Harry's wolf

By ajash10

719K 17.8K 4.1K

Angsty teen stuff. Harry misses his lover and decides enough is enough, he leaves headquarters and no one kno... More

Discovery ✅
Interrogation Part1✅
Chapter 12✅
Chapter 13✅
Chapter 14✅
Memory Ink✅
Chapter 17✅
He's been sighted! Harry potter!✅
Letter from Mia✅
Update! Read!!
Dining with the Dark Side✅
Two-Way Glass✅
Beau-Baiser Rose✅
Authors note(update)
Juggling foolish lords✅(1/14)
Pack ✅(5/14)
An incident and a phone call ✅(13/14)

Well that's a surprise.✅

18K 443 242
By ajash10

(A/N the song🔝just because it's good and I got distracted while looking for the others.)

Hermione sat in her and Ginny's room, staring at the ceiling, nothing to do.

She had finished all of her homework before she came to Grimmauld and was now completely lost when it came to what to do.

Now, usually, she would just go downstairs and talk to Ginny, or Ron, or any of the others. Today, however, all of the others were working on their summer homework under the close supervision of Mrs.Weasley.

She had been sent away from the kitchen and told to relax because she had earned it from completing her work early.

What? Relax? As a reward for doing something that she needed to do? Why couldn't she stay and help the others or something?

She had asked that question to Mrs.Weasley, as well, and had been told that it was unfair to make her help the others just because she already knew what they needed to do, having complete it first thing.

She huffed as she turned over, face in pillow, and gave a frustrated muffled scream. She hit her fists into the pillow by her head and then looked up, messy hair all in her face.

"I need to do something."


Hermione had been thinking for a good 40 minutes before she figured out what to do.

She remembered the day that this all, really, started and her face lit up in realisation.

"No one's been back up to the music room since that day when we found Harry. There could be clues there just waiting to be found!"

She jumped from her position on the bed and rushed out of the room, accidentally slamming the bedroom door as she went.

She all but flew up the stairs as she tried to remember exactly where the music room had been.

After opening, or rather trying to, several doors she finally found the correct one.

She entered quickly and looked around, confused when she saw that all of the instruments were gone.

"What? But we all saw them! How could a giant piano just disappear?!"She began pacing, furiously muttering under her breath as she practically wore through the flooring.

A loud 'pop' startled her from her muttering sand she turned to see Kreacher just about to take a box, that she hadn't previously noticed, out of the room.

"Kreacher! Stop!" The grumpy old elf turned to her and glared.

"Filthy Mud! You don't order me!" He went to snap his fingers to, no doubt, cause her some sort of gross bodily harm.

Hermione held her hands out apologetically. "I'm sorry! Okay? I just want to know what you're doing with that box and where all the instruments have gone?" She looked around the room with her arms spread wide, as if to emphasise her point.

Kreacher looked to consider her for a moment before answering vaguely.

"Great Master Greenleaf asked that room be cleared and taken to his new home after he left. I's just finishing moving last box."

"Can I look in the box?" She moves slightly closer with hand a tad outstretched. She didn't seem to realise that he'd just declared someone other than the Blacks to be his Master.

"No! Filthy Mud would break things inside! You's not allowed to touch the box!" He stood fiercely in front of the box, prepared to retaliate if she tried anything.

Hermione thought quickly, trying to find a way to get at the box.

Her eyes lit anew as she thought of a great solution.

"Copy it!" She announced, sure of her plan.

"What?" Kreacher looked at her, confused by what she said.

Hermione continued, explaining what she meant. "Duplicate the box and its contents, so that I can have a look and you can take the original away to a safe place like you've been ordered."

She scowled at her own words, she hated calling on an elves duty to follow the orders of its master, the thought of it was horrible- they're slaves by birth.

Kreacher looked thoughtful for a moment, before he snapped his fingers and disappeared away with the box.

She threw her hands in the air and spun around, letting an aggravated sound escape on her next exhale.

A dull thud made her spin back around, likely giving herself whiplash. She saw a rather new looking box, where the previous one had been.

She approached it quickly and pulled a piece of parchment from the top.

'Filthy Mud,
They be copies but if you break them you's be in very big trouble just like if with original ones.'

She smiled at the hate which he'd, somehow, managed to push through the short note. She knew that with Masters like the Blacks he'd likely never change.

She quickly tore off the strip of leather that bound the box and looked inside.

What she saw confused her.

She pulled out several CDs and read the backs;

Vocals: Sung by Hades
Track list #1

^Poker Face
^Mr.Saxobeat v.2
^Strip That Down [Remix]
^Sorry Not Sorry
^I Like It Loud

Vocals: Sung by Hades
Track list #2

^Call Me Master
^Na Na
^Turn Me On~
^Confident ([Cover]~ Original by Demi Lovato)
^Bang Bang ft. Kurt Schneider & Hades
^Follow Me~ Hades ft. Jason Derulo

Hermione stared, confused, at the last few tracks.

She'd never heard of this Hades person but she'd certainly heard of Demi Lovato and Jason Derulo.

She rummaged through the box and found a couple that looked like music videos but there was nothing that she could play them on and she gave a defeated sigh.

"And I was so close... so close! To, to, to SOMETHING!" She ran a clammy hand through her hair and then pulled it up into a bun.

"Who would be most likely to have a CD or DVD player out of the people who loiter around in this house?" She thought to herself for several minutes and sighed when she couldn't think of anyone who may have a legitimate reason to own a muggle device.

She paused as she let that thought mull over in her head. Someone who rebelled against wizarding culture? Someone like.......Sirius!

She put all the CD's and music DVD's back into the box, closed it, and rushed downstairs.

She vaguely remembered talk of another order meeting in the seconds just before she burst through the doorway into the kitchen.

"Siriu-..." Her words trailed off as she saw all the eyes on her.

Pretty much the entire order was scattered throughout the obviously enlarged kitchen. Even the ministry officials and full Hogwarts staff, who had been at the first meeting when they found Harry singing were accounted for at present.

