Loathing Mr Cocky Billionaire

By dagheart

50.6K 1.7K 77

Cassandra Natalia Heart has never had an easy life,forced to become a stripper at a young age so as to raise... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter 6
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter 11
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty - Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Author's Note

Chapter Twenty

1.2K 49 0
By dagheart

"What the heck are you planning to do."a voice boomed inside my room making me jump and fall on my butt again twice in a week.

" Ouch.... What the hell is your problem.Are you trying to make me buttless."I asked looking for the scoundrel that decided to cut my sleep short.

I found Blaise looking at me.He looked shocked with his mouth wide open. Then his shock turned to something else.Lust.

His eyes shimmered, sweeped themselves over my body, up and down before they perched on my breasts. I felt goosebumps all over my body.

He flitted his eyes to my cerulean ones. For the first time Blaise looked at me the way he would look at a woman.

I felt a whole damn zoo of butterflies in my tummy. His eyes settled back to my breasts. The room temperature seemed to increase by hundred and eighty degrees.

This made me diffident and I wrapped my hands around my body. Suddenly my stupid brain became aware of my half naked state. I was only in my bra and panties.

Holy cheeseballs!

I screamed all the profanities I knew as I pulled a sheet and wrapped it around my body.

"You sick perverted swine of a man. Why didn't tell me that I was naked."I fumed.

"Why would I do that when I was getting a free glorious morning view, mi palomino."

I inhaled deeply and narrowed my gaze at him.

"I hate you Blaise."I murmur.

"The feeling is mutual Spitfire."he said smirking.

" Get out of my room. I don't have time for this. I didn't sleep the whole night and I have a damn migraine. So you see I don't have any energy left to deal with you okay."I said rubbing my temples making Blaise look at me.

" For starters this is my house, so is each and every room here, hence you can't kick me out. And why didn't you sleep."

"As long as I am still sleeping in this room it belongs to me. And it's none of your business why I didn't sleep, just leave."

I didn't have the energy for Blaise. I wanted to take the damn pills and sleep. I think that talk with Noelle triggered something.

The nightmares came in full force. I am thankful that I was alone. I can imagine what would have happened if there was someone next to me.

"That's what happens when you think about your stupid lowlife boyfriends the whole night."

"Blaise I have enough nightmares that keep me up at night. Please just don't become another one okay."I told him rubbing my temples.

This bickering was adding pressure to my throbbing head.

" Huuuh...... What nightmares are you talking about."he asked confused.

Shit... Double shit. I slipped. This babbling mouth of mine will be the death of me one day.

" Nightmares about you Blaise what else. You're my nightmare. Just leave me alone."I screamed.

" I will leave only when I am done with what I came here for."

"Then what did you come here for Blaise. Tell me."I shouted.

"I came to warn you to stay away from my son. I don't know if you are a witch or what. You have bewitched my whole family including my son and grandma. Thank God Pa can see through your facade.

If anything happens to my family especially my son, bet your pretty ass that I will make your life a living hell. You will rue the day you ever came across my family." Blaise said with thunder in his eyes.

My head was throbbing so hard, but I didn't want to show weakness to Blaise. I felt as if my veins were going to pop out. The room was starting to spin and I felt nauseous.

" Are you done.Because you always bring so much joy as soon as you leave my presence."I said softly, sitting down on the bed.

I could feel the heat on my head increasing. I felt as if my head was on fire.

" Did you hear any word I said."Blaise shouted causing me to close my eyes.

The damn pain was increasing by seconds.

" See this hand Blaise?It's going to descend in an arc that will in process come in contact with your stupid ugly face. Just telling you to be cautious."I screamed holding my head with both hands.

Blaise looked at me and left the room. Thank God he finally got the message.

The pain was too much. When I tried to stand up to get the tablets to ease the pain I felt all the blood rushing to my head making the room spin.

I layed my head on the pillow, closing my eyes hoping the pain will ease a little and I would be able to get the pills to mitigate the pain.

I was still saying silent prayers for the pain to subside a little when the door opened.

I didn't bother to open my eyes. I knew it was a maid. At least she was going to pass me the damn pills.

"Please pass me two pills, in a white bottle, inside the nightstand, in the top shelf."I told the maid.

