RWBY's Monstrous Education

By Kblade60

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A story I'm bringing over from Fanfiction. Inspired by CMBasher07's "RWBY Learns About Monster Hunter". Katan... More

The Fated Four (Part 1)
The Fated Four (Part 2)
Vaal Hazak
The Amphibians
The Cave Creatures
Teostra and Lunastra
Gore Magala
Shagaru Magala
Kushala Daora
Meeting Their Monsters
Yian Kut-Ku and Yian Garuga
The New Batch
The Bear Beasts
Kinship Attacks (Part 1)
Kinship Attacks (Part 2)
Basarios and Gravios
Diablos and Monoblos
Seltas and Queen
Kulu Ya-Ku
Piscine Wyverns
Akantor and Ukanlos
Shara Ishvalda
Lao Shan Lung
Yama Tsukami
Kulve Taroth
Dire Miralis
Beasts Below
Big Mouths
Fatalis (Part 1)
Fatalis (Part 2)
Disufiroa and Merphistophelin
Kinship Attacks 2
Bonus - Cotton's Silly Weapons
The Weapons of Monster Hunter (Part 1)
The Weapons of Monster Hunter (Part 2)
Zorah Magdaros
Great Izuchi
Akura Vashimu
Kecha Wacha
Nefu Garumudo
Eo Garudia
Monster Riders (Part 1)
Monster Riders (Part 2)
Royal Ludroth
Great Wroggi and Great Baggi
Malzeno (Part 1)
Malzeno (Part 2)


6.4K 33 73
By Kblade60

"Is there any chance I can talk you out of playing the wolf monster lore?" Blake asked.

"Is there any chance you'd let Zwei sit with you the entire rest of the viewings?" Katana questioned back.

"No." She admitted.

"Alright, then." Katana said.

"A wolf would've been my second choice of things for Oz to turn me into." Qrow said.

"But then you wouldn't be able to fly across kingdoms." Ozpin reminded him.

A strange large bird was shown grazing in the woods, when it suddenly raised its head and looked around. Suddenly, the massive figure of a quadrupedal creature lumbered through the forest with an epic song playing behind it for a bit. It then cut back to the herbivores of the forest, who were scrambling to get away with screams playing as they dashed back and forth frantically to escape. A bit more of the creature was shown, the song once again accompanying it as strange bugs were seen flying around it. More screaming and running from the herbivores was then shown. They even ran past a bear-like creature that was busy eating honey from a beehive, not caring what they were running from, until it dropped the beehive. It went to retrieve it, but then noticed the wolf creature and ran for its life, the wolf creature instead stomping down on the hive and roaring proudly as it reached a clearing, the bugs spiraling all around it as it brought its paw down on the screen with a squishing sound effect, the song playing all the while.

"Dang. I know it's a big monster, but it must be real nasty if everything runs from it like that." Jaune said.

"It's clearly a predator and a very large one at that. It only makes sense to flee from a creature that could devour you with little to no effort." Winter explained.

"It definitely looks like things should be running from it, though." Neo declared.

"It's a shame that bear didn't get to finish its honey." Pyrrha said sympathetically.

"I liked the song that was playing during this, though. Qrow, did you happen to listen to that one?" Ironwood asked.

"Hungry Like the Wolf by Duran Duran. Gotta give you credit, you got a good ear for music, James." Qrow admitted, the two sharing a rare fist bump... with Ironwood's human hand this time. Qrow wouldn't be making that mistake again.

"Oh yes, fellow hunters, welcome. Can you feel it in the air? The potential? The crackle? The tingle on your skin? Well, it's time, finally, for everyone's favorite thunder puppy. Meet, then, Zinogre." Rage declared as an intimidating mountain region was shown at night during a thunderstorm, rugged mountain terrain and dead trees was all that could be seen, before Zinogre suddenly stomped onto the scene. A female hunter was then shown making her way through the area, reacting to some falling rocks, then turning to see the mighty beast glaring down at her from a high up peak, before pouncing down at her. "Named after an ogre, of course, because he's as ugly as one." Rage insulted the mighty beast, before a clip was shown of a number of guys were shown cheering super loud as if they were cheering about an epic burn.