"Oh... I can just..." She nodded her head at the door and made to exit the room. She was stopped by Dumbledore.

"Miss.Granger. You clearly had something important to talk to Sirius about. The room is requiring refreshments so why don't you go ahead and talk while we have a couple minutes break." He smiled kindly at her and she felt torn for a moment before nodding and smiling.

"Okay, Professor. Thank You!" She turned to Sirius, who had moved around the table to stand by her at this point.

"What d'you need Hermione?" He looked at the box in curiosity and she smiled hopefully.

"I had nothing to do so I went up to the Music Room where we found Harry that time," at the scruffy man's nod of remembrance, she continued.

"Well," She places the box onto the kitchen table where Sirius had been previously sitting, "The room was cleared out, everything gone." Sirius raised a confused brow at her.

"Kreature had moved every single thing from the room to somewhere else, he said some stuff about his great master-something, ordering him to move it to his new home. I saw that there was a box I hadn't previously noticed but when I asked to see inside, he basically called me Mud and said I wasn't allowed near. I reckon I managed to somehow avoid a few nasty curses from him as well." She could tell that most of the adults in the room were actually listening to her, instead of their own conversations.

"And then? The dirty little beast didn't do anything to you did he?" Sirius looked slightly concerned as he searched her for any obvious magic ailments.

She smiled slightly, "No, he didn't. I managed to convince him to duplicate the box and it's contents." She gestured at the box on the table.

Sirius pulled out his wand and scanned the box, smiling slightly at the results, "Well whatever's inside there, it's definitely Harry's. His magical residue's all over it."

Hermione's face lit up slightly, she acted uncharacteristically like the boys as she fist pumped the air, "Yes!" When she saw the amused looks of those around her, she laughed awkwardly.

"I had been worried that I'd only found some of your old stuff, Sirius."

He looked really curious now. He rubbed his hands together excitedly. "Something my family wouldn't approve of?"

She shook her head as she laughed, "Muggle CD's and Music Videos, all by some person named Hades. The problem is, I don't know what they're like because I don't have a CD or DVD player to view them with."

Sirius' face filled with understanding, "well then you've come to the right guy! Accio Sony High Power Party Music System!"

Hermione was slightly shocked, "I knew you were into this stuff when you were younger, but now?"

Sirius grinned at her as his large sound system appeared and he set it up against the wall behind his chair.

"How does it work around magic? I thought magic and tech. we're a no-go?" She was fascinated by the mechanics that must be in the system.

Sirius smirked at her curiosity as he turned to finish with charging the battery to the property ward stone.

"All Sony technology works with magic, the founder of Sony was a wizard that made the best of both worlds. It's all worked through runes, which interconnect to block and direct the magic so that it doesn't interfere but can still power the systems."

Hermione nodded along as he spoke, always happy to learn new things.

Hermione had another thought when she saw that he'd finished setting up the sound system, "What about the music videos?"

Sirius rubbed his chin in thought before pulling out his wand again.

"Accio 'ONE', 80 inch TV" He focused on the door and quickly cast a floating charm when it entered to prevent it from breaking by dropping in front of him. Sirius moves the TV, with his wand, and mounted it on the wall above the sound system.

Hermione dug throughly he box and pulled out the CD's and Music Videos and handed them to Sirius.

"Should we listen to the CD's or watch the videos first?" Hermione asked Sirius.

"Hmm, not sure. Have you read the names of the songs on track one?" He looked at her questioningly.

She nodded that she had.

He continued speaking after she nodded. "Maybe we should watch the music videos first, like a warm up."

They agree and he put in the first disk.

She waited as he adjusted the TV mode and fixed the resolution.

When she looked around she saw that the majority of the adults were trying to look but look obvious that they were looking.

She smiled at them as she spoke, "You know if you're curious you could all just watch and listen to them with us. I found it earlier. It's Harry's stuff."

All of the adults in the room, even the ones that she didn't think were interested, turned to face the screen.

Sirius was just about to press play, when the twins came through the door loudly.

Hermione glared at them, her glare going unnoticed just like all the others from the adults, as the twins turned their backs to them and began talking while getting themselves drinks.

"I'm just saying! If we change to the frizzers then we'll get a better output!" On twin said.

"But it's more expensive! The funds from Hades won't last forever! Sooner or later we're going to have to find another source. It seems like a lot but his winnings will only go so far!" The other twin retorted heatedly.

They were just about to exit the kitchen when Hermione realised what they'd said.

"Hey! Fred! George!" They paused and looked over their shoulders at her, perfectly in time.

Hermione shuddered slightly at the creepy unison act.

"Yes Mia?" They asked together.

"Who is Hades? I heard you say the name." Sirius now turned his attention on them as well, recognising it from all the Cd's and DVD's in the box.

"Sorry but we can't say! ...Silent partner and all that!" They answered in their twin speak.

Hermione glared and pulled her wand from her sleeve, levelling it on them. They paled slightly, struggling to maintain their ground when they noticed no one moving to stop her.

"Tell me. There's enough magic in this area that I could perform anything short of the unforgivables and it would go untraced."

The twins bowed their heads in slight defeat.

"What could you possibly need to know the identity of Hades for, Mia?" The twin, that she was 50% sure to be Fred, asked.

"He have found some CD's and Music Videos that are apparently sung by this person and you apparently know who it is."

The twins straightened as their eyes widened and their gaze searched the room until they found the sound system and CD's.

"Well that's a surprise... Where did you find them? ...We've been searching for them for ages!" They were back to twin speak.

Hermione thought over their words carefully. She came to a decision and whispered it to Sirius, who nodded in agreement.

She continued her idea, now knowing that she had an adult's permission to ask them to stay.

"If you tell us who it is we'll let you watch them with us."

The twins broke into wide grins and spoke. "Deal."

She nodded in approval and slipped her wand away, ignoring the way the twins' shoulders deflated in relief.

"So?" She asked as she sat back down and the twins sat on the other side of the table, across from her and Sirius.

"Harry." They said together and Hermione realised how silly she'd been to not make the connection.

