Jesse's Girl (COMPLETE)

By xHeatLifex

1.6K 64 0

They had both been dealt enough tragedy in their short teenaged lives, more then anyone should ever have to e... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50

Chapter 5

32 1 0
By xHeatLifex

Jesse *

'Why did we have to move to this shit fuck town anyway!' I yelled heatedly.

'You know damn well why we moved Jesse!' My mother shouted back at me 'and don't you raise your voice at me young man!'

'I'm done with this shit! I fumed as I picked up my car keys and stormed off, slamming the front door behind me.

I climbed into my car and slammed my fists into the steering wheel.

'Fuck!' I grumbled, pulling my cap off I raked my hands through my hair before wearily leaning my head back against the seat and closing my eyes.

I sat silently for a few moments, taking in deep breath after deep breath, trying to calm myself down.

Of course mum was right, I knew exactly why we moved.


I'd been kicked out of my last school at the end of last year and asked not to return. Not even my prowess on the football field could save me that last time.

My mum and I had just moved from the city to the small town of Oxbury and after not even a week I was already not it's biggest fan.

Coming from the city to this small little town was like a shock to the system. We had lived in one of the shittiest neighbourhoods in the poorest end of the city, surrounded by drugs and violence.

It wasn't always that way though, things only got bad after my dad died, leaving my mum to try and keep herself together as well as raise me on her own.

Dad was the main bread winner in the family and once he was gone we couldn't afford the house we were in, we had to move to the only place we could afford, the south side. Mum had to work two jobs just to keep that shitty, broken down roof over our heads and food on the table.

In saying that though, she made sure I never went without.

With her working all the time, I was basically left to my own devices which inevitably led to me running with the wrong crowd and getting into trouble.

Cliche I know.

Actually it's really fucking pathetic to be honest.

I always promised myself that I would never end up like the strung out junkies I walked by on a daily basis, or the miserable alcoholics who I'd see passed out on their lawns as their young children played nearby, oblivious to the torment that surrounded them.

Yet I still managed to find trouble.

The only thing that kept me sane was football. I lived and breathed it.

It was my way out.

And that's how we ended up here, in the middle of fucking nowhere.

After my last suspension mum decided we needed to get out of the south side before I actually did something I couldn't come back from. She found this private school out of the city with a decent football program and she discovered they also offered scholarships. Hoping for the best but expecting the worst she sent off videos of me playing.

This was December of last year and after not hearing anything from the school for a good six weeks, mum started her search again.

I wasn't surprised though, nothing ever goes right for the poor kid from the south side.

Until two weeks ago.

Just as we had both resigned ourselves to the fact that we weren't getting out, mum received a call from the school's football coach stating he was eager to have me on the team, but he was concerned about my past behavioural records.

Mum begged and pleaded with him to give me a chance and he relented, but with one condition.

'Mess up once son and you're out' he had said sternly and without a doubt in my mind I knew that to be true.

Because we didn't receive the news about my scholarship until the very last minute it didn't give us much time to find a new place to live and move. So even though the new school year technically started a week ago I wouldn't be starting my first day until tomorrow.

'Fuck I hate new schools' I hissed under my breath as I finally opened my eyes and decided I'd calmed down enough to go for a drive.

I knew I was just frustrated and angry and it wasn't fair to take it out on mum, I knew I owed her an apology. I just struggled to deal with my temper and it was generally the cause of all my trouble. Since dad died I was just angry all the time except when I was on the football field.

Those were the only moments I truely felt at peace.

I'd been driving aimlessly for about half an hour when I realised I had no idea where I was. Slowing the car down I scanned the neighbourhood in hopes of finding something familiar but after having no luck I decided to pull over and stretch my legs while googling my way home.

Having parked on the side of an empty street I climbed out of the car and pulled out my phone to send mum a quick apology text and let her know I was ok.

Slipping my phone into my back pocket I walked a few paces up the dark street taking in my surroundings. It was so quiet and peaceful and such an extreme contrast to the city at night.

I was suddenly bought out of my thoughts by a soft thump hitting my chest.

Slightly confused I looked down to see the silhouette of a girl on the ground.

'What the fuck' an annoyed voice echoed up at me, as I watched her try to pull herself up off the ground 'why don't you watch where you're going' she continued on in a fiery tone.

Damn if that feisty voice wasn't sexy as all hell.

'Hey, you ran into me' I shot back at her, no matter how sexy her voice was I couldn't keep the anger from my tone.

Glaring down at her I watched on as she tried to stand but quickly fell back on her ass.

'She must have hurt her leg or something' I mused to myself as I eyed her once again, although trying to get a good look at the foul mouthed girl in front of me was proving to be difficult in only the moonlight.

'You ok?' I finally asked, having watched her try and fail to stand up I felt bad, which was weird in itself because as a general rule I didn't give a shit about anyone who wasn't family.

'I'm fine' she mumbled stubbornly as she tried once more to stand but ended up right back where she was moments ago.

'Yeah right princess' I sighed to myself.

After a frustrating back and forth with the damn stubborn chick I had finally had enough. I was done with this shit, her hard headed and obviously injured ass was no problem of mine, so after one final glance her way I turned and walked back the way I came.

Just as I reached my car I heard a small voice call our from behind me.

'Hey' she called 'can I get a little help?'

Scrubbing my hands down my face I couldn't help the exasperated sigh that escaped my lips.

Was she serious? One minute she is swearing at me like a drunken sailor and the next asking me for help in the sweetest voice you could ever hear.

Talk about fucking crazy.

After standing in place for a few more minutes I finally decided to help her. Yeah I may be a prick, but I'm not that much of a heartless prick that I'd leave some poor girl injured and alone in a dark empty street.

Letting out a deep, irritated growl and raking my hands through my hair, I took a deep breath to calm myself down before turning and heading back towards the mystery girl.

And damn I'm glad I helped because for the second time in the past two weeks luck was on my side.

After getting her into the car, I finally got a look at the mysterious, foul mouthed girl and fuck me dead if she wasn't the most beautiful creature I'd ever laid eyes on.


Don't forget to vote! 🌟🌟🌟

xHeatLifex 💋

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