The Reverend's Daughter (Book...

By Jaidesmamasmama

1.3M 62.6K 4.5K

Violet Petals has found a maid that touches his heart. Charming, funny, and extraordinarily handsome, the pir... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six Part One
Chapter Six Part Two
Chapter Seven Part One
Chapter Seven Part Two
Chapter Eight Part One
Chapter Eight Part Two
Chapter Eight Part 3
Chapter Nine
Nine Part Two
Chapter Nine Part Three
Chapter Ten
Chapter Ten Part Two
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Eleven Part Two
Chapter Twelve
Twelve Part Two
Chapter Thirteen
Thirteen Part Two
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fourteen Part Two
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Fifteen Part Two
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Sixteen Part Two
Chapter Seventeen
Seventeen Part Two
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Eighteen Part Two
Eighteen Part Three
Chapter Nineteen
Nineteen Part Two
Nineteen Part Three
Chapter Twenty
Twenty Part Two
Twenty Part Three
Twenty One Part One
Twenty One Part Two
Twenty One Part Three
Twenty One Part Four
Twenty Two Part One
Twenty Two Part Two
Twenty Two Part Three
Twenty Two Part Four
Twenty Three Part One
Twenty Three Part Two
Twenty Three Part Three
Twenty Four Part One
Twenty Four Part Two
Twenty Four Part Three
Twenty Five Part One
Twenty Five Part Two
Twenty Six Part One
Twenty Six Part Two
Twenty Six Part Three
Twenty Seven Part One
Twenty Seven Part Two
Twenty Seven Part Three
Twenty Eight Part One
Twenty Eight Part Two
Twenty Eight Part Three
Twenty Nine Part One
Twenty Nine Part Two
Twenty Nine Part Three
Twenty Nine Part Four
Thirty Part One
Thirty Part Two
Thirty Part Three
Thirty Part Four
Thirty One Part One
Thirty One Part Two
Thirty One Part Three
Thirty One Part Four
Thirty Two Part One
Thirty Two Part Two
Thirty Two Part Three
Thirty Two Part Four
Chapter Thirty Three Part One
Thirty Three Part Two
Thirty Three Part Three
Thirty Three Part Four
Thirty Four Part One
Thirty Four Part Two
Thirty Four Part Three
Thirty Four Part Four
Thirty Five Part One
Thirty Five Part Two
Thirty Five Part Three
Thirty Five Part Four
Thirty Six Part One
Thirty Six Part Two
Thirty Six Part Three
Thirty Six Part Four
Thirty Seven
Thirty Seven Part Two
Thirty Seven Part Three
Thirty Seven Part Four
Thirty Eight
Thirty Eight Part Two
Thirty Eight Part Three
Thirty Eight Part Four
Thirty Nine
Thirty Nine Part Two
Thirty Nine Part Three
Chapter Forty
Forty Part Two
Forty Part Three
Forty Part Four
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty One Part Two
Chapter Forty One Part Three
Forty One Part Four
Chapter 42
Forty Two P. 2
Chapter 42 P. 3
Forty Two P 4
Forty Three
Authors Note *Not an update
Forty Three Part 2
Forty Three P. 3
Forty Three Part Four
Chapter Forty Four
Forty Four Part Two
Forty Four Part Three
Forty Four Part Four
Forty Four Part Five
Forty Five
Forty Five Part Two
Forty Five Part Three

Twenty Five Part Three

7.5K 444 21
By Jaidesmamasmama

"Were you hungry much, Merry?" Alfred laughed at Merry's appetite as she placed her napkin down and smiled shyly at him.

"I began receiving deliveries this morning and I did not stop to eat all day." Merry finished her ale and placed the glass back upon the table. She noted that Alfred had finished his dinner also.

Merry had eaten all that was set before her, and she was excited to return home. "Can we go back now? There is still more I have not opened yet."

Alfred loved the way her bright, hazel eyes shone with enthusiasm and joy. "Yes Merry," He laughed, "Let me return you to your passion."

Merry blushed, and looked down at the table, as Alfred counted out coins and set them down.

He came around and helped Merry to rise, escorting her out of the pub and onto the street.

"What do you think you shall paint first?" Alfred asked her.

Merry furrowed her brow and thought upon this. Though she could draw still objects, and she was fairly good at drawing people, landscapes were her favorite things to try to capture on canvas. She liked lakes and meadows, wildlife and trees.

