Tonight I'm Loving You *My Te...

De not_invisible

1.3M 16.8K 1.8K

*on hold indefinitely* WARNING: poor grammar, poor spelling, poor plot line, just poor poor poor everything... Mais

Chapter 1: Meeting Mr.Night
Chapter 2: My Mate
Chapter 3: Detention
Chapter 4: She's Human
Chapter 5: Yes I'm Stalking My Mate, You Have A Problem With That?
Chapter 6: Meeting The Wolf
Chapter 7: The Kiss In The Bio Room
Chapter 8: Jasmine, The Bitch and The Werewolf
Chapter 9: Part One, You're a What?
Chapter 10: Dinner With The Nights
Chapter 11: I'm your what?
Chapter 12: Mr. Night Get the Hell Outta My House!
Chapter 13: Mr. Heart Breaker is back
Chapter 14: Forgetting/ interview with the cast
Chapter 15: Apart
Chapter 16: The Dead and The Living
Chapter 17: Guilty
Chapter 18: Lovely Scary Truth
Chapter 19: I love you my darling.
Chapter 20: Time
Chapter 21: A Happy Hayley
Sneak Preview:)
Chapter 22: Hate
Chapter 23: Crazy
Chapter 24: His Smile
Chapter 25: His Kiss
Chapter 26: Okay.
Chapter 27: Got Your Nose.
Chapter 28: The Date
Just so you know.
The Ending. (Bonus Epilogue)

Chapter 9: Part Two, You're a What?

44.8K 644 54
De not_invisible

Okayyy, heres chapter 9...part two...sorry it's late.


vote and comment please?

Chapter 9

Hayley's POV:                       

It took about 30 minutes to finally get Logan off me, and kick him out of the room (his room lol) just to get my head around everything that had happened. He was a werewolf, my teacher, and possibly my boyfriend. I wonder what my mom is thinking of all this while looking down at me from heaven, she is probably shaking her head laughing right now at my confusion. How did I get myself into this mess?            

I got up slowly and realized I was only in my underwear and a t-shirt, one I was sure was not mine, just considering the fact it went just above my knee. My face heated up realizing that Logan must have changed my clothes last night.           

"LOGAN NIGHT I'M GOING TO KICK YOU'RE ASS!" I screamed running out of the bedroom. "SERIOUSLY YOU COULDN'T HAVE JUST-" I stopped screaming when I saw a shirtless Logan hugging a small red head. My first reaction was rage. HE WAS MINE, no way was I going to let anyone take him from me. Then all I felt was sadness and misery. Logan, who must have felt my presence looked up at me in shock. "Okay, I'll just leave now." I said running past both of them, tears in my eyes, out of the apartment and down the hall.           

"Hayley, wait-" I heard Logan say, I just kept running down the stairs outside to the street. Shit, I thought as my feet hit the pavement, it was like 5:00am and it was cold and I only had a t-shirt on, I didn't even have my shoes. "Hayley Lake stop right there!" I heard Logan call from behind me.            

I wanted to run, but I also wanted to hear what he said. After a moment of internal debate I sighed and turned around. "WHY? I mean why am I here, with you? You are all over me one minute then hugging some other girl while I'm in the same room. Please stop giving me mixed signals, I am confused enough already."           

He smiled at me, I momentarily forgot I was mad at him as I stared into his blue eyes, "Hayley, that was my old friend Macy, he mate-her boy friend and her just had a huge fight and she was really upset. So she came here to talk to me, she really needed a friend. Trust me, Macy and I, well it would never happen."           

I felt like the biggest jerk in the whole wide world when he said that. Her boyfriend and her just had a huge fight and then I had to go and bitch, ugh. "Oh god Logan, I'm sorry I was horrible I was just so confused I guess...I have no idea what's been getting into me lately." I said walking up to him slowly and giving him a hug.           

His face lit up like a child on Christmas Eve when I wrapped my arms around him. He brought his large arms around my body and took hold of my waist with his hands. "I do!" he said cheerfully. "You're jealous!"           

