Miss Slytherin

Von NotOaklandRayah

318K 11K 2.4K

"That's odd," Finley finally spoke as they arrived at the wall where they found the door last Christmas. "Sh... Mehr

Miss Potter Out Now!
Part I: Philosopher's Stone
Book 1: Chapter 1
Book 1: Chapter 2
Book 1: Chapter 3
Book 1: Chapter 4
Book 1: Chapter 5
Book 1: Chapter 6
Book 1: Chapter 7
Book 1: Chapter 8
Book 1: Chapter 9
Book 1: Chapter 10
Book 1: Chapter 11
Book 1: Chapter 12
Book 1: Chapter 13
Book 1: Chapter 14
Book 1: Chapter 15
Book 1: Chapter 16
Book 1: Chapter 17
Book 1: Chapter 18
Book II: Chamber of Secrets
Book 2: Chapter 1
Book 2: Chapter 2
Book 2: Chapter 3
Book 2: Chapter 4
Book 2: Chapter 5
Book 2: Chapter 6
Book 2: Chapter 7
Book 2: Chapter 8
Book 2: Chapter 9
Book 2: Chapter 10
Book 2: Chapter 11
Book 2: Chapter 12
Book 2: Chapter 13
Book 2: Chapter 14
Book 2: Chapter 15
Book 2: Chapter 16
Book 2: Chapter 17
Book 2: Chapter 18
Book 2: Chapter 19
Book 2: Chapter 20
Book III: Prisoner of Azkaban
Book 3: Chapter 1
Book 3: Chapter 2
Book 3: Chapter 3
Book 3: Chapter 4
Book 3: Chapter 5
Book 3: Chapter 6
Book 3: Chapter 7
Book 3: Chapter 8
Book 3: Chapter 9
Book 3: Chapter 10
Book 3: Chapter 11
Book 3: Chapter 12
Book 3: Chapter 13
Book 3: Chapter 14
Book 3: Chapter 15
Book 3: Chapter 16
Book 3: Chapter 17
Book 3: Chapter 18
Book 3: Chapter 19
Book 3: Chapter 20
Book 3: Chapter 21
Book 3: Chapter 22
Book 3: Chapter 23
Book 3: Chapter 24
Book IV: Goblet of Fire
Book 4: Chapter 1
Book 4: Chapter 2
Book 4: Chapter 3
Book 4: Chapter 4
Book 4: Chapter 5
Book 4: Chapter 6
Book 4: Chapter 7
Book 4: Chapter 8
Book 4: Chapter 9
Book 4: Chapter 10
Book 4: Chapter 11
Book 4: Chapter 12
Book 4: Chapter 13
Book 4: Chapter 14
Book 4: Chapter 15
Book 4: Chapter 16
Book 4: Chapter 17
Book 4: Chapter 18
Book 4: Chapter 19
Book 4: Chapter 20
Book 4: Chapter 21
Book 4: Chapter 22
Book 4: Chapter 23
Book 4: Chapter 24
Book V: Order of the Phoenix
Book 5 Chapter 1
Book 5: Chapter 2
Book 5: Chapter 3
Book 5: Chapter 4
Book 5: Chapter 5
Book 5: Chapter 6
Book 5: Chapter 7
Book 5: Chapter 8
Book 5: Chapter 9
Book 5: Chapter 11
Book 5: Chapter 12
Book 5: Chapter 13
Book 5: Chapter 14
Book 5: Chapter 15
Book 5: Chapter 16
Book 5: Chapter 17
Book 5: Chapter 18
Book 5: Chapter 19
Book 5: Chapter 20
Book 5: Chapter 21
Book 5: Chapter 22
Book 5: Chapter 23
Book 5: Chapter 24
When in the Snake pit
When in the Snake Pit II
Book 5: Chapter 25
When in the Snake Pit III
When in the Snake Pit IV
Book 5: Chapter 26
Book 5: Chapter 27
Book 5: Chapter 28
When in the Snake pit: Hogsmeade visit of '95
Book VI: Half Blood Prince
Book 6: Chapter 1
Book 6: Chapter 2
Book 6: Chapter 3
Book 6: Chapter 4
Book 6: Chapter 5
Book 6: Chapter 6
Book 6: Chapter 7
When in the Snake Pit: Welcome back Party of '96
Book 6: Chapter 8
Book 6: Chapter 9
Book 6: Chapter 10
Book 6: Chapter 11
When in the Snake Pit: Snake Bite of '96
Book 6: Chapter 12
Book 6: Chapter 13
Book 6: Chapter 14
Book 6: Chapter 15
Book 6: Chapter 16
Book 6: Chapter 17
Book 6: Chapter 18
Book 6: Chapter 19
Book 6: Chapter 20
Book 6: Chapter 21
Book 6: Chapter 22
Book 6: Chapter 23
Book 6: Chapter 24
Miss Potter