"I would like to find a beautiful landscape." She admitted to Alfred.

"You like to paint places?" Alfred was intrigued, he did remember seeing a sketch or two of the outdoors in her book now that he thought of it.

He also thought of the estate the Ferguson family leased where he had been earlier in the day. It was too bad he could not take Merry on the grounds. He thought of the small waterfalls that filled shallow pools in the garden.

But surely there were many other places, the botanical gardens or the many parks may do.

"I will see what I can find." Alfred offered.

Merry liked this new Alfred. He was enjoyable to be with, he wore the air of a gallant that he did not force or deceive with any longer. This was real, she could read the actual feelings in his eyes now, when before they had been shuttered and closed to any emotion.

As they approached her apartment door, she stood on her toes and kissed Alfred's cheek. "Thank you, Alfred. And thank you for dinner, too." She smiled happily up at him, before proceeding into the house.

Alfred found himself feeling very good, so far his day had been most pleasant. "I am going out Merry, enjoy your gifts." He called to her, as she was already halfway out of the room.

"Have a good evening." He heard her call back to him from the hallway.

Alfred took the stairs two at a time, going to his room, he readied himself for his evening with Terese and her parents.

He left the room some minutes later, shrugging on an evening coat, and planning to meet with Jude beforehand.


"This is a new rifle that just came from France a few months ago." Eli was demonstrating the rifle's loading process to Betsy, as she admired the shiny stock and oiled metal that gleamed in his hands.

"Your father would have appreciated it's accuracy."

Betsy had never fired a rifle before. She stood back as Eli looked around for a target.

"I can help you with some targets, Commander." Violet called across the water.

"What did he say?" Eli asked Betsy.

"He said he could help us with finding a target." Betsy told the old man.

"He is not offering himself is he?" Eli tried to keep his features schooled seriously, but could not quite manage it, grinning widely he looked at Betsy hopefully.

Betsy narrowed her eyes upon Eli. "I do not believe so, Sir." She looked to Violet, who held up a hand, then Vi strode down to the main deck to speak to Pete and Sam.

The two nodded and disappeared below deck, coming back a few moments later, carrying the crate of broken china.

Violet directed them to the stern with the crate. Sam opened it and he and Pete stood back waiting to see what Violet would do.

Violet removed one of the plates that had been chipped. He held it up, and in answer, the commander raised the rifle to his shoulder, explaining to Betsy about the kick the gun would give, as he did so.

Eli then took aim over the water as Violet flung the plate as far and as high away from him as he could.

Eli chipped an edge off the plate before it dropped into the sea.

"Now you try it." Eli handed her the rifle, Betsy loaded it as he had shown her, looking to him for confirmation she had done it correctly.

He smiled and nodded, then stepped behind her and helped her place the stock on her shoulder correctly. He was glad she wore his coat and it would pad her small frame when the gun fired.

Eli directed her to look down the sight for accuracy.

When Eli stepped away from her, Violet held up another plate, until she nodded, then he let it fly.

The plate shattered mid air and rained down into the sea.

Betsy turned to Eli, her eyes glittering with pleasure, "Oh my, that was wonderful! Can I do it again?"

Eli laughed and bowed towards her, handing her another bullet, he looked over his shoulder to see Eleanor standing a few paces behind him.

"You could not resist, could you?" Eleanor then knew her plan had worked, Elizabeth should not be a prisoner any longer.

Eli must now see that the girl never intended to harm him.

Eli could not wait to see the surprise upon the Monarch's face when Alexander's daughter was delivered to him.

Even though his wife was still onboard the other ship, Violet felt much better. She was well, he could see that for himself, and the commander was now apprised of her skill.

Did the commander yet know who she was? Violet wondered.

Violet was filled with a pride that came from being her husband. He had definitely been blessed the day he met this fine maid. That she had actually been a Lady's maid had him shaking his head in wonder.

He smiled ruefully before letting a saucer fly, swinging his fist in the air slightly and grinning, as Betsy hit the smaller object with ease.

"Vi, they are preparing to set sail." Brutus called down, as Violet realized Betsy was now looking around for the commander.

Eli was midship, he had just given orders to get them under way.

Violet called out, "Man the sails, boys, we have a ship to keep up with." Violet was glad they were at least doing something.

He walked to the rail as Betsy handed the rifle off to a crewman. She flew to the rail to hold her hand out towards Violet, her face was desperate.

