The Unbroken

Bởi Gingers_Moon_

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She's a bright shining star. The apple of her parents' eyes. The wonder kid in her school. The Angel in town... Xem Thêm



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Bởi Gingers_Moon_

The clear sky above glistens from the afternoon sun, glowing brightly over the fun moment everyone is indulging themselves within. Perfectly chilled waves continue to roll over my feet while witnessing the chaos my family is reaping over the miles of golden sand. It's peaceful out here, when we finally find time to spend time away from the chaotic lives we've found ourselves living.

Lately, Alexis and I are lucky to get five hours of sleep. It's mainly myself struggling to find time to relax since I have a lot more going on. I'm constantly making sure she gets more rest than I do otherwise she doesn't function properly, plus I'm a protective woman that wants what is best for her partner.

Observing all of my precious ones, I subconsciously fiddle with the black box sitting in the pocket of my shorts. The snapping as it opens and closes satisfies the nerves mumbling in my mind. For a year I have been planning this precise day in detail, wanting to make it as memorable as possible.

Competing against the timing of boring meetings arranged by other packs; planning around the training sessions I've been arranging for the pack now that they are starting to find their confidence again; considering days for everyone's birthdays and anniversaries when I have numerous people in my life. It often seems as though I have no time for myself or my family that has been growing non stop.

All evidence I've created in preparation for today's hopefully spectacular events has been concealed at the back of my sky high filing cabinet. It is a source of organisation that I know my Lex won't go near due to my obsessive needs for order, as well as business matters constantly giving her a headache. She wasn't built for professionalism unlike me who was born into it with the natural instinct from inheritance.

My heart is thumping, digging out a way of escape to run from the anxiety poisoning my jittery body. It is amusing that I am the supposedly confident one in the relationship even though I'm nobbling on my lip incessantly until it is peeling off the thin skin to allow blood to seep through.

All of me knows that the only way this will ever happen is if I am the one to take the leap, because she will never be able to fight off the insecurities to do it herself. Her courage may have grown vastly in the last six years, but she is always a scared puppy at heart. I love her even still, I know how to bring her out of the safe shell she hides in while also balancing us out with my own ability to deny apprehension.

Glancing back out to the larger waves, I can watch the kids playing alongside our family, as crazy as ever. Ame and Ash have spent the last hour chasing Josh and Carter across the beach in an attempt to wrestle them to the ground with the strength that is forever growing.

Anyone outside of our group would be scared of the two five year olds that can lift a boulder with ease despite only being four foot tall, but not those two idiots. Instead of running for their lives, they let them determinedly sprint after them with menacing growls. The two trouble makers have given me dozens of near heart attacks in their early years, growing more frequent the older they get. I've lost count of the number of hours spent searching for them just to find them napping on the house's roof after watching the sun set.

Meanwhile, Dylan and Micah are contently building a sandcastle a few yards away from me. They have become almost inseparable these days. As soon as they are in the same room, you cannot tear them away from the other without Dyl having a tearful seizure. It is growing increasingly painful to keep them apart. So we've been trying to get them together as much as possible, however this time it couldn't be avoided.

Four months apart has almost killed us. The first month was manageable, after that, he couldn't sleep and couldn't be consoled. Leah and I resorted to letting them video call every night until they pass out, as well as letting them stay together every time school finishes for Micah.

Performing a swift headcount to make sure no one is missing yet, I find that Pops and Jer are once again missing. My senses tell me they've snuck off for the hundredth time this week for some 'intimate' time. Ever since they eloped last year, they've not been able to keep their hands off of each other.

They went to a tiny town in Hawaii for Jeremy's work in one of my charities. He was helping to provide first aid training to children as well as giving out health care for the homeless when they abruptly tied the knot. I believe that because of that, they are desperate to have a baby of their own. It is honestly hilarious how often we've noticed them disappear for a shag.

Rosie and Oliver have been entertaining my twins and their daughter all day. Currently, they're kicking around a football I brought with me. Their little girl, Chloe, is a true sweetheart. She was named after Ro's Nana who died when she was a child. Nana was more of a Mother to her than her actual Mum, which isn't surprising with how controlling and disappointed she always was with my incredible Kitty. Ever since she moved out, they haven't spoken aside from when they bump into each other at the pack meetings Chris holds bi weekly.

