Haikyuu Imagines

By jachary4eva

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There will be: Lemon/Smut 🍋 Fluff☁️ Angst/Sad☔️ Yandere⛓ Started: 10/13/20 - Ended ?/?/? More

!Short Intro!
Yu Nishinoya ☔️
Koshi Sugawara 🍋
Ryunosuke Tanaka ☁️
Toru Oikawa 🍋
Kotaro Bokuto ☔️
Tobio Kageyama ☁️
Kei Tsukishima ☁️
Daichi Sawamura ☔️
Yū Nishinoya ☁️
Tetsuro Kurro 🍋
Ryunosuke Tanaka ☔️
Shoyo Hinata ☁️
Kotaro Bokuto 🍋
Kei Tsukishima ☔️
Koshi Sugawara ~ ☔️/☁️
Tobio Kageyama ☔️
Yū Nishinoya ☔️
Tadashi Yamaguchi ☔️
Kei Tsukishima ☔️/☁️
Ryunosuke Tanaka ☔️
Tsukishima ☁️
Kenma ☔️/☁️
Kuroo 🍋
Tobio Kageyama ☔️
Tobio Kageyama ☁️/☔️
Tadashi Yamaguchi ☔️
Toru Oikawa ⛓
Daichi Sawamura ☔️
Tsukishima Kei ☔️
Kenma ☁️
Daichi Sawamura ☔️
Koshi Sugawara ☁️
Kei Tsukishima ⛓
Ryunosuke Tanaka ☔️
Tobio Kageyama ☁️
Tetsurō Kuroo ⛓
Tobio Kageyama ☁️☔️
Ryunosuke Tanaka ☔️
Shōyō Hinita ☁️/🌧
Kenma Kozume ☔️
Asahi Azumane⛓️
Yū Nishinoya ☔/ ☁️
Kotaro Bokuto ☔
Yu Nishinoya ☔
Ryunosuke Tanaka ☔
Hajime Iwaizumi ☔️

Shoyo Hinata ☔️

1K 3 4
By jachary4eva

Warnings: Death

Words: 1464

~Collage AU~

I looked up to the ceiling as tears formed in my eyes.

"I hate you." I muttered.

"W-what?" Hinata stuttered.

"I hate you!" I yelled into his face.

"I- I promise y/n I won't-." He began.

"No Shoyo!" I cried. "Stop making promises you can't keep! You keep saying you'll put me first, that you'll stop coming home at 3 am because of volleyball!"

Tears started to form in his beautiful brown eyes.

"I-I understand volleyball is everything to you." I began. "But-"

"You can't get mad at me for loving something!" He yelled at me "Volleyball is my life! You know that!"

"Well I want to be apart of your life too!" I sobbed. "All you talk about is volleyball! When you don't come home I try to stay up to see you! Because if I don't you ALWAYS leave before I even wake up!"

Hinata was speechless, his mouth was open ajar as if he was going to say something but nothing ever came out.

"It's like- you don't love me anymore." I cried harder. "I'm done putting 100% while your barley putting 20%! That is why I hate you! I hate you because you don't care enough for me! I hate you because you make me feel worthless! You make me feel like if I just died you wouldn't care!"

Hinata stayed silent. Maybe it was better if he didn't say anything, he would probably just make it worse.

"W-we're over." Saying those felt like I was coughing up a knife.

I quickly spun around and quickly walked to the door. I held the doorknob with my right hand for a second- I'm not sure why, maybe to see if Shoyo would stop me- to try and make things better. But he didn't. I twisted the knob and pulled the door towards me; a loud bang was left behind me as I slammed the door.

I ran down the empty stairs of the building leaving Hinata up in his second-floor apartment. I pulled the door open, that lead to the first floor, and quickly walked towards the door. The cold breeze hit me like- like a truck. I looked up to the bright moon as I held my body close.

"Y/n!" Hinata's voice rang in my ears.

I turned to my right and began to sprint away from the boy.

"Y/n wait!" He yelled in my direction.

I blocked out his words with the sound of the air the whooshed past me. Once my right foot left the sidewalk, I had a sickening feeling.

The sound of a loud honk made me shift my attention to the left. I froze in the middle of the street as the white light came closer to me.


My feet left the ground and I was flung backwards. I felt a wave of pain shoot allover my body as I hit the hard ground.


I looked up the the bright moon as I tried to breathe through my mouth. I looked to my left and saw the familiar orange haired boy collapse next to me.

"No no no!" He cried.

My stomach went up and down as I tried to breathe. Tears trickled down the sides of my face and into my ears.

"Call 110!" Hinata yelled to someone.