"Of course!" She exclaimed.

The teachers, further along the table, as well as the order members were now more curious also.

Sirius silenced the room as he stood and spoke, "Everyone be quiet. I've just discovered that these songs and videos are all starring my godson and would like to watch them uninterrupted."

Sirius turned to the case of the Music Video and decided that he would read them all out loud before they played.

"Alrighty! First one! Sung by Hades ft. Daddy Yankee. Title: Despacito."

(A/N Harry as Luis Fonsi.)

Hermione spoke to herself but everyone heard and agreed, "I didn't know he could speak Spanish..."

Sirius grinned, "Y'know for someone with a boyfriend, my godson sure knows how to move with a woman's body."

He got glared from around the room and held his hands in surrender.

Mcgonogall spoke up, looking as though she'd sucked too long on a sour lemon, "Couldn't we have watched something more PG before this one?"

Sirius smirked, "Based on some of the titles on these tracks, that was PG, Minnie."

Some of the adults in the room cringed at his words, wondering what the others would be like. A couple of the men were pointedly ignored, as the minority that they were to actually looked excited.

"Next one Sirius." Hermione spoke to continue the viewing.

He saluted her jokingly, "Alright. This is called Rock Your Body and its by Hades." He put the disk in and they waited as it came on.

The silence was broken by Remus, "Well...he can dance."

Hermione nodded her head as she stared at the screen, shocked.

Sirius snapped his fingers in her face as he spoke, "C'mon Hermione, speak to me. What's going on in that head of yours?"

She slowly looked around before coming back to focus on her surroundings, "I recognised it a first but didn't know from where. I've heard that song on the radio in my parents' car before, it's a really popular muggle song."

Fred and George exchanges a look before tell her, "He has mentioned something about a place called Real World Studios before, does that at all help?"

Her eyes widened, "They're one of the top 3 recording studios in the world!" She took an obnoxiously deep breath to calm herself, before turning to Sirius and nodding for the next song.

He lifted the case to read, "It's called: Follow me by Hardwell ft. Hades."

He leant forward, elbows on knees as he pressed the play button on the remote.

Mcgonogall spoke from her seat, sounding relieved, "Finally! A decent song that doesn't involve anything inappropriate! He's 15! He should be singing about his feelings, not that other stuff!"

Fred and George snickered, "Sorry Professor... But I think that... Those other things were him singing about his... Feelings." They alternated as they spoke and only said the last word together but Hermione couldn't help but agree. Harry didn't say things he didn't mean so if he was singing it, there was a root to something else in his words.

"On that light note, let's continue. How many more videos are there Sirius?"

He looked at the pile of music and CD's. "3 more videos and then we can listen to two tracks of CD's."

She nodded and they watched the next three with only minor intervals of speech and comments between when Sirius was switching the disks.

"This is DJ got us Fallin' in love by Hades ft Pitbull."

The twins grinned over at Prof. Mcgonogall, "Don't you feel way better now that it's the girls touching him and not the other way around?"

Mcgonogall went slightly red in mortification towards the club scene.

Hermione glared at the twins, "Oh shush you two. Sirius put the next one in."

"The lazy song by Hades"

The twins were laughing loudly by the end of the song and, as it came to an end, everyone looked at them.

They could hardly speak and Fred was the only one able to say anything.

"That's so Harry!!!!! It was almost Mcgonogall friendly!! You know, right up until he started thrusting and pulled his pants down!" The twins leant on each other as they continued to laugh. A number of the adults, including the Hogwarts staff, were hard pressed not to smile at the twins' words.
Dumbledore wasn't even trying to hide his amusement at their antics.

"Alright Sirius, final Music Video."

He opened the disk and put it in the tray, waiting as it loaded before he spoke, "This is Come With Me by Hades."

Hermione looked amused as she spoke.

"For someone that loves Spanish so much, he sure did do a good job of not mentioning it to any of us."

The twins looked confused, but for a different reason, "We thought that he only spoke Russian and Portuguese?"

Sirius turned to them, an eyebrow raised, as Remus spoke his silent question, "Harry speaks Russian and Portuguese?"

The twins nodded excitedly as they responded, "Harry and ourselves decided to learn Portuguese so that we could have private conversations when others were around and we didn't want them hearing what we were saying. He already knew Russian."

Kingsley Shacklebolt got a wicked glint in his eyes as he spoke to them from his seat among the ministry workers, taking everyone by surprise.

"Quão bom é o seu português?"
(How good is your Portuguese?)

George and Fred had a quick discussion before they decided that George would speak. They may be good but they had yet to master twin speak in Portuguese.

George leant forward in his seat, up to the challenge set by the ministry man.

"Minha compreensão e habilidade no idioma são muito boas. Eu diria que eu poderia manter uma boa conversa com um dos habitantes locais, se necessário. Eu também gostaria de saber o quão proficint no idioma você realmente é. Você entendeu tudo o que acabei de dizer ou está completamente perdido em como responder?"
(My understanding and skill in the language is quite good. I would say that I could hold a good conversation with one of the locals if necessary. I would also like to know how proficient in the language you actually are. Did you understand everything I just said, or are you completely lost on how to respond?)

He spoke fast and every other person in the room was lost after the first few words.

"Vou ser sincero aqui e dizer que você me perdeu um pouco lá. Tomei os níveis básicos do idioma como um bônus para minhas qualificações no nível OWL."
(I'm going to be honest here and tell you that you lost me slightly there. I took the base levels of the language as a bonus to my qualifications at OWL level.)

Fred smiles at how easily his twin had confused and lost the man. "Well done, Georgie. Couldn't have done better myself."
He patted his brother on the back as George turned to Kingsley apologetically.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to test you like that."

The man smiled and waved it off. Both turned back to face Hermione and Sirius.

"Okaaaay." Sirius drew out the word as he spoke, clearly conveying how bonkers he thought that conversation just was.

He looked at the disks and made a split second decision before he handed Track one to Hermione.