Thankfully, Eddie and Mina are far more sedated than Ash and Ame, they resemble Dylan more yet hold far more confidence. We selected their names after two character's in our favourite action movie - 'Hansel and Gretel: With Hunters'. Mina was the white witch with a pure heart that was Hansel's love interest. Eddie is from the troll named Edward who betrays his evil witch mistress for Gretel who comes to care greatly for the male.

Since they were winter children, my heart couldn't resist coming up with corresponding middle names. Therefore, Lex allowed me to pick Mina Robin while she chose Eddie Jack as it not only links to Jack Frost but Jack from 'Nightmare Before Christmas'. Though I wouldn't have been able to deny her even if it wasn't a winter theme.

"Drinks!" Alexis calls out as she trots over to me from the stairs. In a blink, the box is shoved deep into my bag without her unobservant notice. Now isn't the right time, everyone is still too hyped up for something romantic.

At her heavenly words on a hot day, the whole group jogs over. Surprisingly, Jer and Hol also appear from who knows where. "Where did you two go?" I ask whilst digging through the plastic bag Lex brought back as it contains my Carlsberg. "Somewhere." Holly shrugs. "You really need to keep it in your pants."

"It's naitur. Ain't lek ye're nae better." He scoffs, picking up his Irn-Bru. "Where is there even room for that?" Ro asks, sipping on a smoothie. "Plenty of places if you're creative. Surely you know what it's like, Zo." Holly winks back.

"Actually, Shortie has banned me from sex after a pregnancy scare last month." Lex grumbles. "You're the one who needs to stop biting my neck. Until you get that in your head, you're not allowed to touch me in any sexual way." They laugh at us.

"Does that mean another is due soon?" Leah wiggles her eyebrows at me. "Oi! Are you saying I'm fat?" I scowl, lightly smacking her thigh. "Of course not, you're still a stick. I just expect you to keep popping them out at the rate you're going. Besides, I want another niece or nephew."

"I gave you two more last year!" I cry out, motioning to my second set of twins that are sleeping in their pram. "And trust me, if I'm pregnant again within the next five years, Lex is never getting laid again." I growl. Nevertheless, the horrified look on my mate's face makes me burst out laughing.

On new years, almost four weeks after birthing Eddie and Mina, Lex accidentally bit my neck again. I could have killed her for it. I was pregnant for forty three weeks, bringing Georgie and Beverley into the world on Halloween. Therefore, we named them from the 'It' movie. Meaning, I've had more kids in six years than most couples do in their entire life. Hence why Alexis is banned from sex because I refuse to have anymore for at least five years.

"Do I not even get any on my birthday?" She pouts, the group howling between snorts. "I'll think about it."

I chug down my drink unintentionally due to the anxiety clawing away in my stomach. It's a nerve-wracking day that I am not ready for but don't want to put off any longer. Apart from the children, she is the most important person in my life. I want to make that official in all societies.

"Jas, that's Pa's." Roxy takes the beer out of her daughter's hand before she figures out how to open the can. Ant's preoccupied with opening the apple juice carton for their other girl, Briar. I wasn't alone the first time when having twins, though mine were once again fatties compared to their tiny Angels.

It doesn't take a genius to guess what their names are derived from, or who in fact picked them out. Jasmine and Briar are true Princesses with how much Ant loves to spoil them. I am hoping they have a Prince next to balance out the number of girls in the next generation we've been producing. Besides, they always wanted three. Also, since the girls are as colourful as their Mother, I think the third will be just as gothic as their Father.

"How's your birthday going so far?" Clara quizzes her big sister, shuffling to get comfortable with Fawn between her legs. The pair lean back under the umbrella to protect them from the blaring rays of light. "Don't remind me. I feel so old."

"You're only thirty, Love. Our kind can live up to between one and three thousand depending on how recklessly they live their lives. You have a long way to go before becoming old." I peck her cheek. "I feel at least double my age with these loons." She points to our seven terrors who have begun stuffing their faces with Wotsits - Juju and Bea woke up as soon as they heard the packets crinkling.

The lot of them smile, revealing their orange teeth and lips coated in crumbs. Rolling my eyes, I begin cleaning them of the grease with the baby wipes I keep on me at all times. As a Mother, I know the pain of going out and not being prepared for the chaos multiple children can cause - especially when they are monsters.