I just stared at him in horror, I was not jealous. "I am not jealous." I denied.           

"Sure you aren't sweetheart."           

"I'm not!" I insisted.            

"Okay, keep convincing yourself that, but in the mean time can we go inside it's freezing and no matter how hot you look, I bet even you are getting a little cold." I looked at him questioning his meaning, then I looked down and remembered what I was wearing. I blushed and tried to pull the t-shirt down a little but to no avail it would not get any long. He just smirked at me and smacked my barely covered ass. "HEY!" I shouted. He smiled and led me back up to his apartment. "You were jealous." He chanted.            

"Was not."           

 "Was to."           

"Was not."           

 "Was to."           

 "Was not."           

 "Was to."           





 "NO I WASN'T."           

"Yes you were, now shut up for a minute and let me enjoy this," he said, I could hear the smile in his voice. As we reached his door I was about to smack him when I saw the little redhead was still there.           

 "Hello," she said timidly. "I'm sorry, what you saw wasn't what you thought-"           

I cut her off before she could continue. "No I'm sorry. I was overreacting."           

"You weren't you are his mate after all."           

"Huh?" I asked confused. What as a mate? Wasn't that British for friend? She looked at me in wonder then up at Logan behind me. Her face looked shocked then she rearranged her features into a smile. "So Hayley, Logan said you had glasses. Where are they?"            

CRAP! I just noticed I wasn't wearing them. I ran to the bedroom and checked all over for them, they weren't there. "Logan! Have you seen my glasses?" I asked as I walked back into the main room.           

"Yea, I broke them in two. You don't need them and you look better without them." He said matter of factly. Macy just looked at him like she expected him to say something like that. But I was pissed as hell.           

"What do you mean? Logan! I needed those!"           

"No you didn't."           

"Yes I did."           

"Okay, no you didn't now shut it before I decide not to make you breakfast." I shut up quickly realizing how hungry I was. I nodded and sat down at the counter in the kitchen next to where Macy was sitting.            

"So Hayley, how old are you?" Macy asked as Logan started to make pancakes, sausage and eggs.           

"I'm 16 turning 17 soon."           

"Oh really? When's your birthday?"           

"April 6th."           

"Oh so you're a junior?"           

 "Yep." I answered, marveling at her beauty, it was almost unfair how pretty she was. She wasn't in your face pretty but she was quiet cute, I was jealous.           


 "So how old are you?"           

"I'm 20, a year younger then Logan." I gaped at her, she looked even younger than me, how was that possible. "Yea I look young for my age."           

 I smiled at her. Then I thought of something, if Logan was a werewolf, could it be possible that Macy was too? "Umm so are you a...I mean are Logan? What I mean is are you a-"           

"Yes I'm a werewolf." She said           


"Yup! So are you going to dinner tonight?" She asked her eyes lit up in excitement. What dinner? CRASH! I looked up, Logan had dropped a plate and it was now smashed into millions of little pieces. "Idiot." Macy mumbled.           

"Macy, I think you should leave now."           

"Awww, Logan! Don't be mad at me! She should meet the pack sooner or later." Pack? As in pack of werewolves?           

"Macy, leave. I'll see you tonight." Logan said threatening. Damn he looked scary.           

"Fine, but you should tell her. And I'm not scared of you. If you want to rip my throat out, just try." She said staring at him with a menacing look and walked out. I just stared after her in awe, who would have thought that little thing could stick up to Logan, I mean he was huge and definitely scary. "Here" Logan said setting a plate of food in front of my face.            

I smiled up at him happily, "Thanks!" And I dug in, I was starving. I just ate as Logan watched my laughing in amusement across me leaning against the counter. "So," I started to say but was soon cut off by Logan's sexy voice. "Chew first, talk second."                       

I sighed and finished my bite of pancake, which by the way it was the best pancake I have ever eaten. It was just awesome. "What did she mean by pack? Like of werewolves, do I get to meet them tonight?" I said excitedly. Now that the idea of werewolves fully sunk in I was quiet happy with the idea.           