"Alright everyone there's two tracks. Hermione and myself will read the backs of each one to you and you can decide which one we listen to first."
The group nodded and Sirius began to read his first.

Vocals: Sung by Hades
Track list #2

^Call Me Master
^Na Na
^Turn Me On
^Confident ([Cover]~ Original by Demi Lovato)
^Bang Bang ft. Max Schneider & Hades
^Follow Me~ Hades ft. Jason Derulo


He smirked when he saw the looks on some of the faces around the room, he knew they'd react even stronger to Hermione's list.

She cleared her throat awkwardly and began reading the back of Track 1.

"Okay, um.
Vocals: Sung by Hades
Track list #1

^Poker Face
^Mr.Saxobeat v.2
^Strip That Down [Remix]
^Sorry Not Sorry
^I Like It Loud
Uhh, I vote Sirius' first."

Her face was flaming red when she finished speaking and she couldn't believe Harry sang these songs- she got embarrassed just reading the names.

Sirius stood from his chair and quietened the shocked murmurs around the room.

"Everyone who wants to listen to Track 1 first, raise your hand." The only hands that raised were the twins and his own, to an amused look from Remus and Dumbledore.

He sighed at the inevitable result, "All for Track 2 first?" Every other hand in the room raised and he turned swiftly to put the CD in the slot and turned up the volume a bit more than before.

Looking to the group, he told them, "This will be a bit louder than before and the songs will play one after the other. Titles will appear on the screen, like the videos did before and any songs with videos will automatically play on the screen so pay attention to it just in case."

Once he had received nods, he pressed the play button and sat down in his seat, honestly not expecting anything too rude.

Sirius actually made a strangled noise when the cover image appeared on the screen. It was of a sexy Harry leaning over a man's shoulder, whose face was blocked off by the frame but he was sure it was the man Harry was seeing, with blood on the side of his mouth and looking absolutely sinful. It changed to the next song as he tried to reign back his composure.

Hermione gaped at the images that passed the screen. It was all images of Harry and the same man as in the previous song, more often than not shirtless, with his face conveniently blocked in every shot where he appeared either with Harry or by himself.

The women in the room blushed as they saw the image of Harry that appeared with the song. Sirius scratched his head slightly, thinking, 'Are they all going to be like this? We may have a few female casualties from blood loss at this rate.'

Remus frowned at the screen until it changed to the next song. No one made any comments.

The Twins smirked at the images that passed the screen. Harry and the nameless mystery man, again. Oh, they weren't letting this go. This was priceless.

The change in song left most of the group smiling at the screen, even if they thought the image was still inappropriate. But, Hermione had explained that it was of the original singer so they dropped it.

"Hey Gred, doesn't that look like your red jumper?"
"Why yes Forge, yes it does."
"Naughty little Hades."

The group pretty much ignored them, or tried to at least, at this point.

The last song was turned off just after starting, as they realised that it was just the audio version of one of the previous music videos~ Follow Me.

"Well." Sirius pretty much stopped there as he turned to the rest of the group.

Severus, who no one had previously noticed, spoke out from beside where Dumbledore was sitting.

"Play the next track Black. I've heard them all before, the brat made me listen to them before they were released to the muggles through his recording studio. Don't draw this out. Hearing my son singing those things once was enough."

Sirius decided against arguing with the man and instead just swapped the tracks, putting track #1 into the slot.

They waited for a pause as the first song came on. Everyone was silent, listening, through the first 2 songs.

"Thank Merlin this track is better than the last one!" Mcgonogall sighed with relief, others nodding along in agreement.

Sirius gave them an amused look, "You understand that song was about gambling and rough love right?"

He got clueless looks from them and promptly decided that the middle aged population of witches were a lost cause.

He sighed and was shushed by several people around the room as the next song came on. He sent Remus an amused look and got one in return along with a shake of his head.

This time Hermione's eyes lit with recognition as she saw the image of Harry and a very familiar male, "Stephan Silkoh. Always a pleasant surprise to see your face, though I'm now questioning your relationship with my friend based on this intimate image."

The others looked on amused as she spoke to herself, they too having recognised the man as the one apparently seen with Harry in Diagon Alley, now some time ago.

All of the eyes in the room widened as the new image showed up on the screen. It was Harry with his bare legs around a man's hips and hands in his hair, the two clearly kissing. The man had his trousers way too low for any of the adults to delude themselves into thinking this picture was anything less than pornographic. The man with his back to them was clearly the same man from the earlier videos and, again, his face was blocked from view.

"Well, from what I've seen of this mystery man over all the previous videos, my godson's got pretty good taste at least."

He heard a snort and turned his, suddenly stormy, eyes to face the culprit- Snape.

"You got something to say Snivellus?"

The man raised a brow at him and then smirked, "Yeah. Harry sure does know how to pick a partner. I'd argue that the man has good taste by choosing Harry. That and I don't really like him, he's older than me and dating my son. However, I will withhold my judgement for now, until I meet him at least, Harry asked me to and I trust my son's judgement." He held up a hand as he emphasised his words.

Sirius smirked tauntingly, happy that someone else can get under the bat's skin.

Hermione saw his expression and interrupted quickly.

"Next song!"

The twins harrumph'd as the next song loaded, "where have all the inappropriate, sexy songs gone?... These are pretty much PG!"

Severus spoke quietly to the twins, "Just wait for it."

Mcgonogall looked appalled, "That's atrocious! Who would listen to that?"

Hermione smiled ruefully, "Professor, that song was a muggle number one. A LOT of people listened to it."

Mcgonogall looked slightly lost and Dumbledore reached across to pat her shoulder.
"Come now, my dear, there's only one more song, by my count."

Mcgonogall thinned her lips but turned back to the screen anyway.

Dumbledore had been correct that there was only one song, but there were two versions of the same song.

When the second version appeared on screen, Sirius quickly paused the image and they all looked awkwardly at the paused display as they listened.

Sirius grimaced at the silence which followed the end of the last song. "Well! That was certainly graphic."

