Mafia Servant

By xzxunknownxzx

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I'm Elizabeth Vivere. Nineteen and in my prime. But here I am, hacking into powerful Mafia families. Literal... More

Chapter 1 - Throwing herself into the spotlight
Chapter 2 - Iced manuka honey macchiato & gut feelings
Chapter 3 - Capturing the Sun
Chapter 4 - I molested a bad angel
Chapter 5 - I'm officially his
Chapter 6 - When Medusa petrifies herself
Chapter 7 - What time is it? Plot twist time
Chapter 8 - Red-filled night
Chapter 9 - Got a problem with my non-existing humps?
Chapter 10 - More slimy than kids slime
Chapter 11 - Titanic and Tentacles
Chapter 12 - If all arguments are like this, everyone would be doing it
Chapter 13 - Today, I'm so popular
Chapter 14 - A veil of rain
Chapter 15 - Shining bright like a diamond
Chapter 16 - The Dove's Rising
Chapter 17 - Losing hope
Chapter 18 - Pain felt by the lonely
Chapter 19 - Weight of the world
Chapter 20 - Intruders
Chapter 21 - Governor's orders
Chapter 22 - Change of heart
Chapter 23 - Worse than a celebrity crush
Chapter 24 - Misfit aliens
Chapter 25 - Battle of the hearts
Chapter 26 - Amber
Chapter 27 - Cat fight
Chapter 28 - A happy Birthday
Chapter 29 - Fools
Chapter 30 - Me, myself and I
Chapter 31 - Need no prince
Chapter 32 - Betrayer's warning
Chapter 33 - Elizabeth. Elizabeth Vivere.
Chapter 34 - We all make choices
Chapter 35 - Cracks and motives
Chapter 36 - The past, the present and the future
Chapter 37 - Our trust's fall
Chapter 38 - Same babies, different lives
Chapter 39 - Where I belong
Chapter 40 - Pest exterminators
Chapter 41 - Alpha female
Chapter 42 - Smack, slap and kick. Not sleep, stare and kiss!
Chapter 43 - Pep talk
Chapter 44 - The greatest escape artists
Chapter 45 - Ghosts, old and new
Chapter 46 - The End
Chapter 47 - Three forgotten things
Chapter 49 - Boys and their wrong bra cups
Chapter 50 - One million, nine hundred and fifty thousand dollars
Chapter 51 - Mafia's prom
Chapter 52 - The Mietitore
Chapter 53 - Unbreakable promises
Chapter 54 - Entering room three, three, three
Chapter 55 - Unescapable fate
Chapter 56 - Last goodbyes
Chapter 57 - I'm sorry, babe.
Chapter 58 - She was my "Everything and Anything"
Chapter 59 - Angel's angel
Chapter 60 - Mafia Servant no more
A letter from me to you
❤️Book Covers❤️

Chapter 48 - Finding strength

187 5 0
By xzxunknownxzx

Bon Appétit! :D

Elizabeth's POV

Angelo burst through the backdoor and startled all the staff who were resting. His infamous emotionless expression and blood-thirsty aura scared the wits out of the staff who scrambled to get out of his sight. "Where is Vermilion?" I pushed Angelo behind me and yelled at the nearest staff.

The message from the governor distracted me from properly inspecting Vermilion's one. When I rechecked her message, it was sent fifteen minutes ago. Upon learning about the news, Angelo ran through red lights and honked at everyone on the roads. Her message pushed the both of us to the edge of the world.

His index finger shot upwards and the frightened staff moved out of my way as I took the lead and headed for the tattoo parlour on the second storey. Angelo muted his footsteps but I could feel him growing more anxious with the way he was popping his knuckles and restraining himself from overtaking me.

The second storey was well-lighted and showed off the graffiti art that customers and tattoo artists left behind. There was not a single speck of space left behind on the cream-coloured wall, which was only a quarter filled when Vermilion just started working here. New art constantly pops up over the old ones as inspired people create new works from the old ones on the wall.

Walking through the corridor, there are three rooms on either sides. All the lights were turned off except for one on the right side, furthest from us. I ran for towards the light and slammed open the door, to Vermilion cutting off Julian's shirt. "Ver-vermilion." I called, my tongue stumbling to remember how to pronounce her name. Seeing past her, my jaws dropped to the ground. Bluntly saying, Julian Makatski looks like shit, like he got ran down by a car repeatedly.