"Aww, don't be mean to the thunder puppy!" Nora said with a pout.

"Yeah! I think he looks cool!" Ruby agreed.

"With that bulk and all those spikes, I'd say it looks pretty fierce and intimidating." Cinder said approvingly.

"And that fur looks sick. Almost as awesome as my hair." Yang added, running a hair through her flowing locks.

"Oh, please. That mane is far more refined than your unkempt mess." Weiss said. Yang glared at her, lilac eyes turning deep red. She made a mental note for later to ensure Weiss would not be sitting comfortably until graduating from Beacon.

"Okay, look. While how he works is both fascinating and badass, I've never aesthetic. But I don't want to start on a NEGATIVE, much rather a POSITIVE, CHARGE forward into this CURRENT video and really SPARK a discussion on the Thunder Wolf Wyvern." Rage declared, laughing a bit at his joke. As he said this the female hunter was doing her best to outrun and evade the creature, making sudden and sharp turns, which often led the beast to crash into a wall, until she dove through a large hole in a rock wall and rolling out the other side, Zinogre only able to fit its head through, pulling it back and trying to reach her with its claws, but not having any more success.

"He seems to be putting a strange emphasis on certain words." Penny noted.

"Negative, positive, charge, current and spark. Those all have something to do with..." Glynda listed, before realizing what it meant.

"They're all connected to electricity- Oh, no..." Ozpin said in horror.

"It was all one super long pun! I gotta give it to him, Rage's skill with puns is pretty... shocking!" Yang laughed.

"Please make it stop!" Velvet pleaded.

"I'll give you my best designer clothes, just no more puns!" Coco bargained.

"Never!" Yang and Neo declared together.

"His forelimbs, thick and muscled, able to crush into the very rock beneath him, with razor sharp claws adorning his paws, each almost as piercing as his roars." Rage elaborated in a mystifying manner as the Zinogre repeatedly charged the rock wall, eventually bringing it down and roaring with pride as it prepared to take on the hunter. "White fur lining his body, interchanging with gold-plated scale, giving him this regal appearance capped off with a wolf's face adorned with twin horns, standing proud as he bared his fanged maw and... chin spikes..." Rage continued, before slowly stopping as he got to the chin spikes, the image frozen on the screen. "Seriously, what could've required him to evolve and develop a chin spike?! He could use his lower jaw as a fork!" He snapped as the cartoon image of a steak flew onto the screen and was stabbed onto his chin spikes.

"They're likely a defensive adaptation to discourage any direct attacks to Zinogre's head or face." Ren deduced.

"Yeah, just like how a straight forward rush is a bad idea against a boarbetusk." Blake said with a smirk, looking at Weiss.

"Agree- Hey!" Weiss cried out as she realized she'd been insulted.

"Weiss, surely you didn't do anything so foolish." Winter said. Weiss looking down in shame told her all she needed to know. "We'll be having a discussion on proper Grimm combat procedures later." She declared.

"Then, of course, we have his tail, broad and essentially a tool for battering his enemies into submission. Zinogre, then, is used to being the unchallenged apex of all he surveys and what he surveys is the misty peaks he calls home." Rage explained as Aylia was crouched down, observing a Zinogre from a small distance away, miraculously without being spotted. "Enough physical strength to wrestle down an angry Tigrex," He declared as the image of a Tigrex appeared on screen, "Speed and grace to make a Nargacuga jealous," He added on as the image of a blushing Nargacuga appeared on screen, softly calling the thunder wolf "Baka" before flying off-screen. "He essentially is the full package and it is being delivered, first-class to your face and no, it's not gonna be handled with care." Rage went on as the Zinogre finally noticed Aylia and attacked viciously, sending her flying back with a slam of its paw.

"Tigrex is pretty popular, huh?" Jaune asked.

"One of the most famous, infamous and easily recognizable monsters known to man due to its striking appearance and overwhelming power, yes." Katana confirmed.

"That Nargacuga thing looks pretty cool, too." Yang said.

"And it was so cute when it blushed!" Ruby declared, Blake nodding in agreement, secretly hoping that would be her monster, as it was the most cat-like she'd seen so far. "But what does Baka mean?" Ruby asked.