I heard the shelf opening and closing.

" Here, open your mouth."Blaise's voice said causing me to open my eyes abruptly.

" What are you doing here. I thought you were the maid."I said trying to sit up.

Blaise helped me.

"Do I look like a maid to you. Open your mouth. And please note that I am not asking you, I am telling you."he said with a tone that made me instantly obey him and opened my mouth.

He placed the pills inside my mouth and brought the glass of water to my mouth for me to drink.

Thus why he left, he went to get water.

" I can see your veins are now swollen. Why didn't you tell me sooner."he said his voice laced with anger and worry.

" I did tell you but you didn't believe me. Besides I told you to leave."I said annoyed still rubbing my temples.

" Come, lay your head on my lap. This herbal oil used to help my grandmother. She used to have these kinds of headaches."Blaise said laying my head  on his lap gently.

He poured the oil on his hands and rubbed them together.

After that he started massaging my head gently. It felt so heavenly. His hands were definitely made for massages.

They were soft but rough at the same time. The pain started fading slowly and as it abated I felt my eyes drooping.

I faintly heard the door opening.

"What are you doing Blaise."Rissa shouted causing me to whimper.

" Shush.... Clari."Blaise said lowly.

" Oooh... What happened."Clari whispered.

" Later."Blaise  said as I felt sleep taking over.

I don't know how long I slept but I woke up when I felt tiny hands touching my face.

" Lia... Lia..... Wake up."a little voice said as I struggle to open my eyes due to the light.

Lia. Who's Lia.

I opened my eyes to find Laszlo on top of me.

" Hey little guy. What are you doing here."I asked Lasze.

" You're awake."he squealed getting off me.

" My dad was worried.He told me I mustn't bother you,you are sick. Are you going to die like my mother."he asked worried.

God who tells this child all these things.

" No my little handsome man. I am fine okay. It was nothing, your dad was worked up for no reason. See I am strong."I said trickling him.

'Stop......*Hahaha*..... St.......... *Hahaha*..... plea....... *Hahaha*...... Lia.......stop.'

I stopped when he was out of breath.

" Lasze! I told you not to come here. Talia is sick."Blaise said making Lasze burry his face on my chest with a sad, shameful look.

" Sorry dad but I wanted to see Lia. I don't want her to die like my mom."Lasze said making Blaise stop in his tracks with his mouth wide open.

If we were in another situation I would have laughed at his face. It was funny to see Blaise gaping like a fish.

"I told you my little handsome man, I am fine. Do you want a repeat."I said holding out my hands as if I was going to tickle him.

I had to help a still shocked Blaise.

" No no Lia. I love you. How can you tickle someone who loves you."he said making Blaise chuckle.

I just shook my head. This child is five and he already knows emotional blackmail.

" Why do you call me Lia. My name is Talia."

"I like Lia better.Since you are my girlfriend."

"Laszlo you are five years old." Blaise said.

"Are you jealous dad. Do you like Lia."Lasze taunted Blaise.

If only this child knew how much we hate each other.

" Me... No of course not. I don't even like her."

"Daddy likes Lia..... Daddy likes Lia...... Daddy likes Lia....."Lasze sing-songed running around the room, away from Blaise who was trying to catch him.

He bolted through the door still singing his nonsensical song  louder than he was when he was inside the room. Blaise  gave up chasing him when he left the room.

"He really knows how to push the right buttons."I said making Blaise laugh.

" Of course you would enjoy since you love seeing me suffer."

" Who wouldn't."I said.

Blaise just shook his head.

" How are you feeling now."he asked a worried look passing through his eyes before it disappeared quickly, making think I imagined it.

" I am feeling better thank you. That herbal oil really helped.What time is it."I asked reaching for my phone on the nightstand.

" It's five pm. Are you sure you are fine. Will you be able to come down for dinner. I can tell one of the maids to bring it up."

"No I will be fine. Let me bath, after that I will be refreshed."

"Okay see you later."Blaise said turning to leave.

" Blaise."I called him, making him turn and look at me.

" Thank you.I really mean it."

"Well mi palomino. Don't get too comfy. I still hate you. I did all that because you looked close to death and I didn't want a dead poor girl on my conscience.I am still young to be haunted by a poor ghost."he said nonchalantly.