"Anything that we can do to help?" Angelo sounded dead. His eyes were fixed on the nineteen year old assistant he has for three years and counting. I know that for Angelo, Julian meant a lot more than just an assistant. The latter is a little brother that Luciana has given to Angelo to take good care of and a friend, who has his back.

Vermilion did not look up from Julian and only said, "Get me a doctor fast." Angelo punched a series of numbers on his mobile, decreeing commands to the speaker on the other side of the line. We remained in the same spot and watched Vermilion worked on Julian. Her slim fingers worked fast around Julian's body, washing his wounds with saline water and applying bandages. In no time, Julian resembled a mummy.

I padded towards Julian, pulling his cold hands into mine. "Fucking shit...who did this to you?" My own voice as brittle as thin glass. How did this even happen? Julian has never exposed his face in the Mafia world and he could have easily pulled off as an innocent teenage boy hanging around Angelo and Rafael in school.

Angelo turned on Vermilion, his eyes sharp. "Speak. You have one chance." The weapon designer cum tattoo artist smirked, "I just saved your men. What a poor attitude you have, Angelo Mietitore." Sighing, I pulled myself away from the unconscious boy laying on the adjustable tattoo bed.

From Angelo's death glare to Vermilion's unfriendly tilt of half her lips, a fight is about to take place. "Calm down, you two." I squeezed myself in between them, placating both sides. Placing one hand on Angelo's chest, I pushed him back slightly. "Behave, Angelo!" In response, the prince only slide one arm around mine and tugged me back from getting too close to Vermilion.

Doing my best to shake off his arm, I turned to Julian's life saviour. "Vermilion, you don't know how grateful I am for your help. Julian would have died if not for you." Vermilion offered me a genuine smile, despite Angelo's attitude. Her eyes slide to said bad tempered boy and as if she has seen something displeasing, she rolled her eyes at him.

Not fast enough, the staff I yelled at eventually walked in with Dr. Greene who was carrying several bags. Cool as a cucumber, the doctor assessed Julian immediately upon her arrival. She nodded at Vermilion's handiwork and hooked Julian onto an IV drop and ECG monitor she retrieved from one of the many bags she brought.

Angelo's phone chose this moment to interrupt us, the persistent buzzing continued even when the prince has rejected the call twice. On the third call, Angelo growled and almost smashed his phone on the ground if I had not taken it from him.

Yves: Woah ho, Elizabeth. Angelo and you need to get your asses to The Liminality now. Sir Brandon and Sir Marco are going to find you and kill you.

Elizabeth: Julian has been attacked. He's getting treatment at the Black Market.

Yves: What the holy macarons. How is he?

I glanced at the boy in question and bit down on my lips. Honestly, Julian Makatski appeared to be a goner as much as I hated saying that, it is difficult to hope for the better.

Elizabeth: I really don't know.

Yves: Yosef! Julian's injured. What should we do?

The brothers discussed, bits of their conversation flowing into the phone. As predicted, Yosef is the calmer brother and rationally provided a solution.

Yosef: Elizabeth, let Angelo go to The Liminality first. You wait till Julian is better and then make your way together to the hotel. Clear?

Angelo was in a serious discussion with Dr. Greene, his face blank. They were out of my hearing range but from the series of nods and sighs Angelo gave, the tension was leaving him in trickles. He gave me hope that Julian will be okay.

Elizabeth: Yes, I understand. I planned to be there anyways, see you soon.

When I got to the prince's side, he was definitely more at ease than when we first got here, with his movements less forced. Angelo changed his focus to me as I came to his side, tossing him the mobile. "Leave, Angelo. You're needed at the hotel." I informed, walking over to Julian.

"Are we going to leave Julian Makatski in this fucked-up place?" The prince retorted, crossing his arms and assessing the place with unconcealed dislike. Vermilion slapped the back of his head, sneering. "I saved your royalty scum, you ungrateful son of a bitch. Get out!" At this rate, either one of them will die faster than Julian, who was already hanging onto his life with a thread.

Getting an okay sign from the doctor, I grabbed Angelo's hand and forced him to leave the room with me. The prince gave in to me and interlocked our hands while following me out. "I'll be there at the hotel when Julian recovers." My finger poked his chest as I tilted my head to look at him in the eye. Confusion coloured his face for the first time, folding the space in between his brows. "I thought we were going together." The "we" ran a jolt of electricity up my body. His words made me feel like we are a team.

