Night Shine

By JennySixx69

5.7K 538 125

A Wolf's Journey... A devastating accident brings two strangers together. The more Nikki learns about Nicole... More

Second Class
A Cold Night/A Strange Morning
Meeting the Pack
Learning the Truth
My Fiance
More Truths
Love Me Still
I have No Alpha
A Game Of Chess
Life Mate
Wolfshifter Biology
Good Morning
The Council meeting
Two Alphas
Where Are The Girls
Joys And Sorrows
A Wolf's Desire
Tensions High
Night and Day
A Challenge
My Women
My Family, My Pack
Of Wolves And Lambs
The Whys And The Hows
Affairs Of The Heart
Love And War
A Time To Mourn
The Problem with Little Girls
Love and Lust
Battle Royale
Pain After Battle
Dealing With My Pack
Meeting A Hunter
Just Deserts
More Than Moon Lust
The New Hunter And The Pursued
Promises To Keep
Note to my readers

Bed Rest

104 11 3
By JennySixx69

Nicole's POV

Groaning I open my eyes to the morning light. I ache all over. I scent Nikki and Courtney. Looking down I see his tattooed arms around me and her hand resting on my side. How'd that happen. I hope she doesn't freak over everyone's lack of clothes. It got hot last night. Jason had helped me out of my robe last night. The boys had obviously lost their clothes after I fell asleep again. Ah hell his naked body feels good against mine. His morning hard on pressed against my thigh. I wish I could obliterate the memory of Damon's cruel touch with Nikki's gentler one.

I push my amorous thoughts away. Instead I Calm my mind and examine my body. I end myself examination by checking my cubs. Hearing four strong heartbeats I sigh in relief.

Jason is already awake I hear him in the kitchen. I decide it's time to get up. Nikki gently tightens his hold.

"Nope your daughters prescribed a couple days of bed rest." He states in a sleepy voice. "You're only to get up to use the bathroom. Then straight back to this bed."

"Well I do have to pee." I grump. "Bed rest, why I feel fine." I grab my robe and head to the bathroom. My daughters can be so bossy. I hear Nikki laugh.

"I wonder where they got that from." Damn He's gotten very good at catching thoughts. Afterwards I obediently head back to bed. If I don't I'm sure Jason and Nikki will be difficult.

Nikki and Courtney are getting cozy when I come silently into the room. They stop as I crawl into bed. I had tried not to ruin their moment.

"Don't stop on my account." I whisper. "Would it help if I'm in wolf form." They just give me a funny look and pull away from each other. "You know in a pack privacy is rare. You might as well get use to it." I cuddle under the blanket making myself comfy. To prove my point even more in comes Jason with a tray of food.

"I thought you would all be hungry after last night with your first shift and Nicole's body needing calories to heal completely." He smiles wide. "Did I interrupt something."

"Yes Nikki and Courtney wanted to have sex apparently me being near them is a problem." I quip. Courtney blushes.

"Don't tease so much Nicole. They were not raised in a pack. We're co-mates it's normal for us to share a bed. Wolves touch and cuddle a lot." He explains. He looks at me annoyed. I just shrug and smirk.

"Is the Council convening today." I ask changing the subject.

"Yes and your not attending." Jason says sternly. "It's bed rest for you for awhile."

"But I want to be there Jason." I huff.

"You will be kept in the loop. I know you're still having trouble hearing thoughts from a distance. You need time to heal. You've been through so much the last several weeks." He states. "Now eat you three it's gonna be long day." He nuzzles me close. I hear a soft mental promise of gentle loving later. Jason had heard my thoughts about Nikki. He knows if he would have still been in bed I would gone to him. There is no jealousy in his thoughts. I wish they could just stay in bed and hold me. I can't keep what Damon and his pack did to me out of mind. With difficulty I push it aside I bring up something else.

"Jason has anyone thought about the cubs and the girl Damon left behind." I ask. "I worry for them."

"You want to take them in?" Nikki asks and reaches for my hand.

"Yes." I answer simply.

"I will speak with the Council of Elders." Jason says and turns to Nikki and Courtney. "Are you two ok with this?"

"Yes." They both agree.

"It looks like our family is growing again." He smiles.

Nikki's POV

I hoped to go to, but everytime Nicole and Courtney are out of my sight I become agitated and want to strike out. Jason told me it's my instincts kicking in. I need to protect my mates. He's not surprised by how strong the need is. It was the stimulus of my shift. He assures me I will learn to coexist with my wolf. Since I'm stuck in protection mode He left Courtney and I in charge of keeping Nicole in bed.

I enter Nicole's room with a glass of water. Handing her the water I glance around seeing photos of wolves hung over a desk in a corner.

"Are these pack pictures." I ask.

"No, those are photos of our wild wolf brothers and sisters. Jason loves to photograph them. It wouldn't really surprise you to know we advocate for them." She smiles.

"No I guess not." I chuckle. This is not what I came in here to talk about. Our marriage ceremony is coming up. What Jason said about co-mates has got me thinking. What is usually expected in this kind of relationship. What exceptions are they making for Courtney and me. I also want to know if she's truly ok. I'm not buying into her I'm fine.

"This pack has been here long before The Yellowstone park was founded." Nicole adds.

I work up my nerve and ask her.

"Nicole how does a marriage like ours supposed to work? What is expected of us?"

"Well um...We aren't expecting you and Courtney to be True mates, sharing a bed and intimacy with us." She looks at her glass avoiding my eyes. "That's why Jason gave you and her your our room. It's mainly for the benefit of our cubs. It's easier mentally and financially with more adults. Jason and I already knew there was a chance I would get my triplets. Then I got pregnant with your babies that would stay with us. Don't get me wrong both Jason and I are well off and we have the pack. But family is everything to the pack. I...we wanted you and Courtney involved as much as you both were willing."

I sit next to her. She glances at me shyly. I didn't miss her slip of I before she corrected to we. I touch her cheek softly. One moment she's the mature woman I know she is. Then she's childlike. Does she have feelings for me that are more then friendship? I adore her. I wouldn't do anything to lead her on. The pack touches constantly. Where is the line between friend and lover?

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