Book 5: Chapter 10

1.2K 48 17
Von NotOaklandRayah

Warning: Too many vulgar words ahead, please proceed with caution.

"Pardon me, Professor, but what exactly are you insinuating?" Finley's ears perked up at the high pitched voice coming from outside the great hall. Raising her brow towards Theo who she was with at the moment, both raised themselves from where they sat, intrigued to what had ruffled the ugly toad's pink hand knitted cardigans.

"I am merely requesting that when it comes to my students, you conform to the prescribed disciplinary practices," McGonagall's voice spoke, her tone cold towards the shorter woman.

"Oh lord, she done it," Finley whispered to Theo who paled at the icy stare McGonagall was giving Umbridge, rarely had they all seen the transfigurations Professor look angry. Not a very pleasant sight.

"So silly of me, but it sounds as if you're questioning my authority in my own classroom," Dolores spoke, raising her nose, taking a step up the stair case looking down at McGonagall. "Minerva."

"Not at all, Dolores."

"Oof," Theo chuckled, loving how this teacher spat was unfolding, he along with Finley and the other Slytherins were loving the drama unlike the rest of the school.

"Merely your medieval methods."

"I am sorry, dear," Dolores huffed, not looking as apologetic as she seemed to be. "But to question my practices is to question the Ministry, and by extension, the minister himself."

"You better believe that I have a shit ton of questions for him," Finley muttered under her breath, glaring at how the pink blob was standing as if she was above Minerva McGonagall. McGonagall was above everyone if she so wished in Finley's books that is.

"I am a tolerant woman."

"I doubt it."

"But the one thing I will not stand for is disloyalty."

Finley rolled her eyes, this wasn't about disloyalty really, it was about competence that she clearly didn't have.

"Disloyalty," McGonagall spoke in disbelief, humouring at the delusion the short pink woman in front of her was spouting.

"Things at Hogwarts are far worst that I feared. Cornelius will want to take immediate action," Umbridge spoke, facing the students who stood there and watched their spat as if it was an interesting telly show.

"Cornelius here, Minister Fudge there, I swear to Salazar, she is infuriating," Finley complains as she sat on Draco's bed in his prefect dorm. It was finally the end of the day that she was able to get some rest, and to her luck, Draco didn't have classes until his prefect duties later in the evening.

Draco handed her a bottle of pumpkin juice before sitting on the other side of the bed, just across from Finley. Just listening to her rants, it was amazing how this woman infuriated Finley more than Pansy ever did.

"She made Harry use this stupid quill that used his blood for ink, she wears too much pink!"

"She smells like a decaying corpse!"

"Are you done?" Draco asked Finley who now slumped on his pillow, cuddling on it, hearing her frustrated growls. "You shouldn't dwell on her too much, we have OWLs to prepare for, if that woman refuses to teach us anything, maybe it's best to self study, don't you think?" He suggests, earning a muffled yes from Finley who had her face in his pillow still.

In the few days that they both had been in school, it was a good thing that no one noticed what kind of secret Blythe Zabini was holding on to. And frankly, in those few days, they were already cramming the OWLs studying, this was the first time that the both of them hung out alone.

"Anyways, where's Blaise and Theo?"

Finley replied in another muffled sound, he couldn't really make it out, he had to get nearer. "Finn, Hey—" he heard soft snores.

Good lord, she fell asleep in the middle of her rant, it was astonishing to him. He sat on the cold floor, not minding if his pyjamas would get dirty, he placed his chin on the mattress and watched her sleep.

"You look like a creep, stop it." He scolded himself, shaking his head slightly before looking back at Finley. Seeing how her pretty she looked—no, she was gorgeous, just like how she had always been since he met her.