The twins laughed and nodded to Snape, "We waited... and we weren't disappointed."

Hermione glanced to the side and saw that Remus had an angry expression on his face.

She watched him for several minutes, his eyes staying fixed upon the screen and his glare continuing to worsen. She saw the beginnings of a wolfing out moment and quickly shoved Sirius.

He looked at her confused and she pointed at Remus.

Sirius' eyes widened as he saw the wolf-like distortion to his boyfriends features.

He moved and stood in front of Remus, blocking his view of the screen.

"Hey Remus, Remmy, Moony! what's wrong? What's going on? You need to calm down."
Sirius questioned him, worried, as he saw his hands clenching and the pointed tips of his lengthened nails. Sirius motioned the others away slightly, just in case, and noticed them moving back from the corner of his eye.

Remus didn't seem to hear him so Sirius pulled him forward and pressed his lips to the wolves trembling ones. Moony seemed to pause in his fixation and Remus' eyes flickered between amber and dull wolf gold.

He cupped the wolves cheeks and Moony/Remus reached up to clasp his hands around his wrists.

"Wolf." Sirius didn't understand what Remus was saying.

When he didn't immediately respond, Moony's claws lengthened fully and Sirius winced slightly as they cut into the skin of his forearms.

"Moony calm down." He shook his head at the ministry workers, who had pulled their wands to attack when Moony's claws lengthened.

Moony tried to look towards the others in the room but Sirius held his face in place, causing Moony to snarl aggressively at him.

"Mate. Pack. Stop." Moony was able to growl out and Sirius shook his head, no.

"Calm Down." Moony began fighting harder against the grip on his face and Sirius leant in to kiss him again. He continued to kiss him, this time, until he kissed back. They kissed for several minutes before Sirius pulled back slightly.

Even as he pulled away, he kept their foreheads pressed together. "Remus? You calm now?"

He felt a nod and relaxed as he looked into Remus's eyes and saw their solid Amber/brown with the normal splatter of gold around the pupil.

Remus looked down and muttered apologies as he saw Sirius' wrists. He quickly pulled out his wand and cast healing charms on both.

Sirius smiled and pecked his boyfriend's lips before turning to look at the image and allowing Remus to see it again.

"What happened? What set you off? Or rather Moony?"

Remus smiled at the other people in the room to reassure them that he had control and saw as a few relaxed slightly from their tensed positions.

He looked to his mate, Sirius, and frowned. He thought hard, trying to remember what Moony had said before he took control.

"Threat? What?" He thought about where Moony had focused and his eyes widened.

"Moony recognised the man in the clip with Harry as being a threat to the cub." Remus spoke loudly and clearly.

Sirius paled slightly, "Moony saw him as a threat? But he only usually does that with other wol-...Oh. That would explain why no one recognised him. He's probably been wearing a glamour whenever we've seen them together."

Amelia Bones had only heard a few of the things they said, from her place on the other side of the room, but she'd heard enough.

"So, not only is Mr.Potter dating a man who's 25 years older than him, the man is also seen as a threat by Moony?"
The majority of those present paled.

Sirius nodded, before explaining, "It doesn't mean that he's a threat to Harry. It just means that Moony has acknowledged him as being with Harry and isn't too happy about it."

Dumbledore sighed as he sat back in his chair. He stroked his beard thoughtfully and Hermione couldn't help the comparison to Gandalf that appeared in her mind. He waved his hand and lunch appeared for the gathered members, everyone quickly digging in to the food.

She paused as she remembered something that she had overlooked. Her eyes widened in shock. She was stopped from saying anything though, when the headmaster spoke.

"If only we could contact Harry and talk to him about all of these things. It would certainly make everything a lot easier."

Hermione's eyes shot to the twins when she heard them go silent at the headmasters words.

She studied their behaviour carefully and noticed as they tried to avoid looking directly at anyone in the room.

"Headmaster." When she heard the room quieten she continued, not moving her eyes from the weirdly acting redheads. "I think the twins have a way to contact him," she now made eye contact with them, "don't you?"

The twins sweat slightly under the gaze of everyone in the room.

"Well, it's not so much that we've tried anything yet..."

"Boys! If you had a way to contact Harry, all this time, then you should have shared it with the group." Mrs.Weasley chastised.

The twins frowned as they looked at one another and came to a silent decision.

"Harry sent it to us this morning. We'll go get it, but none of you will try to take it from us."

When they got a nod from Dumbledore, they quickly left the room.

They passed the other rooms and quickly sent Ginny, Ron and any wandering order members down to the kitchen to wait.

As they were getting the device, the others were entering the kitchen.

Ron looked around at the gathering of people. Hermione had moved to his side when he entered and they were now sitting on the left side of the table, eating their lunch as they waited. Ginny had taken Hermione's previous seat and they all watched as more order members entered the room.

"So, what's everyone waiting for?" Ron asked around a mouthful of food. Many of the people gathered looked on in disgust, as food fell from Ron's mouth back onto both his plate and the table.

"Harry apparently sent the twins a way to contact him and they decided not to mention it to us." Sirius informed Ron, pointedly not looking in his direction as he spoke.

"Wha?! So they can talk to him?"

Hermione frowned slightly, "actually, we don't know. We didn't ask what type of thing Harry had sent to them."

The room went quiet when they heard the twins coming down the stairs.

The door to the kitchen opened and everyone watched as the twins walked in.

Fred was holding a rewrapped package and George was peeking under a flap of the box, at the contents within.

They set the box down at the end of the kitchen table and pulled out loads of padding before George lifted out a large A4 sized mirror.

Sirius' eyes lit up in excitement, "A two-way mirror."

Remus chuckled at his mate and sat back slightly, to watch the proceedings.

The twins read through the note, enclosed with the mirror and Fred waved his hands for silence as they activated it.

Dumbledore banished the food from the table and everyone watched the mirror.

The twins spoke, "Et locutus est ad nos, Harry Potter."

Fred cast a mild 'Sonorus' charm on the mirror so that everyone could hear it.

