Just Deserts

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Nicole's POV

Waking cuddle up against Nikki. I sigh. It's still dark outside. I'm using his shoulder as a pillow. Courtney cuddles to him on his other side. I caress his chest. He growls low with satisfaction in his sleep. It makes me shiver. The desire for him is there. But thanks to my grandmother my mind is mostly calm even with the full moon rising tonight. The Elders found out Henry had been mucking around in my brain causing my guilt and regrets to be amplified. He had left a trigger to hype me up during the full moon so I would loose control. It had been disconcerting I'd learned to control my inner wolf years ago during the lunar cycles. It was common knowledge Courtney had an aversion to sharing. He wanted to cause dissent in my family. I sigh again, now that I'm aware. I can keep him out. The council will decide what to do with Henry today. I'm sure the punishment will fit his crimes. Sensing Courtney beginning to to wake I ease away from Nikki. She has come to terms with me needing his comfort now and then, but I don't like to rock the boat especially after what happened. Jason tugs me close to him and nuzzles me. I feel my sister's hand stroke my hair. They love me and I love them. I know they feel kinda guilty. Yennefer is feeling the moon lust already. They woke all of us earlier this morning rocking the bed.
Lust spreads when you're bonded. Courtney was embarrassed and annoyed. I would have liked to have joined them. It hurts and makes Nikki jealous and Jason isn't really the one I want. So I didn't. I didn't help her mood when I nuzzled up against Nikki when I felt their arousal. My mind was clouded. I didn't expect to feel him inside me. I just wanted to be near to be part of their loving. He's like ambrosia. His scent is like an aphrodisiac. My pregnancy hormones telling me he is the only wolf for me. I felt his split loyalties. Her jealousy. I crawled away confused and aroused. After I was gone they made love. I curled up on the couch to wait till I could go back to bed. Tom found me there and using the voice helped me back to sleep and back to bed. But it's morning now and I'm wide awake might as well get up, start breakfast the men have an early and difficult morning coming.

Nikki's POV

Everyone is quiet this morning. The guilt is real. Nicole had felt pressured out of the bedroom last night. I feel like shit. I feel so possessive of her, so jealous. I'm not her lover. She should been able to go to her real husband.

"Nikki we have to go, the council is gathering. As an Alpha you have to be there." Jason reminds me.

"Yes we should go." I answer still distracted.

We're silent as we approach the Elders and Alphas. Lance welcomes us. Then it begins.

"We are here to discuss the fate of Henry Ulric. First I will share what I found in his mind last night." Lance announces. The men have formed a circle. Each man laying a hand on his nearest companion's shoulder. I rest my hand on Jake's shoulder and feel Jason's hand on my shoulder. Then the visions hit. Henry conspiring with Damon, Him messing around in other wolves minds and him with the berserkers. The visions slow and I think its over. It's not. Lance takes us back to Henry's overthrow of his brothers. His knowledge of Nicole's paternity. His attempt to kill her as a newborn. Henry tipping off the hunters that killed Jason's pack and exposing newly awakened hybrids for his own safety during the war. I feel Jason hand tighten on my shoulder. It continues with Nicole's abuse. Trading her to the berserkers as a mate before her first heat. The misuse of his pack. Lance brings us back to the present with Henry's anger over being toppled from his alpha position and him conniving to get it back. No matter who it hurt. I'm angry for Nicole and Jason. Maybe I'm to close to this to be Henry's judge and jury. Maybe his executioner. I growl low. I look around I'm not the only one with burning eyes. The hurt and anger coming from Adan is almost to much to bare. Knowing your brother betrayed you and seeing it through his own eyes. Knowing how easy it was for him has to be crushing Adan and Ciel.

"I don't usually go back so far into a man's past deeds. I know his brothers took his ability to use the voice from him as discipline. I feel it wasn't sufficient for those earlier crimes. Even after losing the voice he continued to commit crimes against his own people. His own kin." Lance pauses.

"Kill him." Jason growls.

"No Jason that would be to fast." Shamara growls Her eyes glowing in fury.

"As the mother of some of his victims you have a right to suggestions. What do you have in mind?" Victor asks her calmly.

"Leave him deaf to the pack and exile him. Leave him to experience the fear of being alone with the hunters tracking him. Like he did to so many others." she answers.

"Would this be acceptable to all members of this council?" Lance asks. It doesn't take the others long to decide on this course of action.

Lance makes eye contact with me.

"You've been silent Nikki. You represent your mates and your pack. Is this acceptable to you?"

They all wait quietly for my answer. The decision has to be unanimous.

"Yes as long as I am among the males chosen to run him out of our pack territory." I grin showing my teeth.

"Done. Jake, Joe retrieve our prisoner." Lance commands.

They drag Henry into our circle. He struggles at first then he just falls to his knees.

"Henry Ulric your sentence has been decided." Lance states.

"You won't let me speak in my defense." Henry whines.

"We know all we need to know. We also know anything that comes out your mouth are lies. Henry your mind will be severed from the pack and you will be permanently exiled. No wolf or hybrid will give you aid. If you enter pack territory you will be chased from it. This sentence is final."he speaks coldly and turns his back. Others follow suit except for a select few. Henry stares at the wolves facing him. Jason and I on one side. Ciel and Adan on the other. Behind him stands Jake and his two brothers Jeff and Joe.

"You are no longer a brother of mine. Run Henry. Run fast because I might forget you are only to be exiled." Adan utters icily.

We give him a few minutes head start before we hit all fours and give chase. Our howls shatter the morning tranquility of the forest. I see Henry's brown fur as he dashes between the trees. Growling I dash forward nipping at his heals. He screeches in fear and puts on a boost of speed. I move aside to let Adan harass him. He nips at his hip drawing blood. Jason jumps in front of him turning him towards our territory border. I can't see into his mind anymore, but I can smell his fear. We are all twice his size. He wouldn't have a chance with any of us one on one. He wasn't one to fight his own battles he preferred to have others do it for him. He is out of shape and weak. I can already sense him tiring. His heart pounding. Him gasping for breath. We have no mercy for him we continue to nip and run him. We surround him keeping him going in the right direction. Henry is nearly dead on his feet by the time we reach our border. He's exhausted and blood stains his fur. I give him one last good bite to hustle him on his way. He turns to face us one last time. I feel the urge to sink my teeth into his throat, to taste his blood. I shake my head those aren't my thoughts. I turn to see Adan his muscles bunching getting ready to launch himself at his brother. Henry is weak the council would consider it an act of murder. I rush him knocking him to the ground. He's furious and snaps at me. Thank god I'm not alone. Adan is powerful and a trained warrior. The others come to my aid and help subdue him. My heart aches for Aden. He had just found out how badly the bastard had abused his daughter. From the age of two he had booted, cuffed, and tossed her aside. Traded her at twelve to be abused some more. Then recently set her up to be kidnapped and raped. Adan is guilt ridden and enraged. We hold him down til his brother is out of sight. Still keeping him mashed between us. We howl our rage, guilt, and grief. We're also letting the fucker know if he even dares place a paw on Pack land again one us will kill him.

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