I shook my head, "Nope. You are going alone. They need the heir." Angelo's lips moved by a fraction but he made no noise. Blinking rapidly, the vivid emotions or as vivid as one could get from him were gone. The expressionless mask slipped on and he was back to being the heartless prince. "I'll be expecting you." Angelo unclasped our interlocked fingers and walked off.

The analog clock ticked, its noise amplified in the soundproof room. On one side of the room, there is a huge pinboard taking up the entire length. Elaborated dragon designs stood out to me from the overlaying pieces of tattoo designs pinned on both sides of it.

I have never gotten any tattoos because I had never found anything that I am willing to commit to for life. Some people will say that I was being too serious but they were also the people who had to endure additional pain as they got their drunk tattoos removed. But now, I might have found something worth inking on my body.

Night has long fallen, the dim spotlights bathed the patient and his nearby surroundings in a soft, orange glow. Along with the regular dripping of the IV drop, Julian's slow and steady breathing was luring me into sleep's arms as I sat on the cushioned chair, watching over him. I slowly pushed back my chair and stood up to stretch my aching body. Popping my knuckles, the three items on the metal tray caught my attention. A brown leather drawstring pouch and a black rectangular bag were resting against Julian's bag.

Vermilion and her staff found these on Julian when the boy had dropped in front of their shop. She had carried him to the back of the shop and let him rest on one of the wooden benches. Before he fainted, Julian had told her to not touch the two objects but guard over them. We have all decided to not open the two items until Julian wakes up and gives us permission to do so.

A knock on the door got my attention and Dr. Greene's head poked through the small gap of space the opened door has created. "I'm here to check on him." She announced and came in at a nod of my head. "How is he?" I bit my lips and peered at Dr. Greene who ran a hand through her hair as she read her notes on the clipboard.

"Left ankle sprain and slight fracture in his right wrist. Bruises and cuts but no internal injury. The fever has gone down, so he'll be fine with ample rest for the next ten days." She judged, giving me a reassuring smile. I gripped his cold hands in mine, a small smile breaking out on my face. Finally, a piece of good news.

Dr. Greene lingered in the room, waiting for me to say something. We have yet to spoke since that wonderful day in the hospital wing, where my identity was made known to me. Squeezing Julian's hands, I looked up to the doctor. "The Valentine and Mietitore family heads and their heirs know who I am. The...governor knows too." The clipboard clattered to the ground as a violent shudder ran through the doctor. Her worst nightmare has turned her face sickly pale.

I shuffled Dr. Greene to my seat as she needed it more than me in this moment. "I've failed your mother, Diana." A whisper barely audible even in the quiet room. Squatting down in front of the doctor, I wiped away a rogue tear from her cheek. "You've done your best, Dr. Greene." I assured her wholeheartedly with the truth.

"What are you going to do now?" Her words were interrupted by sniffles but jolted me into deep thinking. I had planned to watch the governor from afar, like what Angelo had advised. Get a good look at that monster and plot my next move.

My hand went to the pocket in my leather jacket and slipped out my mobile. The message from the governor was frozen in my head. I wanted to believe that he was bluffing me and trying to trick me into handing the ring over. However, a man like him has all sorts of connections all over the entire Chairlow. It is possible for him to find the whereabouts of two boys.

Can't a nineteen year old girl get some time for herself and just relax? All this is like an examination paper...the questions only get harder and harder, and my time to properly think is running out.

"I really want to say, go home and wake up to realise all this is a horrible nightmare. Then, I'll sell away whatever valuable things I owned and use the money to eat a buffet of fried chicken. There got to someone who provides such a cuisine." I laughed dryly. My smile left as fast as it had came when the doctor did not appreciate my humour and laughed with me.

The iPhone flew up a few inches into the air before landing in my palm again, only for me to throw it up once more. Feeling the pressure built up under the scrutiny of Dr. Greene, I put on a fake smile, "Don't worry, doctor. Let me handle it, please. I will figure out a way to deal with the governor. You should leave the city immediately."

Dr. Greene shook her head at my suggestion, her eyes stubborn. "I'm not leaving, not when you're here." I sighed, unwillingly I have became a burden for her. Too many people have died for me and for my family. No one else should have to pay with their lives for the path that I am going on.

