Miss Slytherin

Por NotOaklandRayah

311K 10.9K 2.4K

"That's odd," Finley finally spoke as they arrived at the wall where they found the door last Christmas. "Sh... Más

Part I: Philosopher's Stone
Book 1: Chapter 1
Book 1: Chapter 2
Book 1: Chapter 3
Book 1: Chapter 4
Book 1: Chapter 5
Book 1: Chapter 6
Book 1: Chapter 7
Book 1: Chapter 8
Book 1: Chapter 9
Book 1: Chapter 10
Book 1: Chapter 11
Book 1: Chapter 12
Book 1: Chapter 13
Book 1: Chapter 14
Book 1: Chapter 15
Book 1: Chapter 16
Book 1: Chapter 17
Book 1: Chapter 18
Book II: Chamber of Secrets
Book 2: Chapter 1
Book 2: Chapter 2
Book 2: Chapter 3
Book 2: Chapter 4
Book 2: Chapter 5
Book 2: Chapter 6
Book 2: Chapter 7
Book 2: Chapter 8
Book 2: Chapter 9
Book 2: Chapter 10
Book 2: Chapter 11
Book 2: Chapter 12
Book 2: Chapter 13
Book 2: Chapter 14
Book 2: Chapter 15
Book 2: Chapter 16
Book 2: Chapter 17
Book 2: Chapter 18
Book 2: Chapter 19
Book 2: Chapter 20
Book III: Prisoner of Azkaban
Book 3: Chapter 1
Book 3: Chapter 2
Book 3: Chapter 3
Book 3: Chapter 4
Book 3: Chapter 5
Book 3: Chapter 6
Book 3: Chapter 7
Book 3: Chapter 8
Book 3: Chapter 9
Book 3: Chapter 10
Book 3: Chapter 11
Book 3: Chapter 12
Book 3: Chapter 13
Book 3: Chapter 14
Book 3: Chapter 15
Book 3: Chapter 16
Book 3: Chapter 17
Book 3: Chapter 18
Book 3: Chapter 19
Book 3: Chapter 20
Book 3: Chapter 21
Book 3: Chapter 22
Book 3: Chapter 23
Book 3: Chapter 24
Book IV: Goblet of Fire
Book 4: Chapter 1
Book 4: Chapter 2
Book 4: Chapter 3
Book 4: Chapter 4
Book 4: Chapter 5
Book 4: Chapter 6
Book 4: Chapter 7
Book 4: Chapter 8
Book 4: Chapter 9
Book 4: Chapter 10
Book 4: Chapter 11
Book 4: Chapter 12
Book 4: Chapter 13
Book 4: Chapter 14
Book 4: Chapter 15
Book 4: Chapter 16
Book 4: Chapter 17
Book 4: Chapter 18
Book 4: Chapter 19
Book 4: Chapter 20
Book 4: Chapter 21
Book 4: Chapter 22
Book 4: Chapter 23
Book 4: Chapter 24
Book V: Order of the Phoenix
Book 5: Chapter 2
Book 5: Chapter 3
Book 5: Chapter 4
Book 5: Chapter 5
Book 5: Chapter 6
Book 5: Chapter 7
Book 5: Chapter 8
Book 5: Chapter 9
Book 5: Chapter 10
Book 5: Chapter 11
Book 5: Chapter 12
Book 5: Chapter 13
Book 5: Chapter 14
Book 5: Chapter 15
Book 5: Chapter 16
Book 5: Chapter 17
Book 5: Chapter 18
Book 5: Chapter 19
Book 5: Chapter 20
Book 5: Chapter 21
Book 5: Chapter 22
Book 5: Chapter 23
Book 5: Chapter 24
When in the Snake pit
When in the Snake Pit II
Book 5: Chapter 25
When in the Snake Pit III
When in the Snake Pit IV
Book 5: Chapter 26
Book 5: Chapter 27
Book 5: Chapter 28
When in the Snake pit: Hogsmeade visit of '95
Book VI: Half Blood Prince
Book 6: Chapter 1
Book 6: Chapter 2
Book 6: Chapter 3
Book 6: Chapter 4
Book 6: Chapter 5
Book 6: Chapter 6
Book 6: Chapter 7
When in the Snake Pit: Welcome back Party of '96
Book 6: Chapter 8
Book 6: Chapter 9
Book 6: Chapter 10
Book 6: Chapter 11
When in the Snake Pit: Snake Bite of '96
Book 6: Chapter 12
Book 6: Chapter 13
Book 6: Chapter 14
Book 6: Chapter 15
Book 6: Chapter 16
Book 6: Chapter 17
Book 6: Chapter 18
Book 6: Chapter 19
Book 6: Chapter 20
Book 6: Chapter 21
Book 6: Chapter 22
Book 6: Chapter 23
Book 6: Chapter 24

Book 5 Chapter 1

1.9K 73 60
Por NotOaklandRayah

Remus sat down on the chair with a bottle of fire whiskey on his hand, looking down sorrowful as he had not taken the news well. Finley, his goddaughter, the girl he promised his best friend Lily to protect was now dead. He couldn't bring himself to go to the funeral even when he knew for sure that Harry needed him and Sirius. It was sad to face the fact that, Sirius was still in hiding, while he on the other hand would know how broken his heart will be to see her in a coffin.