Violet reached his hand out towards her, "I love you" He called out, as she looked at him furtively, before seeking the commander with her eyes.

Her eyes flew to Eli in confusion, before she looked back to Violet, he could see the hurt in her face.

Damn! She had not known she would not be returned to him. "It will be alright, I shall be right behind you." He called out, as the Omega started pulling away from them.

Violet walked the rail, as did she, until they reached the point that would would keep them in one another's sight the longest.

Violet knew there was no chance of keeping up with them at this point, the Wench took her own sweet time getting going, though he knew they would catch up with them in a while.

"Violet." Elizabeth called out one word, one word that said everything to him.

"I will be right behind you, I promise!" It was the best he could do, and yet, even though it was all he could do, it did not feel as though it were enough.


Betsy was devastated. This was her honeymoon? She was devestated and at the same time, incredibly angry, almost angry enough to jump over the side of the ship. She looked down at the swirling water coming off the stern.

Did she dare?

The only thing stopping her, was she knew the water was frigid, she was not confident enough in her new swimming abilities to brave the icy cold.

She knew Violet would save her, but she could not be sure she could stay afloat long enough for him to do so.

She stood at the rail until she could not see Violet's form clearly any longer.

Then she went looking for the commander.

She would not want to be him when she found him either.

Betsy was fuming, steaming, boiling mad. She had assumed that once the old man saw that she hit exactly what she aimed for, he would let her go back to her husband. That he would realize if she had meant to kill him, she would have.

At this moment she was glad she did not have the rifle and another bullet.

Why was he continuing to hold her?


"Let her return to her husband Eli, do you not remember your own wedding? How would you have felt if someone had detained your bride and withheld her from you?"

Eli looked up as Eleanor entered his office, "They will have one another again."

Eleanor tsked the old man. "Are you so shrivelled up, Eli Fleming, that you do not remember being young and in love?"

"It will only take a day to get there."

"And a night, Eli, they are already worried the King may have reprisals for Violet's crimes, let them have each other, and this time together." Eleanor was beginning to lose her patience, men could be stubborn and she happened to know this one was.

"They will be fine, Eleanor." Eli tried to dismiss her, hoping she would please leave, and not play on his conscience any longer.

"She will never forgive you." Eleanor said quietly.

She then left him, trying to find Elizabeth before the girl did something foolish, like jumping ship or some such thing.

No, her poor girl would not be happy about this at all.


It took Eli ten more minutes to change his mind.

How happy would the King be with him if the girl was spitting mad when they arrived? Eli had seen her anger and he knew that he and his crew's attentions would not be enough to appease her.

A visit with her husband may, however.

He heard her coming down the hallway, Eleanor must be on her heels, as Eli could hear Eleanor trying to be a voice of reason.

"Now Elizabeth, what would your Papa say? You know you catch more flies with honey than you do vinegar."

"As of now, I would happily pickle his....him. I would like to know why I am still on this ship!" This was directed at Eli as Betsy strode through the door.

Eli thought quickly, "I have arrested you for shooting at my person," Eli held up a hand as Betsy attempted to speak, "I cannot just free you, 'tis out of my hands now, the King will have to decide your guilt, not I."

"You had no reason to threaten Violet, nor to arrest him. You have not even arrested him now, have you?" Betsy thought, that is what had started the entire incident, and yet, the commander had not even ended up doing so.

"I was just considering remedying that, my dear. Who knows what he could be planning back there." Eli shuffled some papers on his desk.

"Ohhhhh!" Betsy did not like how the commander had turned this around. He had used her own argument against her, against Violet actually.

Betsy glared at the old man as he moved past her and a silent Eleanor, she stayed right on his heels as he made his way to the deck.

"Captain, drop the sails."

The Captain rolled his eyes, stop, go, go, stop. The old man acted as though it was no problem to just stop and start going again upon the sea.

"We will never arrive at this rate." The Captain grumbled under his breath.

The sails were let down and the ship slowed her course.

Betsy ran to the stern to wait for the approach of the Wench. She could see it, as the ship had caught her wind and was fighting to catch up with them.

Violet noticed the Omega was slowing, they were closing the gap much quicker now.

"What are they doing?" Brutus asked aloud.

"They are stopping again, it seems." Violet observed.

"I wonder why?" Brutus looked at Vi, confusion upon his face.

"I could only guess." Violet narrowed his eyes, he wondered what the old man was up to now.


;) A blessed day to all!

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