Lost On You : Marthe Woertman...

By Betho-Wren

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Maxine Scott is just a freshman in college. When she got to her dorm, hoping to see her roommate for the firs... More



200 8 7
By Betho-Wren


The rest of the day was a blur, and later that night, Marth didn't return to the dorm. I didn't even leave on the closet light on for her. She'll come in when she's ready.

The next morning when I woke, Marth still hadn't returned. Maria was right, she's never here. I got up and changed into another pair of light wash Mom Jeans. I have an endless supply. I decided to cuff the ends as I slipped on my vans. Throwing on Rolling Stones tee, I tucked it in and grabbed my baseball cap again, putting it on backwards. I applied minimal makeup to hide the bags I've developed in just a few days, brushed my teeth, and left. I had to walk again because Marth wasn't here to give me a ride.

"Hey, need a ride?" I looked over at Maria, who was pulled up along the curb. I smiled, running to her car. Getting in shotgun, I closed the door and put on my seatbelt.

"Good morning," I said. Maria smiled at me.

"Good morning! Ready for the frat party?" She asked, making me groan on the inside. I smiled on the outside.

"Yeah, I am. I'm ready to forget this week," I whined, making Maria giggle.

"Well, it is Friday, so get as drunk as you'd like," Maria exclaimed.

"Because I know I am. Expect me to sleep there," Maria continued. I chuckled at her words, a part of me wants to do that. If I crash with Johnny's, maybe I can avoid another weird encounter with Marth. That is if she's invited to tonight. Knowing Johnny, she probably isn't but will show up out of spite. That definitely sounds like Marth.

"Same," I said, earning a smirk form Maria.

We pulled into the car lot before getting out. Johnny wasn't anywhere to be found outside, but I did see him inside.

"Go on, I'm not offended," Maria said, watching me look for Johnny. I don't know why I feel like I have to see him. I don't, but a part of me loves my friends' approval and maybe the male attention I didn't bother for back at home.

Heading inside the Starbucks, I put on my best lovey-dovey approach.

"Hey, handsome," I said, mentally cringing at myself.

"Hey, beautiful," Johnny said, pulling me into him. He pecked my lips. I instinctively wanted to wipe it off, but I didn't.

"Want to try something new or are you good with your regular coffee?" He asked.

"We have Starbucks back in London, Johnny," I playfully remind.

"But, no, I don't. The coffee you get me keeps me awake all day and I love that," I said, making Johnny chuckle.

"Okay, anything for you," He said, kissing my cheek before we got in line. Louis took our order, and Johnny paid. While we patiently waited for our coffee's, I couldn't help but look around for Marth. I didn't see her anywhere. Not that I care. I don't, but she wasn't in the dorm this morning, and then she's usually here. Again, I don't care.

"Here you go," Louis said as I grabbed my coffee.

"Can we sit inside? I need to charge my laptop. I forgot to last night," Johnny said.

"Sure," I said. Sitting down, Johnny pulled out his laptop, plugging it in.

"So tonight, can you stay?" Johnny asked. I nodded.

"Yes, I will stay," I said. I was terrified Marth would bring her business to our dorm again, and I want to avoid getting caught up in that.

"Awesome! You might want to pack a bag then," Johnny said, overly excited. I wonder what he has in mind.

"Room for more?" Serenity's voice rang out, making Johnny and I look up.

"Uh, yeah, sure," I said. The rest of our friends joined us as we studied like usual, but mostly talked about the party.

"Okay, I'll see you later," Johnny said, dropping me off in class. I saw Marth seated in the back again, but I walked towards the front, down the small stairs, pretending I didn't see her. Maybe glancing back won't hurt.

Okay, that was a mistake.

I've seen people cross before, but Marth is radiating anger off her body. Her hair was a mess like she didn't care to fix it. She was dressed in what she wore yesterday and looked like she'd been crying.

If the situation were different, I'd ask her what's wrong, but knowing Marth, I'd get the cold shoulder and a few curse words.

Looking back again, she was glaring at me. I quickly turned my head around to the front, getting my things out, waiting on the professor. A few seconds later, I felt the seat next to me, shift. I know Marth moved right next to me. I can see her in my peripheral vision, but I didn't give her the satisfaction of turning towards her.

Professor James walked in, and class began.

"I posted your quiz grades online," He reminded.

