More Than Moon Lust

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Nikki's POV

The packs have become restless. So after one last communal lunch all but Adan's, Jake's, a Colorado and the California pack left for their home territories. Adan wishes to take over abandoned pack lands in Idaho instead of going back east. The Rocky Mountain Packs have agreed. He will leave in a couple days. My former pack, now Garret's pack. Is waiting for negotiations with the Colorado pack lead by Michael Rayborne over Lunar and Astra joining theirs as mates. Nicole will be involved as the girls' mother. That's not the only thing that went on during this extended gather. Garret's and Dustin's mate came from the Alaskan pack they were raised by. Her pack wanted compensation for her loss. Nicole made it happen. What really greased the wheels is Violet had fallen for the Alpha's sons. Nicole won't let her go till she's twenty, Nicole likes her daughters to have a little single life before they become mothers and they haven't finished healer training with their grandmother. They all finally came to an agreement this morning. Scarlet's fiancés Salvatore and Dominic have decided to bring Isaac into their future marriage. It caused an uproar because Isaac is a Dog. Nicole shut that prejudice down with a stomp of her little foot. It helps most of the Alpha council has the hots for her. They admire her healing ability and her self-control. Except for her heats she has been celibate till now. Carol told me until Jason had gotten a future commitment several alphas tried to woo her away from being a breeder. They were willing to compensate the pack for her. It's Ironic how Nicole feels she has gained status in the packs from being mine and Jason's mate. I think we've gain more from being hers. Glancing around I'm amused the younger wolves and even some of the older ones are seeking out partners for the night or maybe a lifetime. They are also planning a pack hunt. I was thinking about joining. Then my eyes fall on Lance and Jarl talking with Victor and Jill. Why are they still here? I shake off my suspicions. All the major drama is over. All I want to think about is the fact I want to take my wife out for a date and then home for a little alone time.

I walk into the house to catch the girls giggling at the kitchen table. Jason just sits calmly drinking his ice tea. Poor Tom groans pathetically. I'm bemused at first til the scent of three aroused females hits me.

"Holy Fuck." I groan. The women look up at me grinning all their eyes glow.

"I'm outta here before I get myself in trouble." Tom huffs an exits swiftly.

"What the hell?" I moan. My mind is getting a little cloudy. They smell so damn good. Courtney has moved to my side and is sliding her hand under my shirt.

"She got her immunization shot today. It's derived from my blood serum. There are always a few side affects. Grandma said it wouldn't hurt to have a little moon lust." Nicole giggles. Courtney rubs against me all three women moan.

"I don't think she cares about dining out. I think you are the only thing on the menu tonight." Yennefer coos.

"Yes the appetizer, entrée, and dessert." Nicole moans softly.

"But the fun has to wait till the children go to sleep." Jason quips. We groan, he chuckles.

We decided to stay here for our own good our hormones are on overdrive. Dinner feels like it's taking forever. Courtney, Nicole, and Yennefer keep kissing and caressing me. It's torture. Jason is just eating up the attention he's getting from Nicole and Yennefer. At least the kids are a distraction. They are wound tight not misbehaving just rambunctious. Running everywhere in their wolf form keeping all the adults on their toes. It is the full moon. A time of release from the constant need to control the wolf inside. As it gets darker Some of the younger wolves have already snuck off into the woods. By the time dinner is over the kids are starting to get sleepy and can barely keep their eyes open. Once home our little ones are asleep before we even tuck them in. As soon we close the door to the nursery. Courtney is in my arms. My first thought is our private room. It's already occupied by Tom and a friend. Our communal bed it is and tonight my wife doesn't seem to mind. She doesn't even flinch over the threesome already going on on the other side of the bed. Neither do I. My mind is in a lust filled fog. We strip each other quickly ripping cloth in the process. Our lips connect. Her mouth is so sweet to taste. Her kisses are hungry demanding. I can't get enough of touching her her skin is so soft. I watch her face as I push deep inside her. Her eyes glow hot with lust. It's strange to see her eyes like this. It's a wolf trait I'm thankful for. We never have to guess what each other are feeling it's always in our eyes to see. She nips my skin making me growl. I feel her shiver. I see how she sees me in her mind. My eyes glowing my teeth showing. I'm the big bad wolf, it excites her. My claws sink into the mattress as I thrust. Her nails leave fiery trails down my back. My wolf is fighting to be free. I'm fighting to stay human.

Nicole's POV

I lay panting. I watch Jason mount Yennefer. I nuzzle them before rolling away. I want Jason. I feel a need for Nikki. I can't have either of them. I can feel what they feel. I moan softly but I feel a need to cuddle more. My pregnancy hormones at work. I rub my rounding tummy and sigh. I'm three months now, three to go. Closing my eyes I begin to drift off while I wait in hopes of snuggles.

Hearing Nikki's intense growl startles me
awake. I ease closer. He's losing control. I gently caress his shoulder and mentally help him resist the change. Pulling away from the lovers I curl up. I really want to be close to them share their affections. If I go to Jason I hurt Nikki. If I go to Nikki I hurt Courtney. I close my eyes instead. I don't blame them my mates. It's not just the moon lust. My Grandmother dosed our drinks with a herbal mixture given to honeymooners usually in the wine. I'm sure she was trying to lower our inhibitions. I gave my drink to Tom's new lover. I sigh. It must have gotten back to her that we are holding off on the formal ceremony. She was only trying to help us along. I whimper as I smell, hear and feel them cum. I coo to them as they come down from their high. Then I sigh as my mates stroke and cuddle me. If we decide to share our lovers it needs to be with a clear head and no regrets.

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