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Nikki's POV

I pull into the small community that the pack call home. There are so many gathered. I park near the bed and breakfast. We're greeted by Carol as soon as we get out of the car.

"Hello!" she grins.

"Hello!" I give her neck a nuzzle.

"I need to show you and your family to your new place." Her grin gets bigger.

"A new place." I ask surprised.

"Yes we've opened the home up the trail for Jason, Nicole, Courtney and you since your families are joining. We know you won't stay permanently, but we want you to feel at home when you do visit." She chats as she leads us to our place.

Jason stands on the porch waiting for us.

"It's good to see all of you." He smiles.

"Come on I'll show you to your rooms." Nyx says to my kids as she comes bouncing out of the door.

"Where's Nicole?" I ask.

"She is out playing with her younger children." He chuckles warmly. "Come let me show you to your room so you can get settled. Courtney and I follow him to a group of rooms to the rear of the cabin.

"The one over here is mine and Nicole's. This one is yours." He opens the door to the room. "It's not really decorated. I thought you would like to decorate it yourself."

"Thank you." Courtney says quietly.

"The room between is the nursery. Nicole is so excited for you to help her decorate it for Ruby and her two year old triplets. She is over the moon to be able to have them permanently with her." He cocks his head at Courtney. "Are you ok?"

"I'm just really overwhelmed by this." she answers.

"You and your family are part of our family now. We want you to feel welcome." Jason says pulling Courtney in for a quick hug.

Hearing a couple playful yips. He grins.

"Hear comes Nicole and her cubs."

We watch out the door Nicole in her wolf form plays with several cubs. All but three little ones nuzzle her goodbye and bound away. The little ones climb the stairs with her help. When she sees me she jumps up on twos and nuzzles my neck. She greets Courtney with more restraint gently rubbing against her. Then she urges her cubs to us. I hear her give their names in my mind. But Jason repeats them for Courtney's benefit.

"This big boy is Tom. This is Tina and this little one is Alisa." He picks up Alisa and hands her to Courtney. The cub licks her face making her giggle.

Nicole heads for her bedroom and comes out a moment later dressed.

"It's time to be human now." She tells her cubs. The two little girls shift immediately. The boy flops down ignoring his mother. Jason tries to pick him up and gets bit for his effort. The little silver furred wolf runs away hiding under a chair. Jason goes to retrieve him.

"Leave him be Jason. He doesn't know you. He's confused he doesn't know why his father isn't here and why I left him before." Nicole says softly. She takes the girls to get them dressed.

I recognize the name Tom. This little guy just lost his dad. Then they sent his mama away. That's a tough one for a two year old. I sit in the chair near where he's hiding.

"When will the council meet." I ask Jason.

"They will meet for the first time tomorrow after lunch." He answers. "Nicole's situation will be the first item discussed."

"Has the LA pack arrived yet? I ask.

"No not yet." He answers.

Courtney has sat next to me. I reach into her purse and grab the bag of jerky. I hold out a piece without making eye contact with the cub. He slowly comes out of hiding.

"Who makes up the council?" I continue the conversation

"An Elder chosen from each region. I'm not sure who will be on it this year. I know Victor will represent us this time." He smiles as he watches the cub come closer.

The cub finally takes the jerky from my hand eating it quickly. He looks to me for more so I offer a bigger piece. This time as he eats I gently pick him up. He sits quietly on my lap munching. I stroke his head softly.

"Don't be sad. Your Mama loves you." I whisper to him. He cocks his head at me. "Everything is gonna be ok." I stroke his puppy cheek. He cuddles against me. I hug him gently. "Aren't you hungry. I heard someone say it's almost time for dinner." I smirk as his ears perk up. He shifts and I'm holding a dark haired, grey eyed toddler in my arms. Everyone laughs at his eager desire for food.

"Thank you." Nicole says her expression is so sweet as she gazes at me. She looks away quickly and leaves to dress her baby.

Jason leads the way towards the large group of people. Out of the mob come several individuals. They greet Nicole with hugs and nuzzles. These are her children. A couple of the girls are tiny like her. They break up letting her reach the tables. Jacob stands with a wide grin on his face.

"I would like to introduce you all to my newest pack members Nikki and Courtney. Their children Gunner, Storm, Decker, Frankie, and Ruby. We welcome our brothers and sisters back into the arms of the pack." They howl joyfully. Feelings of guilt and sadness roll through me that I can't stay and be one of them.

We are ushered to our seats. There is enough red meat set on this table to give my dietitian heart failure without touching a bite. Courtney makes up a small plate. I go to follow suit.

"No way!" Carol snickers piling more on my plate. "You are a wolf in transition. You need more calories."

I glance at Frankie. She had gone vegetarian. Poor baby she looks so disgusted by her craving for meat. Nicole sits across from me and Courtney feeding her little ones if you could call Tom little. He's twice the size of his sisters.

"He eats like his father. He won't get fat. He'll just keep getting bigger." Carol giggles. She pokes my shoulder playfully. "He's going to eat you and your mates out of house and home."

Someone calls out from the crowd laughter in their voice.

"I heard you slowed for Big Tom?" Laughter erupts from our table.

"Never! It would have hurt his pride. I just gave him extra encouragement." She giggles.

"Yeah I had to hear it. Come on big boy." Luke mimics a feminine voice. I grin at him. I had just learned he's Alisa dad.

"When he mounted her. Little Nicole just disappeared under him. I was afraid for her safety." Jesse, Tina's father smirks.

"Ha Jesse! You were just afraid he was gonna mount her better." Luke quips. The two brothers throw mock punches at each other.

"Well he did have practice making the rounds with any female he could talk into it." Jesse snickers.

Carol leans close to me to whisper.

"He had slept with all the females of his pack and several from other packs. It was common knowledge even though no one spoke a word. No one got angry. He lost his mate years ago. I guess they figured he needed love too." She chuckles.

Luke pulls away and stands with his beer in hand.
"May the moon goddess Luna bless Nicole for giving Tom a strong and healthy son in his old age. And hears to Tom the biggest, craftiest, bravest, and gentlest wolf I've ever known. He will be greatly missed."

I look at Nicole's blushing face. There are tears in her eyes as she cuddles her son. Except for my wife She is the strongest and gentlest woman I have ever met. She has made the best out of a difficult life.

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