I sat taking as many notes as I focused as best as possible, but I was partially distracted by the thick tension between Marth and me. It feels like she leaned closer to me. Her pen crept onto my notebook, and she made a small mark. I froze, slightly turning my head towards her. I could see a smirk beginning to rise. I decided to mark her notebook.

We tried not to giggle, and we were successful. We kept going that most of the class.

When class ended, we packed up our stuff and walked out.

"Can you come to Starbucks with me? I didn't get my coffee," Marth whined, pulling my arm.

"Sure, lead the way," I sarcastically answered.

Marth dragged me to Starbucks and ordered her coffee. A regular coffee with two espresso shots, four pumps of hazelnut, almond milk, and brown sugar.

"You have to taste this," Marth said, ushering her straw towards my mouth. Louis gave me a weird look as I wrapped my lips around the straw. I looked at Marth as I sucked in the liquid. Her lips stayed parted as her eyes glued themselves to my lips. Letting go of the straw, her eyes flickered to mine.

Her coffee is good, but I'm too stuck in her eye to say anything.

"It's good, right?" Louis said, pulling us out of our trance.

"Y-yeah, it is," I say. Marth was still staring at me.

"Well, I gotta get going, Johnny might be wondering where I am," I said, watching Marth's face drop.

"What the fuck," she said, leaving.

"Wait," I called out.

"What? Your little boyfriend's waiting for you," Marth snapped. Her mood swings are astronomical.

"What the hell is wrong with you? Why the hell do you care so much?" I asked.

"You know what? Don't answer that. I don't care," I said, storming off.

I didn't turn back. I kept heading to my class.

"There you are. I was about to call you," Johnny said as I joined him on the sofa.

"Sorry, the class ran late," I lied. Johnny pecked my lips.

"Relatable," he said, kissing me again. Johnny deepened the kiss, and I painfully let him.

"Mmm, okay, I'll let you go," he said, standing up.

"I'll see you this evening," I say, heading into my next class.


"I've never worn a tube top," I whined in the mirror.

"Oh, hush. You look cute," Kayla said, changing herself. I had on a pair of black, high waist, skinny jeans to match the black tube top. I paired it with my Docs. I left my hair down but put on heavier makeup.

"Ready?" Maria said, pulling out the shots. Is this going to be our party ritual? We pre-game before every party?

"Yes," Serenity said, grabbing a shot. We all took one before leaving in an Uber.

"Why do you have a bag?" Caroline asked.

"I'm staying with Johnny," I said. Caroline smiled at me, clapping her hands together.

"I know you guys aren't official, but you guys are so cute," she praises.

"Thank you," Was all I could muster up.

"Do you think Marth will be there?" I found myself asking. The van went silent.

"Why?" Maria asked, eyeing me suspiciously.

"We got in a fight, and I don't want to see her so I can have fun," I half-lie.

A part of me begs to see her, and I don't like why.

"I don't blame you," Serenity said, physically cringing.

It was loud in the house. I didn't stop to grab a drink as I made my way to Johnnys' room. Opening the door, I nearly slammed it shut because I saw Johnny with a towel wrapped around his hips, dangerously low. Opening the door, he looked at me funny.

"What's wrong?" He asked. I didn't look down out of discomfort.

"I didn't expect you to be in a towel," I said, Johnny chuckled.

"You can come in," he said.

"I can wait out here," I said, trying to stay out here.

"Please? I'm just changing," Johnny begged. Caving, I walked into his room. I dropped my stuff on the bed and pretended to look busy on my phone to avoid Johnny's naked body. I don't want to imagine him naked, but it's too late, and I want to leave. I hate it here.

"Okay, I'm ready," he said. I looked at him to see him dressed.

"Let's go," I said, but he took my hand.

"Wait, I don't see you all day," Johnny said, pulling me towards him. His lips captured mine, making me freeze and mentally roll my eyes. Kissing him back doesn't feel right, but I did it anyway because that's what I'm supposed to do.

"Your kisses are so sweet," Johnny said as we left his room. He pecked my lips again. Looking down at the party, I saw Natalie. I quickly ditched Johnny.

"Maxine!" He exclaimed. Brushing him off, I tapped on Natalie's shoulder.

"Hey!" She exclaimed, pulling me in for a hug.

"Hey!" I said, not realising I sound lively for once.