From one look, I knew there was nothing I could say to dismiss the idea of her wanting to protect me from the doctor's head. She is determined to protect me, the last purpose of her living in this world. A loud ring echoed from the pockets of her jeans and Dr. Greene pulled out her phone. "Brandon Mietitore" flashed on her phone screen, the family head has called to urge her to return to her position in The Liminality.

I waved her goodbye and focused back on Julian. Back-facing her, I heard her light footsteps fade off as she closed the door behind her. Once she was gone, I lightly slapped Julian's uninjured arm and dropped back into the cushioned chair, still warm from Dr. Greene's body heat. "Stop feigning asleep, Oracle." Julian gave it away when he squeezed my hand earlier on.

"Ow." Julian dragged out the exclamation of hurt, offering me a meek smile. I lifted the straw into his dry mouth and watched him took sips of water slowly. Silently, I said my thanks that he was able to do that despite his injuries. "Hungry?" Julian only replied with a yawn, disinterested. "Okay, I don't care. You have to eat." I concluded and dialled the dim sum eatery's number. The boy smiled and stared up at the ceiling, a soft sigh escaping his lips.

"Got you some porridge and buns." I said proudly, it felt nice to take care of someone. Julian smiled at the ceiling and closed his eyes. He inhaled and exhaled sharply a few times, like he was about to give an opening speech to an auditorium full of people. Julian Makatski was nervous, and that was absurd.

I did not want to overthink about what could have possibly made the confident Oracle nervous. There are not many things capable of doing that and those popping up at the top of my list are hard to accept. He's just extremely exhausted from his trip, Elizabeth. The boy almost died. It's normal to be scared or nervous. The lie came easily to me, making me frown.

The Oracle is not a fan of danger but has never backed down nor feared it before. Following Angelo and Rafael for years, the trio has landed in hot waters an unthinkable number of times. Here they are, still alive and kicking. So how could the Oracle be traumatised from a near-death experience?

Deep down, I have my own hypothesis about this. Yet, I still wanted to enjoy a short amount of peace. "Sleep, Julian. I'll wake you up when the food is here." The boy turned his head towards me, his hazel eyes unable to hide anything. A tear slipped out as Julian muttered the words I hated to hear from anyone. "I'm sorry, Elizabeth."

"Don't." I forced it out but the word quivered in the air. Why do everyone thinks that an apology is needed? There was nothing that an apology can do for me. If they wanted to comfort me, do something more useful like get the hell out of my face.

Countless amount of adults had said the same thing to me during Tom's funeral. Vivian was in her own corner, sobbing her lungs out and left me to welcome the incoming people attending his funeral. I held my head up and gritted my teeth as they threaded in slowly. Those people enjoyed the privilege of displaying their emotions openly, uncaring of how everyone else felt.

My eyes shifted from the boy to the black rectangular bag, a wave of realisation washing over me. I laughed bitterly at it, how many hours has it been there? MJ used to say, "Ignorance is bliss." In the past, I always refuted him and called him a coward jokingly, for being too afraid of the hard truth. Now, I wished to travel back in time and stopped Julian from looking and saying anything to me.

I rather live in bliss than to live in anguish.

Zombified, I hugged the black rectangular bag and plopped down onto my chair. The sounds made by the zip echoed in the tensed room and I hesitated at the last moment. A bandaged hand placed itself over mine, "I'm here." Julian gave me a nod and returned his hand to his side.

The Oracle picked out a black coloured urn with rows of gold leaves circling the body. I scrunched up my nose at it. I was criticising the design in my head, the design was too opulent for my liking. Alexander would have selected a midnight blue, marbled one - if she could have a say in it.

I rubbed the body of the urn with my thumb, recalling our farewell at the east customs. "We met again, Alexander."

"All her bodyguards were killed. The attackers wielded black-"

"Black opal katanas, wore fox helmets and adorned black uniforms with an embroidered fox on it." I finished for the injured boy. Clenching my own fists, I tried to suppress the urge to punch something or someone, but it threatens to override my brain and body.

The cushioned chair toppled back as I stood up from the chair. Kicking it to the far wall, I placed the urn back on the beside table and left the room. Julian's pleads to not do anything stupid tore through the emptied second storey but I did not pause for him. I needed a release before my own guilt eats me up or I vent it out on Julian. With a sharp jerk of my head, I instructed the staff bringing up the food from the eatery and ran off to the Cheese In The Trap.

