Jesse's Girl (COMPLETE)

By xHeatLifex

1.6K 64 0

They had both been dealt enough tragedy in their short teenaged lives, more then anyone should ever have to e... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 22

32 1 0
By xHeatLifex

* Catherine Continued... *

I could feel Beau's eyes on me the whole lesson but any time he tried to get my attention I felt Jesse move a little closer to me.

Jesse hadn't said a single word to me the entire class or even so much as glanced my way. Not that I cared, I was still beyond annoyed with him.

I may be a broken, emotional mess but Joe had told me over and over again that I was worth something. I held onto those words tight enough to know how I should be treated and how Jesse treated me this morning was not going to fly with me.

Quickly loosing interest in the complicated equations on the board my mind drifted to the guy sitting next to me.

God he was just so damned hot!

And that kiss... damn I got goosebumps just thinking about it. Plus it didn't help that I had to use every ounce of willpower I had not to think about what else he could do with that magical tongue.

Shaking my lustful thoughts from my mind I quickly decided that after school I would give the stupidly cute green eyed boy a piece of mind.

An hour later the last bell of the day finally chimed, I packed away my things hoping to make a quick escape but sadly I wasn't that lucky.

'Babe' I heard Beau call from behind me but as his voice echoed in my ears I felt Jesse's firm hand grab mine, just as he had done at lunch earlier, this time however his fingers were laced with mine.

This small almost innocent action caused butterflies to erupt in my stomach.

'Let's go' he grumbled as he pulled me to the door.

I followed after him although I was slightly annoyed with myself that I had so willingly taken his hand and even gave it a soft squeeze in response.

'Catherine...' I heard Beau say my name, this time though he was now standing in front of us. I went to open my mouth, unsure as to what I was going to say but I needn't have worried because Jesse spoke before I even had a chance.

'Move' he growled, but Beau just ignored him, folding his muscular arms across his chest as he eyed me curiously.

'Babe...' Beau started, but Jesse interrupted him.

'I. Said. Move.' Jesse growled again, a little louder this time as his hand gripped mine tighter.

'Everyone out' Mrs Steel's voice said sharply behind us distracting Beau long enough for Jesse and I to step past him.

Jesse's firm grasp on my hand remained as he led me out of the school grounds and to his car, only letting go as he climbed into the drivers seat.

I had no idea what the hell that was all about but before I could ask Jesse had reappeared next to me.

'Get in' he said in a deep voice.

The emotions raging through my body right now were beyond weird. On one hand I was still so angry with him and on the other I didn't want to be without him, so before I could think about my current predicament any longer I opened the passenger side door and climbed in.

Stupid fucking teenage hormones.

As we pulled out of the school car park I glanced over at Jesse, it wasn't hard to tell he was pissed off. His hands clutched the steering wheel so tightly that his knuckles were white and he continuously clenched and unclenched his jaw.

It didn't look like he wanted to make small talk which was fine by me, so we sat in silence until I noticed we missed the turn off for my street.

'Uhh, you missed my turn' I said flatly, trying my best to keep my tone neutral.

I sat patiently waiting for his reply but when nothing came I just rolled my eyes and let out a deep sigh.

'Fine' I mumbled as I focused my attention out of my window, not willing to give him the satisfaction of playing his childish game.

About ten minutes later we pulled into the driveway of a house I'd never been to before, it wasn't in the best part of town but it looked tidy enough. I glanced over at Jesse waiting on an explanation but none came.

'Wait here' he said flatly.

'Wait here?' I asked, a little incredulous, how dare he think he can treat me like this.

Before I could unleash a verbal assault on his ass his deep voice interrupted my train of thought.

'I won't be long' he grunted as he climbed out of the car and jogged inside.

'And you think I'm fucking frustrating' I muttered under my breath as I rolled my eyes.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket and casually scrolled through Instagram, noticing Beau had either liked or commented on everything that I had posted lately, which to be honest wasn't much.

After about twenty minutes I started to grow impatient, my leg started bouncing nervously as I bit the inside of my cheek in frustration.

Where the hell am? What the hell is Jesse doing inside? More importantly why is whatever he's doing so damn secret that I have to wait in the car like a child?

As I was just about to get out of the car and go looking fo him he suddenly appeared as if on queue. I watched as he locked the front door behind him and threw a gym bag over his shoulder before walking back to the car.

I also noted that he had obviously taken a shower, having changed from his school uniform into a pair of black, white and blue board shorts that hung ridiculously low on his hips and a plain white T-shirt that was so tightly stretched across his muscular chest and arms that I thought it was going to tear at any second.

My annoyance at being made to wait in the car while he had gotten changed quickly faded as I stared blatantly at his sexy appearance.

As I watched his muscular form climb into the car I couldn't help but cross my legs tightly in hopes to relieve a little of the tingling that started at the mere sight of him.

'Fuck I'm in trouble' I muttered to myself as I sucked in a long deep breath trying to calm my raging hormones.

'Jeez girl stop acting like a damn horny, sex crazed teenager!' I silently scolded myself, as Jesse settled into the drivers seat, the ripped muscles of his biceps bulging as he pulled his seatbelt across his chest.

'What's that princess?' He asked slightly amused, a cocky grin creeping across his lips.

As I suddenly realised I hadn't kept my thoughts to myself a bright red blush crept across my cheeks.

'Hmm?' I mumbled, reluctantly tearing my eyes away from his body as I crossed my legs a little tighter.

With a chuckle and a cheeky grin, indicating the damn green eyed boy new exactly what effect he was having on my body, he started the car and we drove off.

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