"Wanna drink?" She asked. I nodded, following her to the kitchen. She had my hand in hers, making butterflies erupt in my body.

"What'll it be?" She asked, standing a little too close, but I didn't mind.

"Like three shots," I begged.

"There you are," Johnny's voice broke out, making me clench my jaw.

"What are you going to do?" He asked while Natalie poured my shots, giving me a lime.

"Trying to get drunk," I say, taking the shots one by one. Johnny stood back, clapping.

"Damn, Max," he said. Natalie went next, doing the same as me. After some time and three more shots, I felt the alcohol overtake my system.

"Wanna dance?" I asked Johnny. Natalie disappeared somewhere, unfortunately.

"Yes," he slurred. Taking his hand, I dragged him to the dance floor. I'm drunk enough to slightly comfortably dance with him. Johnny pressed his body against mine, and I could feel an obvious boner, but I ignored it, trying not to be grossed out.

I moved my hips to the music, letting myself go.

"I'll be right back, I think Devon came back," Johnny said in my ear.

"Okay!" I slurred as he left me alone. I decided to dance by myself for a bit. I didn't care if I was terrible, I felt free.

"Dance with me," Natalie's voice rang out, making me smile.

"Okay," I say, holding her close to me.

"You look hot," I say, giggling. I wrapped my arms around Natalie's body while she wrapped her arms around my neck. Our bodies moved in sync as we dance. Natalie turned around, pressing her back against me. I felt so alive with her on me.

No one has given me the fire Marth can, but Natalie was close.

"We should do this more often," I said, placing my hands on her hips.

"Definitely," She said.

"So, is Johnny, your boyfriend?" Natalie. I scoffed, shaking my head.

"Oh, god, no," I said in her ear. I shut my eyes, pulling her closer to me, getting lost in the way I feel. I haven't had this much freedom since never. If my dad saw me dancing with a girl like this, he'd drag me back home and never let me out.

"Then why him?" Natalie asked, pressing her arse into me. I couldn't help but look down at her perfectly shaped behind.

"I don't know. Johnny was interested," I said.

Turning Natalie back around, she came closer than I expected. Her lips mere centimetres from mine. I looked at her soft full lips, and my breathing increased. Flickering my eyes to hers, she was already looking at my lips.

"I'm back," Johnny said, ruining the moment.

"Whoa," Devon said. I still had Natalie in my arms.

"I guess she's a flirty drunk," Johnny said.

"Am not," I slur.

"Yes, you are," Devon said, chuckling.

"I'm busy," I slurred, ignoring Johnny, and kept dancing with Natalie.

"Dude, your girl is not your girl right now," Devon said to Johnny. Johnny chuckled cluelessly.

"Okay, have fun," he said, walking away.

"I thought he'd never leave," I giggle. Natalie giggled too, holding me closer.

"You weren't fucking invited," I heard Johnny yell, making me look toward the front door. There stood Marth, who was staring at me. Her brows furrowed as her lips slightly parted. Dare I say she looked hurt.

"Dude, I invited her," Devon said, but I was busy staring at Marth. She shook her head. She had a bottle of vodka in her hands as she stormed out. My feet moved faster than my brain as I followed her out, leaving Natalie alone.

"Marth," I called out, not knowing why. She was seated on the grass, in the shadows, drinking alone.

"What? Don't you have a date?" She asked.

"Yeah, Johnny," I said, sitting with her. She chuckled.

"Are you fucking stupid? I'm not talking about Johnny, Maxine. I'm talking about the five-footer you were dancing with," Marth said, referring to Natalie.

"She's just a friend," I said, trying to convince myself that wasn't the most turned on I've been outside of Marth.

Wait, what?

"Yeah because friends dance like that," Marth said, tilting her head back, drinking more.

"I'm confused," I said, knowing I might forget this.

"Yeah, no shit," Marth said, looking at the bottle. I know I'm probably way past my happy medium, but I want more if I'm going to sit out here. Grabbing the bottle, I tilted my head back and drank some vodka. It burned, but I'm so drunk I can barely feel it.

"Whoa, slow down. You're already trashed. I have to play catch up," Marth jokes, taking the bottle back.

"Why am I confused?" I asked, looking up at the stars. They are so beautiful tonight.

"That's for you to answer. Are you confused, or are you running?" Marth asked, drinking more. I sat there, trying to avoid answering what should be an easy question to answer.