They all watched as it looked like the material on the inside of a robe passing the frame. The other mirror was clearly in Harry's pocket.


They heard a faint shushing noise and waited as the mirror looked to tilt on its axis, spinning quickly around to face a high ceiling.

The mirror turned slightly and the call connected fully, the sound becoming a lot clearer than before.

Everyone saw as a relaxed and smiling Harry appeared on the screen and their shoulder sagged with the relief that it worked.

"Hey Gred! Hey Forge! Fancy seeing you here."
He grinned at them through the mirror.

"Harrykins!" Both shouted and they could tell that he heard the sound of relief in their voices, as well as everyone else in the room.

"Hermione sent you a letter but... It was returned unopened." They spoke in their classic twin speak, making Harry smile from the other side of the mirror.

"Yeah, that's probably because of the wards around where I'm living." A few chuckled as he nodded along to his own words, sounding thoughtful.

"Which owl did she send it with? If she used Hedwig it would have come through."

The twins looked up from the mirror and gave Hermione a questioning look as she thought back to when she sent the letter.

"I'm not sure... I think I sent it with Errol." She ran her fingers through her hair as she spoke.

George gave her a confused look, "Why would you send Errol? Any decent wards would block him purely based on the amount of jinx residue that's probably coating his feathers. That's if he didn't lose the letter first."

While George questioned Hermione, Fred turned back to the mirror, "Hermione said she sent it with Errol."

He watched as Harry actually grimaced, "She must be crazy! That bird probably had a dozen minor jinxes cast on it, and the wards wouldn't let him pass because of them!"

Fred thought about it and realised Harry was right. And apparently he was also now smarter than Hermione because she somehow hadn't figured that out.

"Hey Hermione, Harry thinks that the letter didn't get through because you sent it with Errol. He also called you crazy for trying."

Fred grinned as he mentioned Harry calling her crazy and watched as she began to simmer lightly in annoyance.

"Pass it here and he can say that to my face." She looked deadly calm and the twins were slightly unnerved by her blasé attitude flip.

"Hey Harry can I pass you over to Hermione?" Fred was hesitant to ask because frankly, he didn't want his honorary little brother and silent partner to be thrown into Hermione's she-den like that.

He watched as Harry's eyes widened and he shook his head, 'no'.

The twins each arched a brow in question of his sudden refusal. Harry quickly explained.

"The mirror is Keyed to you twins, Remus and Sirius. The call will disconnect if anyone else, apart from you four, holds it."

Fred and George nodded in understanding, they repeated his words and reasoning to Hermione, who hadn't been listening as she fumed to herself. She crossed her arms grumpily but nodded her understanding anyway.

The twins turned back to the mirror and watched as a hand appeared from Harry's left and tapped his side. They saw as he looked the same way and then somewhere past the mirror.

Their view was blocked, slightly, when he leant forward to do something and the mirror ended up being pressed into his stomach.

From what they could all see, he looked as if he passed something to someone else.

A lot of them were shocked because they hadn't even realised that there was another person there.

The twins shot a look around the room and everyone got the message, 'be quiet and we may get another clue about Harry's mystery man.'

The twins were about to ask what was going on, on his end, when he spoke- but not to them. Everyone listened closely.

"You can have the rest, I made that many for you, you know." He sounded amused as he came back into the view of the group. He had sat back and held the mirror out again.

They watched as he still didn't pay them any attention, watching whoever the person was sitting next to him.

The mirror suddenly angled slightly away from his face and the group caught a glimpse of someone's hair as they leant in towards him. They heard a light kiss sound and then the camera returned to Harry's face, a slightly pink area on his cheek where he was obviously kissed. They could hear a quiet munching sound in the background and realised that Harry must have been talking about food, earlier when he spoke.

"Harrykins..." The twins spoke together. Fred went for teasing while George was just plain curious. They received annoyed looks from the group, as if to say, 'What are you doing? This isn't why we called him.' The twins waved them off.

"Is that a certain mr.mysterious we just heard you talking to?" They both wriggled their brows and gave him a suggestive look. Sirius chuckled silently at their behaviour and received an admonishing glare from Mrs.Weasley for encouraging them.

"It may be. It may not." Harry was evasive as he answered and the twins could tell that he was trying to be careful about what he mentioned to them or revealed. The twins took that as an affirmative and gave the order a pointed look, letting it move to Mcgonogall who was still annoyed at them from earlier on.

"Okay, you pranksters. Who all is there with you?" They didn't immediately answer as they looked back into mirror Harry's eyes, where he had begun to stare them down. He almost looked to be challenging them not to answer truthfully.

"Pretty much everyone...Order and all." The twins told him, glancing at the adults and teenagers around the room. Even the whole Weasley clan was there, apart from Percy who was off doing who knows what.

Harry smirked through the mirror at them, amused. "Hmm. Wow, should I feel honoured that you all got together for me- should I have dressed up?"

The twins found his words extremely funny as they spoke, shooting a pointed glare at Hermione, "Well, we weren't going to tell them but Hermione blurted about the mirror while we were eating lunch."

Harry playfully frowned, from his side of the mirror, at them. "And you all interrupted us while we were eating our own lunches."

"Yeah, sorry not sorry." Fred grinned at him unapologetically, wondering if he would catch on that he just used one of his song names against him. He got groans from Hermione and Remus, as they caught onto what he'd done, but no one else made any clear indication that they understood it and he shook his head at them, disappointed.

Harry gave a sigh and made eye contact with them both, "Alright, turn the mirror. I want to see the crowd."

They gave him another apologetic look as they spun the mirror around, standing on either side so that they could still see him. They watched him closely as he looked around the kitchen of number 12 and looked like he was picking out the faces of his friends and family.

The twins followed his eyes as they moved around the room, stilling for a few seconds on every person he knew.

Their family were all on the right, apart from Ron who was sat with Hermione on the left. They followed his eyes as he appeared to be focusing on some shadows at the back of the room but they couldn't see anything so they dismissed it.