"It has complex usage in the Japanese language, but generally means 'fool' or 'idiot', Ruby." Penny answered diligently.

"It's an anime thing, it'd take a while to explain." Katana told them.

"Using the perfect triumvirate of speed, strength and agility, leaping into the air as fast as you can blink, twirling in the moonlight and slamming down with back or tail, surging forward with a shoulder barge that would make even a greatsword user froth at the mouth, the horns able to impale you without a second thought, armor shredding like paper, he really is able to hold his own, but he needs a little bit more than this to continue staking his claim. He gets regularly into fights, aggressively territorial, he would rather die than give up his land." Rage explained as Aylia continued facing off against the beasts, dodging some of the aforementioned attacks, but also, on occasion, sending a ball of lightning at her, before howling as strange lights flowed into him.

"Indeed an impressive trio few can pull off with such success. Miss Xiao Long would likely be the best example." Glynda said, Yang puffing out her chest proudly, almost giving Neo a nosebleed as she did so.

"Yep. If there's one thing Tai did right for this girl, it was teaching her how to fight." Qrow said.

"Aww, you pitched in, too, Uncle Qrow." Yang said, hugging him.

"The aggression and constant fighting would likely explain the need for the chin spikes he criticized earlier." Ironwood noted.

"Fortunately, the land is full of living lights, painting the air in beautiful bio-luminescence. These are the thunderbugs, tiny little beetle-esque creatures that someone has stuck a mini taser to. And Zinogre, well... he is a fan. So, him and them have a symbiotic relationship and..." Rage began explaining Zinogre's allies.

"It's electrifying!" The familiar clip borrowed from Grease used in Kirin's lore played with the greaser falling to the ground, mimicking being electrocuted.

"Oh, not that again!" Coco complained.

"Give it a chance, Coco. You might like it. I always loved musicals." Velvet said, pouting a little as she remembered how Sun shut down her idea for the group to see that animated children's musical.

"I'm wondering if I could communicate with these thunderbugs similar to how I can with fireflies?" Penny pondered curiously.

"Nora needs her some thunderbugs! Gimme Zinogre armor!" Nora declared.

"Nora, you're already getting a thunder unicorn. Don't be greedy." Ren told her.

"And you all thought I was too obsessed with the Maiden powers." Cinder said, looking at Nora with a raised eyebrow.

"Because what a thunderbug does, shockingly, as the name would imply, is release small amounts of electricity. Harmless by itself, but when they come together in great swarms, the energy is shared and great thunderbolts lurch out!" Rage declared as familiar footage of Zinogre trying and failing to fight Mizutsune was shown, until the sound of thunder boomed and everything went black, before a swarm of thunderbugs flew across the black screen with the sound of electricity as well. "Frying those nearby. However, this is rare, unless a Zinogre is involved." He reassured the audience.

"That's good to hear." Pyrrha said in relief.

"Yeah. If I ever got fried by a bunch of bugs, I might as well give Crocea Mors to my little sister." Jaune said.

"So, where are you in the line up, exactly?" Neo asked.

"Five older sisters, two younger." Jaune explained. [1]

"So, how does this all connect? Well, a Zinogre's main prey is a Gargwa, this colorful, plump bird that makes the most irritating sounds." Rage explained, calmly at first, but slowly getting annoyed. It was soon revealed why as Aylia stood next to a Gargwa, which began to let out long, irritating honking noises, appearing to be directed mostly at her.

Everyone flinched at the bird's irritating squawks. "If we had those creature on Remnant and I encountered one, it would be a meal for the troops." Winter declared.

"Target practice." Ironwood and Ruby declared together.

"A punching bag." Yang added.

"Yeah, they're generally everyone's least favorite herbivore. Although, they're feathers make wonderful pillows." Katana said.

"Honestly... And what the Gargwa eat, well, you guessed it. Thunderbugs. So what the thunderbugs up and did is go, 'Alright, lads! That wolf-y bastard over there has been eating these bird-brained fuckers that been munching on us. So, what I'm suggesting is we bob on over to him, move in, then when one of these cluckers comes for us, irony will ensue and they'll get eaten instead! innit?!'" Rage declared, as if reenacting the moment in time thunderbugs decided to become symbiotic with Zinogre.