"You've had enough to drink my friend," Sirius spoke to Remus as he leaned on the doorway. Remus after all offered to keep Sirius company since the Grimmauld place was turned into the new order head quarters. He dropped his head further and as the sorrow slowly squeezed him like a grape.

Poor Harry, his last remaining family was ripped away from him within a year of learning that he had a sister, it was horrible. He hated to see Harry's depressed face as he looked down at his sister's resting face. After all he finally had his visit to his parents' graves, the sad thing was that he had to bury his sister there first.


"I'll stop," Remus spoke as he placed the bottle of whiskey on the table beside him before slumping his back on the back rest. He's had the worst transformations lately, at this rate, it had been months since the news of Finley's death arrived and that caused him the nasty transitions.

"You haven't been sleeping well my friend," Sirius spoke as he sat beside his depressed friend, he understood where he was coming from. After all, he had loved that girl too, she was his best friend's first born. "Do you want me to get you those muggle medicine to help you sleep?"

"No need," Remus replied as he stood up from where he sat, leaving the living room without another word. Frankly, this was driving Sirius insane. The house was already depressing as shit, and the fact that he was also stuck with a depressed wolf, he needed to bring a bit of light in.

Sirius sat on where Remus had just left, the fire whiskey was too tempting to not take a sip, grabbing a glass not too far from where he sat, he poured himself some. Just as he was about to take a sip from the glass, something appeared on the table in the form of flames. In panic he dumped the alcohol beverage on the flames, igniting it even more. "Shit! Shit! Shit!" He cursed as he used an old throw pillow and started slamming the damn thing on the flames. Breathing heavily as he finally put the fire out.

Noticing an envelope with a two headed snake seal, it wasn't from any wizarding families that he knew of. He narrowed his eyes on the envelope, picking it up, turning it around to see that it was addressed to him. he opens the envelope revealing a single piece of parchment, his throat went dry.

Godric's Hollow. Be quick.

The note said, his mind telling him that it was a trap, Voldemort trying to lure him in and kill him. He puts down the note, groaning. "I'm too sober for this shit," he says closing his eyes tightly.

Just as he did, he heard the front door tapping, as soon as he opened it he found a white owl. Not Harry's, Hedwig was with them after all, attached to the owl's neck was a ring, a black ring that had two snake heads, the third broken off.

"Sirius, close the door. Even if this place can't be seen, doesn't mean you can parade out by the door," Remus' voice spoke just behind him. Turning around the man was ready to sleep, he looked even more tired than he had initially assumed. He raised the piece of parchment and his shoulder where the owl sat.

"This arrived just after you left," he says as he slowly walked back into the living room. Two men had grown quite curious of this mysterious parchment and this owl, whoever the sender was, it wasn't helping that he or she was being cryptic.

"Godric's Hollow? Who is this?" Remus narrowed his eyes at the letter, like Sirius, he felt like it was a trap. But something told him that the ring meant something, it was familiar but at the same time so different—

"Give me the ring," Remus demands, taking the ring from Sirius' hands and inspected it further. He saw this ring before, worn during tea though he had never pointed it out. He knew who this ring's owner was, and quite possibly, the owl's owner too.

"We need to go to Godric's Hollow."

"Moony, it might be a trap—"

"I know who this belongs to," Remus cuts Sirius off, running upstairs to change, hoping to God that he was right not wanting to get his hopes up. As soon as he tied his shoe lace and grab his wand, he rushed back down stairs, Sirius still confused as hell.


"We need to apparate to Godric's Hollow," he says.

Sirius stared at Remus, remembering specifically that this man in front of him was the one who always refused to bring him along to the outside. If he wanted him to go in, that might just mean something.

Desperate people call for desperate measures, opportunities, second chances, that they would fight for tooth and nail. But these desperate people had their methods mixed, staring at a certain headstone that had fresh flowers on the ground.

"Are you sure about this Sebastian?" Blaise gritted, hating the fact that they were going to destroy this final resting place. "This is sick, you know that?"

Sebastian shakes his head, three headed snake represents death, if his sources were right, hopefully they are. Finley was alive under there.

"My father will kill me for this," Draco grumbled as he knelt on the dirt, not caring if his black trousers got dirty.

"Well, we can definitely cross grave stealing from my bucket list," Theo remarked as he held a shovel, still cursing the fact that they can't use magic.

Since fourth year, everything went shit. Obvious as Theo and Draco whose parents were deatheaters, both of them had to be the initial moles in this war. Their hate Gryffindor was tossed aside for now, the greater good lies on the boy who lived much to their dismay.

Since Blaise's mother learned about what happened in school, devastated, the woman killed her new husband. Sebastian on the other hand went to work, gathering books of curses and such until the Slytherin boys mentioned a Peverell's curse.

"Have they arrived yet?" Blaise asked Sebastian. And just when he finished asking, there was a crack heard behind them, there stood two men, one with a scar on his face and the other had unruly curls that reached above his shoulders. "Sirius Black."

