Peter Stories ??

By wannabe224

20.6K 292 68

Where I'm going to dump all my random oneshot shorts of Tom Holland and Jake Gyllenhaal because they cute :3... More

Waste of time
Waste of Time (Prt. 2)
Waste of time 3
Homecoming P1
Homecoming P2
Homecoming Prt3
Shrunk (rewritten)
Cringey fieldtrip (rewritten)
Watched P1
Watched P2
Exposed (rewritten)
You can't stop me P1
You can't stop me now Pt2
You cant stop me now Pt3
You cant stop me now Pt4
Cough cough
Iron Mad
Video Presentation
Moving on
Moving on 2
New boy
Smell like home
Puppet .1
Puppet .2

Boom poof crash bang pow

179 6 1
By wannabe224

Sooo idk if you've seen my rambles about being sick here I honestly don't know which books I'm complained in 😂 🤔 but.. I got tested and I have COVID.. so I'll either be really active because I'm isolated or not active at all because I'm sleeping and my fam has it so I still have to watch and raise nephews 5 days a week regardless 😫

Peter felt tension rise in his chest the entire morning and he wasn't sure why. Everything seemed fine but he felt like something horrible was going to happen.

Going to school he sighed as he saw a lone bus waiting and knew today was the surprise field trip which should be exciting, it should be something to be happy about but it wasn't. Peter couldn't be happy over going somewhere with his whole class when his gut was twisting uncomfortably and screaming at him to do something.

Do something about what though? Nothing was happening!

As they all were lined up and sent into the bus the teacher Mr. Harrington stood at the front and smiled at them. "Today is an honorable day because we have managed to score a field trip to the one and only Stark Towers."

The bus erupted in fits of joy, shock, and excitement. Peter widened his eyes and felt his stomach drop.

He was going to be sick. He couldn't go there? With his whole class? He had just had a fight with Mr. Stark about how he could handle more after the Vulture accident and how he deserved to be treated as an equal not a kid... he couldn't.. face him in front of everyone.. and Flash?!

Speaking of...

"Hope you're ready... Parker." Flash snickered and Peter winced.

He was not ready.

Ned and MJ watched him worried expecting him not to like the trip but not expecting the severe worry and life draining out of his body at the news. He practically resembled a kicked puppy curling in on itself with beady brown eyes full of pain and tears and a corpse at the same time and they felt their excitement vanish at one look at him.

As the bus started and got closer to the Tower he felt the horrible pit in his stomach grow.

Something is wrong

Looking around Peter couldn't place it and at first he thought he was crazy and just nervous about going to the Tower but then he saw it.

The armored vehicle charged the bus from the side with plates on the front that resembled what the Shocker wore at homecoming.

They're going to crash the bus

Peter jumped up and MJ and Ned stared at him in worry. "Everyone hold on to your seats tight if you want to live and get onto the the right side of the bus!" He screamed and pointed. Everyone watched him in confusion and fear but some followed his orders before everyone eventually moved to the other side scared of Peter not the threat they didn't realize was coming.

Flash opened his mouth to make a comment but he still gripped his bus seat tightly, he wasn't going to risk it.

Then it happened fast, Peter opened the latch on the window above his seat and jumped out of it landing on the hood of the armored truck. Everyone screamed and gasped at the sudden act before another fast movement sent them spinning.

The truck hit the bus hard, slamming Peter's back against it cracking a window with his head he winced. He had managed to flick his web shooters out and web over the shock electrics on the front of the truck knowing how it felt to be punched by the same mechanism he didn't need to be a genius to know that would destroy the bus and everyone inside.

Just denting the bus and sending it skidding across the pavement now with normal damage and everyone terrified and out of breath Peter shook his head to regain his focus. His head hurt.

Soon everyone recovered from their shock and rushed to the windows to watch. The engine was shot and the bus couldn't move so what else was there to do but watch a student fight a mass villain?

"Oh my god Peter." Ned whispered worried and MJ chewed her nails.

"He just... saved our lives...". Flash stuttered.

Peter panted looking at the bus and seeing it was okay before sighing in relief but it was short lived when he faced back and saw the face of Toomes buddies, the one from homecoming being easily recognized.

"Oh shit."

"Hey spider kid." They smirked and slammed on the gas smashing him into the side of the bus before backing up.

"He's going to kill him!"

Peter groaned falling to the concrete and wheezing slightly as he crawled away some and forced himself to stand.

Ned was on that bus. MJ was on that bus. He had to protect that bus.

"Is that all you got!" Peter yelled and everyone widened their eyes.

His watch blinked as his vitals took a hit and he just needed time.

The car sped toward him again but this time Peter planted his feet firm on the ground and when it hit him he grabbed the bumper holding it back.

Pushing back the tires spun as they tried to go forward and Peter used his sheer strength to hold the car still and away from the bus his feet sliding on the concrete as he screamed against the force.


Then the car stopped and the doors opened. Peter let go of it panting and widened his eyes.

"Oh no." He muttered and everyone watched him swallow.

"Remember me kid? Remmener this?" The man said holding up the shocker fist which sparked electric waves menacingly.