Black Bear was not surprised to see me.

The punching bag swung lesser and lesser with every punch and kick I delivered. Its been an hour since I stomped into the small training room and already, my body was suffering from fatigue. I lamented myself for not maintaining my stamina, it was one of the essential tools in this dark world.

With anger, my force doubled. Fresh red marks tarnished the surface of the punching bag and they were going to be impossible to remove. However, I really could not care less about Black Bear's whining right now. Alexander was supposed to be safe in the Trench, away from that miserable freak of a governor. She should be the one living her life out in peace. Life should have had its share of fun from all the tragic things happened in her life.

"Life is a bitch so you got to be one too and beat it. Not drown yourself in figuring out why is life such a bitch." Another spectacular advice given by Black Bear but I was too hurt to listen. All I want is to protect the people I love and care about. It is no difficult request but I could never obtain it. I do not know what else I can do other than lament about it, even though Black Bear was right.

"Should I kill you then? Since you are also part of the people who ended the Mentes, who are my family?" Black Bear did not look shocked or guilty at my revelation. He must have heard it from Tedious Galavar, who was there when Angelo said my identity out loud. I did not regret the questions. They were rotting in my head and I had to ask them, and now presented an opportunity for me to do so.

A friend or foe Black Bear shall becomes, depends on his answer.

"Yes, I was part of the Hollow War. But I did not kill your family." Black Bear confessed and grabbed my shoulder from the back. He pushed me to the first aid corner which he had stocked up on since the night I came from the Saints.

"That doesn't make any sense. It's the same logic as you saying you are a biological male but you don't have a pe-" Black Bear shushed me loudly, pressing me down onto a plastic chair. "Do not say the p word! That's so unladylike!" He quickly assembled creams and bandages and poured water into a small bucket.

Shooting him an "are you serious" look, I did not allow Black Bear to clean up my bleeding knuckles and knees. He could not do that for me anymore, until he explained himself. Black Bear sighed and rest against his own chair, understanding my silent condition.

The fight club owner came back with a bottle of whiskey and a bottle of his blueberry vodka. Throwing the fizzy alcohol concoction to me, he started. "Apart from clearing a path for the five families to access the Mente's mansion, my mission was to keep an eye out for the ring as well."

He lowered his head and sunk into his memories. "I chased down Pamelia Green the night they set fire on the mansion. When I returned, it was just a heap of ashes and bones." The cork flew out of my hand as I drank a mouthful.

"A liar, that is what he is, Eliza...beth," Black Bear said my name slowly, eyeing me with the question of whether he should continue using "Elizabeth" or change to "Diana". Though his attentiveness warms my heart, it brought into focus a question I have been avoiding and I was not ready to tackle that yet. Instead, I frowned at his opinion about the governor, it was the first time Black Bear outrightly spoke against his previous employer.

"There were rumours about the ring but he had completely shut them off from where he came from." Black Bear elaborated, swabbing my wounds with alcohol. The familiar sting made me bite the insides of my cheeks, no matter how many times I have gone through this sensation.

The way he phrased his words made me wonder about Black Bear's background. "You were from the Chasm?" A small nod answered me, "His personal lapdog." Everyone knew him as The Eye's ex-warrior but to think he was specifically working for the Hollow's governor was new news.

Bandages fitted snugly against my wounds under Black Bear's quick fingers. I stretched my ten fingers and calves to test out the damage I have done on myself, it was really not as bad as Black Bear's face was depicting. "Most of his men grew up under his care or received help from him when they prayed for our creator in their worst times. To them, the governor is their creator." The fight club owner described the governor and it was frightening. The governor has a loyal army, devoting their lives for him.

"He brainwashed all of us and fed us lies about the ring. Sam Mente was going to use it to overthrow him and become the new governor." I nodded at their mindsets. Someone was going to replace the master they worshipped, even if the governor did not do anything, his men would on their own.

"It took me years to convince myself that what I stood for, is a big fat lie. When I have accomplished that, I let myself off the hook." Black Bear spoke about the truth behind his separation from The Eyes. His journey sounded like someone had quit cigarettes or alcohol, which ironically, are two of the things he still does. It felt like a bad habit he got rid of, but the memory will always be there in his head.