"What are you little shits doing here?" Sirius snapped at the boys seeing the shovels they had. They all looked familiar to him, especially the one with platinum blond hair, it certainly made his blood boil. "What are you going to do?"

"She's alive," Sebastian spoke, causing the two men to snap their gazes towards him.

"Is this your sick twisted deatheater minds' idea of a sick joke?!" Sirius screamed at them in outrage.

Of course he would act this way, what they were going to do was disturbing the dead, the four of them would appear insane in the eyes of this man. And yet Remus glared at them silently, contemplating whether to proceed and see for himself or not.

"We aren't joking around here old man, Finley has the curse and if our sources are right—"

"Which I highly doubt!—"

"She could be alive in there."

Sirius glared at the four boys, they sounded insane, Finley being cursed was rubbish, someone like her can never be cursed. If she was they would know, their best friends would know, right?

"Do you understand that you four sound insane right now," Remus pointed out as he stared at the boys. Hand containing the ring clenched in anger, the whole thing was insane, Sirius was right, this may as well be a trap. "She is dead."

"She isn't, and we can prove it," Sebastian spoke, glaring at the two men who seemed to have lost all hope in the idea of Finley being alive.

"And why are you here? Aren't you suppose to be with you family?" Sirius snapped, he had very few information about Sebastian Thorns, he only knew of his relations to Mirelle Thorns and being a good friend of his niece, aside from that nothing. "Or are you working with them?"

"I work for no one."

"How are you going to prove that she is alive?" Remus inquired, now growing curious at how these boys were certain that his goddaughter was alive. The dark skinned boy, Blaise Zabini, took out a book that had three snake heads.

"Snape gave her this book in second year, that's how we learned that she was a Potter," he spoke as he gave Remus the book. "That book was a family short, and by a family short, we mean the Potter tree was missing."

"We know that James was a descendant from the Peverells," Sirius snapped at him.

"Then you must also know that every one of those descendants were boys?"

What were they on about? Both men thought and it didn't seem odd that every child born in the Potter family was a boy, it wasn't weird at all that there weren't Potter females born in the family. The logical explanation had always been that the male genes in the Potters clan were too strong, there are cases like that after all, look at the Weasleys, took them five tries until they get a girl. It just so happened that Lily and James had a girl first breaking the tradition, that wasn't odd, muggles call it human genetics, or whatever that's called.

"So? It doesn't mean that you boys can dig up her grave to see if she is alive or not!" Remus fumes.

"Professor Lupin—"

"I am no professor—"

"Listen here Wolfy McWolf, do you or do you not want your goddaughter back? Because we do," Theo snapped at the man. Time was wasting, if Finley was indeed alive, she was going to die in suffocation with all the arguing.

"How do we know that we could trust you?" Remus' eyes narrowed towards them.

"You're actually considering this Remus?" Sirius objectively asks, every cell in his body saying it was wrong to trust these boys. First of all, three of these boys were Slytherins, though his niece was a Slytherin herself, they weren't to be trusted. And second of all, they were planning to re dig Finley's grave for a theory that may not be right, it was disgusting.

"Look, We—"

Screams began to echo from under the ground, they all looked down on the headstone and thought.

'It couldn't be.'

Draco being the first to move, laid his head on he ground, logic seemed to not be his best suit but it did have him confirm muffled screaming and scratches under the ground. "The shovel!"

Tossing him the shovel, Sebastian helping him dig, as the hole got deeper, the screaming became more clear though they were still muffled. They could assume that it was in the box, of course the screams would be muffled.

"A little help with be nice," Draco sarcastically suggested towards the two adults who froze at the sounds that started to sound clear. In instant, Remus and Sirius took the shovels from the two boys and started digging. The four boys, using their bare hands started scratching the blasted soul, not caring if they were filthy as hell.

Finally hitting a casket, the six males pulled it up, the sound of muffled screams stopped, were they too late? Hopefully not.

"Open the damn thing!" Blaise exclaimed, taking the shovel and lodging it between the cracks on the casket, breaking it open. Swinging the lid open, the six of them stopped and stared as they heard coughing.

"Damn, I'm never, ever going to tell that bald vermin the truth ever again," the female voice said, her voice hoarse from the stagnant use and maybe the screaming as well. She looked oddly paler and thinner, it was because she has been presumably dead for what? A couple of months.

The girl sat up and looked around, her eyes a little blurry as she had been stuck in a box for so long. "What the hell happened to you?" She gasped as she looked at the boys who looked like they were the ones who just got out from the grave.

"You... you're alive!" Blaise exclaimed, both shock and joy in his whole system, his heart pounding too much.

"Mourning is not a good look for all of you."

"But you were dead!"

"You dug me back up, took you long enough," Finley rolled her eyes as she tried to get up from the hole, only for Sebastian and Draco to help her up. Her white dress that reached above her ankles were starting to get dirty as she stepped on dirt.

Finally able to get out the hole, she looks at Remus and Sirius who looked like they couldn't believe that she was there. Alive. Breathing.

"Hi Moony, Padfoot."

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