Love and Lust

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Nikki's POV

Waking I smell Nicole's arousal. I can hear her soft coos and sighs. I open my eyes. Jason has her under him kissing and touching urging her thighs to part.

"Mine!" I growl bearing my teeth. I crawl over Courtney's sleeping form and shove him off. He gives way without much fight. He just growls in irritation and lowers himself in submission. "Mine." I repeat. I nuzzle Nicole's neck. I try to kiss and caress. She pushes against my chest. She coos and whimpers softly. I see the love the need in her eyes. The scent of her arousal is intoxicating. Her body is ready. Why is she denying me? I try again nuzzling and kissing her neck. This time she gently touches my chin. She urges me to look to my side. My heart sinks. My beautiful Courtney I love her. I look back to Nicole my beautiful pregnant mate I love her. I roar in confusion. Shifting I leap off the bed and dive through the open window. I run for the forest. I don't make it far Adan stands in my way.

"You look like a wolf who needs a sparing match to release some stress." He chuckles. "Sometimes when you can't fuck you just need to fight." He shifts bearing his teeth he offers a challenge. I'm quick to take it up my mind is in chaos.

Nicole's POV

"I should have run away from him when I came into heat. I knew he was married." I weep on Jason's shoulder.

"If you hadn't turned to him you wouldn't have made it through the night. He was the only available male. You did what you had to do to survive." He strokes my hair.

"Was my life so important when it has caused so much pain and misery." I whimper.

"Don't say that. I'm so happy you are here in my arms. Where would your little ones be without you. Selena has no love for them. Would you have wanted them to suffer like you did with an unloving parent." He whispers.

"No." I cry.

"Besides I would have had to hunt him down and beat the shit out of him for letting you die." He nips my neck.

"He didn't know." I nip him back.

"I wouldn't have cared." He looks lovingly into my eyes. He brushes his lips against mine and pulls away. We decide to get out of bed it didn't feel right to make love anymore. Courtney and Yennefer will sleep a little longer. Jason had deepened their sleep so we could be intimate. Courtney shivers in the morning cold without Nikki by her side. I pull the blanket up more and tuck her in.

Courtney's POV

I open my eyes to the morning light coming through the window. I smell coffee and breakfast being made. I feel guilty that I'm not up helping cook. I hope I haven't missed taking care of the babies. I don't hear them so I guess not. I quickly dress and head to the kitchen. Jason sits quietly drinking his coffee. Yennefer and Nicole are making breakfast. Nikki is nowhere in sight.

"Where's Nikki?" I ask as I grab a cup of coffee. Nicole lowers her eyes.

"He and Adan are at it early this morning. They've been sparing for quite awhile now." Jason answers quickly and goes back to his paper. Why do I feel like somethings up this morning. Everyone seems tense. I open my mind to Nicole all I get are emotions love tinged with sadness and of course loyalty. She is keeping her thoughts to herself. I look to Yennefer she just shrugs her shoulders. I sit with my coffee and sip it. Everyone is so quiet. Nikki finally comes trotting in still in wolf form.

"Oh your wounded." Nicole says softly. She goes down on her knees to see it better. Nikki brushes her off.

"It will heal on it's own." he barks and leaves the kitchen. I just watch him go. What the hell? He's never been cross with her before. I hear the shower start. I glance back at Nicole she's trying so hard not to cry. Jason gets up and gently holds her. She buries her head against his chest. Pregnancy hormones can suck. I'm thinking I should go speak to Mr Sixx. The babies and children stirring puts that thought on hold. We all head to the nursery. I've come to enjoy the morning wrestling match. This morning we give in leaving them dressed in just shorts. They are to restless with the adults being on edge. I'm scared too. None of us know what will happen. It frightens me so bad Nikki fighting that psycho kid. The children are even fussing around the table. The normally patient Nicole is about to snap. Jason finally growls loudly. They settle down immediately. He goes back to his paper. Nikki appears at the entrance to kitchen in nothing but a tight fitting pair of jeans. He has always worked hard to remain in shape. Now it comes natural he's more muscular then I've ever seen him. Rowan and Willow giggle glancing at him. They have a crush and a definite case of hero worship. So does Yennefer she's so shy around him. When Nicole sees him her thoughts spill. I finally know what happened early this morning that has my husband so on edge. She can't hide how much she loves and desires him. Still she had turned him back to me. His mind is a mess of confusion right now. I'm jealous, but more anxious. He can't be this way tomorrow. He needs to have his mind focused on what he has to do or he will get himself killed. I don't know what to do.

"I felt them move." Nicole sighs. Nikki is by her side in seconds. She takes his hand and places it on her rounding tummy. His whole face lights up with joy. Caught up in the moment He brushes his lips against hers in a soft kiss. Then he pulls her into a gentle embrace. I just sit there awkward and silent. Against my will Yennefer giggles and drags me along in her excitement to Nicole's side. She coos at her sister's tummy. Jason just grins ear to ear from his chair. Nikki pulls me into their hug. Then he stiffens realization hits him of what he just did. He loosens his hold on us.

"Don't you dare let us go. You're stuck with us now." I whisper. Can I real do this share him with two others. I don't think I'm meant to fit in here.

Nikki's POV

"No to both of you. I don't want either of you a part of this." I huff.

"Dad we are grown men. I have a wife to protect. Decker has twins on the way. We belong to this pack just like you. We are already a part of it." Gunner argues.

"Then stay inside and protect them." I growl in frustration.

"We want to be by your side tomorrow." Decker insists.

"It doesn't matter whether you like it Dad. We are going to fight with the rest if it's necessary." Gunner states calmly.

"There's nothing I can say to change your minds." I groan

"Nope." They answer in unison.

"Fuck! For christ sake just don't get yourselves fucking killed." I walk away I want to cry. I know their men but I still think of them as my little boys.

Everyone is making last minute preparation for tomorrow before they turn in for the night. Once the packs leave tomorrow the rest of our pack will gather at our home. It was decided it would be the easiest to defend.

I was going to take a turn at guard duty. Jake ordered me to bed instead. The asshole used the voice to make it stick. So I'm headed to bed like a good puppy. I'm not happy about it. I will probably just stare at the ceiling all night. I step over Nicole's sons in the living room as I make my way to bed. They are here to help protect their sisters. They are big enough to do the job. They will quietly remain behind in the house and out of sight. I enter the bedroom everyone is already asleep. I think Jason help the girls out like he did the children. I crawl in next to Courtney and pull her close. I softly touch Nicole's cheek. She smiles in her sleep. Yennefer's arm is wrapped around her sister. I squeeze her hand gently. As I close my eyes I catch visions of my mates dreams. They dream of little black furred cubs.

"Sleep sixx, you're gonna need it." I hear Jake in my head. He's using the voice. I don't even try to fight it.

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