"How did it feel?" She randomly asked after a moment of silence. I turned my head.

"What?" I asked, squinting my eyes.

"Dancing with her? How did it feel compared to Johnny? If you can answer that question, then you can answer the first," Marth simply stated.

"I don't know if I want to answer that," I said, looking back down.

We sat here for a while, and I know Johnny is running around trying to find me. I looked at Marth, drunk out of my mind.

"What happened last night?" I asked, remembering Marth's appearance this morning. She looked so out of it.

"Don't worry about it," Marth said, but in a way that made me drop it. I laid back, looking up at the stars. I kept sneaking glances at Marth, but she'd catch me.

"Stop staring at me," she jokes, rolling on her side, facing me. I mirrored her actions.

"Were you handcrafted by the gods or something? Because you have the best facial features I've ever seen," I blurted. I felt my face heat up, sitting up.

Marth chuckled, sitting up with me.

"You're beautiful," She said, making my heart drop. When Johnny calls me that, I don't feel even the smallest of a fraction of what Marth makes me feel for her daily.

"You look really hot in that jacket," I blurted, referring to her leather jacket. Slapping my hand over my mouth, Marth drunkenly looked at me, smiling. She leaned in close to my ear.

"And that outfit you have on, lets me see every curve on your body," she said, making me drop my jaw.

"It's distracting if you ask me," she confidently stated.

"I love your tattoos," I say in her ear. Marth stiffened. Pulling back, her face was really close to mine. I know she can smell the vodka from here. Her eyes are so dark, making them so hard to read, but I couldn't bring myself to look away. Marth darted her eyes at my lips.

"Those lips," Marth said. I couldn't help myself as I pushed her to the ground from her seated position. Marth looked up at me, shocked. Crashing my lips to her, I took us both back. Fireworks exploded, and I felt whole again. Marth sat up, kissing me back with urgency. My fingers tangled themselves into her hair as I tugged. Her hands pulled me across her lap, making me straddle her. No one could see us in the shadows. Her tongue dragged across my lower lip, and I let her in, letting her take the dominance.

"Fuck, Max," she breathed.

"Marth," I breathed, deepening the kiss even more. All the pent up resentment I feel for this woman died as she held me close to her.

"Oh, god," Marth said into our kiss.

"Maxine?" Johnny asked, making me break the kiss and scramble to my feet off of Marth. I looked down at her messy hair and puffy lips. God, she looks so fuckable. I've definitely had too much to drink.

Johnny didn't see anything, but he looked at Marth who looked like she was trapped in a daze.

"Baby, party's ending, let's go to bed," be said, turning back around, heading back inside. Marth stood up, looking down at me with pure rage in her eyes.

"Are you seriously going with him after that?" Marth snapped. Only I could hear her.

"I-I-I, um," I stammered.

"Don't fucking talk to me again," Marth said, and my heart did something I didn't expect so suddenly. It broke.

"Wait, I'm sorry," I said, trying to explain myself. I had nothing to explain.

"Just come out of the closet already," Marth hissed at me, storming off. I sat there, hurt, but I know I hurt her.

Heading to Johnny's room, I felt defeated. What did I just do?

I kissed Marth. I really kissed her. I loved it, and I want to do it again, but I can't. I can't do this to my family.

Pushing that memory to the back of my mind, I got ready for bed. I know I won't be able to forget because that was intense. I felt the need to cry, but I didn't.

"You good?" Johnny asked.

"Yeah, just really drunk," I giggle. I changed out my clothes, aware Johnny's watching, and into his shirt he gave me. I brushed my teeth and washed off my make up before crawling into bed.

Johnny joined me this time. I knew he would, but a small part of me was hoping he'd take the couch.

"I didn't know you danced with other girls," Johnny said, snuggling into me. The only thing keeping me from running out the bed is distracting myself by forcing my brain to remember how Marth's lips tasted.

"Neither did I," I chuckle.

"I swear, I thought you were going to kiss her, by you didn't, and I'm glad," Johnny said, kissing the back of my head. But I kissed another girl, and you will never compare.

"Yeah, I was really drunk," I said again, trying to use that as an excuse.

I tried to fall asleep, but Marth's hateful words filled my head.

Don't fucking talk to me again.


Just come out of the closet already.

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