"Wow. That's a lot. Hey Siri, Hey Remmy. Hi dad!" He sounded bright and cheerful as he spoke and everyone looked to each man as Harry addressed them, getting confused faces when they didn't see The Potions Professor where he had been stood, beside Dumbledore, before.

Remus and Sirius both smiled at their pup/cub as they waved. They were happy to, now, have this visible confirmation that he was okay.

Harry then looked back towards the dark corner and frowned at seemingly nothing.
"Ooh, not so happy with me? Or pissed at the order?"

Severus Snape emerged, vaguely, from the shadows and gave his son a pointed look. Would he ever be more annoyed at his son when the order was his comparison? He watched his son let out a relieved breath and almost laughed at his nonchalant behaviour. But no, he had an image to uphold, so he didn't laugh. He thought he may have even frowned more at the effort it took not to laugh.

"Oh I'm glad it's not me. Wow, what did they do to get you so annoyed?" Heads were zipping back and forth between the two as they had their one-sided conversation.

He arched his brow at his son in incredulous disbelief- not that anyone but Harry could see that. Looking into his sons eyes, he showed him what happened when they found at that James was alive and that he was his other parent, not Lily. To the others he was sure that their communication seemed very strange but frankly he didn't give two flying fucks about what they thought.

"Really? That's rough. I'd be pretty pissed off as well." His son smiled impishly at him, so much like James in his attitude. Severus rolled his eyes, playfully- if you couldn't tell from his cold eyes and constant glare.

"How are you speaking? He hasn't said anything!" Ron shouted towards the mirror from where he was sat, looking quickly between the two, confused.

"Hey Ron! How've you been?" The twins let amused smiles appear on their faces as Harry completely ignored Ron's question.

The twins mused that Ron seemed a bit thrown off by the question but somehow managed to refocus and answered, "I've been good mate. 'Mione is a bloody nightmare when you're not around but we figured it all out."

Ron grinned at Harry through the mirror and the others all laughed as he ignored the smack that Hermione gave him for his comment. George shot his twin a look and they both knew that those two would be bickering again, like the old married couple next door, after the call ended.

They watched as Harry grinned and Hermione turned her nose up at him in frustration.

"What has everyone been up to since I left?" Harry asked and the twins looked around to see that it looked like Ginny, the professors, Sirius and their parents all wanted to speak.

It was Ginny who ended up speaking before the others could and the twins high-fived, they'd taught her well.

"We went to Diagon Alley and got our school supplies after you left, I saw you y'know." The group watched Ginny's face tighten slightly at the mention of his escape from her.

Harry smiled and rubbed his neck awkwardly, the twins did not care to be in his place right now.
"Yeah, I heard you shout my name, right before I ran the other way."

They all watched as her face went red in annoyance and it looked like Harry was beginning to apologise when he suddenly went silent.

Everyone in the room focused on the mirror when he stopped speaking and was watching as Harry got distracted by something off screen again.

He had turned his head to his left and looked down at his lap then back at whoever was next to him and then at his lap again.

They watched, looks of chagrin on their faces as they could do nothing but watch and listen to what was going on.

Harry let out a throaty moan as his eyes dropped to half-lidded. The group shot him several uncomfortable looks as he brought his hand to cover his mouth and block the sound of his own pleasure.

They watched as he stood from the couch, the mirror spinning, and turned around, sitting on the man's lap while still keeping his lover's face away from the view of the order.

Several of the Order's ministry members asked him questions about, 'what's going on?' 'Are you okay?' 'Is there someone else there with you?'

All of the questions went ignored as the mirror was set down, facing the ceiling. The twins were sure that it wasn't meant to be visible but they could just see Harry straddling over the man's lap, both of their lower halves from about waist down appearing in the bottom of the mirrors frame.

Several adults coughed awkwardly when they saw Harry rocking his hips down into the other man's groin. They startled at the loud animalistic noise that Harry made the man produce.

The group listened as he spoke and their tenseness eased slightly at his words.

"Not the time, love." Harry had clear amusement in his voice and the group was confused, shouldn't he be embarrassed by doing that while they're all listening.

Fred looked around and then nudged his brother and pointed. They both chuckled at Sirius, who was pulling his hair over his ears and scrunching his eyes closed though he could obviously still hear it if the distressed expression he wore was any indication. They both turned back to the mirror.

"I'm going to take the call outside while you go and sort out your problem, okay?" They saw Harry slide back and the twins grinned at his devious behaviour when they saw him brush his hand down a really big bulge in the front of the man's trousers.

Harry blocked the man from the mirror's, and subsequently their, view as he picked it up and apparently left the room.

The image in the mirror brightened so he must have gone into either a brighter room or outside.

Fred and George heard the loud groan from the man and couldn't hold in their laughter any longer as they were pretty much 100% sure that Harry had done something to trigger it.

The group heard a door close and watched as Harry sat and held the mirror out in front of himself.

The group sent incredulous and uncomfortable looks towards the obliviously acting Harry.

It was Hermione who spoke first, "Well, that's something I never needed to hear, Harry." She gave him an amused look and he laughed at her words, the sound was loud in the drawn out silence on their end of the mirror.

Harry gave them all an apologetic look before he turned back to Hermione, "Sorry Mia. Just had a little case of wandering hands. Wrong time, wrong place."

Hermione laughed unenviably at his words and looked at the rest of the group.

She saw the state of Sirius and grew concerned. Harry, who had also seen him, was now looking interested in what had caused his panicked state. "Hey Siri, you okay?"

The group watched as Sirius looked up at the mirror and saw Harry before going sickly green in the face.
"Wha-Harry, I may accept that you're off doing your own thing, with I don't know who but it's another thing to hear those kinds of sounds. Please, pup, you're going to send me to an early grave!" Sirius whined as Remus patted his back in sympathy.

He shot his boyfriend a thankful look, before turning his pitiful puppy eyes back on his godson.

"Sorry Siri, but had you guys called even half an hour earlier you would've caught me while he was busy." Harry rubbed a hand down his face as he looked back in the direction that they suspected he had come from. They watched as he began to frown, lost in thought.