A confession that stumped me. I set out with the intention to hate on Black Bear, an enemy on the other side of the battle. I could not feel the slightest bit of anger and instead, I felt pity for the powerful ex-warrior who had erred.

His knees thudded on the ground before I could stop him. "Please, I beg you for forgiveness." Black Bear said, kneeling in front of me. I was at a loss for words, shocked that he was willing to forsake his dignity and pride for my word. Standing up, I towered over the ex-warrior who became smaller in my eyes. "You knew of Charlie?" It was a possibility given Black Bear's role beside the governor.

However, the fight club owner shook his head in denial. "I knew of her name, that was all. The governor kept her a secret from everyone except from the Marionettes." The name of the seven puppets cum prisoners made me clicked my tongue. If they were here in the Hollow, things will not just be going downhill, they will literally fall off the hill and into hell.

For the past three years, Markus Gordin was one of the constant things in my life. He never left, no matter how brief it was for. Given how well-connected he is, he might have known about my identity or suspected me before. Yet, I am on the receiving end of his kindness this whole time. His words did not convinced me, his actions did.

"Will you promise me something?" Black Bear looked up and gave me a sincere, sturdy nod. "Anything, Elizabeth." I snapped my fingers in approval.

"A lifetime supply of fizzy blueberry vodka. Break this promise and I'll break you into half." I pulled on a stern expression and tried to hold back my laughters. "Yes, I promise. Wait what?" Black Bear questioned unbelievingly. Pulling up the six foot four man, I throw my head back and laughed at him. A few seconds later, Black Bear crushed me into his chest as he hugged me and muttered "thank you"s over and over again.

Friend, he shall be. If one day, he chooses otherwise, I have my own ways to deal with him. Though that would be such a big waste as I will be sure to miss the taste of fizzy blueberry vodka.

His words solved the knot in my chest and suddenly, things became clear.

"Now, drive me back to the Black Market."

Julian was half-way off the makeshift bed, when I opened the door. The argument between him, Dr. Green and Vermilion died off at my appearance. "What's going on? Why are you not resting?" I posed, putting a box of fried chicken on a nearby table. Vermilion came running and jumped on me, locking her legs on my back. "I thought you died! You little piece of shit." Relief made her arms tightened around my neck as she burrowed her face into the crook of my neck.

Chuckling, I patted her shoulders and turned to Julian, who was staring at us. "Get back into bed, matchstick." With the doctor's assistance, Julian climbed back under the blanket and pointed out my injuries. I waved off the doctor, assuring her that I have been treated and I am fine.

"You guys, could you please give us a private moment?" The taller girl hopped down and pulled me in for another tight hug before leaving the room. The black rectangular bag was still on the small tray. Picking it up, I sighed at it. In the end, she failed to escape from the governor too.

"Will you be okay, Eli?" Julian said softly. A smile hovered on my lips. From the way he asked me, I could tell that Julian has lost people in his life too.

As Black Bear had said earlier, I should not focus on asking why is life such a bitch but rather focus on fighting back. Yes, Alexander has died but I could not do anything to revive her. Just like how killing Jessica Gold did nothing to revive MJ and his family. But, I needed to focus on the positive things happening in my life. His words opened up my eyes to the fact that at least, Julian is still alive.

"I am going to be okay." I spoke clearly to the boy lying in the bed. My volume was louder than necessary in this room but it persuaded myself. Returning the urn to the black bag, I demanded for the details of Alexander's attack.

Julian adjusted himself into a comfortable position and shared the tale. "I got to Alexander's home three days before I had to return to the Hollow. When I got there, the Valentine bodyguards surrounding her house were dead and Alexander was facing two men on her own." I winced at my knuckles, as my interlocked fingers pressed down too hard on them. Freeing my hands, I opt for gripping the arm supports instead.

"She managed to take down one of them but the other slashed her across the chest before I could get my hands on him. It was a fatal slash." The nineteen year old's face fell and he stared at his covered legs. I understood how he felt and despite myself, I went forward to give him a much-needed hug. Murmurings of comforting words made him return the gesture and we remained in that position for some time. "The governor's men chased me all the way past the customs and they only stopped when I sneaked into the Black Market." He mumbled, explaining his severe wounds.

