The New Hunter And The Pursued

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Nicole's POV

I'm hungry is my first thought on waking. Crawling out of bed is made difficult from being tangled up in our wolfpile. If I wasn't starving I wouldn't move. This is nice. My stomach growls. I sigh and wiggle out from under Nikki. Looking back at my loves I giggle Courtney is sprawled on Nikki not a stitch of clothing on. I pull the blanket from the floor and cover her. I don't want her to feel embarrassed. Nudity is no big deal to us. When you shift clothes are inconvenient sometimes. Pulling on my robe I head for the kitchen. I scent Frankie before I see her. She sits crying silently, her face pale. My first thought is she'd been forced. There are a lot of unmated wolves here. Then I catch her thoughts. Last night was her first hunt. I sit next to her and wait.

"I killed a deer last night." she groans. I put my arm around her shoulders.

"The first hunt can be hard. It's a difficult concept to handle that sometimes we have to kill to survive." I say softly.

"I was doing just fine without eating meat! I'm sorry. I appreciate the fish you have been cooking for me. I really do." She whimpers.

"It has been no problem. But you do need to realize you have changed. As a shifter you will starve yourself if you try to eat that way." I say.

"I don't want to be this." She says in a low voice.

"You can't change what you are Frankie. You can only learn to live with the wolf." I try to console. "I will do anything to make this easier for you."

"Like you do for my Dad and Courtney. I hear your confusion. You don't want to hurt them more than they are already. I wonder if they know how much you hurt. Will there be fish tonight?" she sighs and switches topic.

"Yes there will be." I answer.

"Do you think Easton will except me?" she asks with another jump in topic.

"Yes if he truly loves you he will." I reassure. She dries her tears.

"Are you really gonna let him go?" She asks catching me off guard.

"Yes." I blurt out.

"I thought you loved my Dad." She huffs. "What about the mating bond and the claiming.?"

"The mating bond will only last for a couple months after I give birth. The claiming will fade just like the mark we left on each others skin if we don't nourish our relationship." I can't help the tears. I didn't know love could hurt so much. I've never felt love for a man before Nikki and Jason. Frankie pulls me into a tight hug. I didn't know that I had already made up my mind till I spoke the words just now. It's the right thing do.

"Don't you think you should give my Dad and Court a choice in this? She asks.

"A choice in what?" Nikki asks as he enters the kitchen with the rest of my mates in tow.

"Baby names." I say the first thing to come to mind.

"You two look like you've both have been crying." he cocks his head and eyes us suspiciously.

"My wolf took over last night. I went on my first hunt. I didn't take it well." she admits.

"I didn't think to explain The Night Of Luna. We tease about moon lust, but there is more to full moon. Once a month we feel the pull, the need to be who we are, wolves. We hunt, play, and yes sometimes have sex in wolf form. If you're single it's a good time to find a life mate." I sigh and smile at Frankie. She huffs. She must really love her human mate.
The meal last night was mostly for the children. I bet you are all starving." I Turn away busying myself with breakfast. Nikki is still watching and waiting for more of an explanation. I remain mute.

Nikki's POV

Nicole is holding something back. I watch her subtly as I console my daughter. I feel horrid that Frankie went through that without warning. With everything that has happened I haven't even had my first hunt as a wolf. The urge has been strong with Nicole pregnant and all the little ones I have become responsible for. It's been hard making my life seem normal the last three months to the outside world. I need to talk to Nicole. Courtney needs time away. She's bothered about last night. She has excepted so much. We need time alone together. I don't want to loose her. Will Nicole be ok without me here. Will I be ok without her. I let go of my daughter and take my seat. Gunner, his wife and Decker finally make their appearance. Gunner and Decker give Nicole's neck a nuzzle and a sniff. They greet all the women the same way before they take their seats. The boys seemed really relaxed a good night I guess. Nicole sits a plate in front of Jason. He thanks her with a kiss. I stare at my hands to hide the irritation in my eyes. Courtney brings mine. I kiss her gently. I have to remind myself Nicole isn't really mine. Tom suddenly shows himself. He picks Nicole up to kiss and nuzzle her neck. His hand slides to her ass. The glass in my hand shatters blood drips to the table. Jason is on his feet with a snarl. I fight the aggression raging in my mind. Nicole snaps sinking her teeth into his flesh making him yip and let go.

"Whoa I'm sorry. I forget she's taken sometimes." he chuckles trying to hide his discomfort. Nicole rushes to me to examine my hand.

"Willow bring my tweezers. He has slivers in his palm." she orders. It doesn't take long for the girl to return and Nicole to get to work.

"Thank you." I whisper as she picks the glass from my hand. As she begins to clean it her ponytail falls over her shoulder and brushes my arm. It sends fire through my body. I take in her scent, she always smells so good. Courtney hands rest on my shoulders, guilty feelings hit. I try to distract myself by looking away from Nicole. Tom stands meekly as Yennefer tries to calm Jason.

"I really am sorry." Tom groans.

"I know you are." I answer. He wasn't like the other men who had just used her to get children. He loves her in his way.

Something finally dawns on me. I don't know why it took me so long to understand. This is the first time she's been in love. It would have just been Jason and should have been. Then I happened. She's always been pursued, used, then abandoned when her use was over. Dug up if her use as a mother was needed for ceremony. I can hear errant thoughts slip from her mind. So much self disgust the word whore branded in her mind.

"No you're not." I whisper.

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