"I am going to kill Macy!" He huffed.           

I smiled and put a hand on hand on his cheek and gave him a quick kiss, "Don't be, I liked her. She was funny, and she stood up to you, you need a little ego burst once in awhile."           

He just smiled at me and said "Trust me sweetheart, you're my daily ego burst." I just smiled and continued eating, "And yes a pack means werewolves, a lot of them. Aren't you scared of that idea at all?"           

I looked at him in shock, "If I had been scared why would I still be here? I mean I love wolves why wouldn't I love the idea of werewolves?"           

"You sure are something." He said looking at me with an unreadable expression.           

 "So do I get to meet them? Is it a big dinner tonight? Like the whole pack or just important people? Do I get to meet the, ummm what do they call it? Alpha, yea I think that's it. Do I get to meet the Alpha?"           

He looked at me apprehensively and nodded, "It's a family dinner, it my mother my father, my best friend, and a few other close members of the pack."           

"Oh okay. So can I go? Or would that be inappropriate? Since I have no idea what I am to you..." I said fading off. Shit, I said something I really shouldn't have. God, this is what I get for talking, I never talk. I liked it that way, and now that I finally feel comfortable with him I've become a babbling idiot. Crap.           

He laughed at me and kissed my cheek, "You mean everything to me, and don't doubt it okay? You can come at your own risk. My family is quiet...odd. I really would rather you not, just because they are werewolves and you...aren't, but if you really want..."           

That was right, I wasn't a werewolf...he probably has someone else, someone of his...species. I was just a human, he could never actually care about me. He seemed to sense my uncertainty when he brought his lips to mine, kissing my sweetly and softly. "You are my only one. I really care for you." He said drawing away from me, but only a little our noses touching, I could feel his sweet breath against my skin.           

I smiled at him sadly. "But I'm human-"           

 "Shut up. I don't care."           

"I'm your student."           

"I still don't care."           

"We can't have an open relationship."           


"We can't hold hands or go places together in public."           

 "I don't care. It's better that way, I don't have to share you."           

"I met you two days ago."           

He just laughed, "Honey, it doesn't matter. Whether we've known each other forever or an hour, we still have the same chance of lasting as everyone."           

 I just smiled at him, he kissed me again and drew away. "Thanks." I said.            

"You're welcome, girlfriend." I smiled at the sound of it. Then he pulled away and started to clean up the kitchen. I continued to eat, when I was done I brought my plate to him and said, "Can I take a shower?"           

"Yea, it's the door to the left." I nodded and walked towards the door, "You know," he called from behind me. "I could always join you."           

"You pervert!" I screamed, blushed and ran into the bathroom. I looked at the mirror my face was beat red, ugh I hated what he did to me, but it made me really happy at the same time. I stripped down and walked into the shower, loving the feeling of the warm water run down my body. When I got out and wrapped the towel around me I realized I had no clothes. Shit I would have to go out there in a towel, or I could just... "Logan?" I said sticking my head out of the door way.           


 "Where are my clothes?"           

 "In the room."           

 "Can you grab them for me?" I asked sweetly.           

"Sure-wait a minute. You didn't bring your clothes in there?"           


 "Go and get them yourself."           

"What? No why?"            

 "So I can see you in that little towel thats why."           

"Logan please!" I begged.           


 "You suck."            

"That's your job." My face was now the color of a tomato.            

"Fuck you."           

"Please?" he asked. God I really wanted to hit him, I took a deep breath and ran to the bedroom, and very aware of the fact the towel barely covered my ass. I got to the bedroom and closed the door quickly. I put my clothes on from last night and then walked back out of the room, ready to face the devil. I walked to the living room, walking in front of the tv Logan was watching my hands on my hips, I went up to him grabbed a pillow and wacked him on the head. "Yes darling?" he said innocently.           

"I hate you."            

"No you don't."           

"Do too." Then he smiled wickedly and grabbed the pillow next to him and hit me on the head. I looked at him shocked then wacked him again. Soon it was a full blown pillow fight. We just kept hitting each other, laughing at the others face. We continued this for awhile till he ended on top of my hitting me softly on the head. "I win!" He announced.            