It was not the first time Julian has killed. Yet, given his very small and elite social circle, there was not a time he has failed to protect someone. Obviously, he was not to blame. The governor simply caught him by surprise and he did his best. Nonetheless, he would put the blame on himself. "You've delivered your best, Julian. I won't blame you." I patted his back to emphasise my point. He nodded and pulled back. Julian pointed to the leather drawstring pouch beside the urn and said hoarsely,"Alexander instructed me to give you this. She said, you will understand once you see it." I hurriedly opened the pouch and peered into the bag.

A sharp inhale of breath sounded out as I recognised the object and understood immediately what Alexander meant. My hand wobbled as I pulled the strings to close the pouch. Tucking it into my leather jacket, I gazed at Julian's worried face and refused to answer him.

My world just lost balance again.

"Come on, matchstick! We are going to be late!" I screamed into the room before inviting myself into the other rooms on the same storey. Dr. Greene has already left the Black Market a few days ago after prescribing Julian his medicines and doing everything in her power to treat him. Three days ago, tattoo business has resumed and the remaining five rooms were filled with two to three customers each.

Vermilion was in the one right by Julian's room, doing the last layer of an arm sleeve for a young girl. I gave her a thumbs up at the wonderful artwork and envisioned myself to be laying down on the same chair, one day. The day I bore a dragon tattoo would be the day I defeat the governor. It is only right for me to get the family symbol inked if I had proven myself to be worthy of the family name, Mente.

It has been more than a week and Julian's recovery was nearly completed. Knowing even the smallest details, Julian had received a message from Angelo. The Mietitore prince has summoned us to meet him at The Liminality on the tenth and last day of Julian's stay at the Black Market. I hummed a random tune as I sat on the floor, awaiting the Oracle and the car sent to retrieve us. Scrolling through my notifications, I filtered out most of it and only read those regarding the Crossing.

To my knowledge, the Crossing is divided into five segments. Dawn, Morning, Afternoon, Evening, Dusk. Dawn and dusk represents the first two and the last two days of the governor's visit. Both serves similar functions, to cater to the governor's pleasure as he goes on a short tour around the city. A way for the Mafia in the city to give thanks to the governor's hard work.

Morning, Afternoon and Evening are the three periods that starts and concludes the fourteen days' worth of official business. The Morning segments are for the smaller families, Afternoon segment for the royal families and Evening segments are an open floor. Evening segments allow the smaller and royal families to interact and resolve any issues face to face, with the governor to judge.

Today is the eighth day of the meeting and the last day of the Afternoon segments. The governor was seeing the last of the royal families, the Immondos. Tomorrow onwards will be the real show as families aim to rip each other's throat out and gain the biggest profit.

A few new notifications vibrated my phone and I clicked in to see several email replies. In the last few days, I dug up information that I could sell to families of various sizes. This was an atrocious plan because I was gaining a lot of enemies by blackmailing those families. However, my goal was ninety nine percent completed and that was all that is important. One last email of confirmation and it would make up the last one percent.

Julian Makatski and I had treated Vermilion to a scrumptious meal outside the Black Market last night to express our gratitude for all she has done for us. Standing outside the weapon dealership, I turned to my upset friend. "Goodbye, Vermilion." I grinned at her, but she only tilted her head to the side and frowned. Opening my arms to her, the taller girl was joyous as she threw her own arms around me. She knew that I disliked any body contact and would never initiate any on my own free will. So this was one big step I was taking.

The force shifted her mask and she quickly adjusted it before releasing me. A silver Maserati rolled into the street instead of a black sedan, with the Mietitore prince in the driver seat. Surprise took over me but I did not forget to wave back at Vermilion as Angelo drove us out of the Black Market.

I will always remember Vermilion.

Julian Makatski became the Oracle moments later. Angelo has insisted on me sitting in the passenger seat to give the nineteen year old boy space to change into his work attire. Pressing a button, the Mietitore prince tinted all the windows and allowed Julian to put on the Oracle's mask and blood-red bucket hat. He threw on the suede jacket of the same shade of red as a finishing touch.

"Sir, you got to watch out for this Vermilion girl. She's got her eyes on Eli." Julian reported, grinning. My mouth dropped in surprise and was nearly sent forward due to Angelo's emergency brake. I patted my own heart and my seatbelt for preventing me from blasting off like a rocket, flying through the windshield.

