More Truths

147 13 4

Nikki's POV

"I would have to tell my wife." I say with a groan. I don't want to loose her.

"I know the humans view of sexuality is different then ours. So wouldn't it be better for her to hear it from you before some development makes it impossible to hide." He says quietly.

I eye him in speculation.

"She's pregnant isn't she?" I ask.

"You're quick." He smirks. "We think so. Won't be sure for another three weeks. If so Thanks for the donation new blood is always welcome."

Our conversation is interrupted by the returning hunters. Some are in human form carrying their kills others are still in their wolf form. I spot Nicole and her daughter easily. They are the only two black wolves in the pack. They nuzzle each other happy yips coming from mother and daughter. They see us and rush to greet us. Jason braces himself and catches his daughter in his arms and nuzzles her fur laughing. Nicole does excited circles around us rubbing against our legs. Once they finish greeting they bound away.

"Why such a big hunt?" I ask.

"In three weeks we are going to host a pack gathering. All the western packs and the Alphas and Elders from the east will be here. We will be buying some livestock from local farmers too. Wild meat always tastes the best though" His eyes glisten. "I would like you to be there. We discuss pack issues. Nicole will be brought up. I would like you by my side."

"I'll be there." I promise. I got the girl in trouble. I won't leave her to face it alone.

I turn to see Courtney coming my way. How do I tell her?

"They are so beautiful." She exclaims admiring the pack in their wolf form. One of the males comes up and allows Her to stroke his fur.

"Nate quit flirting." Jason laughs. The big dark grey wolf stands on twos letting the man hug him. "It's good to have you home boy." Jason roughs up his fur before letting him go. The wolves begin to disperse and after a time they return in human form to help with the skinning and butchering. Like the the hunt it's a group effort. Jason notices Courtney's pale face and leads us back towards the fire for coffee. He immediately engages in conversation by giving her names to the faces and explaining ties.

He motions to a young woman.

"Her name is Rachel. She came from an Eastern pack and is mated to Jeremy my son Nate's best friend. The five naked little ones are hers. We watch as they shift in mid play growling and roughing around. Jeremy was away when she came into heat. Nate was there for her. When they found out she was carrying. It was agreed among them that my son would join their union to help raise all the cubs." He stops for moment to let my wife digest this.

They aren't jealous?" She asks with confusion.

"No." He chuckles. Jeremy and Nate sneak up on their busy mate and each give her a kiss on her cheeks leaving her in giggles. "A females wolf's heat can become painful with fever and aches if not eased. No respectable male would leave a female like that." He huffs. "He's not really supposed breed, but it happens especially with the young. Control during sex with a female in heat is a learned art." He ends his tale with a smirk and continues with names and ties. There are a lot of polygamous marriages. It makes sense in their circumstance.

Ruby gets bored wiggling free of her mother's arms. She runs straight for the wolf cubs.

"Puppies!" She squeals. Courtney reaches to stop her.

"Ah let her play. They won't hurt her." Jason laughs as Ruby wraps her baby arms around a furry Cub two years her senior making him squeak. They begin a game of chase with Ruby doing all the chasing. Other Cubs slowly join in the littlest ones are naked the older cubs wear nothing but shorts. I guess it makes it easy for them to shift. I see a toddler Ruby's age shift spontaneously eyes wide in surprise. Jason scoops the tiny girl up.

"It takes awhile before they learn to control it." He nuzzles the baby.

"She's adorable." Courtney coos.

"Thank you." She's one of mine and Nicole's grandbabies. One of Nyx's babies.

"How long have you and Nicole been married?" Courtney asks.

"We're not. Nicole can't take a mate till her time as a breeder is over." He sighs sadly.

"A what?!" She exclaims. He takes a moment to explain to my wife the reasons for the necessity. She understands but still she doesn't like it.

"How long have you known her." I ask.

"I was there the night she was born." He pauses. I feel there is a story here so I remain silent.
"She was born at a gathering. She was one of four. I was outside of camp with my six year old son Benjamin. Her father came out carrying a tiny little female cub the runt. You could already tell she was going to have black fur. I was sad I thought she had been stillborn till I heard her whimper. He was going to dispose of her because she was small and black furred. I blocked him and asked my son if the little cub would do as a mate. He agreed taking her from her father's hands. We walked back into camp giving her back to her mama. My son showed her off proudly to everyone. Before we left I promised to return for the child once she was weaned. It was before the treaties. On our way home we were ambushed by hunters. I was the only one who survived. I didn't retrieve Nicole. I didn't have a son anymore. No pack of my own. It was Carol who bullied me into living when I didn't what to. I found out later that the Bastard had traded her to a pack of rogue males. They were cruel. She was bred her first heat. She was only twelve. It was a hard pregnancy. We mate young but she was to young. After she was rescued she was pressed into being a breeder. Nicole came here as a breeder twenty years ago. When I saw her again I turned away in shame. I wasn't going to run. She called out to me and I couldn't resist her. She doesn't know about my broken promise. You are the first I have ever confessed to. I thought you should know. Courtney is looking some what confused at why he would be so open with us. I know though as our potential co-mates he thought we should know. He is going to tell Nicole the truth. He wants no secrets between himself and the woman he loves.

Nicole's POV

"What were you and Nikki talking about?" I ask catching Jason by surprise. He looks flustered at first.

"I explained about the claiming." he answered.

"You did?" I ask my eyes wide.

"He gave his consent to us to be mates." he answers with a happy grin.

"He did!" I exclaim. I close the distance between us and nuzzle against his chest. I'm overjoyed we can still marry now.

"Nicole he knows that you're pregnant. He's decided to take responsibility." he whispers.

"Why would you tell him? He's married. Humans don't understand our heat. He loves his wife and you probably just ended his marriage. He would have went back to his normal life. He's only a hybrid. He didn't have to know. She didn't need to know. Damn it Jason I might not even be carrying." I say in a rush.

"He did need to know he is your first mate. He has a responsibility to you even if he is just a hybrid. He sighs. Nicole you've never not come away pregnant. Unless you ended it before it had a chance to settle and we both know you didn't do that." he answers gruffly.

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