"Well that's just great!" He huffed, seemingly irritated. "Now I've got a pissed off familiar and a sulking man-child! He couldn't wait just 5 minutes..." Harry slumped back in his seat, looking fully resigned.

Amelia bones awkwardly cleared he throat to get the attention of the, now ranting, teenager. He looked around in the space he could see, from the mirror, until he found the source of the noise.

"By he...? You mean the guy that you're seeing who's much, much older than you?" Amelia probed mildly, not wanting to set him off. She'd been told by others that he had a fairly explosive temper.

Harry huffed a slight laugh, but quickly answered, when they all looked at him in annoyance due to his relaxed demeanour towards what they'd all just witnessed.

"Yes. You mean the man I'm sleeping with who's older than my parents. Don't worry, I won't get offended if you question my mental stability." He smiled at her charmingly. The twins began to laugh again and even Sirius managed a slight grimace of a smile. Amusement spread around the room, manifesting in various ways in different people. A quirk of a lip, a smile, laughing, glaring less etc.

"Trust me. That's the least, of the many things I'm sure, we're all thinking right now, Mr.Potter" Dumbledore spoke good-naturedly with the ever present twinkle, this time brightly we than earlier.

"Professor Dumbledore, it's so good to see you! How are you?" Harry continued to smile through the mirror at him, as he spoke.

Dumbledore gave him a kind grandfatherly look, "I'm good, my boy. How are you? Are you well? Are you safe?"

Harry smirked as he answered, "That's good to hear Sir! I'm doing great. No. Better than great, amazing. I have this massive Manor all to my lover and myself. I have a new familiar and I'm free to roam the extensive grounds and come and go as I please."

Dumbledore smiled indulgently at him, as he pushed on, "That's good to know, my boy. But I ask again, are you safe? Are you in any immediate danger that you should tell us of?"

Harry got a mischievous glint in his eye as he grinned at them all and answered.

"Excuse my words, Sir. But really, the only thing I'm in immediate danger of is being fucked mindless. He's insatiable, but I love it and I love him, and I wouldn't change it, even if I could."

The twins laughed as they saw some of the adults go slightly green, Sirius being okay now that he'd become slightly desensitised to hearing about Harry's sex life. Harry laughed at them as well, finding their discomfort, from his words, amusing.

"You all feeling okay over there?" The camera shook as the twins laughed, struggling to hold it still between them. The laughing faces of Hermione, Ron and Ginny soon joined them, as well as the grinning faces of Remus, Charlie and Bill.

The twins saw as Harry sobered from his amusement.

"Yo Gred, Forge!" He called you get their attention and they turned the mirror around, getting shouts of protest from Sirius, Hermione and a couple others.

"Cast a privacy spell around yourselves and the mirror?"They quickly did as instructed and then waited for him to speak, ignoring the looks they were getting from the annoyed group.

"How've you been?" Harry asked them and they smiled, he was the only one that ever seemed to care enough to ask.

"We've been good...
The whole order was out searching for you at the start...
But they've cooled off a bit now!" The twins alternated and grinned as they were successful in making Harry smile again, since his face had become a frown.

"How're the WWW products?" Harry asked, seeming genuinely interested and the twins supposed he was, considering how much he'd given them towards it.

"They're all great!...
We've developed several new pranks...
And managed to hide them from mum." Harry smiled at them, no doubt thinking about their complaints from the previous summer.

Their mum had destroyed all of the ones that she found the previous summer, as well as, the things like needed to make them. Anything like that happening now could set them back by years.

"How are your funds doing?" Harry asked them. They looked at him as they thought about how they'd been shocked to find the twisted winnings in their case when they got for summer, along with a note telling them to use it for their shop.

"Oh, we're almost out of savings...
Gonna need to get part time jobs to fund the...
Production developments." They could tell that he saw their worry at the prospect of needing to find jobs to find their shop.

"I don't think that'll be necessary." He smiled at them mysteriously.

"What d'you mean Harrykins?" Gred tilted his head to the side, looking hilariously confused, if Forge may say so himself.

"Oh, I just asked the goblins to continue to manage my investments and added your joke shop as a profitable, up and coming business so, you should prepare for a monthly investment from my vault.
It'll continue for as long as the potential profit exceeds the losses. And, on the condition of a silent partner agreement with a 20% share, the building on the end of Diagon would be yours." He gave them his business investment plan and they thought it through carefully. When he mentioned the building in Diagon, they hardened their faces and decided.

The twins exchanged a nod as they turned back to Harry and their faces broke into wide smiles.

"Absolutely!" They answered differently, but both in the affirmative, at the same time.

"Great! If you go to the goblins they'll provide you the partner contract and give you the key to the building." Harry informed them excitedly.

They watched as he looked up at the sky and, apparently, saw something important as he quickly turned back to them

"I've got to go, some business has just come up. Talk to you later?" He smiled at them as he stood and began to go back into the more shaded are of the building, probably heading inside for his "business".

"Absolutely Harrykins."
"You better pick up when we call."
The twins agreed told him strictly and made him agree.

"I'll try. Say bye to the others for me!" He waved at them and disconnected the call, the mirror going back to just that. A mirror.

They turned back to the group and dismantled the privacy ward.

"What did he say?" Hermione asked less than a second after the ward fell.

They both grinned at her.

"That is for us to know...
And you to never find out." They spoke and got unimpressed looks from all around.

George shrunk the mirror and slipped it into his pocket as he turned and nodded at Fred.

"Well, we best be off...
Important business to attend to...
So Toodeloo."
They wiggled their fingers at the crowd before Fred slipped a 'disappearing dollywop' from his pocket and suddenly the room filled with smoke.

When the air cleared, the twins were long gone and the inhabitants of the kitchen looked like 70/80s pop rave gone wrong.


(A/N hey y'all
How are you all doing?
I hope you enjoy this chapter, it's just a little; 'what happened on their end of the call?' Kind of thing.
Please everyone;
And follow me~ AJASH10).

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