Laughters deepened by the mask filled the small space as Angelo glared at me. "Makatski!" I reprimanded, turning in my seat. I stretched my arm out to hit Julian but the boy scampered to the corner beyond my reach. "Stop glaring at me and fucking drive us safely to the hotel, Angelo. Seriously, why can't either of you drive well like Rafael does?" I complained and closed my eyes, waiting for the car to start moving again.

Both boys could not give me a smart reply and quietly accepted my outburst. There were butterflies in my stomach and not because I am going on a date. Once we reached The Liminality, I could lose my life as long as one person finds me an eyesore. There was already a list in my head of those who finds me an eyesore. Every second in that hotel or at the Spargimento Di Sangue is a gamble of life and death.

Through the rear-view mirror, Julian was typing on his Macbook. Soon, he tapped me on the shoulder and gave me a high-five for completing most of his work. With the Oracle back on duty, I subtly let out a sigh. The pressure was no longer on me.

"I can give you a good ride." Angelo offered, smirking at me with a pair of twinkling icy blue eyes. My face heated up at the sexual innuendo. Swallowing my saliva, I crossed my legs and gestured for him to drive. "Just. Drive. Idiot." I said through gritted teeth and zipped up my leather jacket.

"Hey, do you know where my silver pistol is?" I patted down my leather jacket once more, only to feel my night-vision sunglasses and the pocket pistol. "In my hotel room." Angelo answered, stopping my search. Throwing up my arms, I cheered in a dead voice. "Hurray. Speak your conditions for me to get it back." The Mietitore prince does not do people favours without getting something beneficial back in return. Angelo chuckled, his smirk widening into a wicked grin. "You know me well, Elizabeth."

Letting out a tsk, I rubbed my tired eyes. Since Julian's hospitalisation at the tattoo parlour, sleep refused to welcome me. My body resisted it as surges of excitement and fear coursed through my veins when thoughts of the Crossing and the governor popped up in my mind. "Come and find me in my room. I will give you back what belongs to you." Angelo offered, a knowing smile littered his face.

Julian cheered for him but I gave no reply as The Liminality appears in my sight. A colonial style building raised up into the sky. With white as its main colour, the orange spotlights paint the hotel in a soft warm glow. In front of the building is a magnificent peacock fountain spraying water in all directions, lights in the water illuminating it. A circular rose bush surrounded the pond, the vibrant red and pinks adding on to the spectacular view.

Above the first floor, there are three more floors serving as hotel rooms. Custom shaped windows with a sunburst patterned top aligned next to each other across the span of the building and all windows on the first two floors were lit up. However, it is different for the third floor, only one window was lit up. A bitter taste filled my mouth as I stared at that one window. The man responsible for so many deaths is staying on the third floor.

The silver Maserati rolled to a stop where the rotating door is a metre away. Rafael Valentine, Tedious Galavar, the Yilian brothers stood at the edge of the road, awaiting our arrival. Angelo cut the engine and stepped out of the car confidently. Night breeze ruffled my ponytail as I followed behind Angelo and the Oracle, trying to hide in their shadows.

Shaking off the trembles from my hand, I tried to calm my racing heart. However, the knowledge of me sharing the same space as the governor rendered all my efforts to settle down as useless. I fidgeted behind the two guys, wriggling my toes and looking around like a deer who sensed predators nearby.

"Welcome to The Liminality, Elizabeth." Tedious greeted and introduced. I gave him a sharp nod, unable to move my muscles to form a smile. The large group of boys began to walk towards the rotating doors but I stood rooted to the pavement.

The two words "The Liminality" were sprawled across the space in between the rotating doors and the ceiling in beautiful black calligraphy. I walked like a robot towards the rotating door as I saw Angelo's hand gesturing for me to come in. However, the words got bigger and bigger with every step I inched forward, overshadowing my existence.

The only person who should be scared is the governor, not you, Elizabeth. He doesn't know who's coming for him. A sunny smile played in my head and a soft murmur echoed in my ear, be proud, be strong. This was an old memory but it filled me up with tangible strength. Sucking in air, I squared my shoulders and passed through the rotating door and into The Liminality.

I'm ready for hell.

Are you ready for the clashing of the governor and Elizabeth? I sure am!
Also, I would like to get your opinions on my starting an aesthetic book for Mafia Servant! It will contain moodboards and covers for each characters! Would you guys be interested? Let me know in the comments or DM me about it :)
Thank you for reading and see you in the next chapter! :)

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