This obnoxiously, arrogant, evil bastard.

" For once I was trying to be civil. But what do you do,you throw it back on my face. I hate you Blaise. I don't even know why I was thanking you because if you had left me alone I wouldn't have been sick. You asshole."

"No need to be aggressive Spitfire,calm down. We don't need a repeat of this morning unless you loved my magic hands so much that you can't resist them."

"I don't want your filthy hands next to me ever again.Besides you don't even know how to massage, your hands are rough as if you are a peasant working in the fields."

"You ungrateful little bitch. How can you compare me to a mere peasant." Blaise fumed.

"Truth hurts darling."I retorted smirking.

" I will strangle you tod....."

"Someone call firefighters, there's a huge burn going down."Brett said interrupting Blaise.

" Shut up Brett."we both said.

" Take this dickhead with you on your way out."I said to Brett pointing at Blaise.

" What happened here. Laszlo said there was a bomb of love that had exploded in this room. I thought I would find you guys smooching."Brett said making funny kissing faces and sounds.

" I would never kiss this bastard, I hate him."I said.

" The feeling is mutual,mi palomino. I wouldn't kiss you even if you were to save my life."

"You bastard. I hat...."

"Call a truce guys. I am sure your hatred can even put the devil to shame. And if he was empowered by hatred he wouldn't want to lose you guys. He would really be proud of you."Rissa said cutting me off.

" Are they always like this."Noelle asked leaning against the door.

" This is just bupkis. Sometimes punches are involved."Hailey said making everyone laugh and Blaise glared at her.

" Don't tell me Blaise beats a woman."Noelle shouted making Blaise jump.

" No. Of course not Nonna."Blaise said looking scared.

The mighty Blaise is scared of his petite grandma. I laughed internal.

" No, he is the unfortunate one who always receives the punches. I don't know why he always pushes Talie's wrong buttons. I guess he loves her wrath."Brett said making Noelle laugh.

" You have punched Blaise.*laugh*That's a first. Why hasn't anybody ever told me.*laugh* This is hilarious."Noelle laughed even more making Blaise look at me with anger.

What did I do now. He should blame his babble-mouth siblings.

"I thought you loved me grandma."Blaise said.

" I do grandson. But sometimes an old lady needs to laugh. You should punch him while you are here Talie,I want to see it."Noelle said.

" Grandma."both Rissa and Brett shouted.

" What. She should have punched him now in fact."she answered.

Noelle is crazy.

Blaise shook his head and left the room.

" Don't disappoint me next time Talie."she said leaving with Brett and Hailey.

" I like your grandma."I told Rissa.

" Of course you would love her. You love to see Blaise in distress."

"Whatever you say Rissa."

"How are you feeling. Why didn't you tell me you get migraines from time to time.I would have slept with you."Rissa said worriedly.

" No Rissa. Don't beat yourself up for nothing. It's... "

" You can't tell me it's nothing. Do you know how worried I was. Your blood vessels were swollen and you tell me that it was nothing."she shouted.

That's just an exaggeration. Rissa love to blow things out of proportion.

" I am sorry Rissa. It's just that yesterday I couldn't sleep thus why I got a headache."


Should I tell her the truth. Knowing Rissa she would move to my room and I don't want that.

I am scared that I will hurt her. The nightmares yesterday shook me a little. I can't take that risk and endanger her.

"No babe. It was my parents' death anniversary."

I wasn't lying. It was my mother's death anniversary yesterday and to me it was also my father's.

I lost my father the day my mother died.

I was also glad that yesterday I was so occupied therefore I didn't mop around because of her death like I usual do.

I know she wouldn't want me to be sad.

"Ooooh darling. Why didn't you tell me."she said hugging me.

" I didn't think much of it. I was surrounded by a lot of people and they made me forget a little."

" I am glad we helped."she said detaching herself.

" Are you sure you are fine."she asked again.

" Yes I am fine Rissa. Let me go and bath. I will see you downstairs for supper."


It was already six thirty. I had thirty minutes before dinner.

I quickly bathed and dried my hair. I left it to fall freely since I didn't have the energy to tie it up.

I wore sweat pants and a tank top.We were not going anywhere hence no reason to dress up. I just put on flip-flops and went downstairs.