Everyone was completely dumbfounded at this. "What did we just watch?" Glynda asked.

"I... have no clue." Ozpin said, barely able to comprehend what he just watched.

"A grown man... just acted out what a bunch of bugs were thinking... when they moved into a thunder wolf's fur..." Qrow said, struggling to process this as well.

"What goes through this man's mind?" Weiss questioned.

"I don't even think he knows." Blake added.

"Either way! Zinogre is now covered in a swarm of thousands of thunderbugs. And they, as you know, generate electricity when agitated. Well, why would they be agitated on Zinogre? Well, when Zinogre is agitated, they sense it. When he is threatened, they are threatened and generate electricity, they do. Zinogre, then, with special battery-esque organs that can store and distribute to his body. And he uses this to not only add deadly effect to his already impressive physical onslaught by sheathing his very body in lightning, he can also use it to enhance his strength. You know when someone gets shocked and their muscles lock up and they suddenly spasm into a contorted pose? Well, Zinogre can weaponize that quirk of electricity on muscles. By giving just a small jolt, he can rapidly increase the firing speed of his muscle fibers, increasing his physical force." Rage explained as Zinogre was shown constantly charging, its body indeed crackling with lightning all around it, flipping and slamming down with far greater power and even sending out bursts of electricity.

"So it's like my semblance!" Nora pointed out.

"It is perhaps the optimal way to use electricity in combat other than the obvious electrocuting your opponent." Penny noted.

"This sounds like a way better bond than Brachydios and that slime mold." Velvet said with a smile.

"I think anything's a better bond than that." Coco said.

"But, it goes a lot further than this. You see, once Zinogre has taken on enough charge, well..." Rage began, before Zinogre was shown howling, although it sounded like a man screaming as he charged up with electricity. "He ascends. His eyes, now a vortex of blue emanating in the darkness. He is veritably overflowing with power. Now able to fight even more ferociously, he is nigh unstoppable. But... well, he can go even further beyond." He declared as Zinogre was shown howling and charging up once again, the lightning moving around him quicker and more intense.

"EVEN MORE!?" Everyone shouted in disbelief.

"How has it not somehow burnt out or overloaded?!" Winter cried out.

"I'm sure we'll learn how soon, Winter." Ironwood reassured her.

"And this... is to go even further beyond..." A man's voice declared as he screamed to channel his power, accompanied by epic music, all while Zinogre was still powering up, lightning seeming to strike all around him, even flinging Aylia back, before one final flash erupted and the electricity around Zinogre was somehow EVEN MORE intense and the spikes on his back appeared to have somehow gotten larger and sharper.

"What was with that guy screaming?" Weiss asked.

"That's Goku from Dragon Ball Z. It's a show about martial arts fighting, almost no weapons involved and they can use ki, which I guess is like you're aura, only they can shoot it in giant beams or blasts and fly with it. And they power up by screaming." Katana explained.

"Incredible! It's true aura can be used in small bursts at most, more like a shockwave, but if we attempted any of that, we'd burn it out in an instant." Ironwood said in awe.

"So, Goku's the hero?" Ruby asked.

"He's the protagonist, but I wouldn't call him the hero. He's endangered the Earth as many times as he's saved it. And he almost endangered his entire multiverse by asking the rulers of the multiverse to hold a tournament between them. If your universe lost, it was erased. I mean, they were all wished back at the end, but he didn't know that was gonna happen. He just put every universe in danger just so he could have a fight." Katana explained, leaving everyone shocked. [2]

"Yep. He has a level two to his charge and this is dangerous. See, Zinogre cannot take on infinite amounts of electricity and he is in danger of burning himself out. In order to alleviate this, the fur that stands on end serves as a conduit to filter off excess current in order to keep his levels safe, lest critical mass be achieved. But in this supercharged state, he is nary untouchable, paralyzing all around him in thunderblight agony by his mere presence. And on top of all of this, he can enrage normally, too. Becoming incessantly fast, a thunderbolt of force cascading at you, that is the thunder wolf. One of the most mysterious aspects to this dramatic transformation is that the claws on his feet change, their physical alignment shifts to become even more deadly. How this is achieved is still a mystery to the guild." Rage explained the devastating changes and counterbalances to these forms, as well as showing the claws to indeed change depending on Zinogre being powered up or powered down.