"How could I forget it was my first homecoming." Peter joked walking sideways and backwards.

"It was supposed to be your last." The man growled before lunging and Peter ducked sliding between his legs and kicking his knee.

They exchanged kicks and punches before he slammed the shocker into Peters stomach sending him into the back of the bus. Everyone screamed as the back of the bus shattered and Peters body flew inside folding against a broken seat and crushed metal.

He laid unconscious and bloody as the man laughed with his buddy and walked closer. Everyone panicked moving to the other side of the bus but MJ and Ned rushed to Peter.

"Peter... come on man." Ned said shaking him and wincing as his head lolled to the side dripping blood.

The man entered the bus and raised an eyebrow at the girl.


"No." MJ said and everyone stared at her in shock.

"Are you kidding me?" The guy laughed and MJ took that time to slam her knee into his private causing him to groan and fall to his knees.

"You bitch." His friend growled grabbing her by her hair and shaking her.

"Put.. her down." Peter spoke weakly and MJ widened her eyes.

"Or what?" The man laughed as Peter stood up swaying.

"Or I'll fucking kill you." He glared and everyone swallowed never seeing Peter so angry.

Raising his arm he shot a web in the mans face and pulled it forward slamming his face into the edge of the damaged metal of the bus knocking him out and making him drop MJ.

"Are you.. are okay?" Peter mumbled falling to the ground and MJ widened her eyes scrambling to Peter.

"I'm fine Peter you're losing a lot of blood." She said wincing at his stomach.

"I'm,. Fine." He mumbled closing his eyes as he heard repuslors right as MJ was forced down and Ned was punched.

Opening his eyes he saw the shock waves of the shocker in his face and he winced before a bright light was all over him and screaming was ringing in his ears.

Opening his eyes again he heard distant shouting.



Kid open your eyes for me

Peeling them open he was on the pavement, looking up he saw his class on the side.. MJ was next to him and.. Mr. Stark.

"M.. Mr. Stark?"  Peter whispered blinking his eyes with confusion.

"Kid.. hey just look at me you're okay."  Mr. Stark said gently his hand holding the side of the teens face.

Everyone stared at the scene in shock and horror not believing they lived through everything and that their classmate was the Spider-Man

"No.. th the one shocker he I didn't get him he was- did he get anyone.. MJ .. Ned?  The class- they know I-". Peter sputtered gasping and wheezing as he lurched forward and choked some, a horrible gargling sound coming out of it as red dripped out of the side of his mouth and he winced. Everyone clutched their stomachs, and hearts seeing such a good kid hurt so bad.

"Hey I got him everyone is okay kid breathe.  Breathe kid look at me."  Tony rushed his hand cupping behind the kids neck to support him and hold him up some.

"Look at me breathe slowly and just relax kid.  You did it.  You saved the day kid you did it."  Tony assured him. 

Peter nodded softly breathing softly and staring at Tony and shuddering.  He tasted metal and winced as his stomach moved up and down. 

"Am I dying?"  Peter asked softly but in the quiet air it seemed like he yelled.

Ned bit his lip and MJ cried softly looking down, multiple classmates were crying and Flash was feeling faint.  He couldn't be?  He looked like he was though.

"No Pete, you're going to pull through this okay?  I've already lost you once I'm not losing you again ."  Tony said seriously.

Mr. Harrington felt faint hearing that his student had already died before... his student he had given detentions for saving lives had died before.

Peter shuddered and felt his eyes getting heavy as he whimpered but he felt hope.

"How bad.. is it?"  He asked weakly and Tony smiled at the kid and his bravery.

"You have a pretty bad head wound and stomach wound but I patched you up.  You lost a lot of blood so you'll be weak and in and out for a while as you heal."  Tony said honestly no sugar coating.

"Why are we here still?"  Peter asked next forcing his eyes open.

"I can't risk opening the wound again by flying you so I'm waiting for the Jet."  Tony said brushing his bangs back.

Peter shivered and nodded opening his eyes again and looking at MJ.

"Did he hurt you..". He whispered his hand shakily reaching for her.

She grabbed his bloody shaking hand and cried softly, "no no Peter you saved me.  You saved everyone."  She said kissing his hand and sniffling.

The familiar sound of the Quinjet was heard as it flew over and landed amongst the wreckage.  Out of it ran Natasha, Clint, Bruce, and Steve.

"Holy shit the avengers.." people in his class started muttering.

"How is he?  Baby spider it's Nat look at me."  Natasha said moving to his side and moving his hair from his eyes.

"Mmm Hi nat."  Peter winced smiling weakly at her.

"I did the best to hold it off for you."  Tony told Bruce and the two began talking as they laid down a gurney and Steve and Clint lifted him onto to.

"It goes without saying everything that happened here today is going to be covered by Tony Stark.  You will follow his story with Peter not being involved and no one will be saying anything about his identity ever."  Steve said and Natasha stood up.

"If anyone does I will kill them worse than any russian mob ever could."  She smiled sweetly.

Everyone widened their eyes and nodded fast, "take care of him."  Ned and MJ said watching them take him away.

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