"H-Hin-" I tried to speak.

"It's ok- you're going to be ok." He put a smile on his face.

"I- I d-don't want to die." I cried.

"You're not going to die ok! You're going to be ok!" Hinata cried.

He pressed his right hand against my damp cheek.

"I love you y/n- I love you so much" He sobbed.

More tears poured out of my cheeks as I clenched my jaw.

"I love you" I mumbled under my breath.

"I love you" He cried "So you can't die, ok? You can't die on me- we got into a fight and- and we're going to get through this."

I looked into his brown eyes as he spoke.

"I'm going to give you more time, ok? We're going to get married and have kids so you can't die on me." He explained. "You can't die."

It felt as if I was laying there forever.

"It doesn't hurt anymore." I muttered.

"Is that a good thing?" Hinata gripped my hand.

"No.." I mumbled.

I knew I was dying. I could feel my soul leaving this body.

"Where is the ambulance!" Shoyo yelled.

"Look at me." I squeezed Shoyo's hand "Shoyo look at me."

He looked down into my teary eyes and I looked into his.

"Thank you for being there for me." I coughed "You're going to be great- just like the Tiny Giant."

Hinata didn't say anything, he just cried harder.

"You gave me the best 5 years of my life." I smiled "You made high school amazing."

My body started going limp, I knew I was about to go.

"I love-" My breath was cut short.

Third Person POV

Hinata stood at the front door of the funeral place. He couldn't step inside- he couldn't get himself to walk into the funeral and see your lifeless body in that casket.

Hinata looked to his right as he felt a hand on his back.

"She was lucky to have you." Kageyama softly spoke.

"Thanks." Hinata mumbled.

"We should go in." Kageyama told him.

"I know..." Hinata breathed.

And just like that Kageyama got him inside in a matter of a few seconds. If Kageyama wasn't there Hinata would have probably turned around and walked away.

Everyone from high school was there; Kei Tsukishima, Tadashi Yamaguchi, Daichi Sawamura, Kōshi Sugawara, Asahi Azumane, Yū Nishinoya, Ryūnosuke Tanaka, Chikara Ennoshita, Kiyoko Shimizu and, Hitoka Yachi. They all were dressed in black with tears running down their cheeks.

The old team's head shot over to Hinata and Kageyama who had walked in. Hinata had a poker face as he sat down next to Tsukishima's tall figure. Y/n's mother stood up in the front Y/n's casket and spoke a few words to Y/n.

Mr. Y/l/n ran up to his wife when she began to have a panic attack in front of their dead daughter. Mr. Y/l/n took her out of the room to relax. As people just sat in their seats crying for their love one Hinata stood up and walked over to the dark brown shiny casket. He could see her face, there was makeup that covered her face to make her seem more- alive. But it just made her seem like she was fake, Hinata didn't like how it made her look.

You see, y/n didn't like to wear makeup. She loved it on others but her- no. She wasn't quiet good at it and really she just had interest in it. Hinata loved to see her natural beauty, but when Y/n did wear make up like when she went to her cousins wedding or the time they went out to a really fancy restaurant; he thought she was the most prettiest woman he's ever seen.

Hinata pressed his warm hand to the side of her cold face. He stood there in his black suite with his orange hair that hung over his forehead. He didn't know what to say to you, who knows maybe you wouldn't even know he was talking to you right now.

"I love you." He mumbled.

He knew you wouldn't say it back, he knew you were gone. But he still hoped you would open your eyes on last time and say you loved him back.

"I love you." He mumbled under his breath once again.

Tears poured from his eyes as he looked down at your lifeless body. Quiet sobs left his lips as his hand moved away from your face.

"I love you so much." He spoke.


Hinata sat on his bed as he looked down at his hands. Tears dripped from his eyes to his lap. He had just gotten back to his dorm after his time at the wake, he couldn't watch you get lowered into the ground.

A soft knock was on heard from his front door. He pushed him self to stand up and see who it was. His hand gipped the door handle, he took a deep breath in before he opened it.

"W-what are you guys doing here?" Shoyo asked

"We thought you could use some company." Yachi gave him a small smile

Hinata moved to his small living room and sat on his tan-colored couch. His old friends moved into his apartment and towards his small living room. Sugawara sat on the right side of Hinata and Yachi on his left. With all his friends around him he felt- vulnerable. Within seconds of everyone around him he collapsed into a fit of crying. Everyone around Hinata started crying too, it hurt them to see their friend hurting so much but it hurt worse that they hadn't seen their friend, that just died, in a while.

Since that awful day, the swore they would make time for each other. Because you never do know when you're going to die.

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