"So the fur is stylish AND functional. That's a big plus in my book." Coco said.

"It's weird that the claws change, though. I can't think of any need for it." Velvet said.

"It could likely be another intimidation factor. Potential rivals could see the claws shift and believe the damage they'd receive from the claws isn't worth it." Ozpin suggested.

"So, what's thunderblight?" Yang asked.

"It's when you get shocked by their excess electricity, which makes you hyper sensitive and the next hit you take will probably leave you stunned and dazed, unable to move so the monster can finish you." Katana explained.

"So, Zinogre was only discovered because it was forced out of its mountain home by Amatsu, the living storm. It decided 'I'm having this mountain' and the Zinogre, unable to compete, came down en masse, technically becoming, or at least forced into acting as, an invasive species. A crisis in the guild, the hunters rallied and a great war began." Rage explained as a merchant with a cart was shown on a mountain during a torrential downpour, complete with thunder and lightning as Gargwa's and Zinogre's were forced to flee from this mighty storm, a swing of a Zinogre's tail knocking the merchant off the mountain accidentally.

Cinder shivered at this. If the Wyvern at Mountain Glenn woke up, Salem's plan was to let it have Beacon, finding this eerily similar, as its presence and constant creation of other Grimm would force people to leave or die. "No. The plan won't happen now. I won't go through with it. That's what Salem wants. And everything she wants is nothing but trouble for everyone else." She told herself.

"This Amatsu must be quite something." Pyrrha said.

"It's another Elder Dragon and one of the more powerful ones, considered to be a level above the more common ones like Teostra, Kushala Daora and Kirin." Katana explained.

Quite impressive. Although, I suppose there did have to be some tier system for their power." Ozpin said.

"Yuck. All that wind and rain would be a disaster for my hair." Neo said, shuddering.

"Now, that's kind of all there is to Zinogre. He's very strong, very fast, a thunder wolf, he's got this symbiotic lightning fun and he is an intense battle, you don't just feel like you're battling speed, you feel like you are battling that strength and that is rare. Really, they are a tough fight, I still, to this day, struggle when I encounter one. There's just something about them. And while I'm not a fan of his colors and some of his general shape, I can't deny the fascination I find in his role in the ecosystem. And interestingly enough, he was the first Fanged Wyvern we'd ever discovered and for a long time the only one, until a little over a half dozen new ones were discovered in the new world." Rage explained. [3]

"So, what classifies a fanged Wyvern, exactly?" Glynda asked.

"Generally, they're all quadrupedal with highly developed limbs and no wings. A few have developed like normal lizards, with legs out to the sides, but the majority of them have legs structured underneath them like canines." Katana explained.

"Nice, so they could be like lizard dogs. That's pretty cool." Qrow said.

(You just described the monster you're getting to a T.) Katana thought.

"Zinogre is also a favorite amongst hunters and I suppose I can understand. But, I completely shift my opinion when it comes to one of Zinogre's other two forms. Introducing the Stygian Zinogre." Rage introduced as a far more fearsome Zinogre in a volcanic region was shown. "Black, red and silver, a dragon energy fueled subspecies that just looks gorgeous. The physical form still very similar, but the lightning now crackling with dark dragon energy is just breathtaking." He explained as a pair of hunters fought the beast, which barely seemed to be acknowledging their hits.

Ruby squealed happily. "That one's so cool! And black, red and silver are my colors!" She said excitedly.

"Black and red are pretty common, but the extra silver is hard to pull off. But I'd say you and Zinogre make it work." Cinder said with a nod.

"Aww! Thanks, Cinder!" Ruby said, hugging her, catching her by surprise, but she allowed the hug to happen and patted Ruby's head.

"You've told us about this Dragon element before. What exactly does it do?" Weiss asked.

