A Challenge

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Yennefer's POV

I feel like I've been watched most the day. It seemed to be out of curiosity so I let it go. I've never felt frightened in the wilderness. Now cities scare me. Out here among the animals I understand how life works. I've always felt different and out of place everywhere else.

"Did you have fun on the trails today." I ask my only companion my pitbull named Chi. She woofs softly in answer.
"Me too, I think I got some great shots." I continue our conversation.
"Thanks for trusting me about the bear. You're tough but I don't want you hurt." She huffs at me. I stroke her head. The sun has gone down. I'm contemplating sleeping out under the stars. Unlike my fellow humans I trust the animals to give me my space. I relax, my arm draped over Chi. I drift off.

The sound of a branch cracking brings me and Chi awake and to attention. My eyes might not be as sharp as they use to be but there is nothing wrong with my hearing. I smell the air wondering what animal or human has gotten so close. They are smart. They are approaching from down wind. I see the night shine of four animals. As they come closer I realize they are wolves. But their not acting right. I try to reach for their emotions. I get words instead.

"Look it's a bitch."

I'm stunned at first and hesitant to long. They are on us. The two on me turn human except for eyes, teeth, and claws. They have me on my stomach. They are impossibly strong. The leader shreds my shorts and thrust into me causing pain. He bites into my shoulder. I cry out in fear to in shock now to feel it. I endure his invasion of my body and reach inside my pack. He growls as he cums. I take his moment of distraction to roll and blast him in the face with pepper spray. I stagger to my feet and nail the others with a good spray.

"Chi van!" I yell. Once inside I start it and speed off. I just drive. I'm to stunned to think of a direction. I finally see lights ahead and slow as I enter a small village like community. I know we need help. Both me and Chi are bleeding badly. I open the door to get out and collapse. People gather around me. I'm hurting so bad. I'm so dizzy.

"Please help my dog." I manage to say before I pass out.

Nicole's POV

I race off the porch where we had been gathered. Nyx is already knelt next to her with Luna and Astra assisting. Zoey, Chloe, and Sophia are with the dog. Who is struggling. Zoey finally soothes her so they can work.

"Mama, she's a hybrid. A true one, half and half. Why didn't she shift?" Nyx looks up at me wide eyed. I kneel close as my girls continue to work and take a deep breath.

"Her inner wolf has been locked away by the Alpha Voice." I explain. I brush her hair away from her eyes. I can't believe it. Her scent is of my blood. Close like a sister. I look to my mother she shakes her head no. She doesn't look happy. Adan rushes in pushing aside other wolves.

"Yennefer!" He cries. She gains consciousness for a moment.

"Dad." She whimpers and closes her eyes again. I scent Adan. Then it hits me.

"You're my father." I whisper to him. He looks at me with a guilty expression. He doesn't even look at my mother. He strayed from their mate bond with a human. Heat is excused, but this has my mother pissed. "Why did you lock her wolf away?"

"I thought I was protecting her." He sighs.

"The bastard claimed her. The scar is turning red." Luna hisses in anger.

"No!" Adan growls. "She can't purge herself of his offspring if he holds a claim." He looks at the males one by one each lower their head. Either They don't want a mate they don't know or they don't want to face Damon. It doesn't matter their excuse my father is angry.
"Jason will you?" He asks.

"I can't Adan. I'm to old to compete with Damon over a woman." He says low a look of shame on his face.

"I understand my friend." He squeezes his shoulder.

"Nikki you've stood up to him. He fears you. I saw his expression when he sees you. Please from one father to another. Claim her." He pleads.

"I can't. My wife Courtney is dealing with enough." He answers softly. His voice full of sympathy.

Adan picks up his daughter in his arms.

"Nicole may I take your sister to your home to rest." He asks his voice weary.

"Yes of course." I answer. I lead the way to our home. I'm unsure how to deal with this but then I think of my sons. He must have had his reasons to stay away just like I did and I'm sure I am not his only child with my mother. Ciel probably does too. She has always been their mate. We put my sister in bed in the infirmary.

"Thank you Nicole." He whispers. I need to speak with your mother so I have to go." He quickly heads out the door.

"Are you ok Nicole? It must be a shock to find you have another sister and a different father all in one night." Nikki touches my cheek.

"It's weird but it's nice not to hate my own father. As for my new found sister I have plenty of room in my heart." I smile at him. I glance at Courtney.
"You have another seeking your attention." I giggle and give him a slight push. I watch as he sweeps her off her feet and heads to their bedroom.

Chloe comes inside with Yennefer's dog friend. We tuck her in beside her alpha.

"You're a brave girl." I Whisper to the pitbull.

The house is quiet now except for the sounds of Nikki and Courtney making love. I giggle I think it's so funny they are so prudish about us being in the same room. I check on all my cubs before I finally go to bed. I crawl in with Jason and cuddle close. I do miss Nikki and Courtney sleeping with us but I understand they have a need to be alone sometimes.

It's still dark outside when I hear a crash. I rush to see my sister Yennefer trying to get outside.

"He's calling for me." she weeps. Sure enough I hear his howl breaking the quiet. He's using the voice on his very reluctant mate. I hold her back physically but she starts to fight me.

"What's going on?" Nikki and Jason call from separate rooms.

"I need help." I answer panting. They race to my rescue helping me hold her. Courtney comes out of her room looking scared.

"What's happening?" She asks eyes wide.

"Damon is calling his mate." I answer nearly out of breath.

"He can do that?" She shutters.

"Yes with the voice." I help push my sister onto the couch.

"How do we stop him?" Nikki asks.

Someone willing to fight Damon has to claim her." I grunt as she hits my chest.

I watch a silent communication go between Courtney and Nikki. He pulls Yennefer close and gently bites her.

Damon shatters the night with an angry howl.

"You fucker!"

Nikki howls back.

"I'm going to kill you!"

Then all is quiet.

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