"No way."            

"Yup! I WON!" he screamed then kissed me. It was first a light kiss, but soon got heated and more passionate. I threw my hands around his neck as he kissed my neck, I moaned with pleasure as he sucked on the sensitive part at the base of my collar bone. I sighed in happiness and just happened to see the clock, it was 12:20. Crap. I shot up startling Logan."Take me home."           

He looked hurt, and I felt bad immediately. "No why?"           

"I need to get something nice to wear."           

 "Why?" he asked in confusion.           


He sighed a sigh of relief, then quickly looked annoyed. "Oh yea, it doesn't matter what you wear. You'll look beautiful no matter what."           

"I don't care. When is dinner?"           

He looked at me hesitantly, like he didn't want to answer my question. "I should be there at 4:00."           

 I nodded, "Just take me home." He sighed got up took my hand and lead me out the door.

            When we got to my house, I walked up to the front door opened it ran upstairs Logan at my heels. "Okay, what should I wear?" I asked him looking at my closet unable to find anything suitable, I mean all I owned were jeans.           

"I don't care." He said looking around my room.            

"You are useless." I said and grabbed a mid thigh jean skirt Jane left here last time she was over. I went into the bathroom and changed into it and a pink tank top. I looked in the mirror frowning, I looked awful. "Okay, tell me how bad." I said and walked back into my room. Logan looked up at me from my bed, his eyes glazing over with lust.           

"You look good." He said dryly, staring at my legs.           

 I smirked and said, "We should go. It's like 2:30. How far away does your family live?"           

He was still staring when he said "30 minutes away, Elizabeth town."           

Elizabeth Town? My grandma lives there. "Really! My grandmother lives there." I said excitedly.            

 He just smiled and said "Really? Cool."           

"Yep, but we should go! Come on." I said dragging him out of my house and back to his car.            

            "Are you sure about this?" he asked as we stood out of his house. I just stared at his house, which was about the size of a mansion, I mean seriously? How many people lived in there? I just nodded unable to speak. "Okay, let's go in then." He grabbed my hand and lead me to the front door. I felt so small as he knocked on the door. When the door opened a beautiful woman was standing there smiling. "LOGAN! SWEETIE!  I'M SO GLAD YOU DECIDED TO COME! When Macy said you might be I got so excited. I made your favorite. Beef stew!"            

 Logan stood there smiling at the women. I realized they had the same eyes. "Mom, chill. This is Hayley," he said gesturing to me at his side. The women looked at me with shock at first then a smile.            

"Hayley!" She said giving me a huge hug. "You mean she's your ma-"           

"She's my girl friend." Logan said cutting her off.           

"Oh, you mean she doesn't know?"           

 "I know you're werewolves." I said. Logan's mom just looked at him and he nodded. Okay...?            

"Okay, that's good. One step at a time." she said more to herself than anyone else. "Anyways I'm Debra Night."(I don't remember if I had already given her a name...)           

 I smiled and said "Nice to meet you Mrs. Night."           

 "Oh honey, please call me Debra or mom, anything. Mrs. Night makes me feel old, like my mother in law." She said leading us in the house, it was even bigger on the inside then it was on the outside.            

 I laughed. "That's what Logan said about his dad."           

 "Oh really" Came a deep voice, I looked up and it was a good looking man in his late 30 early 40s, it was like staring at the future Logan. "Logan my boy, do I really look that old to you?"             

Logan just laughed and said "To me dad you are. This is Hayley, my girlfriend."           

His dad looked at me and smiled. "Nice too meet you Hayley."            

"You too Mr. Night."              

 "Call me Cam." He said warmly.            


 "Wow, Logan, you really brought that human to dinner? I'm shocked you had the guts." said a familiar voice. I looked up it was Jasmine, oh great. This night was going to suck.

sorry it was boring...

i normally update sooner if i get 10 votes, justt saying.... lol. update in a week???? we'll see.


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