'Stop it.'

He doesn't want to though. Unconsciously grazing his knuckle on her cheek, feeling the slight warmth that radiated from it, she looked so peaceful that it hurt. Her red lipstick was now staining his white pillow case, normally, this would piss him off but not now.

How can someone this beautiful be cursed?

He retracted his knuckles from her face, he was being a real creep at the moment, what was he doing?

With a hefty amount of debating, he nudged her awake gently, it would look bad if she was seen in his room, on his bed. Especially with rumours that Pansy was planning to barge in his dorm even with a password on it. No one was going to know what his password is.

"Finley," he said softly, still nudging her awake.

"What?" She groggily asked, slowly opening her eyes revealing the emerald green once he had always loved to stare at.

"You should go in your dorm," he tells her, retraining himself mentally. "You'll be much more comfortable in there than here," he says.

"Five more minutes," she sighed, snuggling closer to the pillow, curling into a ball before snoring again. The day must've tired her out, the way she was snoring was evidence enough that she was. Not having the heart at the attempt to wake her up again, he took the blanket from the end of the bed, placing it over Finley's sleeping body. Hopefully she doesn't wake up yet once he gets back from his prefect duties, he would really like to bring her back some treacle tarts from the kitchen.

A few weeks passed, the toad was appointed the Hogwarts Inquisitor, supposedly it wasn't going to bother Finley, up until she was not feeling well and that Theo was helping her stand that she was magically thrown to a pillar. It was all because of Educational Decree number twenty-six.

But of course, it was the new found rules, though Finley hated them, she was still in Slytherin and they were known to follow rules. Now as she was enjoying the spark tossing toy Fred and George Weasley had created from afar, the woman shuts it down creating a new decree that was obviously a load of bullshit.

"I want to smash those frames that Filch keeps putting up on their heads," Finley grits as she sat in the courtyard holding up a copy of a muggle novel she really liked, 'The Picture of Dorian Grey' it was titled. Definitely one of her favourites, more so because it was Astoria who introduced it to her.

"She's just so... so... I don't even have anymore foul words to describe the likes of her," she huffs, flipping to the next page. Cedric who was with her chuckled from a few feet away from her, being this year's head boy, the pressures were on him much to his discomfort. But it was indeed a good thing to know that Finley though still hiding as Blythe, was still Finley in certain times.

"I'll be back in a bit, I promised Cho to help her with a few things," he says.

"Good luck then," Finley winks at him as she motions for him leave.

"Focus on Dorian now, alright?" He laughed, patting her head.

"You bet I will," Finley huffs, focusing on the book, enjoying every bit of it. Suddenly the book bursted into flames, catching her off guard as the book was now in a pile of ashes. "What the fuck?!" She shrieked, looking up towards the crowd who potentially casted the spell.

"Language, Miss Zabini," the irritating voice spoke, a little giggle going in as she stood a few feet away from where Finley stood.

"Why the hell did you do that for?" Finley snapped, red eyes seemed to be glowing in anger.

"Under the Educational Decree Forty-six, all non wizard or half-blood literature must be banned from Hogwarts—"

"You have got to be kidding me," Finley scoffs in disbelief. This was ridiculous, it was a book, a fucking book.

"See to it that you follow the rules Miss Zabini—"

"Fuck your rules, you old hag!" Finley sneered at Umbridge who looked shocked at how Finley had disrespected her. "Better yet, shove all those stupid Educational Decrees up your ass—"


"Yeah, because that's all you could do! Carve ridiculous lies on student's skin, ask the coward minister for a promotion—"

"DETENTION!" Umbridge shrieked, eyes wild for a moment before collecting herself again, clearing her throat. "I will see you, in my office," the woman giggled before leaving.

"I fucking hate her," Finley glared at the pink shit that walked away like nothing happened.

"She what?" Astoria snapped, looking up at Finley who looked guilty for letting the pink blob hag burn her precious book into ashes. "She—SHE BURNED MY BOOK?!"

The parchment Astoria was holding crumpled and was torn in half making Finley flinch, shocked at the rage a little girl like Astoria had for a book, not that she blames her. Over and over again, Astoria had mentioned how much she loved that book with all her heart, and because of one educational decree that was a load of bullshit, was burned.

