well not for all of it." Bart interrupted.

Tim rolled his eyes. "I'm the ward of one of the richest guys in the US. Let me pay!"

"No way! You make us feel all indebted." Bart argued.

"Good." Tim said. "Save that up for later tonight."

"Geez, Even I want you to turn it down." Kon told him. 

"Yeah, and he's one of the horniest guys I know." Bart agreed. 

Tim rolled his eyes. "Order whatever you want because I'M paying."


"So we go in and take him home?" Dick asked, staring at the restaurant front.

"No." Damian told him. "Whoever is squatting inside that house, they would do to the Manor first."

"So we run in, grab Tim, and hide him in the batcave for a bit?" Jason offered.

"Drake wouldn't come with us unless we tell him why, and then this little boyfriends would start to overrun Gotham and get in our way, finding him."

"So what do we do?" Jason snapped.

"For now," Damian sighed. "We watch him, get close, and keep our eyes out for anyone trying to-" Damian actually didn't know what that person wanted to do, and the only guesses he had weren't appropriate to bring up in front of Dick. "We need to watch him."


"Can I have some?" Bart asked. His boyfriend offered a forkful of spaghetti, which he took. "Thank you!"

"'welcome." Tim replied, turning to the third partner. "Garlic bread?"

Conner slid it over. "Knock yourself out."

"Thanks." Tim chomped into the garlic bread. This was a great night!

Two booths over, Jason Todd was slumped over in his seat, kicking his legs lazily. His idea had been a steak out, not sitting in a restaurant and listening to Tim and his friends being weirdly lovey-dovey. Why were they so affectionate?

Damian had to order something for them so they wouldn't look suspicious. He got a drink, Jason got the closest thing they had to fries, and Dick got a bowl of pasta from their kid's menu. This wasn't how he wanted to spend his night. and he could come up with as many excuses as he wanted, but the truth was that he didn't want Tim to get hurt. That was annoying. He hated Tim, but he wanted to keep him safe. 

Speaking of wanting to keep Tim safe, Damian did not like his boyfriends. Tim hadn't actually introduced them as his boyfriends, but it was obvious! also they were saved under really affectionate names in Tim's phone. 

Look, Damian hated Tim, but he was even insulted by all this. Anyone who was considered his brother should be able to get better boyfriends than Bart Allen and Conner Kent.


After their dinner out, they'd hit up a grocery store, and now the three were strolling down the sidewalk, eating through a pack of birthday cake Oreos. Kon said something he found funny and Tim almost puked laughing, they got energized of each other like this, everything was hilarious when they were together. 

Next stop: the Local elementary school's playground. They were gonna sit there and snack and talk until curfew.

His boyfriends were making them laugh so hard he payed no mind to their surroundings. There were only two-ish people on the sidewalk, and he obviously had no clue his brothers were tailing them from about a block behind them.

Tim was almost pissing himself at how funny his boyfriends were, his guard was down. All of them were out as civilians, which was about to be a lot more helpful than they could expect.

Tim felt someone grab his wrist. He turned, about to tell Kon to leave it in the bedroom, when he realized it wasn't his boyfriend.

It was just some guy.

Some guy who had locked onto his arm, and was being dragged away from his partners.

"UH. HEY! STOP!" He tried to jerk his arm away. He was still in shock, barely processing the situation. "Hey-"

His brother's couldn't make it in time. In fact, Conner and Bart beat them to it in seconds. They didn't keep weapons or handcuffs on them, like bats did, but you know what can also be used to attack and restrain people? A Superboy.

By the time Damian caught up. Tim's taller third had a thirty-year-old man in a choke hold on the concrete, while Tim's (slightly) shorter third was clinging to him protectively.

"Tim! are you okay?" Dick hit him and Bart like a torpedo, hugging them.

"What're you doing here?" Tim asked. "What's going on?"

"We found a shrine to you in an abandoned house." Jason said, hurrying over. 

"It had today circled in a calendar!" Dick told him, he'd been really scared.

"What?" Tim was very overwhelmed, he'd just been laughing with his boyfriends, and now... "Like, a stalker?"

"Exactly like a stalker." Damian agreed, shoving Kon so he could get the man's hands for cuffing.

Tim suddenly found that he was clinging onto Bart around the middle, desperately trying to stop his boyfriend from beating the shit out of that guy. He had no clue what was happening.

"Stop." He said, setting Bart back and darting over to stop Conner from killing the guy. "Guys, lets just head back to the manor and talk!" 
His boyfriends had to respect his decision, even though they wanted that man dead. "Can you guys walk me back?" He grabbed his better two thirds.

Damian watched them hurry down the sidewalk, restraining the man. Okay, his annoying little brother could still do better, but at least Tim was safe with them.

-EDIT: Y'ALL I just realized it's  part 49. What do you guys wanna see in part 50?!-

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