Everyone was already seated. What it is with me always finding people already seated. I sat next to Rissa opposite Blaise who was slicing me apart with his laser eyes.

What did I do now?

I looked up to see Dean throwing daggers at me.What is it that I did to these two men.

Let's hope I won't choke to death.

Dinner was served and the family chatted as they ate.

I didn't participate in their small conversation and I was grateful no one involved me.

We were about to finish eating our food when Lasze shocked everyone.

"Lia, Pa said you are a golddigger. What's a golddigger."Lasze asked making everyone gasp.

" It's someone who digs gold in mines."Noelle tried to explain to a curious Lasze.

I was too shocked to answer. I knew wrinkly hated me but to say things like that in front of a child was just so wrong.

I looked up at Dean expecting to find him hiding his face in shame. I was shocked to find him eating as if nothing happened.

To him life continued.I felt like punching him.

Thank God Lasze dropped the bomb when I was almost done with my food because I just lost my appetite.

We finished dinner and when dessert came I had no appetite for it. I just ate two spoons and excused myself.

In my life you can call me all the names in this world but not a golddigger.

I went outside, to the swimming pool that looked like a a waterfall.

I sat on the edge and put my feet inside.

After some time, I closed my eyes and layed on my back.

I was still enjoying my peace when I felt someone's presence.

I opened my eyes to find Dean looking down at me.

"Noelle forced me to come and apologize to you."

"Then why did you come cause clearly you don't see anything wrong with what you did."

"I don't like your attitude young lady."

"I don't have an  attitude problem. You have a problem with my attitude and that's not my problem. And so we clear I don't like yours too."

"You insolent child."

"Respect is earned old man."

"Stay away from Blaise. I will destroy you before you get any closer."he fumed.

"Rest assured wrinkly, I will not go any closer to your stupid grandson. I hate him. I would rather die than to be closer to that mean, despicable man you call a grandson."

"If your parents didn't teach you manners I will. This is my house, I will throw you out now. I will not be disrespected in my house."

"Respect is a two way street. You respect me and I respect you back. So far you haven't given me any reason to respect you back."


"That's it. I have heard enough with you both."Noelle shouted making us both jump.

" Dean, I have never seen you this rude. And Cassie you were brought up way better than this."

"But....."we both attempted to talk but Noelle cut us off.

" No. I have heard enough with both of you. Dean can't you see that this is Cassandra, Natasha Fowler's granddaughter. Whether we know her or not I didn't expect this from you Dean. I am disappointed."

"Come on honey. You know why I am like this. Blaise can't go through the same thing."

I understand his point, but it doesn't mean I have to be crucified for another person's mistakes.

"I know Dean but what you did was wrong. Blaise is old enough to make his own decisions. Let's hope Talie forgives you, if not you are sleeping in the spare bedroom until she does."

Dean looked at me with pleading eyes. I was tempted to tell him to go to hell but I was tired and not in the mood for any pleadings.

" I understand where he comes from Noelle. I will forgive him but not forget how he treated me.Forgive me too for my insolence."

" Thank you so much Cassandra.The Noelle I know was going to make me sleep without blankets.I forgive you too and forget."Dean said making me laugh internal.

"Be very thankful to Talie indeed. Don't call her Cassandra, I will tell you why if Talia permits me."

"It's fine Noelle, you can tell him. Goodnight see you tomorrow."

"Goodnight Talie."they both said as I left for my room.

When I got there I jumped on the bed and layed on my back. I didn't bother with pajamas since I was wearing sweat pants.

I tossed and turned since I had slept in the afternoon.

When sleep took over I thanked the heavens.

I slept with two thoughts in my mind. The number of people who knew who I was, was rapidly increasing. Will they be able to keep my identity a secret until my plans have fallen into place?

My lovelies😍😍😍😍😍😍😍. Was it fine for Talie to forgive Dean. Where do Talie and Blaise stand. Do they really hate each other as they claim. And Talie's secret is slowly getting out. Can she keep it for long.🤔🤔🤔 Read to find out.... Plizzzzzz don't forget to vote and comment. 🙏🙏I love you guys ❤️❤️❤️❤️💖💖💖💖💖♥️💗💗💗Kisses... Lots of them 😘😘😘😘😘😘💋💋💋💋

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