"Someone pass me a sandwich." Car demands with grabby hands, his stomach gurgling loud enough for the entire country to hear. I throw a ham labelled bag in his face, hitting him right on the nose. "Zoe!" I laugh as he lays on the ground, groaning.

"Mummy! Play with us?" Mim demands, batting her lashes as innocently as she can muster. "Alright." I let the five older monsters drag me into the icy water, leaving Lex to help the two babies. She doesn't waste the opportunity to whistle upon finally seeing me in just a bikini after stripping off the shorts and shirt.

For the majority of the week, I've been covering up with shorts and a shawl over the top of my pants and bra. With the amount of exercise I pursue, I've had no trouble burning off the baby belly I get with each pregnancy. Even so, I still become insecure because of the changes that I can't get under control. My thighs and butt refuse to become toned and are kind of flabby. I admire mothers that don't become shy over these things, I wish I wouldn't get uncomfortable over tiny details like that.

I chase them under and through waves, splashing them occasionally when they get too cocky. It doesn't take much teasing for them to run after me in an attempt to drench me back. Their giggles and squeals brighten my life, every time. Seeing their rosy cheeks as they play in the salty water makes me wish for more weeks like this one.

Somehow, the five of them manage to get a secure enough grip to push me under the surface of an approaching wave. When I manage to get up with a gasp, I shout "Now you've done it." The terrors scream, fleeing the scene of crime.

"Gotcha!" I lift Dylan up into the air, blowing raspberries on his little exposed tummy. The four remaining toddlers attempt to rescue him by springing up to my arms like kangaroos. Yet their hopes are in vain when I dunk him into the next big wave. Obviously I don't hold him under as I bring him out just as quickly. "Mummy! No!" He splutters, wiping his eyes with a cute giggle.

Alexis eventually joins in, carrying Bea on her shoulders and Juju on her hip. Teaming up, the four of us run after the five monsters. Taking it in turns, we drop them into the shallow waves then help them out again. Bea and Juju scream to be put down, using each other as a support to bounce after Dylan on the damp sand rather than in the water.

An hour later, we join in on a game of football. We are proud to be a competitive family, having no qualms about burying the other half of the group in the sand in the battle. Myself, Lex and the kids win, dramatically celebrating by spinning in a circle and tickling the banes.

The energy does soon run out, leaving us to drop on the towels from exhaustion. Our massive family joins us to watch the sunset before heading back to the hotel. Just as the glowing ball of fire hits the horizon, I nod to my seven excited helpers. To distract their Ma, they leap onto her, shoving her to the sand.

Bea and Juju sit on her shoulder, holding her down. Ed and Mim stretch across her waist, applying as much weight as they have to stop her from twisting like an angry crocodile. Meanwhile, the eldest three flop about on her legs - mimicking the fishes they saw earlier. My Love carefully kicks her legs about, gently trying to move the babies off of her.

"You little demons!" She howls out. Thankfully, she can't see as I rummage for the box again in my Mummy bag, the one she isn't allowed to touch or she'll mess up the organisation.

"Lovelies." I pretend to warn them with the voice they know to listen to, except they know it is their cue to get comfortable. Calmly, they sit in age order between us in a wonky line.

Kissing the top of the box, I then hand it over to Ash who repeats the process. Amelia takes it, opening it just a touch to peek inside at the contents that she has seen already. Dylan snatches it from her hands, pressing his lips to it several times, also nosing at the inside. Mina then claws it from his hands, pecking it sloppily. Eddie copies what she does, seemingly having forgotten what he is meant to do - like usual. Georgie and Beverley cup it in the interlocked hands, grinning before rubbing the tips of their noses on the top. Dropping it into Lex's hands, the lot of them jig in their spots.

Alexis' eyes narrow, lip twitching. She moves the container into one hand, motioning for me to explain the meaning of our offspring's bizarreness. It is typically impossible to get the kids to sit together peacefully, at least three of them act like they have ants in their pants. They also find it extremely hard to keep a secret, especially Mina.

I shakily inhale, nodding for her to open the box. As soon as her eyes land on the black opal band, tears brim in her eyes, ones she can't hold in. Her chin wobbles, trying to maintain a neutral expression.