"Well, besides being absurdly deadly and powerful when used as a breath or projectile, many monsters also use it to power themselves up like a steroid. It also has the unique effect of temporarily rendering the elemental properties of your weapon useless with Dragonblight." Katana explained. "So, that's something you may want to give a try next time you go up against Hazel and maybe Watts." She advised.

"So, this Zinogre lives in volcanoes? That's pretty... hot." Yang said, everyone else except Neo groaning.

"It achieves this in a very similar way to normal Zinogre, but instead of a symbiosis with thunderbugs, it has a symbiosis with Dracophage bugs. They feed on a berry known as the Dragonfell berry, which contains within it, trace amounts of Dragon Energy, the stuff that Deviljho breathes out. The rarest element, normally chiefly in the hands of, well, the Elder Dragons, it's their divine right, meddled in by a certain few non-Elder Dragons. So, through the berry into the insect, from the insect into the Zinogre, it gets charged with this mighty force, turning black and red and becoming faster, stronger than ever before. Larger, too, it's now able to combine its electric onslaught with Dragonblight for even more impact. It's just badass, let's be honest. But the one cost of this is they've lost the expected resistance a normal Zinogre has to thunder, so they're actually susceptible to it. So, you know, you win some, you lose some." Rage explained as the hunters continued to fight the darker Zinogre.

"It makes sense. Without constant exposure to the thunder element, it naturally loses its resistance to it." Ironwood said.

"I find it quite remarkable it is larger than the normal Zinogre, yet even faster." Ozpin added.

"This dragon element must be truly incredible." Glynda said.

"Hey, if only the Elder Dragons are supposed to have it, I can see why." Qrow reminded her.

"And this Zinogre lives in harsher regions: freezing tundras, boiling volcanoes, the dragon energy thought to give its body the ability to withstand such extremes of temperature and climate. So, there is one more form of Zinogre: a Deviant. An exceptionally powerful, unique member of the species, that has achieved a level of catastrophic might, that it is an emergency to the Guild. A Zinogre, then, born with abnormally large lightning organs, overactive, they stored and stored and stored electricity, way beyond what should be possible. This turned the Zinogre a golden hue, it permeating and effecting his very flesh. This led him, the Thunderlord Zinogre, to be permanently supercharged. Wherever he goes, he crackles underfoot." Rage introduced the final species of Zinogre as it wandered around, not noticing Aylia as she followed just behind the monster, crouched down. Suddenly, however, a screaming sound could be heard and a large boar monster rushed in from nowhere and slammed into Aylia, sending her flying.

"Unbelievable. The amount of electricity its holding looks to be enough to power a large building. Possibly even the Schnee manor." Winter said in awe.

"Indeed. Much like Kirin, this Thunderlord could easily charge my batteries if I were to simply pet it." Penny agreed.

"Dang, that lightning is almost as gold as my hair when I use my semblance." Yang noted.

"Eh. Kinda tacky colors, though." Coco said, unimpressed.

"Aylia must be pretty good at stealth to be able to hide from that thing while she's so close." Jaune said.

"Until the pig ruined it. That's why the only good pig is one turned into bacon." Neo declared, before noticing Blake's glare. "O-or pig Faunus." She added nervously.

"And this means that he can charge up even further in combat to reach a third level, the true awakening. This, then, is DANGEROUS. His lightning turns gold, matching that of Rajang himself, he gains a whole host of new abilities. He can channel lightning through his horn for a deadly piercing uppercut, his horn itself enlarged, a biological changer spurred on through the pulsing, barely containable energy within. The thunderbugs themselves can BARELY contain and control the charge being delivered. The Thunderlord almost takes on the electricity himself without the need for them, creating a feedback loop that almost wipes out his entire swarm. He is lightning incarnate, able to go toe-to-toe with Elder Dragons and reduce them to ash." Rage finished as Aylia was shown facing off against the beast but was stunned with a roar, before being sent flying back, everything fading to darkness.

"Whoa. Can they really do that? Beat Elder Dragons?" Velvet asked.

"He's exaggerating a bit. Deviants are on Elder Dragon level, but they're most likely still not beating them." Katana explained.

"Can I hate that AND Kirin, please?" Nora asked.

"Nora, don't be greedy." Pyrrha told her, surprisingly, instead of Ren.