"I'm sending a note to my parents," Astoria grumbled, grabbing a new roll of parchment before pausing. "No, better yet, I'll send my dad a howler."



Sighing, Finley left Astoria to her own devices and left the dorm to give the young girl her space, that and she was terrified at what kind of howler she was going to send her parents. As she went down to the common room, she could definitely feel the tension in the snake house. Words that went from how they hated the school Inquisitor. How they would definitely disown her from the snake house if they ever went to school with her, or if she had a spawn that was like her, they would definitely disown them.

"Earned yourself detention, for a book?" Blaise chuckled as soon as she reached the emerald couches that she loved to hang out on in her early years in Hogwarts.

"To tell you, it was all that pent up rage," she clarified to him. "I still have that bruise from the pillar she threw me on."

"The pink blob took my spell-check quill," both of them heard someone complain.

Theo slumped on the couch beside Finley, looked dark, and infuriated, not the normal sight from him which was alarming. Oddly enough, they didn't have to guess who the culprit for this was.

"What educational decree did she say you broke?" Finley asks her best friend.

"Do it in her voice, to make it ten times more accurate," Blaise teased, earning a slap from Theo.

"Forty-seven, required us to consent to allow our owl post to be checked for illegal contraband or whatever that shit was."

"She's taking it too far."

The three of them fell silent, as much as they wanted to stop the pink blob, the fact remained that adults would never listen to kids. Not to them, even if they know better.

"I should go, I have detention with the ugly bitch," she says, loud enough for the common room bystanders to hear.

"Give her hell for us," Theo smirked, if there was anything that Finley as Blythe liked doing these few weeks, it was giving everyone hell. Hopefully, she delivers.

Finley always liked the shade of pastel pink, she often had a spare ribbon tied on her wrist simply because she can. But the moment she walked in that toad teacher's office she wanted to puke, pink and cats, oh lord she loved her sweet Cassian to bits and she would do anything in her power for this loathsome to never have her filthy eyes see her darling cat, ever.

"Miss Zabini," the ugly pink blob spoke, giving her a smile that she would love to have the pleasure to wipe off her face. "Sit."

She sat down in front of the desk and gave the woman a smile, genuine as it may look, she was on the verge to stab the woman with that ugly wand of hers.

"You are going to write lines for me dear," the woman said in a sickly sweet voice. Placing a parchment on the table and a quill, she took her quill and inspected it, looking like a crow's feather short but lean. She takes it slightly on her nose, it certainly did smell like death and she would know that very well indeed.

"Any problem Miss Zabini?"

"Nothing," she spoke as she looks towards the desk to see no ink. "You didn't give me any ink."

"You don't need that for my special quill," the woman giggled, almost causing Finley to gag.

She raises the quill over to the parchment. "Now you must write. 'I must not talk back to a teacher' until I tell you to stop," Umbridge spoke as she takes a sip from her tea. Sighing, Finley followed the order, writing the words and instantly feeling a sting on her other arm.

'I must not talk back to a teacher' it said. She chuckled, so this was what detention with the bitch felt like.

She kept on writing, and writing, never wincing, she even giggled as the smell of metal filled her nose at how close she was on the arm that was now bleeding. Umbridge narrowed her eyes at the never wincing student, curious at how she hasn't cried just yet like all the other students who received the same punishment. It had been about two hours and she was yet to see pain in the girl's face, what she didn't know was that the girl was numb all though out her body at this point in her life. These scars weren't going to kill her anytime soon.

"Stop, I believe that is enough," Umbridge coughed, Finley lifting her head to meet the woman's eyes. Instead of seeing the look of pain in the girl's red eyes, she got a good look of mischief in her and that alarmed the woman. Standing up, she took Finley's wrist and she scowled.

"You told me to write until you say stop," Finley grinned as she admired her own wrist.

'I must not talk back to a teacher, even if she is an incompetent bitch.'

Umbridge's face was red in rage at the smug girl at only gave her an innocent look, such disrespect should not be over looked by her, especially by this girl.

"Do you want me to write some more Dolores?" Finley smirked, if she was going to have scars on her hand, the least she could do was take advantage of the punishment.

"No, you can leave," the woman told her , smiling, Finley took her bag and skipped out of the ugly pink office to the empty halls. She promised them that she was giving the blob hell, it will certainly be a slow process.


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