Clearing my throat, "Alexis Young, I love you more than anything, I would give my life for you. I've known you for over five years now, and every single one of them has been amazing. You've always kept me grounded through the rough times. You made a place in your heart for me and my problems, you took my children as your own. You have supported everything I have done, and I know you always will." I wipe away my own salt trails, taking a breath to calm myself. "I promise to be everything you need and more. I promise to be there for you every day and night. I adore you with all of my heart, and I never want to lose you. To keep you from escaping my clutches, would you do me the honour of becoming my wife?"

She falls silent, covering her face with her hands, blocking me from seeing her reaction. I reach over to grip her wrist and tear her fingers away to reveal a broad toothy grin with those beautiful dimples. "This is why you're the romantic one. Of course I'll marry you, Shortie." I giggle, leaning in for a passionate kiss.

Our seven monsters gag, pretending to puke at our loving interaction. We briefly share an exchange of eye contact, knowing we're on the same wavelength. Scooping the terrors into our arms, we lather kisses all over their faces and bare bellies. They playfully kick their legs, calling to the others for help which they don't receive.

When we finally let them go, Amelia calls out for a cuddle pile and every single one of the family joins in by wrapping their arms around us and our happy tears. I grasp onto her neck, climbing onto her lap from the need to be closer. The change in space allows them to tighten their grip and share their congratulations.

The rest of the evening moves along gorgeously. We stay on the beach just long enough to finish observing the sun's magnificent expression of vibrant colours. We realise it is in fact time to leave when the five two year olds start falling asleep in our arms, the two one years olds long since unconscious. Ame carries Ed on her back, Ash doing the same with Mim as Micah carries Dylan. Juju and Bea are snoozing in their pram again.

I lean against the table in the lobby of our hotel with Lex dangling over my shoulder, planting soft kisses to my neck. Lyra is saying goodbye to everyone since she needs to get the train back to Stonewood, she's only been allowed this weekend away. She enrolled into a private Ballet school last year and was instantly accepted with the amount of talent she possesses. She still enjoys writing and has started a dancer's blog which I read with every update. Now, Leah has been demanding a child of her own since she wants another girl in the house. Apparently living with two boys isn't pleasant.

Clara and Fawn have taken the kids upstairs with Micah since he and Dylan share a bed when finally together. Leaving Lex and I with Chris and Leah since the others have all turned in already for our early morning at a nearby carnival.

"You know, I've been talking with other packs a lot lately. All of them have been asking about you. You've really earned yourself a reputation in our world." Chris says, smirking at me. Intrigued, I turn in Alexis' arms.

"Love, head upstairs for me, I want to talk to Chris for a minute. When I get there, I'll give you your final present." I plant a kiss to her mark, her body coating in goosebumps as a delightful shiver rattles in her bones.

Without having to say anymore, she tumbles over her own feet in her rush up to our room. Her reaction would make you think we haven't done it in months, it's only been two weeks. Shaking my head at her ridiculous behaviour, I flop onto the sofa in the waiting area.

"What do you mean? Why are they asking about me?" He plops himself next to me, resting a hand on my knee. "You have something every real Alpha wants - pride of place. You earned your spot by working hard and doing all you can for your pack. You took those of our kind that were thought to be worthless and unwanted. You helped them fix their hearts and souls just by caring for them. You share an irreplaceable bond with your pack, some of us can only dream for that relationship." Patting my leg and pressing a short kiss to my temple, he leaves the room.

I watch as he lifts Leah into his arms, she's on the brink of passing out from exhaustion too. She's been running around all day with the sun burning against her back. I wouldn't be surprised if she has sunstroke after refusing to wear a hat the whole time.

Heading up behind them, my mind runs over his words. He was right about every pack in our country wanting to talk to me, many have requested to be our allies. The Solar Pride was one of those packs, they reached out a year ago and requested to meet in person. Obviously I couldn't turn down an offer to meet the only known Demi-God in our world, it would be rude and an awful decision on my part.

Hearing about her title and how she earned it, I was frightened to meet her admittedly. Nonetheless, there had been no need to be weary since her dominating warmth and humours personality was refreshing after speaking with several stuck up male Alphas. We talk weekly about our packs and are currently planning to bring them together to share training skills and see if any are mates.

She was actually the one to tell me about the name I've been given, "The Lunar Belles are said to be an extraordinary pack, led by an unbroken Empatassio." Her words mean a lot, especially with how important she is to our kind. I accept the name they've appointed me, of course I would. At the end of the day, I am 'The Unbroken'.

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