"I'd rather not have one starting a fight with my Mizutsune." Ren declared.

"That was so cool!" Jaune said.

"I loved it! I want one of the Stygian ones!" Ruby said excitedly.

"Never in a million years. I will straight up quit Team RWBY." Blake threatened.

"Then you would be expelled from Beacon, Miss Belladonna. Would simply not being around a canine-esque creature really be worth the future you seek to create for yourself?" Ozpin questioned.

Blake thought for a moment, before she sighed. "No, sir." She admitted.

Katana then smirked and created a Stygian Zinogre, which glared at Blake and pounced at her, causing her to scream and close her eyes, simply waiting for the mauling... but it never came. However, she did feel something land on her lap, although it was much smaller, around Zwei's size. She opened her eyes to reveal it was indeed the Stygian Zinogre, but shrunk to the size of a Corgi. She looked to Katana and glared at her. If looks could kill, even the all-powerful ice demon would be dead. "Oh, stop glaring, it was just a joke. We REALLY need to work on that dog fear of yours." Katana told her.

"It's so cute! Can we keep it!? Please!?" Weiss pleaded, her and Ruby hugging it together.

"Later. Once everyone gets their monsters." Katana said, the creature disappearing.

"Aww... I was gonna name it Drei..." Ruby pouted. [4]

"Oh, come on, Rubes! There's WAY better names than that. Be original." Yang said.

"These monsters are truly incredible. To think mere insect could hold such a level of power." Ironwood said in awe.

"If we were able to take these bugs, or perhaps even the Dragonfell berries, we could come up with new sources of power for our weapons." Winter noted.

"Ooh! What happens if WE eat those berries!?" Nora asked excitedly.

"I'm not sure if anyone's ever tried." Katana said.

"But the Dracophage bugs have likely developed over decades to eat that fruit, I doubt you could just bite into one and be fine." Ren told her.

"It could prove useful, or it could be highly dangerous." Pyrrha agreed.

"I'm willing to take that bet. Let me at those berries, Katana! I'll chew 'em down like a fruit salad!" Yang declared.

"You hate fruit salad." Qrow told her.

"I'd try it if it gave me dragon powers." Yang said.

"So, what is next, then, Katana?" Glynda asked.

"Alright, then. Who here likes sharks?" Katana asked.

The hands you'd expect shot up quickly: Ruby, Yang, Nora, Jaune. But also, some hands you wouldn't have expected rose as well: Pyrrha, Winter and Cinder. "You like sharks, too, Cinder?" Ruby asked.

"Of course. They're the perfect killing machine, doing everything they can to survive and being as efficient as possible doing it." She explained.

"Pyrrha?" Jaune asked.

"I've always just found sharks 're some of the most unique creatures out there. And incredibly misunderstood. We make more horror movies about them than we do of Grimm. I've even petitioned to the Mistral Movie presses to cease making shark horror movies and demonizing them." Pyrrha explained.

"Sister? I didn't know you were a fan of those aquatic beasts." Weiss said, not noticing Katana standing behind her and creating a sword of ice she was about ready to cut Weiss in half with.

"They're far from simple beasts, sister. Cinder may have said it best, they're the perfect predator. Incredibly efficient, unchanging after millions of years. There's only one explanation for it. They're perfect as they are and they haven't needed to adapt." Winter explained.

"Well, I'm glad you think so highly of them Winter, because you're soon gonna have one of your very own." Katana declared, starting the next video.

A/N: Thank you all so much for reading this! I hope you enjoyed it!

[1] One again, hopefully RT won't disprove this.

[2] Please, no arguments that Goku quite possibly saved the universes, because the Omni-Kings were planning to erase them already. Goku did not know this and did not plan for this. He only wanted a fight. And you could even argue the Omni-Kings were only thinking of destroying the universe, but wouldn't actually act on it until Goku's tournament gave them an excuse to.

[3] So, I had to alter this part a bit to not show them the GotG scene. I know I let Sai's video get away with having it, but that wasn't NEARLY as big a scene in comparison and I could play it off like it cut off before Thanos' face or anything truly important was shown. That isn't the case for the GotG scene.

[4] Drei means Three in German, just like Zwei is Two.

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